Title: WTF Did Trump Say To DEVASTATE Melania During The Inauguration Ceremony? TWO Bystanders Look Freaked Out Too Source:
. URL Source:http://libertyfight.com/2017/WTF-di ... -say_to_Devastate-Melania.html Published:Jan 29, 2017 Author:. Post Date:2017-01-29 02:46:26 by Artisan Keywords:None Views:788 Comments:37
Look at this short clip where newly sworn-in President Trump turns around and says something to her during Reverand Graham's prayer and at first she is smiling and beaming, but after Trump says whatever he said, immediately her face falls, and extremely sad and crushed,. . VERY weird, odd, and sad stuff.
Here is the longer version
Also be sure to check out the third video below, which doesnt show Melania's face, but shows the faces and reactions of both the young blonde haired lady and the chubby grey haired man who are standing directly between Trump and Melania. Almost spooky.
Much to do about nothing and as far as Trump delivering on every promise made on the campaign trail - who in the fuck would believe that would even be possible
Trump is an Alpha Male and he said something to his spouse that she wasn't expecting - so what , quit acting like a bunch old women and focus on the big picture - Trump fixing America for the betterment of all true Red Blooded Patriotic Americans
quit acting like a bunch old women and focus on the big picture - Trump fixing America for the betterment of all true Red Blooded Patriotic Americans
Haha, the only ones acting luke a bunch of women are the cucks & fags, the SUCKERS who don't even NOTICE OR MIND that Trump has renigged on his BIGGEST CAMPAIGN PROMISE . He said he would DEPORT THE ILLEGALS,. Not just the "violent felon" illegals. That's shit that Obama and Bush said. I don't know if you KNOW anything about illegal immigration, but I sure as hell know all about it. And Trump has said every day for 2 years straight that he would DEPORT ALL of the MFErs. If Trump fanboys don't even mind that he has clearly betrayed them on this, and are not going to hold him to his primary and very basic pledges, then they are very weak and very stupid, gullible cucks.
What the fuck are you ranting about ? You really believe that Trump could just say - I'm deporting every illegal starting next Friday -- The ramifications would be disastrous. He's doing it the right way - go after the criminals first, build the wall , increase the Border Guards. No doubt he will cut the welfare benifits and that should encourage a large exodus. Who knows after that
Your Rantings are BullShit , grow the fuck up and quit acting like a bitchy old woman or are you an old woman , hard to tell
haha coming from you, someone already making excuses for illegal alien criminals. Speaking of old women? first off I'm probably the youngest person who posts here, and you're obviously mesmerized over this politician like a 7th grade girl. Normal men are not mesmerized by politicians. Got it? It's very simple. You probably aren't even against illegal immigration and have never done anything to stop it. I've been against it for years and was friends with Terry anderson, barb coe, two people you probably have never even heard of. I dont know you, sonny, but I should ban your stupid ass feom this 4um just for being such a sucker. You are very nasty. you and others like you are total sellout compromisers. I got news for you. Trump does not respect people like you. Any questions?