Title: WTF Did Trump Say To DEVASTATE Melania During The Inauguration Ceremony? TWO Bystanders Look Freaked Out Too Source:
. URL Source:http://libertyfight.com/2017/WTF-di ... -say_to_Devastate-Melania.html Published:Jan 29, 2017 Author:. Post Date:2017-01-29 02:46:26 by Artisan Keywords:None Views:775 Comments:37
Look at this short clip where newly sworn-in President Trump turns around and says something to her during Reverand Graham's prayer and at first she is smiling and beaming, but after Trump says whatever he said, immediately her face falls, and extremely sad and crushed,. . VERY weird, odd, and sad stuff.
Here is the longer version
Also be sure to check out the third video below, which doesnt show Melania's face, but shows the faces and reactions of both the young blonde haired lady and the chubby grey haired man who are standing directly between Trump and Melania. Almost spooky.