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What Is A Woman? (2022) Full Documentary (VIDEO)
Post Date: 2022-06-06 20:48:04 by Horse

Hedge Fund Elliott Sues LME For $456 Million Over Losses From Nickel Trading Halt
Post Date: 2022-06-06 20:24:46 by Horse
Now we know who was on the winning side to all those Chinese losing positions. Poster Comment:A Chinese tycoon had lost $8 billion shorting nickel on the LME (London Metal Exchange.) There are similar exposed positions on gold and silver plus others as well. That Minister for Macroeconomics from the Eurasian Union is determined to destroy the Dollar by organizing a Third World Debt Default. He wants to end all debt payments in dollars, pounds, euros and yen. His name is Sergei Glayzev. China will host the next meeting of the BRICS(Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) on May 19, 2023. China wants to expand BRICS to bring in cash strapped Third World nations eager to stopp paying ...

Elon Musk Just EXPOSED Klaus Schwab & World Economic Forum..
Post Date: 2022-06-06 08:35:07 by Horse
Poster Comment:ESG is a scam. EXXON has a high ESG score but Tesla has a low one

Sri Lanka - The people are burning the government workers homes and cars
Post Date: 2022-06-05 10:57:46 by Horse
Poster Comment:This inspires me.

Uvalde mom who broke into school speaks out
Post Date: 2022-06-05 10:43:53 by Horse

Uvalde mom handcuffed by coward; cops for trying to rush in and save her kids inside school says police threatened her
Post Date: 2022-06-04 21:27:14 by Horse
with probation violation for obstruction of justice if she spoke to media An Uvalde mom who was handcuffed by police for trying to rush into the Robb Elementary School to save her two kids says from the deadly shooting said police have threatened her with a probation violation for obstruction of justice if she continued speaking with the media condemning the officer's late response. Angeli Rose Gomez, who has two children in second and third grade at the school, is among the most vocal of critics against the Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District (CISD) Police Department, who handcuffed her and held other parents back when they tried entering the school during the shooting ...

Biden’s Visit To Saudi Arabia Exposes The Ukraine Narrative For The Sham It Is
Post Date: 2022-06-03 10:28:31 by Ada
In a major walkback from his campaign pledge to make Saudi Arabia a “pariah” for human rights abuses like the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi, President Biden will reportedly visit Riyadh with the goal of persuading Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to help the US alliance win its economic war against Russia. The Guardian tells us the trip “suggests Biden has prioritized his need to bring oil prices down and thereby punish Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, over his stand on human rights.” So in order to punish Vladimir Putin for his war crimes and his assault on freedom and democracy, Biden will be courting a tyrannical war criminal whose country has no freedom or ...

Post Date: 2022-06-03 04:42:59 by Horse
Poster Comment:The world's best "How To Win In Court" law course! This course is in depth. It costs $249.

Do Soldiers Protect Us?
Post Date: 2022-06-02 08:38:08 by Ada
Perhaps no holiday is accompanied by as many lies as Memorial Day. Just look at the opening paragraph of President Biden’s Memorial Day Proclamation: On Memorial Day, we remember the patriots who gave their lives in the service of America, in the service of freedom, and in the service of justice. They made the ultimate sacrifice to defend our Constitution and our democracy. We are free because they were brave, and we live by the light of the flame of liberty they kept burning. They are all heroes, and our Nation is forever grateful. Simply serving in the military doesn’t make you a patriot or a hero. In many cases it just makes you employed. U.S. soldiers who died in unjust ...

"The Deep State Is In A 'Do-Or-Die' Moment" - Alex Newman Warns Globalists 'Need To Terrify Everyone'
Post Date: 2022-06-01 23:53:36 by Horse
Via Greg Hunter’s, Author of the popular book “Deep State” and award-winning journalist Alex Newman says Deep State globalists are afraid the world is waking up to the tyranny they are trying to impose on every country on earth including America. Things are not going as smoothly into their so-called reset as they had envisioned. Newman explains, “The Deep State is in a ‘do or die’ moment right now..." "They, the elites or predator class, recognize that they are now locked into this. If they try to retreat, there is no retreat. People are waking up at such a rapid rate that they are in a moment where they are going to have to go ...

On top of this, the shooter had no drivers license or photo ID,
Post Date: 2022-06-01 16:54:44 by Horse
so how could he possibly get his hands on all this expensive equipment? You know how, and so does the FBI! Poster Comment:VIDEO AT SOURCE. He had $9,000 in weapons and bullets. Who paid for it?

See nothing, say nothing, do nothing
Post Date: 2022-05-31 09:34:52 by Ada
We are told we have an epidemic of gun violence. No, we have an epidemic of willful disengagement. We are disengaged from each other. We are disengaged from reverence for life, disengaged from moral instruction, disengaged from actions to confront the reality of evil and those who would do harm among us. We are disengaged from those tormented by mental illness or dark personality disorders, and we are disengaged from remediating the sociopathology of abnormal isolation. We are disengaged from the bonds of the two-parent family structure, from childrearing at home, from teaching good from evil, and imposing consequences on those who would slaughter the innocent and who have committed ...

Baby formula shortage puts spotlight on how America feeds its young
Post Date: 2022-05-30 16:00:52 by BTP Holdings
Baby formula shortage puts spotlight on how America feeds its young by Tina Reed Illustration of a tipped over baby bottle dripping milk into a milk puddle the shape of the United States. Illustration: Aïda Amer/Axios America's dependence on baby formula has come under the spotlight as a national shortage sparked a nutritional crisis. Why it matters: The U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend infants be exclusively breastfed for about the first six months. But, in practice, most babies get some type of formula. What they're saying: “Although we're doing a better job of breastfeeding nationally, we still have most ...

New IRS Data Reveals Florida Biggest Winner, New York Biggest Loser In Competition For People & Their Wealth
Post Date: 2022-05-30 15:39:16 by Horse
Authored by Ted Dabrowski and John Klingner via, Every year, states across the country compete with each other for people and their wealth as millions of Americans move between states. The stakes are large. A growing population for the winners means an increasing tax base, economic growth and investment. For the biggest losers, it means more difficulties in paying down debts, higher taxes and fewer investments for the future. The nation’s most-recent winners of migration from other states are Florida and Idaho according to the latest migration data released by the IRS. Florida, the nation’s perennial winner, gained the most people and income overall in 2020, ...

Ten Times Empire Managers Showed Us That They Want To Control Our Thoughts
Post Date: 2022-05-30 09:40:37 by Ada
The single most overlooked and under-appreciated aspect of our society is the fact that immensely powerful people are continuously working to manipulate the thoughts we think about the world. Whether you call it propaganda, psyops, perception management or public relations, it’s a real thing that happens constantly, and it happens to all of us. And its consequences shape our entire world. This should be at the forefront of our attention when examining news, trends and ideas, but it hardly ever gets mentioned. This is because the mass-scale psychological manipulation is succeeding. Propaganda only works if you don’t know it’s happening. To be clear, I am not talking about ...

"I'm Watching": Image Of Father Standing Guard Outside Daughter's Elementary School Goes Viral
Post Date: 2022-05-30 01:55:22 by Horse
“I can’t let this go... This is just a testament to the sleeplessness caused by the grief I experienced...” Poster Comment:Even if the Dems repealed the 2nd Amendment, we would not be safe. Look at NYC, LA and Washington DC. Look at Uvalde. The man shot off guns in front of a school for 12 minutes. The police station was one mile away. If donkeys will not enforce the law, then there is no reason to expect passing a new law to improve things.

"Only Criminals Are Gonna Have Guns": Joe Rogan Warns Against Confiscation
Post Date: 2022-05-29 20:50:22 by Horse
"This Country Has a Mental Health Problem Disguised as a Gun Problem..."

GOP Must Hold 'Radical' Health Officials Like Fauci 'Accountable': Republican Study Committee
Post Date: 2022-05-29 20:40:30 by Horse
"Far-Left activists have taken over our public health agencies, abused their power, undermined the public’s trust, and wreaked havoc on our nation..."

6 charts show key role firearms makers play in America's gun culture
Post Date: 2022-05-29 15:42:44 by BTP Holdings
6 charts show key role firearms makers play in America's gun culture Michael Siegel Visiting Professor of Public Health and Community Medicine, Tufts University - 29 May 2022 © Provided by WANE Ft. Wayne 6 charts show key role firearms makers play in America's gun culture (The Conversation) – Americans have blamed many culprits, from mental illness to inadequate security, for the tragic mass shootings that are occurring with increasing frequency in schools, offices and theaters across the U.S. The latest, which occurred on May 24, 2022, at a Texas elementary school and left 19 children and two teachers dead, was the 213th mass shooting>this year – and the 27th ...

Elon Musk praises unnamed woman who shot dead man who opened fire on party with an AR-15-style rifle
Post Date: 2022-05-29 12:46:39 by BTP Holdings
Elon Musk praises unnamed woman who shot dead man who opened fire on party with an AR-15-style rifle by Joshua Zitser | 29 May 2022 Elon Musk Tesla CEO Elon Musk on September 3, 2020. Maja Hitij/Getty Images Elon Musk praised the woman who used a pistol to shoot a man who opened fire on a party. In response to a report on the incident, Musk tweeted: "Wow, good for her and saving those people!" On Wednesday, Musk said he supports gun ownership but wants "tight" background checks. Tesla CEO Elon Musk praised the unnamed West Virginia woman who used a pistol to shoot and kill a man who opened fire on a party. On Saturday night, Musk tweeted: "Wow, good for her ...

18 Major Airlines, FAA, And DOT To Be Sued Over COVID Vaccine Mandates
Post Date: 2022-05-27 19:19:44 by Horse
"It’s going to require a big fix, ultimately..."

Senate Republicans Block Creation Of 'Domestic Terrorism Task Force' Bill
Post Date: 2022-05-27 19:15:38 by Horse
And coming right on the heels of the failed 'Ministry of Truth'... Poster Comment:I think a few people in DC are beginning to figure out how angry we are.

Police Have No Duty to Protect You, Federal Court Affirms Yet Again
Post Date: 2022-05-27 10:33:29 by Luke The Spook
2 Comments Police Have No Duty to Protect You, Federal Court Affirms Yet Again 12/20/2018Ryan McMaken Following last February's shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, some students claimed local government officials were at fault for failing to provide protection to students. The students filed suit, naming six defendants, including the Broward school district and the Broward Sheriff’s Office , as well as school deputy Scot Peterson and campus monitor Andrew Medina. On Monday, though, a federal judge ruled that the government agencies " had no ...

Report Shows FBI Spied On 3.3 Million Americans Without A Warrant, GOP Demands Answers
Post Date: 2022-05-26 05:55:43 by Horse
This is not the first time the FBI has been caught red-handed...

Senators Demand All Internal Records On Biden 'Ministry Of Truth'
Post Date: 2022-05-25 21:36:41 by Horse
“So that we can learn why the Department ever thought creating a disinformation board would be a good idea.”

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