The rabbit hole gets deeper. Don Clark, former Special Agent-in-Charge of the Houston Field Office of the FBI and now a Fox news 'analyst', claims that he never saw the name Roland Carnaby until it came out in the paper.
HOUSTON -- Roland Carnaby claimed to work for the CIA. But the suspect who police shot at the end of a citywide car chase Tuesday was known by a different name to the former agent in charge of the Houston FBI. "I only knew him as Tony," said Don Clark, FOX 26's security and law enforcement analyst and former FBI agent. "I had no idea what his name may have been or was. The name that was in the newspaper, I had never seen that name before."
Former FBI Agent: I Knew Chase Suspect By Different Name 02 May 2008
But on Feb. 16, 2007, Clark and Carnaby shared the bill at an AFIO event in Houston.
16 February 2007 - Houston, TX - AFIO Houston Chapter hosts James L. Pavitt, former DDO CIA, and Don K. Clark, Former Special Agent-in-Charge of the Houston Field Office of the FBI at a formal dinner - 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the SHERATON SUITES HOTEL, 2400 West Loop South (I-610), Houston, Texas 77027. 713-586-2444. A presentation and introduction will be made by Roland V. Carnaby President of AFIO Houston Chapter, and Dr George Friedman, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Stratfor RSVP REQUIRED and final registration by February 12, 2007. You may remember their great Inaugural Dinner Meeting! Seating is limited by capacity and security. Kindly Respond in the affirmative ASAP: Provide name, address, email, phone and names of your guests to the Houston address 1302 Waugh Dr. # 520 Houston, Texas 77019 no later than February 12, 2007. Bring an associate, friend, spouse. $50pp payable to AFIO Houston Chapter. For further information visit Houston Chapter Website at: and for directions and future events. No tickets at the door, for security reasons. Please, NO cameras or cell phones allowed at this event. AFIO Weekly Intelligence Notes
As Carnaby was the President of the Houston chapter of the AFIO and Clark was a senior FBI agent in Houston, it's a little hard to believe Clark's denials. Methinks the agent doth protest too much.
The only good thing to come out of it is the proof, like we need any more, that the FBI and the media both lie.