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Religion See other Religion Articles Title: British Israel: The Hidden Hand Behind the 'The Kingdom of God on Earth' Deception British Israel: The Hidden Hand Behind the 'The Kingdom of God on Earth' Deception British Israel Uses Christian Fundamentalist Evangelicals to Promote the "Kingdom of God on Earth' Scheme to Deliver Up A One World Society-Both Feudal and Fascist 2005 08 11 By Ken Adachi | http://Educate-Yourself.org "British Israel" is a term used by Helen Peters in her 1970 book The Union Jack, to describe the manipulative efforts of elite British oligarchs to create a one world feudal society-controlled by British oligarchs of course-by first creating the state of Israel (the 1917 Balfour Declaration), and then using Christian fundamentalists to promote the idea that Christ will physically return to Earth and will rule a "Kingdom of God on Earth' for a thousand years (the 'Millennium') from His throne in -you guessed it-Jerusalem. The only problem is, after those million upon millions of 'Christian' fundamentalists passively give up their constitutional liberties, their country's sovereignty, and their freedom in the mistaken belief that the Apocalypse/Armageddon and End Times scenario is an inevitable 'prophecy' from God that must take place before we can be delivered into the happy world of the New Millennium, they will finally discover that they've been delivered into a satanic, feudal slave society that will no longer tolerate any talk of Christ or Christianity- assuming they are still alive to enjoy the 'Kingdom of God on Earth'. The frontline promoters and propagandists of the 'Kingdom of God on Earth' scenario include all the well known TV evangelical personalities like Pat Robertson, Billy Graham, Robert Shuller, Benny Hinn, Jack Van Impe, Jerry Falwell, Paul & Jan Crouch of Trinity Broadcasting, Jesse Duplantis, Kenneth Copeland, Rod Parsley, Fred Price, Kim Clement, and Kenneth Hagin among others, but their ranks are also swollen with lesser known evangelical, pro-Israel promoters who show up on UHF, cable TV, and radio stations every Sunday morning to pitch the soon-to-be-realized Great Tribulation and End Times "prophecies". The Illuminated Ones play both sides of the Christianity card to manipulate the gullible into delusion. They either utilize pseudo-historians like Acharya S ( The Christ Conspiracy, The Greatest Story Ever Sold) to sell the idea that Christ never even existed, or they use their opposite, the fundamentalist 'Kingdom of God on Earth' promoters, to sell the Apocalypse/Armageddon/End Times package. Either way, the naive and gullible lose. They either lose their spiritual foundation altogether and acquiesce to the humanistic or Masonic Gnosticism ploys, or they go whole hog into cheering for Armageddon and the End Times scenario to unfold so they can "get it over with" and race into the arms of 'Jesus' who will greet them from His golden throne in the newly rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem. These End Time 'prophecies' have no relationship whatsoever to the words or earthly mission of Jesus Christ. . Sincere Christians need to recall an important statement that Christ made while on Earth. Christ said that " My Father's Kingdom is not of this world". Christ was specifically rejecting the notion being promoted by a dominant Jewish sect of the day known as Pharisees. The Pharisee priests had been predicting that a Messiah would come to earth and establish a "Kingdom of God' and rule from his throne in Jerusalem, after overthrowing the Roman oppressors who ruled Judea at the time. This is EXACTLY the same tale that the above named 'Christian' fundamentalist preachers are selling to multitudes of deceived people around the world. It's Pharisee-ism plain and simple! Once this realization sinks in-and you need to remember that it was the Pharisee priests who got Pontius Pilate to condemn Christ do death- you can then begin to remove the mist from your eyes and recognize these fundamentalist 'Christian' propagandists for what they are-- agents of the satanic British oligarchy. Christ came to Earth to remind humanity that man is more than flesh; that man is spirit clothed within an outer vestment of flesh. Christ wanted to remind mankind that the virtues of love, honor, and forgiveness were the most important attributes to guide your daily life. Christ's example thoroughly rejected the materialism, corruption, and deception so plainly witnessed in the lives of the above named End Times propagandists. Honest Christians need to awaken and throw the satanic infiltrators within their midst-and in their pulpits-out of their churches and return to embracing the true message of Christ. The articles posted below will further illustrate the deception (and the promoters) of the End Times hoax described above. Helen Peters' book, The Union Jack, will also be posted in its entirety as time allows. The Union Jack by Helen Peters British Israel Propaganda And Deceit, Chap. 1 of The Union Jack by Helen Peters (July 24, 2005) http://educate-yourself.org/cn/unionjack1chap10jul05.shtml Political Messianicism and the Right Wing, Chap. 2 of The Union Jack by Helen Peters (July 24, 2005) http://educate-yourself.org/cn/unionjack2chap11jul05.shtml Related Articles The Armageddon Deception (July 24, 2005) http://educate-yourself.org/cn/a...dondeception08jun03.shtml American Fundamentalist Army General Stumps for Israel and the 'Kingdom of God on Earth' Mission (July 24, 2005) http://educate-yourself.org/cn/a...mpsforisrael17oct03.shtml Reader Comments Article from: http://educate-yourself.org/cn/b...elhiddenhand10jul05.shtml Related: In Search Of Harry British Israel World Federation Movement's Destiny Magazine regarding 9-11-2001 The Illuminati, The Rothschilds & London Bankers Armageddon - Mount Megiddo (Har-megiddo in Hebrew) Freemasonry & Secret Societies © Red Ice Creations Click for Full Text! for embedded links. Sincere Christians need to recall an important statement that Christ made while on Earth. Christ said that " My Father's Kingdom is not of this world". Christ was specifically rejecting the notion being promoted by a dominant Jewish sect of the day known as Pharisees. "Not of this world" needs to be qualified. See: "Not of this World? The kingdom is not of what "world"? Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence. John 18:36 ......" http://www.hisholychurch.org/news/articles/world.html www.blueletterbible.org/Psa/Psa002.html "The Truth will make you free" see also The Union Jack http://www.gnosticliberationfront.com/prologue_to_the_union_jack.htm British Israel Steps Toward a British Union and International Strife Montana House of Representative 1940 (Including Drifting Together, (Will the United States and Canada Unite? written in 1904 http://www.freedomdomain.com/Racism/drifting_to.html ], Sir Uncle Sam Knight of the British Empire, and Undermining America) "..... Let me now quote a message sent by George T. Wilson, Chairman of the American Pilgrims, to his brother Pilgrims in London, when they celebrated our entry into the World War. This message states the real hopes and the purpose of the Pilgrims : Sir Harry E. Brittain, Chairman (London) : "I should like to read two cables which have arrived within the last few minutes from New York. The first is from our good friends and fellow members, the Pilgrims of America, and it reads as follows : --CUT-- CON'T - Mr. Speaker, I have included Mr. Butler's address, in order to show how far we have drifted toward this British Union. In this speech, you will note he brings out the fact that the olive branch petition has now been adopted by England and extended to her colonies. He further intimates that in view of this adoption, it is now in order for us to join the British Empire. He makes the further statement that this movement has gone Anglican, or more English, which is quite true, for we are just about on the verge of capitulating to the forces which are driving us into the British Empire. To show this, let me quote : That petition was presented to King George III in July 1775, over the signatures of 46 members of the Continental Congress, praying for precisely the relationship which the Statute of Westminster has written into public law, the public law of England, for the Dominions. * * * I recall that a year ago it occured to me to say something on this occasion of the movement going on to bring into existence a British Commonwealth of Nations, a new form of political organization to take the place of the centuries-old organization of the British Empire. I invited your attention to the fact that the movement was going forward, more Anglican, informally, quietly, illogically under the pressure of opportunity in events and without any formal or public announcement. During the year, however, without the world paying much attention, and hardly noticed in these United States, that movement, which has been under way for the better part of a generation, came to it's climax and has now been formally written into the public law of Great Britain. Steps Toward a British Union, A World State and International Strife Part III, Extension of Remarks of Hon. J. Thorkelson of Montana in the Hou se of Representatives, Tuesday, Aug. 20th, 1940 MR. THORKELSON. Mr. Speaker, under leave to extend my own remarks in the Record, I include a pamphlet by John T. Whiteford. This pamphlet should be of interest to every member of Congress because it deals with a subject that will soon confront us, as it did in 1917 : SIR UNCLE SAM, KNIGHT OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE - (By John T. Whiteford) [ http://www.freedomdomain.com/Racism/uncle_sam.html ] Steps Towards British Union, a World State and International Strife - Pt. IV, Extension of Remarks of Hon. J. Thorkelson of Montana in the House of Representatives, Monday Aug. 19, 1940 MR. THORKELSON. Mr. Speaker, under leave to extend my own remarks in the record, I include a short article entitled, "Undermining America." Undermining America [ http://www.freedomdomain.com/Racism/undermining.html ] Mr. Speaker, the information contained in this booklet is important at this time, particularly in view of the fact that the pro-English groups in the United States are now working in close cooperation with world internationalist organizations. Before 1917, foreign influence came mainly from Anglo-American groups. Since the World War, these groups have been fortified by international financiers and the internationalists, or the so-called minority group. The pressure is therefore more than double, for combined, these groups control all avenues of communication and are now using them to further their plan of British domination to establish a world federation of states. Let me call your attention to the fact that on the reverse of the great seal of the United States, which appears on our dollar bills, you will find the exact symbol of the British-Israel world federation movement. This symbol is also carried on literature of other organizations promoting a world government and a world religion. At the bottom of the circle surrounding the pyramid, you will find the wording : "Novus Ordo Seclorum." It was this new order that was advocated by Clinton Roosevelt several hundred years ago; recently in Philip Dru, and now followed by the Executive. Do you not think, as good American people, that the administration has gone far from constitutional government, when there is inscribed a symbol on the reverse of our great seal, that advocates a new order? Yes, an order which means the destruction of our Republic as formulated in the Constitution of the United States. It may also interest you to know that this contemplated "Union Now", as advocated by Clarence Streit, will be under the control of Great Britain, and is a movement to return the United States as a colony in the British Empire. Should we become a part of this union, our traditional rights and liberties will be lost, and we will have no greater status than an English possession. This was the dream of Cecil Rhodes and Andrew Carnegie, when the latter wrote his book, Triumphant Democracy, in 1893. Steps Towards British Union, a World State and International Strife - Pt. VI, Extension of Remarks of Hon. J. Thorkelson of Montana in the House of Representatives, Wednesday, Aug. 21, 1940......." http://www.freedomdomain.com/Racism/british_israel_parts.html Occultic Symbolism on the $1 Bill http://www.gemworld.com/US-Symbol-1dol.html The Truth regarding the Occultic symbolism of the Dollar Bill, direct from the mouth of the synagogue of their g-d, Satan, Chabad Lubavitch http://www.freedom4um.com/cgi-bin/readart.cgi?ArtNum=70431 "The US is Still a British Colony Extorting Taxes for the Crown" apfn.org/ Genesis 15:13-14/Galatians 3:16-29/ Revelation 3:9
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