Title: How America Makes Ukraine’s Most Important Weapons | Business Insider Marathon Source:
[None] URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhhovQ7HW4k Published:Aug 4, 2024 Author:Business Insider Post Date:2024-08-09 20:16:54 by BTP Holdings Keywords:None Views:19
America has pledged over $100 billion in military aid since the War in Ukraine began. Most of that stays in the US to fund military operations and weapons contracts. But the US has also sent Ukraine its own shells, tanks, rockets, cannons, anti-tank weapons, drones, and missile defense systems worth $1 billion each. So which weapons have proven most critical on the battlefield? And will the latest round of aid really help Ukraine against Russian forces in a war many are calling a stalemate?
Poster Comment:
If this is on YouTube you can bet the Russians have seen it.