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Rosanna Arquette Shares ‘Recall George Gascón’ Pic
Post Date: 2022-01-24 09:00:03 by Horse
After Soros-Backed DA Goes Light on Sex Assault of 10-y/o As violent crime continues to surge in Los Angeles, a prominent left-wing Hollywood star is adding her support to the effort to recall the county’s far-left, Soros-backed district attorney, George Gascón. Rosanna Arquette shared an image from the Recall George Gascón effort on social media Wednesday, a screenshot of an Instagram post by former Bevery Hills mayor Lili Bosse. “I am ALL IN,” Bosse wrote. “Recall DA George Gascon.” The caption displayed under a photo of Gascón next to a graphic reading: “2022: The Year We Recall George Gascon.” Poster Comment:She is a Never ...

Dr. Robert Malone's outstanding rally speech
Post Date: 2022-01-24 07:42:44 by NeoconsNailed
Dr. Robert Malone FULL SPEECH at The Lincoln Memorial (Jan. 23, 2022) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Rick Driver just aired the speech and will be sharing others today Hear actual local independent commercial broadcast radio where embattled truth fares much better than elsewhere on the air. Local people call in -- you can too! NN Click for Full Text!

Covid Is Going Away. So What’s Next?
Post Date: 2022-01-24 06:53:36 by Horse
England ended the vaccine passports and the mask mandates. An NHS doctor was recorded telling a patient to not get a vaccine as information about the covid vaxxes was to be released in the next couple of weeks causing the government to withdraw them from the market. We face a choice. We can either let The Powers That Ought Not To Be cover up their Covid scheme or we resist to the max so they can never do that again. A few suggestions: Sue every doctor and hospital that gave Remdesivir to their patients. Remdesivir had to be withdrawn from treatment from both SARS and Ebola because it damages the liver and the kidneys leading to death. Sue everyone who restricted access to Ivermectin. If ...

New Hampshire Pharmacies Could Soon Begin Dispensing Ivermectin Without Doctor's Prescription
Post Date: 2022-01-23 20:52:51 by Horse
"Any such prescription shall be regarded as being issued for a legitimate medical purpose in the usual course of professional practice." A bill working its way through the New Hampshire legislature would allow residents to receive ivermectin from pharmacies with a prescription of a doctor or an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) for the off-label treatment of Covid-19. House Bill 2011 would allow pharmacists to "dispense ivermectin under the delegated prescriptive authority of the physician or APRN (Advanced Practice Registered Nurses), specify a mechanism to document screening performed and the prescription in the patient's medical record, and include a plan for ...

“I’M DONE” Former NYT Journalist Bari Weiss Slams Tyrannical US Public Health Response to COVID-19 –
Post Date: 2022-01-23 13:12:11 by Horse
This Period Will Be “Remembered as a Catastrophic MORAL CRIME” – (VIDEO) Day by day, the left’s narrative keeps crumbling. On Friday, Bill Maher hosted Journalist and author Bari Weiss on his show “Real Time with Bill Maher” to have a discussion about COVID-19 and the unwavering hysteria surrounding it. During the interview, the former New York Times writer, who is now on Substack, slammed school closures and the crippling restrictions that have been forced through by way of public health measures as a ‘catastrophic moral crime.’ Weiss began her rant by defiantly declaring that she is ‘done with covid!’ Apparently she has taken part in ...

6,000,000 Debunked In 3 Minutes And 35 Seconds by David Irving
Post Date: 2022-01-23 08:19:21 by Horse

Wife Stands Off With Hospital To Keep Her Husband Alive, And Wins
Post Date: 2022-01-23 07:55:00 by Horse
Authored by Matt McGregor via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Sentiments expressed in random phone calls for Anne Quiner as her husband Scott lay in a hospital bed breathing through a ventilator ranged from “I hope your husband dies a vegetable” followed by a litter of profanity, to “he should have taken the vaccine; I hope he dies,” before hanging up. While not the traditional Hallmark expressions for one to get well soon, Quiner said it was a feeling shared among some of the doctors at Mercy Hospital in Coon Rapids, Minnesota, where Scott had been hospitalized for COVID-19 complications in November. In one recorded phone call with Dr. Linda Soucie in which Quiner ...

Germany’s Ambassador To Israel Admits ‘Holocaust Denial’ Has Succeeded In Becoming A ‘Social And International Phenomenon’
Post Date: 2022-01-23 06:08:33 by NeoconsNailed
(Jewish Press) Thanks to the internet — over which international Jewry has yet to achieve a stranglehold — nagging doubts about the official version of the “Holocaust” have become so common place that, according to two high level Jewish ambassadors, “denial” has become a “social and international phenomenon“: Susanne Wasum-Rainer, the German Ambassador to Israel, and Jeremy Issacharoff, the Israeli Ambassador to Germany, have published a joint appeal against Holocaust denial, Der Tagesspiegel reported Thursday (Appell der israelischen und deutschen Botschafter gegen Holocaustleugnung). In a guest article for the Tagesspiegel and the Israeli daily ...

Aaron Rodgers Unleashes the Beast on the Beast System
Post Date: 2022-01-22 09:58:32 by Ada
Aaron Rodgers just did a long-form interview with ESPN, in which he burned the entire bitch down. He recently promoted the Joe Rogan interview with Robert Malone. He’s not messing around anymore, and now seems to care more about telling the truth than keeping his career. Here are some key excerpts: “When the president of the United States says, ‘This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,’ it’s because him and his constituents, which, I don’t know how there are any if you watch any of his attempts at public speaking, but I guess he got 81 million votes. But when you say stuff like that, and then you have the CDC, which, how do you even trust them, but then ...

British Medical Journal Demands Immediate Release of All COVID-19 Vaccine, Treatment Data
Post Date: 2022-01-22 08:49:38 by Horse
The British Medical Journal (BMJ) has demanded the full and immediate release of all data related to COVID-19 vaccines and treatments, saying it is in the public’s interest to do so. BMJ, a weekly peer-reviewed medical trade journal published by the trade union the British Medical Association, called for the release of the data in an editorial published on Wednesday. “Today, despite the global rollout of COVID-19 vaccines and treatments, the anonymized participant-level data underlying the trials for these new products remain inaccessible to doctors, researchers, and the public—and are likely to remain that way for years to come,” BMJ said. “This is morally ...

Criminal Complaint Filed In The Office Of The Texas Attorney General Alleges Murder and Crimes Against Humanity
Post Date: 2022-01-22 08:46:37 by Horse
A complaint has been filed in the United States of America on the 17th January 2022, at the Office of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. the chief legal officer of the U.S. state of Texas against individuals who are accused of being complicit in murder and crimes against humanity. The complainant is a resident of Harris County Texas, Jack Boteler who is representing all interested parties who received the Emergency Use Authorization “investigational injection of genetic biologic material (mRNA or adenoviral DNA) coding for the Wuhan spike protein” The complaint has extensive, detailed evidence to show that the accused jointly planned and executed the development and release of ...

Over a Million People Injured by Covid Vaccine, Billboard Campaign Warns
Post Date: 2022-01-22 08:41:32 by Horse
'There's something going on with this vaccine that’s causing incredible adverse reactions, and for some reason it's not being reported by the media or our government,' says billboard group's founder. Informed consent activists are posting hundreds of billboards across America that will warn motorists about the alarming rate of vaccine injuries, as reported in the government’s own VAERS database. The billboards, purchased by a group called Banners 4 Freedom, are popping up in states across the US, and organizers say they’re a great way to circumvent the mainstream media’s censorship of vaccine adverse reactions. ...

Ireland to Scrap Nearly All Covid Restrictions
Post Date: 2022-01-22 08:27:33 by Horse
While Joe Biden and Democrats in the US Push For More Covid Tyranny Poster Comment:Dems are doubling down while several nations are following England's decision to drop masks, vaxx passports and mandates. England will ban covid vaxxes in a couple of weeks according to an NHS doctor. When that happens, the whole covid scam collapses. And a lot of angry people will get revenge. Lawyers will file lawsuits against hospitals that gave patients Remdesivir and denied them Ivermectin.

It cost millions to recruit, train new troops being booted for vaccine refusal
Post Date: 2022-01-22 07:37:49 by Ada
Hundreds of trainees who have refused COVID-19 vaccination are being involuntarily separated. (Lance Cpl. Ryan Hageali/Marine Corps) Last fall, following a Pentagon announcement that the COVID-19 vaccine would become mandatory for troops, the services set about implementing policy around it, including deadlines for vaccination and consequences for refusal. That left a period of several weeks where recruits were able to join the military and refuse a COVID-19 vaccine without needing a waiver. The services are now discharging hundreds who have completed or are still in training but are refusing to get vaccinated. Much has been made about the fact that there are over a dozen vaccines that ...

Gun Rights Prevail :
Post Date: 2022-01-21 18:33:09 by Horse
California Counties Lose in Court Over Covid Closures Of Gun Stores & Ranges The Second Amendment Foundation scored a double victory in California with a unanimous 9th U.S. Circuit Court panel declaring COVID-19 related shutdowns of gun stores and shooting ranges in Los Angeles and Ventura counties were unconstitutional. -- The cases are known as McDougall v. Ventura County and Martinez v. Villaneuva. In the McDougall case, SAF was joined by the California Gun Rights Foundation (CGRF), Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC), and two private citizens. In the Martinez case, SAF was joined by CGRF, FPC, and the National Rifle Association.

Pfizer trials: All injected mothers lost their unborn babies
Post Date: 2022-01-21 08:29:36 by Horse
Please recall our November 23, 2021 post titled “The FDA and Pfizer are a Match Made in Hell”. There we described how the FDA took only 108 days to approve Pfizer’s injection, but wanted 55 years to produce the documents! Thankfully Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency filed a lawsuit after the FDA denied their request to expedite the release of the records, and the records are being released, albeit still too slowly. Among the first reports handed over by Pfizer was a ‘Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports’ describing events reported to Pfizer up until February 2021. You can download this entire report here. Look ...

Clarity of the Bigger Question, WHY This Massive Push for Vaccinations?
Post Date: 2022-01-20 11:11:23 by Ada
A guest on the Tucker Carlson show outlined the answer to this question {Direct Rumble Link} which has been stated in these pages and a multitude of conversations for well over a year. Why has there been this massive disproportionate push for vaccination against a virus which, all things considered, is NOT that deadly? For two years, as we have watched the various governments around the world pushing the COVID-19 vaccination, many have asked this question? The demand and effort is wildly disproportionate to the risk. So why has this vaccination program been so severely pushed, including the mandates and requirements that everyone must follow in order to participate in society? Why this ...

Jordan Peterson: Why I Am No Longer A Tenured Professor At The University Of Toronto
Post Date: 2022-01-19 22:23:14 by Horse
I recently resigned from my position as full tenured professor at the University of Toronto. I am now professor emeritus, and before I turned sixty. Emeritus is generally a designation reserved for superannuated faculty, albeit those who had served their term with some distinction. I had envisioned teaching and researching at the U of T, full time, until they had to haul my skeleton out of my office. I loved my job. And my students, undergraduates and graduates alike, were positively predisposed toward me. But that career path was not meant to be. There were many reasons, including the fact that I can now teach many more people and with less interference online. But here’s a few more: ...

D.C. Plans Anti-Mandate Rally
Post Date: 2022-01-19 11:12:24 by Ada
It's about time the capitol city of a republican nation did something about the mandates, but is it too late? On Sunday, January 23, just a week after the District of Columbia vaccine mandate goes into effect, opponents plan to protest the new order on the mall. Washington’s vaccine mandate requires all indoor food and drink establishments, indoor cultural and entertainment venues, event venues, and exercise facilities to require patrons aged 12 years and older to show proof that they have received at least one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. Patrons over 18 years will be required to show photo identification as well. Dr. Robert Malone, a virologist and immunologist who invented ...

The Brasscheck guy unveiled -- superb interview
Post Date: 2022-01-19 10:15:37 by NeoconsNailed
From: "Brasscheck TV" Subject: Interview on American Periscope =================== BrasscheckTV Report =================== I've kept a low personal profile for a long time (since 1997), keeping my business and Brasscheck work separate. With the Big CV Con that became impossible. The world's gotten to a place where I've felt compelled to share the conclusions of my investigative work with my business clients. They - like everyone else - need to know the things I've uncovered in order to protect their health and lives and the health and lives of their families. So here's one of the rarest things on the Internet: Me being interviewed on camera. ...

Post Date: 2022-01-18 21:08:04 by Horse
Poster Comment:Nanoparticles are being put in vaccines and food to attack the brain.

Democratic Fundraising Collapses In South Carolina
Post Date: 2022-01-18 08:49:50 by NeoconsNailed
Gubernatorial frontrunners falling further behind on the campaign finance front … Democratic operatives in South Carolina are privately fretting what appears to be a total collapse of their fundraising efforts ahead of the 2022 election – one that has been totally ignored by the mainstream media in the Palmetto State. “We’re seeing a complete collapse of South Carolina Dems and fundraising,” one Upstate party leader told me this week, confessing to being “a little surprised no one has done a story yet.” While I am not at all surprised by the lack of coverage on this issue from the left-leaning mainstream media, I was shocked to see just how anemic the ...

UK Man calls MI5 to report the Covid Death Jab and Ethylene Oxide Laced Face Masks
Post Date: 2022-01-18 00:22:25 by Horse

How We Will Win by Brother Nathanael
Post Date: 2022-01-17 02:57:32 by Horse

Bill Maher Calls Out Democrat Ignorance On Covid
Post Date: 2022-01-13 09:41:19 by Horse
Poster Comment:Maher is on during the first minute only. Rest is just talk.

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