Title: It's Halloween!!!!!! :) Source:
none URL Source:http://none Published:Oct 31, 2015 Author:none Post Date:2015-10-31 16:32:30 by X-15 Keywords:None Views:194 Comments:4
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Our hostess has exhibited her fun side (well, she's ALWAYS fun!) with a pic of her Halloween costume on previous Halloween's, maybe she will this year?! :)
With the exception of Whites, the rule among the peoples of the world, whether residing in their homelands or settled in Western democracies, is ethnocentrism and moral particularism: they stick together and good means what is good for their ethnic group." -Alex Kurtagic
With the exception of Whites, the rule among the peoples of the world, whether residing in their homelands or settled in Western democracies, is ethnocentrism and moral particularism: they stick together and good means what is good for their ethnic group." -Alex Kurtagic
I can't decide whether Halloween, or New Year's Day is more lame.
The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out... without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, intolerable. ~ H. L. Mencken