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Leo Frank, bisexual pedophile, coke addict, rapes, strangles 12-year old (1913)
Post Date: 2006-10-03 21:35:15 by YertleTurtle
Leo Franks was a bisexual pedophile, and a drug addict, who managed a pencil factory in Atlanta via 1913. One day he demanded sex from a 12 yr. old employee named Mary Phagan, she refused, so then he brutally raped and murdered her. Frank, and a handyman, drag the body to the basement where they were going to burn it in the factory furnace the next day. That night, a watchman finds the body - calls the police - Franks is arrested - found guilty and sentenced to hang. The governor commutes the sentence, and Marietta finest families broke into jail and lynched him This incident lead to the creation of ADL in 1913. Today the Jewish community hails Leo Franks as a innocent martyr - a victim ...

Video: Reynolds uses kids as props in answering questions about Foley–blames Hastert
Post Date: 2006-10-03 21:34:40 by Zipporah
Reynolds uses kids as props in answering questions about Foley–blames Hastert By: John Amato @ 11:45 AM - PDT This is surreal and really low. NY Daily News: "The Upstate media today is all about Tom Reynolds' bizarre press conference yesterday, at which he surrounded himself by small children. At one point, reporters asked if he could make the children leave so they could as adult questions, and he refused" Video-WMP download Buffalo Geek has all the video posted. Reynolds in a shocking development blames Hastert: "I found this moment particularly damaging, though, in which Reynolds — the third-ranking Republican in the House — says he did what ...

Analyst suspects Foley contributed ‘bribes’ for cover-up
Post Date: 2006-10-03 21:32:06 by Zipporah
Analyst suspects Foley contributed ‘bribes’ for cover-up By: David @ An MSNBC segment examines if Rep. Foley made a large contribution to the Republican Party in exchange for silence about sexual messages that Foley sent to House pages. Foley gave $100,000 to the GOP Campaign Committee in July. The large contribution came at same time when Republican House leadership ignored Foley's emails. MSNBC Political Analyst Craig Crawford is suspicious of Foley's donation. Crawford says, "It's part of a pattern on Capitol Hill where member raise money not just for their own campaigns, but to give money to others, to their colleagues. So that's kind of a common ...

Bush stands by Hastert
Post Date: 2006-10-03 20:45:16 by robin
President Bush signaled his support for Rep. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) yesterday as the House Speaker fought to retain his gavel in the wake of an unfolding sex scandal. The White House’s support of Hastert is a stark contrast to the controversy that upended former Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) when administration officials were working behind the scenes to promote Sen. Bill Frist (R-Tenn.). Hastert and the president have worked closely together during Bush’s almost six years in the White House, and administration support is crucial for the Speaker to maintain his post in the face of criticism from various conservative activists. “I fully support Speaker ...

Timeline: The Fall of Rep. Mark Foley (NPR)
Post Date: 2006-10-03 20:43:08 by robin
PoliticsTimeline: The Fall of Rep. Mark Foley Former Rep. Mark Foley was first elected to the House of Representatives in 1994. In this May 2005 file photo, Foley, right, stands behind John Walsh, host of TV's America's Most Wanted, at a press conference announcing plans to overhaul sex-offender laws. Getty, October 3, 2006 · As the controversy surrounding former Rep. Mark Foley (R-FL) unfolds, attention has turned to who knew what, and when. The Republican leadership says it was informed last fall that Foley had sent "over friendly" e-mails to a former page. But GOP leaders insist they did not learn of sexually explicit instant messages to ...

Ancient pedophiles
Post Date: 2006-10-03 19:58:48 by YertleTurtle
"And whoever offends against one of these little ones … it would be better for him to have a millstone hung around his neck and for him to be cast into the sea." Sounds like Jesus knew full well there were abusers of children in his time, just as there is today.

Video: Foley's Lawyer: He's Gay, He Was Molested, He Drinks [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2006-10-03 19:46:07 by Zipporah
Foley's Lawyer: He's Gay, He Was Molested, He DrinksBy Paul Kiel - October 3, 2006, 6:36 PM Well, here's that "bombshell." At a press conference moments ago, Foley's lawyer David Roth announced that the lawmaker "asked" that the media be told that he was molested by a clergyman when between the ages of 13 and 15. It's part of the healing process, apparently. Roth added that "Mark explicitly reaffirms his responsibility and remorse" for his actions. Also, "Mark Foley wants you to know that he is a gay man."

Some Question Foley's Alcoholism Claim
Post Date: 2006-10-03 18:07:36 by Eoghan
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) - When disgraced former Rep. Mark Foley announced he was entering rehab for treatment of alcoholism and ``other behavioral problems,'' some of those who have known him for years were shocked and suspicious. Some friends and acquaintances said they rarely saw him drink. A former colleague, Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., said on Fox News Channel: ``I don't buy this at all. I think this is a phony defense. The fact is, I think he's responsible for what he did here and I think it's a gimmick.'' Foley abruptly resigned from Congress after being accused of sending lurid Internet messages to teenage boys who served as pages on Capitol Hill. The FBI and Florida law ...

Foley scandal reverberating in Florida gubernatorial race. Crist, Foley, and Jeb Bush. (WMR - 10/2 & 10/3)
Post Date: 2006-10-03 15:39:25 by robin
October 3, 2006 -- Informed sources in Tallahassee, Florida have told WMR that Governor Jeb Bush was fully aware of ex-Rep. Mark Foley's conduct with underage male pages but sat on the information to protect Foley and another top GOP Florida official, Attorney General Charlie Crist, who is currently running for governor to replace Bush. Today, Jeb Bush said he had not previously known about Foley's behavior with the pages before being informed by House Speaker Dennis Hastert in a letter dated October 1, 2006. Bush said he was "dismayed and shocked to learn about Congressman Foley's unacceptable behavior." However, according to our Florida sources, the FBI and Justice Department ...

Bush 'disgusted' by Republican sex scandal
Post Date: 2006-10-03 14:59:24 by Eoghan
President George W. Bush said he was "disgusted" by sexually explicit messages sent by a former Republican lawmaker to teenage congressional aides in his first comment on the growing scandal. Bush said he supported House Speaker Dennis Hastert's call for a law enforcement probe into the e-mails and text messages sent by US Representative Mark Foley to young, male congressional pages. "I was dismayed and shocked to learn about Congressman Foley's unacceptable behavior," Bush said during a visit at an elementary school in Stockton, California. "I was disgusted by the revelations and disappointed that he would violate the trust of the citizens that placed him in ...

Limbaugh defends pedophilia [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2006-10-03 11:32:44 by bluedogtxn
From the October 2 broadcast of The Rush Limbaugh Show: LIMBAUGH: I'm just thinking out loud here. What if somebody got to the page and said, you know, we want you to set Foley up. We need to do a little titillating thing here. Keep it and save it and so forth. How would you get a kid to do that? Yeah, who knows? You threaten him or pay him. There's any number of ways given the kind of people that we're dealing with and talking about here. Now, folks, I don't want to be misunderstood here. I'm not trying to mount any kind of a defense. That's a bad word. I'm not trying to get into a defense of what Mark Foley did. Please don't misunderstand. I'm just telling you that the -- the -- ...

The "Mark Foley Republicans" (Goldi, Boteye) Work To Defend House Pervert [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2006-10-03 11:15:01 by Brian S
Entertaining thread indeed with War, mehitable, Don and anothers exposes these neocon perverts for power. Just a sample of what can be found on this thread: 8. To: GO65 (#0) I'm telling you, this is a Pelosi power grab gambit. Mark my words. She is in it for power ONLY, and will do what she can to destroy anyone to get it. She needs to be WATCHED. Closely. That woman is Very VERY DANGEROUS. Goldi-Lox posted on 2006-10-03 10:01:22 ET Reply Trace Anyon3e that bothered to read last months Time Magazine article about Pelosi should be very afraid. Badeye Where is the victim? Where is the crime? Doesn't an ACT have to happen to make a crime? And then there's the Consitution: ...

Eleven GOPers Fingered in Foley Cover-Up
Post Date: 2006-10-03 07:05:03 by Zipporah
Eleven GOPers Fingered in Foley Cover-UpBy Justin Rood - September 30, 2006, 9:32 PM Roll Call's John Bresnahan reports: As of Saturday evening, nearly a dozen House GOP lawmakers and staffers have acknowledged that they knew of the initial batch of non-sexually explicit messages from Foley to a 16-year-old former House page, some of them for a year or more. These include [House Speaker Dennis] Hastert [(IL)]; Majority Leader John Boehner (Ohio); National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Tom Reynolds (N.Y.); Reps. Rodney Alexander (La.) and John Shimkus (Ill.); Mike Stokke, the Speaker’s deputy chief of staff; Ted Van Der Meid, Hastert’s counsel; Paula Nowakowski, ...

The Strange Death of the Woman Who Filed a Rape Lawsuit Against George W. Bush
Post Date: 2006-10-03 00:01:02 by Destro
The Strange Death of the Woman Who Filed a Rape Lawsuit Against Bush By Jackson Thoreau Early one Saturday afternoon in July 2003, I made a simple phone call to Margie Schoedinger, a Texas woman who filed a rape lawsuit against George W. Bush in December 2002. I expected to leave a message on a machine, so I was caught a little offguard when Schoedinger answered. She, too, sounded somewhat surprised I had called, saying she hadn't heard from many other reporters. But she talked to me for a few minutes about the legal action. "I am still trying to prosecute [the lawsuit]," said Schoedinger, a 38-year-old African-American woman who lived in the Houston ...

Video: Tony Snow downplays Foley scandal as 'naughty emails'
Post Date: 2006-10-02 23:33:17 by Zipporah
The scandal involving Congressman Foley and a teenaged Capitol Hill page is nothing more than "naughty emails", says White Press Secretary Tony Snow. In the following video, Snow seems to be playing down the Foley scandal, telling reporters, "Yeah, look, I hate to tell you but it's not always pretty up there on Capitol Hill. There have been other scandals, as you know, that have been more than simply naughty emails." Snow's "naughty emails" remark occurs around 5:28 into the video.

Pages Warned of Foley’s “Attention” in 2001: GOP Knew About Foley in 2001?!
Post Date: 2006-10-02 21:28:35 by Destro
Pages Warned of Foley’s “Attention” in 2001: GOP Knew About Foley in 2001?! Pages Warned of Foley’s “Attention” in 2001 By Justin Gardner […] Donklephant has a link to a YouTube clip of an ABC newscast reporting that the GOP was warning pages as early as 2001 of Rep. Foley’s fondness for teenaged boys. […]

I got a ticket today
Post Date: 2006-10-02 20:53:11 by YertleTurtle
Today a cop pulled me over and gave me a ticket for expired plates. No big deal, I'll just get them renewed tomorrow. She said, show the judge, he'll toss the ticket, no money involved. Darn if I couldn't find my insurance card, so she gave me a ticket for that. On this one she wrote $2000. Yes, two thousand dollars. When I asked her what they meant, she said she was required by law to write it, so I would know if I didn't show the judge my insurance card, the fine went to $2000. I know it's just a bluff, and a pretty transparent one, but exactly how do they think they would get anyone to pay that? A lot of people would leave the state.

Foley interest in pages seen in speeches
Post Date: 2006-10-02 14:32:25 by aristeides
Foley interest in pages seen in speeches By KEN THOMAS ASSOCIATED PRESS WRITER WASHINGTON -- Former Rep. Mark Foley, R-Fla., told House pages in warm farewell speeches over the years that he took "a special interest in each and every one" of them, identifying many of the youngsters by name and thanking them for their service. Foley, who resigned Friday after being questioned about sexually explicit e-mails to former pages, gave the speeches during traditional June ceremonies honoring them in 2001, 2002, and 2004, according to the Congressional Record. The comments show a friendly familiarity with some of the teenagers, who wear navy blue uniforms, open doors and hand-deliver ...

GOP Staff Warned Pages About Foley in 2001
Post Date: 2006-10-02 09:09:36 by Arator
GOP Staff Warned Pages About Foley in 2001 October 01, 2006 4:00 PM Maddy Sauer and Anna Schecter Report: A Republican staff member warned congressional pages five years ago to watch out for Congressman Mark Foley, according to a former page. Matthew Loraditch, a page in the 2001-2002 class, told ABC News he and other pages were warned about Foley by a supervisor in the House Clerk's office. Loraditch, the president of the Page Alumni Association, said the pages were told "don't get too wrapped up in him being too nice to you and all that kind of stuff." Some of the sexually explicit instant messages that led to Foley's abrupt resignation Friday were sent to pages in ...

Arctic Beacon Editor "Goes Public" With Threats and Harassment Over Wanta Story
Post Date: 2006-10-02 00:10:17 by Coral Snake
Arctic Beacon Editor "Goes Public" With Threats and Harassment Over Wanta Story Editor also goes public in order to protect the safety of Wanta, who is hiding and staying out of the public eye until the $4.5 trillion is released for the betterment of the U.S. economy. Also, when Vatican manipulation of the Wanta money was questioned, only then did the strange sequence of events and surveillance begin. 1 Oct 2006 By Greg Szymanski The Ambassador Leo Wanta story gets stranger and stranger with each passing day, as the Arctic Beacon editor has been targeted with harassment and threats ever since about a week ago when he began "putting under the microscope" whether the ...

FBI Investigating Foley
Post Date: 2006-10-01 23:52:36 by Mekons4
WASHINGTON - The FBI is examining former Rep. Mark Foley (news, bio, voting record)'s e-mail exchanges with teenagers to determine if they violated federal law, an agency spokesman said Sunday. Dennis Hastert asked Sunday for a federal investigation into the case — a lurid scandal that has put House Republicans in political peril. "I hereby request that the Department of Justice conduct an investigation of Mr. Foley's conduct with current and former House pages to determine to what extent any of his actions violated federal law," Hastert, R-Ill., wrote in a letter to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. FBI spokesman Richard Kolko confirmed Sunday that the FBI is ...

Drudge Report Sets Tone for National Political Coverage
Post Date: 2006-10-01 21:46:01 by Eoghan
Book Compares Online Newsman to Walter Cronkite In the crucial congressional elections, now about five weeks away, one of the strongest weapons in the Republican arsenal is a man running a Web site out of his apartment in Miami. His name is Matt Drudge. Drudge broke the Monica Lewinsky story and has had a tremendous influence on what you know about politics ever since. From the comfort of his apartment, Drudge can send shock waves through newsrooms and campaign headquarters nationwide with breaking news often heralded by his trademark siren. "If Drudge has a siren up, people know it's something they have to look at," said Mark Halperin, ABC News Political Director. Democratic ...

GOP Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL) let Foley spend "a lot of time" with pages, including private dinner with one, after GOP knew Foley was a problem (6/6/2002)
Post Date: 2006-10-01 21:32:14 by aristeides
GOP Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL) let Foley spend "a lot of time" with pages, including private dinner with one, after GOP knew Foley was a problem by John in DC - 10/01/2006 08:41:00 PM Shimkus is toast. There's even video of Shimkus letting Foley talk to the pages AFTER the GOP knew Foley had page-issues. You'll recall that he is the Republican member of Congress who runs the Page Board, the group in charge of the pages. You'll also recall that tonight we learned on ABC News that GOP House staff warned the page class of 2001-2002 to stay away from ex-Rep. Mark Foley. Then why is it that on June 6, 2002, well after the kids were warned to stay away from Foley, Shimkus notes ...

GOP leadership knew of Foley's improper communications with the pages "for years"
Post Date: 2006-10-01 20:05:45 by robin
October 2, 2006 -- EARLY EDITION. SPECIAL REPORT. Informed congressional sources have reported to WMR that the number of sexually salacious e-mails and instant messages sent from disgraced former GOP Representative Mark Foley of Florida to underage male pages number as many as 500. Moreover, WMR sources on the Hill report that the GOP leadership knew of Foley's improper communications with the pages "for years" and not months as has been reported by the mainstream media. In addition, Foley allegedly sent sexually-explicit messages to both former and current congressional pages. It is also uncertain what evidence may have been tampered with before the recent calls by the House GOP ...

Gore Vidal on Lincoln's Homosexuality
Post Date: 2006-10-01 15:21:31 by YertleTurtle
As a schoolboy I read most of Carl Sandburg's six-volume biography of Abraham Lincoln. Sandburg was a poet-performer, and I tended to skip his rhapsodic passages, thus missing some key points. Even so, I was sufficiently drawn to his Lincoln … well, to be precise, there is no Sandburg Lincoln, only a sort of grab bag of anecdotes, a do-it-yourself folklore Lincoln, using material that, with time's passage, has been more and more rejected by those scholar squirrels who are always in attendance upon the Lincoln brigade's stern academic icon-dusters. Eventually, I came to write my own Lincoln, dealing with the master politician as a counterbalance to the folksy figure so beloved of ...

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