Title: Memes Of The Week #230 Source:
Sandman 2 URL Source:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePACEYK6AKQ Published:Aug 9, 2024 Author:Sandman 2 Post Date:2024-08-09 15:06:42 by Esso Keywords:None Views:19
Poster Comment:
I'm pretty sure Greta isn't fetal alcohol syndrome, her eyes are too close together. FAS victims normally have an abnormally wide nose bridge.
I'm 99% sure she's a high-functioning Down's Syndrome child. The eyes are the tell, that's why they used to call it Mongoloid or Mongolism.
My younger sister was a very low-functioning, severely and profoundly handicapped and mentally retarded girl. They look like they could be sisters.