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New Species of Moth Named for Donald Trump
Post Date: 2018-07-12 20:00:31 by hondo68
New Species of ‘Distinctively’ Orange, Blonde-Haired Moth Named for Donald TrumpFrom a binomial nomenclature standpoint, its name is Neopalpa donaldtrumpi. On 17 January 2017, an entomologist working at the Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes, Vazrick Nazari, published a paper that re-examined a genus of moth (Neopalpa), discovering a previously undescribed species in a large collection of specimens from California and Mexico. The paper, published in the peer-reviewed, open access journal ZooKeys, described the discovery as follows: The new species was initially discovered through dissection of Gnorimoschemini material borrowed from the Bohart Museum ...

Post Date: 2018-06-23 19:12:59 by X-15
Days before the 2016 US Presidential Election, I received a barrage of texts from old friends asking if I was okay. People started inquiring about our family’s welfare. I had no idea what was happening. Then I checked my blog site. A spike of 100,000 views in one day stemmed from an article that activist group Anonymous published about my being trafficked to American VIPs. They used my story to undermine Hillary Clinton’s candidacy and expose her involvement in a child sex trafficking ring. The Clinton Foundation was a front for the trafficking of children including Haiti earthquake victims. Bill and Hillary’s trafficking network implicated her campaign chairman John Podesta. ...

Russian Bear like a Jew can't be trusted
Post Date: 2018-06-21 09:43:36 by Tatarewicz
ایرانی Russia is nobody’s true ally. 1. Spanish Civil War. Russia robs Spain’s entire treasury of gold, supposedly in exchange for helping Republican Spain defeat the fascists. The “help” was incompetent. The fascists won, but Russia kept the gold. 2. Iran, 1945. Russia was the last occupying country to leave Iran. The bastards wanted to annex Iranian Azarbaijan for themselves, and it was only extreme pressure by Truman that forced Stalin to leave Iran. The Russian occupiers were also quite rude and disrespectful to the locals. 3. Afghanistan. Russia invades a Muslim country for its imperial ambitions, only to pull out and leave ...

Trump, Ryan, and Walker Want to Seize Wisconsin Homes to Build a Foxconn Plant
Post Date: 2018-06-14 22:26:36 by hondo68
State and local officials are doling out $4.5 billion and 1,000 acres to lure the Taiwanese manufacturing giant. Powerful forces—including Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R), the Taiwanese manufacturing giant Foxconn, and President Donald Trump—have aligned, to turn more than 1,000 acres of Wisconsin farmland and family homes into an LCD screen manufacturing facility. Reason visited the village of Mt. Pleasant to speak with homeowners facing the threat of eminent domain, and the local government officials responsible for acquiring the land on behalf of Foxconn, which is receiving $4.5 billion in subsidies and tax breaks. The project was sold to the public with a promise of 13,000 ...

Syria's Assad says Trump's 'animal' slur represents himself
Post Date: 2018-05-31 04:42:32 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... The Syrian president has said that Donald Trump's "animal Assad" slur is representation of the US president himself. "It represents him, and I think there is a well-known principle, that what you say is what you are," says Syrian President Bashar al-Assad during an interview with RT to be aired on Thursday. Assad was referring to an April tweet by US President Donald in which he blamed Russian President Vladimir Putin and Iran for the alleged chemical attack near the capital Damascus. "President Putin, Russia and Iran are responsible for backing Animal Assad. Big price to pay," Trump tweeted. PressTV-Trump accuses Assad of launching Syria ...

Why Tony Blair is back with his Syria pronouncement?
Post Date: 2018-04-11 01:38:38 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair is a war criminal who played a key role in the destruction of Iraq and now is back to destroy whatever is left of Syria, says an American analyst. Don DeBar, a New York-based radio host and political analyst, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Tuesday while commenting on Blair’s call for a military action against the Syrian government over the recent alleged chemical weapons attack in Syria. The attack in the militant-held town of Douma in the Eastern Ghouta region left dozens dead and drew international condemnation from various countries and international bodies. The Assad government strongly rejected the ...

Google Censors Guns, Removes Shopping Results
Post Date: 2018-02-27 20:24:02 by hondo68
It appears that Google may have silently joined the ranks of one side of the gun control debate. On February 26, Twitter users LADowd and Xavier Dreyman noticed that results in the most-used search engine in the world were returning nothing in the “Shopping” tab when any query included a gun part, model, or manufacturer. His first result was for the rather broad term of “rifle scope”. This netted zero results while providing just two sponsored results below the main search. Curiosity must’ve taken over and he continued on looking for “remington razor” which also netted a whopping 0 results. Turns out, the problem was that Remington is most known for ...

Trump pushes ban on 'bump stocks' — devices that turn weapons into 'machine guns' (Executive Memorandum to AG Sessions)
Post Date: 2018-02-20 18:56:32 by hondo68
Bump stocks are devices that render semi-automatic rifles capable of firing hundreds of rounds every minute.Stephen Paddock, the gunman who killed 58 people and wounded hundreds more last October in Las Vegas, had at least 12 rifles outfitted with bump stocks. Trump recommends bump stocks should be illegal from CNBC. President Donald Trump announced Tuesday that he has recommended that "bump stocks" — devices that let semi-automatic weapons fire hundreds of rounds per minute — be banned. Trump signed a memorandum recommending that Attorney General Jeff Sessions propose regulations that would declare that bump stocks are illegal because they effectively turn legal ...

Trump's Big Bank Theory.
Post Date: 2018-02-14 17:32:56 by bush_is_a_moonie
Smile Trumpbots !!!!

The Progressive Left Goes Philistine
Post Date: 2018-01-22 06:50:44 by Ada
It used to be conservatives who sought to censor art. Now the dynamic has flipped. 2017 was a year that overturned many long-held sociopolitical certainties. Remember when Republicans liked free trade? Or when liberals liked free speech? Such fond memories. We can add yet another demolished certainty to the list: the political left, after centuries of championing visual art, has discovered a new passion for censoring it. In December, feminist activist Mia Merrill launched a petition calling for the Metropolitan Museum of Art to remove a work from exhibition. The painting in question, Balthus’s Therese Dreaming, depicts a young girl in a sexualized pose, and was declared ...

Why some African Americans are moving to Africa
Post Date: 2018-01-19 12:16:24 by hondo68
African-Americans are returning to the lands of their ancestors as life becomes precarious and dangerous in the USA.Muhammida el-Muhajir says as an African American in the US, she felt she could 'never win' [Courtesy of Muhammida el-Muhajir]Accra, Ghana - They have come from the big cities of San Francisco, Chicago, and New York. Thousands of them. And many refuse to return.A new wave of African Americans is escaping the incessant racism and prejudice in the United States. From Senegal and Ghana to The Gambia, communities are emerging in defiance of conventional wisdom that Africa is a continent everyone is trying to leave.It is estimated that between 3,000 and 5,000 African ...

Utah Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch Retiring After 4 Decades In Senate (Senator Mitt Romney?)
Post Date: 2018-01-02 17:57:13 by hondo68
Update: White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders delivered the official White House's statement on Hatch's retirement announcement at today's press briefing. "The president has the greatest and deepest respect for Hatch and his four decades of leadership in the Senate," she said. Sarah Sanders: "The President certainly has the greatest and deepest amount of respect for Sen. Hatch" — CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) January 2, 2018 * * * After months of will-he-or-won’t-he speculation – and on the heels of the Republican victory on tax reform, and effort that he helped supervise and lead ...

John Podesta’s Father Was Dr. Josef Mengele
Post Date: 2017-12-22 12:16:53 by AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt
“Dr. Mengele Likely was John Podesta’s Father” Say Espionage Historians Known for Record of Peculiar Accuracy, Citing Significant Circumstantial Evidence 2 historians with an uncanny knack for uncovering WWII German espionage have made the daring claim that political kingmaker John Podesta’s father was none other than WWII NAZI monster Dr. Josef Mengele. The researchers, Rev. Dr. Anne Armstrong and Rev. Alan Gordon, claim to have previously found a NAZI espionage confession in the personal effects of cannabis prohibition architect Harry J. Anslinger, and decoded a cipher which stymied even NSA cryptographers, says that damning circumstantial evidence and photos ...

No One Ever Drowned in Roy Moore's Car
Post Date: 2017-12-11 16:17:02 by Ada
In 1990, when liberal journalists still had some sense of obligation to the truth, Michael Kelly wrote the following for GQ: As [Carla] Gaviglio enters the room, the six-foot-two, 225-plus-pound [Sen. Ted] Kennedy grabs the five-foot-three, 103-pound waitress and throws her on the table. She lands on her back, scattering crystal, plates and cutlery and the lit candles. Several glasses and a crystal candlestick are broken. Kennedy then picks her up from the table and throws her on [Sen. Chris] Dodd, who is sprawled in a chair. With Gaviglio on Dodd's lap, Kennedy jumps on top and begins rubbing his genital area against hers, supporting his weight on the arms of the chair. As he is ...

Sebelius: The Clinton White House doubled down on 'abusive behavior' and it's fair to criticize Hillary Clinton
Post Date: 2017-11-22 19:02:17 by Ada
(CNN)As a wave of stories unfold about sexual harassment and assault by men in power, a senior Democratic leader says her party should reflect on how it handled such charges when they were leveled against former President Bill Clinton. "Not only did people look the other way, but they went after the women who came forward and accused him," says Kathleen Sebelius, the former secretary of Health and Human Services and Kansas governor. "And so it doubled down on not only bad behavior but abusive behavior. And then people attacked the victims." Sebelius extended her criticism to Hillary Clinton, and the Clinton White House for what she called a strategy of dismissing and ...

Clint Eastwood’s ‘Heartbreak Ridge’: The Most HOMOPHOBIC/HOMOEROTIC Film of All Time?
Post Date: 2017-09-14 06:20:17 by BTP Holdings
Clint Eastwood’s ‘Heartbreak Ridge’: The Most HOMOPHOBIC/HOMOEROTIC Film of All Time? September 13, 2017 by Fred Shahadi Some movies age poorly and not necessarily because they’re bad. History and hindsight can turn the deepest drama into a comedy and vice/versa. It’s hard to believe today, but Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice was originally considered a comedy. As time goes on there are moral shifts that make their way into art and literature. And then there are some things that weren’t very funny the first time that are even more cringe worthy now. 1986 was the year Hollywood went to war, sort of. Three very different war films came out that year. ...

The real John McCain. “33 POWs faced execution for treason after Vietnam until Nixon pardoned all POWs.” McCain was #1 on the list
Post Date: 2017-08-26 16:05:03 by Ada
“Thank you” to all of the Powdered Wig readers who are sending me background material on this topic. It turns out that Donald Trump was spot on in his assessment of John McCain as NOT a war hero. More detail comes streaming in by the hour. Now it is clear why McCain blocked release of POW records. He didn’t want his own to be public. It also explains why McCain is so eager to abandon this feud with Trump and “move on.” I’m certain John McCain regrets ever bashing Donald Trump. The Donald has opened McCain’s closet and the contents are not pretty! Article updated, August 2, 2017, below, in bold. From Gordon Duff, Senior Editor, Veterans Today…. ...

Scarlett Johansson and Colin Jost Were Reportedly Making Out At The SNL After-Party
Post Date: 2017-05-22 17:05:34 by BTP Holdings
Scarlett Johansson and Colin Jost Were Reportedly Making Out At The SNL After-Party The Cut Anna Silman 5 hrs ago Hooked Up With SNL's Colin Jost Here’s some good Monday morning gossip for you: In what might be the most auspicious case of previously-unlinked-celebs-hitting-it-off-at-a-party since Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston danced together at the 2016 Met Gala, “Page Six” reports that Scarlett Johansson and “Weekend Update” co-host Colin Jost couldn’t keep their hands off each other at the SNL after-party this weekend. Johansson – who recently filed for divorce from husband Romain Dauriac – stopped by the SNL finale to reprise her Ivanka ...

The Law Of Trump Truthiness
Post Date: 2017-05-16 13:14:01 by bush_is_a_moonie
Yesterday’s story: It didn’t happen. Today’s story: If it happened, I had a right to do it. Well, that’s confidence-building. It’s important to note that nobody questions the legal right of the president to reveal whatever classified information he chooses to reveal. In fact, the Washington Post pointed out in its initial story that presidents do have that right. The question has to do with the wisdom of releasing the specific information that he is reported to have done. Trump is engaged in misdirection with that tweet. And he is undercutting what H.R. McMaster said yesterday in Trump’s defense: that the Post story was “false”. This morning the ...

Millions of Television Viewers Drink Bleach After Nikki Haley Opens Her Mouth Again
Post Date: 2017-04-29 19:14:48 by Ada
The hick from hell is now making up fake statements made by Russia's UN representative Waffle House waitress-turned-UN-representative Nikki Haley is the brightest rising star in international diplomacy. Haley gave a memorable performance on CNN on Thursday, during which she decided to make up fake stuff that Russia never said about the humanitarian situation in Syria. Speaking about a recent United Nations 'report' about humanitarian efforts in Syria, Haley evoked images of starving people — and of course, evil Russians: There are people dying by the day because they’re not getting humanitarian aid they need because the Assad regime is keeping it out and not ...

Posh Pig Molester Praised as Perfect Fit For Next NATO Chief
Post Date: 2017-04-05 00:51:32 by Tatarewicz
RI... Responsible neocons and Raytheon salesmen are already anxious about who will lead the international cartel of war criminals after Jens Stoltenberg steps down in 2018 or whenever. But like the final bars of a complex Bach fugue, sometimes the universe creates harmonic resolutions to the world's most pressing issues. According to UK Defense Secretary Michael Fallon, famous pork porker and co-destroyer of Libya David Cameron would "make a good" NATO chief. It's a perfect fit. Like peas and carrots, or Hillary Clinton and Saudi blood money. It's not a coincidence — it's fate. Destiny. We'll let the Daily Mail take the wheel: The Defence Secretary ...

When Jilted Lovers Commit Hate-Crime Hoaxes
Post Date: 2017-03-06 09:20:06 by Ada
This is a story of love, hate, interracial romance, journalistic malpractice, and anti-Semitic bomb hoaxes. It involves a young black man named Juan, whose mother named him that because Juan was enough—just kidding! Juan is an extremely black man, the color of a coffee bean, the color of dirty motor oil, the color of the dark Arabian night, the color of hell with all the fires put out. He has not ever been, nor will he ever be, mistaken for a member of The Beach Boys. Last Thursday federal agents arrested 31-year-old Juan Thompson of St. Louis and charged him with cyberstalking an ex-girlfriend by “communicating threats to JCCs [Jewish Community Centers] in the woman’s ...

TSA rolls out new, 'more intimate' airport pat-downs (“groin scrutiny”)
Post Date: 2017-03-04 16:19:08 by hondo68
REDDING, Calif. — The Transportation Security Administration has started using a new and more rigorous pat-down at airports, which one passenger this week likened to “groin scrutiny.”Nico Melendez, a public affairs manager for TSA, confirmed that the new pat-down procedures are supposed to be followed as of Thursday, but he was “limited on what can be shared” about them. He did say that the new "universal pat-down" doesn't involve checking any extra body parts, though.“This standardized pat-down procedure continues to utilize enhanced security measures implemented several months ago, and does not involve any different areas of the body than were ...

Bern considers flower topped urinals for eco-friendly street peeing
Post Date: 2017-02-10 12:26:55 by X-15
Unsightly streaks of human pee on the streets of the Swiss capital could become a thing of the past if the city follows France’s lead and installs innovative new eco-friendly urinals that help make street-peeing a little more civilized. Like in many cities around the world, men urinating in the streets can be a problem in Bern, particularly on weekend nights. Last month neighbouring France came up with a solution to its own street-peeing problem by installing so-called ‘uritrottoirs’ at the Gare de Lyon train station in Paris, which is often blighted by puddles of pee. The innovative piss-pot, developed by Faltazi, an urban design firm in Nantes, features a bed of flowers ...

Soulless Sociopath
Post Date: 2017-01-29 15:17:30 by Ada
Writes Alan Levine: Re: Murderous Madeleine (Political Theatre, 1/26/17) Lew, The irony just dawned on me that a woman who casually dismissed as “worth it” the mostly slow, deliberate deaths of half a million Iraqi children, presumably mostly Muslims, should shamelessly pretend to show solidarity with Islam, for partisan, anti-Trump (ergo, anti-populist/nationalist) reasons. What a soulless sociopath she is. I can’t wait for Nuremberg 2.0 (First in the dock: Henry Kissinger.).

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