Title: White House LIED! Vegas Police RELEASE Biden's EMERGENCY Dispatch CALL! Source:
The Officer Tatum URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qi7jJdWrGhQ Published:Aug 12, 2024 Author:Brandon Tatum Post Date:2024-08-12 19:50:07 by Esso Keywords:None Views:21
Poster Comment:
Tatum might be right about Prez Pedo resigning at the last second before the "election," but I still think Big Mike is in the mix.
FWIW, there's a fully functional and staffed operating theater aboard AF1. It's not a secret, watch any documentary. Even "The Beast" carries pints of the president's blood as well as medical staff in the motorcade.
I think Tatum is all wrong about the timeline. It's my understanding that AF1 was already on the ground for an event, and Prez Pedo was in the motorcade somewhere between the medical center and AF1 when the decision was made to retreat to the airport.
I'm a little ashamed for Tatum. He wasn't thinking clearly. I watched that as it unfolded about a month ago. I don't remember details, but I'm pretty damn sure Pedo was in LV for some bullshit event. Look up the dates/times.