Title: MILO OBLITERATES Student Who Called Him A "White Supremacist" warning: adult language and content Source:
youtube URL Source:https://youtu.be/PTxSAjXpnqo Published:Aug 22, 2017 Author:milo Post Date:2017-08-22 20:59:14 by farmfriend Keywords:None Views:667 Comments:21
Milo has a mind that operates at the speed of light combined with a very quick wit ... that being said, he repulses me and gives rise to my opinion that the "so-called" alt-right is attempting to enlarge the tent by swaying the fag vote. It also annoys me that he thinks it's OK to make any shocking statement no matter how lurid or pornographic in order to gain notoriety.
At the end of the day folks must determine just how far they are willing to go in order to get along (or get a vote).
Queers have given me the creeps ever since I was very young and that is true today. I don't want them adopting children or working in day care centers.
Having had plenty of life experience to arrive at the conclusion that queers are bad news and have a very negative effect upon any society that tolerates their presence is because their basic values defy mine (and God's).
I have to say that God got this one right for sure.
Milo has a mind that operates at the speed of light combined with a very quick wit ... that being said, he repulses me and gives rise to my opinion that the "so-called" alt-right is attempting to enlarge the tent by swaying the fag vote. It also annoys me that he thinks it's OK to make any shocking statement no matter how lurid or pornographic in order to gain notoriety.
If you saw the video (where the antifa was calling milo a 'racist') then you heard him laugh about "do you know how many BLACK DICKS I'VE HAD IN MY MOUTH!?"
If you saw the video (where the antifa was calling milo a 'racist') then you heard him laugh about "do you know how many BLACK DICKS I'VE HAD IN MY MOUTH!?"
I shut it off at that exact moment. There's never any reason for anyone to speak with so much indifference towards the audience.