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Title: Coral Snake's Bites of the Week 2007-25
Source: 00-Hotherp Reports
URL Source: [None]
Published: Jul 23, 2007
Author: Coral Snake
Post Date: 2007-07-23 06:18:32 by Coral Snake
Keywords: Bank of America, North America, Depopulation, Jesuits, Society of Jesus My Butt
Views: 76
Comments: 1

Coral Snake's Bites of the Week 2007-25

Depopulation and the North American Union are the main subjects of the bites this week with Shrubya Bush pulling bites for his intended veto of a proposed ban on the autism causing mercury based preservative in vaccines and for being a founding NAU traitor along with former Mexican President Vincente Fox and Former Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin who share the bite. A bite in the NAU department also goes to the Bank of America for its continuing to extend credit to illegal aliens. In the depopulation department a bite also goes to the People's republic of China for their recent trend of exporting poisoned pet and foods.

As always Remember the KEY and enjoy.

Bite One -> Bank of America

The Bank of America continues its policies of extending credit to illegal aliens in order to help in the modern enforcement of the Bull of Borgia through a North American Union. This is spite of responses from its American customers like this one posted at

[From >">

True Phone Call - A Customer To Bank Of America 7-21-7

Bank: This is the Bank of America, can I help you?

Customer: Yes, I want to cancel my account. I don't want to do business with you any longer.

Bank: Why?

Customer: You're giving credit to illegal immigrants and I don't think it's right. I'm taking my business elsewhere.

Bank: Well, Mr. Customer, we don't want to see you do that, but we can't stop you. I'll help you close the account. What is your account number?

Customer: (gives account number)

Bank: For security purposes and for your protection,can you please give me the last four digits of your social security number?

Customer: No.

Bank: Mr. Customer, I need to verify your information, but in order to help you, I'll need verification of who you are.

Customer: Why should I give you my social security number? The reason I'm closing my account is that your bank is issuing credit cards to illegal immigrants who don't have social security numbers. You are targeting that audience and want their business. Let's say I'm an illegal immigrant and you've given me a credit card. I have a question about it and call for assistance. You wouldn't be asking me for a Social Security number, would you?

Bank: No sir, I wouldn't.

Customer: Why not?

Bank: Because you would have pressed '2' to speak in Spanish. We don't ask for that information when calling in on the Spanish line.

The most important thing when thinking about this policy of the bank of America in extending credit to illegal aliens is to remember that the bank of America is 50% owned by the JESUIT ORDER and the majority of the illegal aliens are ROMAN CATHOLIC. This is just another international Jesuit run corporation doing its all to enforce first the North American Union and then the New World order which in reality is the old "Holy" Roman empire of the Pope.

Bite Two -> George W. Bush (aka Shrub, Shrubbie, Shrubya, Smirking Chimp, Chimperor, *)

It seems that Shrubya supports the NWO's depopulation program in more than just gun grabbing and warmongering. It also seems that he supports MURCURY in vaccines. According to an article posted at Shrybya intends to veto a bill banning the MERCURY based preservative in childhood vaccines that has been tied to the form of mental retardation known as autism:


Bush To Veto Ban On Mercury In Vaccines

Clear links to neurological disorders ignored, removed from animal vaccines but fine for babies

Bush To Veto Ban On Mercury In Vaccines

Steve Watson
Friday, July 20, 2007

President Bush is to veto a bill that would ban mercury in flu vaccines for children despite its known links to autism and other neurological disorders and despite the fact that he pledged in 2004 to support such a move when campaigning for re-election.

The White House stated on Tuesday that President

Bush would veto the FY 2008 HHS-Labor-Education Appropriations Bill because of the cost and "objectionable provisions" such as a measure to ban the use of childhood flu vaccines that contain thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative, a press release from Autism advocacy group Safe Minds on the PRNewswire-USNewswire states.]


Bush is calling for an amendment that would remove the children's safety provision from the bill.

Safe Minds warns:

"Under the current administration, mercury has been and will continue to be knowingly injected into the youngest of American citizens. The controversial mercury-containing preservative thimerosal has been linked by thousands of parents as being the cause of their children's mercury poisoning and autism." The flu vaccine, which continues to be manufactured with mercury, is recommended for all pregnant women, infants and children despite the fact that the Institute of Medicine in 2001 recommended against the policy of exposing these same sensitive groups to thimerosal containing vaccines.]


The flu vaccine, which continues to be manufactured with mercury, is recommended for all pregnant women, infants and children despite the fact that the Institute of Medicine in 2001 recommended against the policy ofexposing these same sensitive groups to thimerosal containing vaccines.

Mercury is the second most toxic metal known to man behind Uranium. Thimerosal is used in vaccines not because it is good for you, but purely because it prevents vaccine contamination. Yet some have questioned why thimerosal is even considered for vaccines because there are obviously safer alternatives to preventing contamination. Questions also remain about how pharmaceutical companies conduct vaccine research and how the government regulates those companies.

Complete article here:

Bite Three -> People's Republic of China

It seems that the People's Republic of China has come up with a new/old wrinkle on serving the purposes of the NWO's depopulation program. Rather than saying poison is good for you (like the FDA and Donald "Rummy" Rumsfeld with Aspartame) the Chinese depopulationists simply slip GENUINE known poisons into their imported food, soft drink and confection offerings and then say it was an "accident" or deny it altogether whe the depopulations begin. As you well know from last year this Chinese involvement with world depopulation began probably experimentally in pet foods. Well according to an article posted at it seems the Chinese are getting ready to try this new/old depopulation trick on HUMANS:


China candy maker finding Manila ban hard to swallow

Friday, July 20, 2007 - BEIJING, Reuters

A Shanghai food company has denied quality problems exist in its famous "White Rabbit" candy, denouncing the Philippines for banning its sale and distribution because of harmful substances.

The Philippine Bureau of Foods and Drugs banned "White Rabbit" and several other Chinese-made food products after samples of the sweets were tested and found to contain formaldehyde and other harmful substances. China is reeling from a series of global food and drug quality scandals in recent months, from tainted cough syrup blamed for deaths in Panama, to toxic pet food exported to the United States.]

Complete article here:

Bite Four -> George W. Bush (aka Shrub, Shrubbie, Shrubya, Smirking Chimp, Chimperor,*) / Vincente Fox / Paul Martin

Another bite for the North American Union and its would be founders which include current American President Shrubya Bush, Former Mexican President Vincente Fox and Former Canadian President Paul Martin. As often reported in the Bites the North American Union is a device to bring the United States of America, the last nation where the reform Protestant and Secular libertarian spirit exists under the heel of the Pope as a modern day enforcement of the Bull of Borgia.

Another relatively unmentioned reason for the North American Union is to facilitating GUN GRABBING in the United States of America through a supposed need to "harmonize" American gun laws with those of the gun grabber states of Mexico and Canada.

Because of the gun grabbing and the final stamping out of any "Holy" Roman ideas we can expect the North American Union to be a ruthless police state bent on massive depopulation and democide. This is also shown in an article posted at

From >

The Militarization And Annexation Of North America
By Stephen Lendman

Besides the Bush administration's imperial aims and permanent war on the world, add the one at home below the radar. Its weapons include the WTO, NAFTA, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), FBI, CIA, NSA, NORTHCOM, militarized state and local police, National Guard forces, paramilitary mercenaries like Blackwater USA, and all other repressive instruments of state power and control. They target the people of three nations slowly becoming one headquartered in Washington. That's the apparent aim of those in power here wanting one continent, "indivisible" minus old-fashioned ideas like "liberty and justice for all" we used to believe in when, as kids, we recited our "Pledge of Allegiance." They now have a whole new meaning. They're just words drummed into young minds hoping they'll still believe them when they're old enough to know better.

There may be a greater scheme for the planet ahead, but this article only focuses on what we know about and how it's unfolding so far. It has a name, in fact, several, but they all aim for the same thing - one nation, indivisible, where three sovereign ones once stood, headquartered in Washington.

The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) or "Deep Integration"North American Union

SPP was formerly launched at a March 23, 2005 meeting in Waco, Texas attended by George Bush, Mexico's President Vincente Fox and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin. It's a tri-national agreement hatched below the radar in Washington containing the recommendations of the Independent Task Force of North America. That's a group organized by the powerful US Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE), and Mexican Council on Foreign Relations. It advocates greater US, Canadian and Mexican economic, political, social, and security integration with secretive working groups formed to devise non-debatable agreements that, when completed will be binding beyond the power of legislatures to change. It's also taking shape without public knowledge or consideration.]

From >

From what's already known, SPP unmasked isn't pretty. It's a corporate-led coup d'etat against the sovereignty of three nations enforced by a common hard line security strategy already in play separately in each country. It's a scheme to create a borderless North American Union under US control without barriers to trade and capital flows for corporate giants, mainly US ones. It's also to insure America gets free and unlimited access to Canadian and Mexican resources, mainly oil, and in the case of Canada water as well. It's to assure US energy security as a top priority while denying Canada and Mexico preferential access to their own resources henceforth earmarked for US markets. It's also to create a fortress-North American security zone encompassing the whole continent under US control in the name of "national (and continental) security" with US borders effectively extended to the far reaches of the continent. The scheme, in short, is NAFTA on steroids combined with Pox Americana homeland security enforcement. It's the worst of all possible worlds headed for an unmasked police state, and it's the Bush administration's notion of "deep integration" or the "Big Idea" meaning we're boss, what we say goes, no outliers will be tolerated, public interest is off the table, and the people of three nations be damned. From what's already known, SPP unmasked isn't pretty. It's a corporate-led coup d'etat against the sovereignty of three nations enforced by a common hard line security strategy already in play separately in each country. It's a scheme tocreate a borderless North American Union under US control without barriers to trade and capital flows for corporate giants, mainly US ones. It's also to insure America gets free and unlimited access to Canadian and Mexican resources, mainly oil, and in the case of Canada water as well. It's to assure US energy security as a top priority while denying Canada and Mexico preferential access to their own resources henceforth earmarked for US markets.

It's also to create a fortress-North American security zone encompassing the whole continent under US control in the name of "national (and continental) security" with US borders effectively extended to the far reaches of the continent. The scheme, in short, is NAFTA on steroids combined with Pox Americana homeland security enforcement. It's the worst of all possible worlds headed for an unmasked police state, and it's the Bush administration's notion of "deep integration" or the "Big Idea" meaning we're boss, what we say goes, no outliers will be tolerated, public interest is off the table, and the people of three nations be damned.]

Complete article at:


Bite Five -> Gun Guys

No to round out the week's bites here is this week's WORST from


NRA Keeps BATF From Monitoring Rogue Gun Show Purchasers, So the BATF is Left to Harass Anti-Gun Violence Activists

A short while back on, we commented on a study that showed BATF investigations of purchasers at gun shows had successfully identified prohibited buyers. The bad news, however, is that protests from the NRA and gun show vendors and customers resulted in the BATF pretty much stopping their investigations of gun shows that sell a large number of firearms illegally.

In short, the bad guys won another dubious victory for protecting the illegal sale of guns, all because the gun vendors at one Virginia gun show were upset that enforcing the law was ?slowing down gun sales.?

So, it was a bit surprising to read a July 20, 2007, column in the Boston Globe that the BATF is back to investigating gun show purchases?"well at least one of them" In this case, they felt compelled to follow up on three individuals, including a Boston Globe columnist, who went to a New Hampshire gun show in order to expose how easy it is to purchase an arsenal of firearms.

Steve Baily, the Globe columnist, wrote:

"I went with John Rosenthal, the Boston gun-control advocate the gun lobby loves to hate, a cop named Andrew Heggie, and a former prison guard, Walter Belair. I also took my kids, who got in free. The cereal makers may be cutting back on marketing to kids, but the gun industry knows it is never too early to target the next generation.

We shopped till we dropped. Someone beat us to the used grenade launcher (price: $190), but it took Belair, a New Hampshire resident and licensed gun owner, less than 20 minutes to complete the purchase of a trashy little .38-caliber revolver, perfect for a night out in Dorchester. The gun, which retails for $349, was bargain-priced at $240, which I had given to Belair. (And, of course, expensed to the Globe.)

Belair could have bought 100 guns in tax-free, no-limit New Hampshire that day, and I could have put them in my trunk and driven (illegally) home. That was exactly the point I was making. That is not what I did. Belair took the gun with him; I'm afraid of guns."

Okay, the BATF has been muzzled by the NRA from investigating prohibited purchasers, right? So, who do they pay a visit to? Why a guy who was helping a Boston Globe columnist expose the wide open firearms sales at gun shows? Why did the BATF seize a gun that this group of gun control advocates obtained?

Get this, because of a complaint filed by a gun advocate (who happens to have once been convicted of a felony) that the threesome had engaged in a straw purchase.

Now, the NRA is currently demonizing Mayor Bloomberg for trying to prevent gun stores from knowingly selling to straw purchasers? Is this starting to sound a little hypocritical and crazed or what?

So the BATF seized a gun bought by gun control advocates to show how easy it is to buy firearms at gun shows. Got it now?

As Steve Bailey from the Globe, observed:

"This is how it works. Intimidation is the stock in trade of the National Rifle Association and all the NRA knock-offs out there. Dare to say we need fewer, not more guns in this country, dare to say we need a uniform system for monitoring gun sales in this country and you become a target to be hunted down. Democrats and Republicans have allowed themselves to be cowed by this one-issue bloc for too long.

The list of what ails America?s poor urban neighborhoods is long. Start with the disaster of children bearing children, our scandalous dropout rate, and the drugs that are everywhere. But the flood of guns belongs prominently on that list, too. Count me as a proud member of the gun lobby?s hit list."

Now if the BATF would start again checking up on the guys who shouldn't be purchasing, we might have a safer nation.

We might also be spared the farce of the Feds cracking down on gun control advocates for trying to show how the BATF is not cracking down.]


Guns, Terrorists, and Homeland Security

The NRA has long been a threat to national security in their opposition to preventing terrorist suspects from purchasing firearms. And then you have to consider how the NRA continues to advocate for the virtually unrestricted sales of guns in the U.S., which makes our nation a supermarket for those who would commit atrocious acts with everything from assault weapons to 50 caliber sniper rifles.

In a recent Boston Globe column, Derrick Z. Jackson points to another recent NRA legislative victory that undercuts our ability to protect the nation from the scourge of ?homeland terrorism?:

"Never mind that firearms kill nearly 30,000 people a year, roughly eight times the approximately 3,600 US soldiers killed in our four years in Iraq. Last week, the House Appropriations Committee voted 40-26 against loosening up the ?Tiahrt Amendment,? the four-year-old provision of Republican Todd Tiahrt of Kansas that severely limits the use of data that tracks a gun from the manufacturer to a gun shop to the user in a crime.

In June, the Senate Appropriations Committee voted 19-10 to make criminals out of cops and prosecutors who use data for any purpose other than for a specific investigation. It did not matter that 230 mayors from more than 40 states want much more information on illegal gun trafficking that tortures their cities, according to Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a group that Boston Mayor Menino helped found. Menino said last week, ?It is time Washington stopped ignoring the tragedies of violence being caused by illegal guns in our cities and towns."

The number of gun deaths and injuries in America is, as Jackson points out, a form of domestic terrorism. Yet, our elected representatives in Congress, ignore this homegrown horror like the plague.]

In Homeland Terrorism, guns that come across state borders are used to kill scores of people,? Jackson writes, ?in our Buffalos and Detroits and the American public does not even get a chance to debate about the borders remaining open. That is because the National Rifle Association is our border agent, ignoring the tragedies.

A nation that gives up its state borders to a radical organization that upholds a gun as a sacred object is asking for trouble.

But we?ve known that for decades, haven?t we?

Now isn't this one interesting, here we have a GUN GRABBER group using a scheme right out of the SHRUBYA playbook. "The War on Terror" to push for their gun grabbing. More proof that the gun grabbing Socialist Jesuit "LEFT" and the gun grabbing "Neo-CON Corporatist Jesuit "RIGHT" are actually birds of a feather. Another reason there should be an investegation on who SPONSORS this Freedom States Alliance / Gun Guys site.


Guns, Gun Violence, and the American Community

Is America one community or a collection of self-absorbed communities? Are we concerned about all our citizens, or just the ones whom we believe are ?like us?? This is a key question in the gun violence prevention debate, because it appears that many NRA gun owners limit their compassion and sense of responsibility.

We are not involved in electoral politics on, but we read with interest Senator Barack Obama?s recent speech that touched upon this key issue. New York Times columnist Bob Herbert covered Obama?s remarks in a recent column:

"He said in his speech that he will keep fighting in Washington for more money and more programs. ?But that money and those programs,? he said, ?will not make any difference unless we have a change of heart.?

He also noted that there was tremendous grief across the country when the massacre at Virginia Tech happened last April, ?and rightfully so.? But with 34 school kids dead in Chicago since the beginning of the last school year, he said, ?for the most part, there has been silence.?

It?s important, he said, that Americans reach a mind-set in which ?we care just as much? about the children slain in Chicago as those killed at Virginia Tech."

Are we a unified nation, or a country of islands of self-interest?

Are the lives of Black or Latino children in urban settings valued as much as White youth in the suburbs?

The answer, of course, is ?no? as far as the media and our government are concerned.

Herbert writes:

"Over the past school year, Mr. Obama said, the number of public school students killed in Chicago was higher than the number of soldiers from the entire state of Illinois who were killed in Iraq during that period.

Of course, White kids are shot too ? in suicides, accidents and homicides ? and adult murder-suicides and homicides are daily splashed across the newspapers. But it is readily apparent that the shooting of a suburban White student gets a whole lot more media coverage than minority youth."

It's explosive to talk about race and guns, but it?s even more dishonest not to.

Last year we saw a movie called ?The Girl in the Cafe.? Without trying to explain the entire film, suffice it to say that there is a dramatic moment when a potential romantic interest asks her what she did in the past few years. The young woman responds that she was in prison because she accidentally killed a man who was trying to seriously harm a child. ?Was it your child?? her companion asks. ?Does it matter?? she responds.

Indeed, the death of any American child by gunfire is a loss to the American community. It shouldn?t matter whether it is our child or a child dying anywhere in the nation.

If we are a national family, we need to be responsible as a country for the health and safety of youth, regardless of their race, class or economic background.

(171 images)

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#1. To: Coral Snake (#0)

The most important thing when thinking about this policy of the bank of America in extending credit to illegal aliens is to remember that the bank of America is 50% owned by the JESUIT ORDER and the majority of the illegal aliens are ROMAN CATHOLIC. This is just another international Jesuit run corporation doing its all to enforce first the North American Union and then the New World order which in reality is the old "Holy" Roman empire of the Pope.


B of A is a morph of the old Italian Bank...the one with the pretty travellers checks some years ago...

I don't remember the original name...

Giordino was the founder? I am sure I am wrong on the detail but not the substance.

JCHarris  posted on  2007-07-23   7:13:18 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

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