Title: I'll never find another you Source:
. URL Source:http://, Published:Apr 18, 2016 Author:, Post Date:2016-04-18 00:41:41 by Artisan Keywords:None Views:729 Comments:20
I heard this I a store the other day and remembered it from the 70s, cute song. :-)
I have a funny story about that song. on time my wife and I went to mass in new Orleans. I was shocked because it was all black folks. I'd NEVER in my life seen a Catholic church full of black people. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying theres anything wrong with that, it was just shocking because where I come from hardly any blacks are catholic, lol, anyway, so this red faced white haired priest, after the Gospel begins his homily not by speaking, but by singing that song. really dramatic,
oh dear lord three things I pray.. etc
it was really something else. LOL. Then he related the song to that days gospel reading, and concluded the sermon with the same song, acapello,. then I had to download it from youtube, lol!
that was one of the songs that my older sis sang in the church quoir in the 70s, when they first started having guitars, tamborines and drums in church,.
one day we were driving somewhere and she actually had a cd with this song. we did a karaoke to it while driving,. I would love to post it, its hilarious, but I am not sure if she wants to be associated with my youtube channel LOL!
she is great. you'd like her. she once successfully single-handedly sued some banksters (without a lawyer) who tried to cheat her and her hubby on a re-fi.