Title: "HE ASKED FOR IT" Victor Davis Hanson on Tim Walz' Meltdown Source:
[None] URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUDySEaEowc Published:Aug 8, 2024 Author:The Daily Signal Post Date:2024-08-09 19:49:27 by BTP Holdings Keywords:None Views:24
Victor Davis Hanson joins The Tony Kinnett Cast to highlight the critical controversies surrounding Walz the media are currently being forced to reckon with. He outlines the key factors in turning any election around in less than 100 days, and cites the key moments in the late 20th century that "everything changed in an instant."
Poster Comment:
It may be hard for Trump to win, but it is possible.
Remember, the Dims have nominated two neo-Marxists to be at the head of the ticket.