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Why We Should Vote for Obama
Post Date: 2008-10-24 20:19:37 by Turtle
Poster Comment:Reginald Denny.

America’s Cracker Problem: none of us are free
Post Date: 2008-10-21 19:31:52 by bluegrass
I won't bother copying the whole thing. This is enough: "...On November 4th, let’s hope for an epic thrashing of those who seek to profit by trading in hate and ignorance. Let’s further hope that those who can’t and won’t evolve get the message loud and clear: crawl back underneath your rocks and remain quiet until it’s finally your time to die. But whatever we do, let’s not confuse winning a battle with winning the war. Our Cracker Problem will be with us for awhile longer, and November 5th will be the beginning, not the end."

Louis Farrakhan Calls Obama the Messiah
Post Date: 2008-10-21 09:00:51 by bluegrass

History of the word "racism"
Post Date: 2008-10-18 13:52:24 by Turtle
The term "racist" was first coined in English by Mr. Max Eastman. He was translating a word used by the mass murderer, Leon Trotsky, in his 1930 essay, The History of the Russian Revolution. Different translators have used the term to describe what was meant in other Trotsky articles. For example, Trotsky's 1933 essay, What is National Socialism? also contains the word "racism", as it has been translated into English. Poster Comment:The word "racism" should be purged from the English language. It can mean anything because it means nothing. Only fools use it, because they don't know the history of it.

Generation Chickenhawk: the College Republicans
Post Date: 2008-10-18 09:33:04 by Turtle
Poster Comment:Excuse me while I go vomit.

Ben Shapiro, Manly Man!
Post Date: 2008-10-18 07:36:16 by Turtle
It must be hard being Benjamin Shapiro. Standing in front of a full-length mirror in a jockstrap, making tuff faces, wondering why you're 21 and have twelvish biceps, being puzzled over why the babes don't swoon over your bitchin' violin playing...and then every damned time, without fail, your shriveled pair makes your strap plop down around your ankles. Honestly, what's a boy to do? Dry your eyes, I suppose, gaze with admiration and longing upon your Alexander poster of a buff Brad Pitt, hitch up a pair of tighty-whities (the ones with the special "Frank 'n' Beans" codpiece designed to avoid those embarassing and sometimes not-so-surreptitious public ...

Ben Shapiro: the Chickenhawk Clucks
Post Date: 2008-10-18 07:33:43 by Turtle
It is entirely possible that my WND colleague has a perfectly good reason for not serving his country in its moment of need. For all I know, he may have a weak heart, a wooden leg, a predilection for San Francisco bathhouse sex or some other condition that prevents him from joining the military. But devoting two columns to criticizing a single word strikes me as a lady protesting a bit too much. Mr. Shapiro's first argument against the appellation is that it is nothing more than a leftist attempt to silence debate. This is partially true, but the argument is deceptive because it is incomplete. It is not leftists but the military that has long despised civilians who clamor for war from ...

UNREPENTANT (Catholic Church Abuse of Indian Kids in Canada)
Post Date: 2008-10-15 05:14:10 by noone222
Poster Comment:In a million small ways we are all allowing bullshit like this to exist. Whether it's tolerating the federal reserve bank, child protective services, the irs, or any number of abusive entities that surround us, taking this shit from these types of hypocritical shit eaters that consider themselves above the law ... so far above the law that they think they're God. Fuck the Church, the government and any entity that reduces people to the status of cattle. It's past time to unify and tear their power structure down. Please stop electing this shit, please stop donating to these religious liars, that conduct attrocities in your name and on your fucking dime.

Congressman says McCain 'soeing seeds of hatred1'
Post Date: 2008-10-11 18:05:59 by Zoroaster
Congressman says McCain 'sowing seeds of hatred' 12 minutes ago WASHINGTON - Rep. John Lewis, a Georgia Democrat and veteran of the civil rights movement, says the negative tone of the Republican presidential campaign reminds him of the hateful atmosphere that segregationist Gov. George Wallace fostered in Alabama in the 1960s. ADVERTISEMENT Republican candidate John McCain on Saturday called Lewis' remarks "shocking and beyond the pale." The Obama campaign said the Illinois senator doesn't believe McCain or his policy criticism is at all comparable to Wallace and his segregationist policies. In a statement issued Saturday, Lewis said McCain and running ...

George Carlin - Religion is bullshit.
Post Date: 2008-10-08 12:39:27 by angle
Credit WRH today:

Faces of Evil
Post Date: 2008-10-06 17:46:12 by Turtle
Poster Comment:I found a comment by me posted at this YouTube video. "I attack only leftists, of which Dubya and his buffoon advisors are ones. Apparently he thinks if someone calls himself a conservative, then he is a conservative. If I call myself rich and handsome, that doesn't make me Sean Connery, does it?" -- Bob Wallace

Britney's Ex Plays the Sex Tape Card
Post Date: 2008-09-30 07:57:54 by freepatriot32
Adnad Ghalib, the photographer who had a brief, bizarre fling with Spears during her less-than-normal 2007, says he's looking to sell a two-hour sex tape he made with Spears, awaiting "a locked-in deal" to sell it. Showing the true classy businessman that he is, Ghalib tells Heat magazine he "won't discuss prices for hypothetical enquiries." Radar Analyzes the Possibly Impending Britney Sex Tape According to Ghalib, the tape was shot during a vacation in Mexico and shows spears wearing only a pink wig. Oddly, he says he is "not interested in selling out any other details about Britney" ... just the most sleazy, profitable ones. Ghalib's role in ...

Wall Street Woes Challenge Shuls To Confront Crisis
Post Date: 2008-09-27 12:41:33 by bluegrass
On September 17, as the financial markets teetered on the brink of outright collapse, a networking group of financial executives gathered in a conference room at Temple Israel in Westport, Conn., to talk things over. Matthew Bud, a synagogue member who organizes the group, recalled that the mood was grim as participants practiced their networking pitches and compared notes on their résumés. Once the meeting ended, Bud strolled over to the social hall to hear another synagogue member, Arthur Levitt Jr., former chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, explain the crisis to a packed audience. For Temple Israel and several other synagogues in the New York metropolitan ...

Senior '07 prank just now discovered...
Post Date: 2008-09-24 12:43:45 by X-15
Yes, it's real! I verified the the authenticity of this photo with an administrator at the Plano Independant School District. The "graffiti" was spotted a couple of weeks ago from a traffic helicopter. The drawing was well placed, in all it's glory and stature, on top of the B building at Plano Senior High School. And it appears to be anatomically correct. So, I guess you could call it a masterpenis? The pilot of the helicopter snapped the photo on July 15th with a cell phone and sent it to someone at WBAP who forwarded it to a PSHS administrator. Somehow (of course) the photo was leaked. Here is some of the text that hopped along as the photo was forwarded through the ...

Legal experts slam Texas judge-prosecutor link
Post Date: 2008-09-17 07:16:30 by Disgusted
Legal experts slam Texas judge-prosecutor link By JEFF CARLTON,AP Posted: 2008-09-17 05:59:24 DALLAS (AP) - Legal experts are harshly criticizing a former judge and an ex-Texas prosecutor, saying their alleged sexual affair while handling cases together represents a black eye to the system. "It's such incredible bad judgment because it throws every conviction into doubt," said Fred Moss, a Southern Methodist University law professor. An apparent open secret 20 years ago in Collin County legal circles, the alleged affair became part of the public record again last week. Lawyers for death row inmate Charles Dean Hood sought a stay of execution in the nation's busiest ...

Poking Fun at the Truthers
Post Date: 2008-09-11 16:48:12 by Turtle
Poster Comment:It's way too easy.

Hateful Leftist Wants 7 Grenades To Kill Right Wingers
Post Date: 2008-09-02 07:52:51 by Old Friend
#2. To: Mekons5 (#1) (Edited) CNP members have included Tony Perkins, James Dobson, Grover Norquist, Tim LaHaye and Paul Weyrich. We really should thank them I guess. But they're shy so we don't know which ones to thank. #3. To: Robin (#0) 7 grenades and our country gets better instantly. Which is why they are so secretive. John McCain was a prisoner in Vietnam. So was Gary Glitter, and I'm not voting for him either. Mekons5 posted on 2008-09-02 1:58:48 ET

The Coming McCain/Obama Election Map
Post Date: 2008-08-28 16:08:49 by Turtle
Poster Comment:This is the 1972 Nixon/McGovern map, and it will also be the McCain/Obama map.

Post Date: 2008-08-21 15:51:16 by rowdee
WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. David Vitter, R-La., can use his campaign funds to pay for some of his legal fees stemming from an escort service scandal, the Federal Election Commission decided Thursday. The commission deadlocked, however, on Vitter's request to pay all of his legal fees using his campaign funds. The legal expenses stemmed from the Louisiana Republican being tied to a Washington, D.C., escort service operated by Deborah Palfrey, who was convicted of running a prostitution ring that catered to the powerful. She committed suicide about two weeks after her conviction. Vitter has acknowledged involvement with the service and apologized for what he called a "very serious ...

Subject: Warning And Another Warning
Post Date: 2008-08-20 16:25:05 by MING THE MERCILESS
Subject: Warning And Another Warning . . . It has been reported that a woman was at a gas station and a man came and offered his services as a painter and gave her a card. She took the card and got into her car. The man got into a car driven by another person. She left the station and noticed that the men were leaving the gas station at the same time. Almost immediately, she started to feel dizzy and could not catch her breath. She tried to open the windows and in that moment she realized that there was a strong odor from the card. She also realized that the men were following her. The woman went to another neighbor's house and honked on her horn to ask for help. The men left, but the ...

Family Research Council is a fraud
Post Date: 2008-08-17 03:21:02 by echo5sierra
I emailed the Family Research Council to ask them why Chuck Baldwin was not invited to the forum they hosted recently. Mr. XXX XXXXX E-Mail: xxxxxxxx Subject: Values Voters Summit Date: August 08, 2008 I would like to know why you are inviting John McCain and Barak Obama, both known pro abortionists to your Values Voters Summit, and not inviting Chuck Baldwin, who is a staunch Pro-Lifer and a Baptist pastor, to your summit. I understand you want to hear opinions that are not your own, but why would you exclude someone who is on your side? It doesn't make sense. I got this email in reply: Dear XXX, Thank you for contacting FRC regarding the candidacy of Chuck Baldwin. We appreciate ...

Perverts In The Park [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-08-15 21:46:08 by Christian Soldier
This just made the local news here in NY. It was filmed in Schenectady's Central Park.

C.R.A.P. [Citizens Rejecting All Politicians]
Post Date: 2008-08-04 05:57:46 by noone222
This a plea for unity and understanding amongst the peasantry of the world. C.R.A.P., a collection of international peasants and useless eaters has formed an organization to preserve the right to not give a fuck about assholes in self-proclaimed authority positions. C.R.A.P. (Citizens Rejecting All Politicians) is announcing a membership drive and accepts all peoples regardless of race, color, creed, wealth, religion, or sex, just so long as you're sick and tired of the S.H.I.T. [Systemic Historical Invasive Tyranny] put forth for the last 6000 years of recorded history by asshats, fucktards, and devil worshipping shit eaters intent upon obtaining your vote to justify their domination ...

If it walks like an Obama; It's an Obama
Post Date: 2008-08-04 04:07:29 by Zoroaster
Sunday, August 3, 2008 If it walks like an Obama; It's an Obama Southside. In Chicago that place has an entire cultural meaning like nowhere else on earth to different groups of people. My first experience with the Southside was actually in the years that the Lawrence Sinclair and Barack Obama story was unfolding. I was surfing and happened to knock on the wrong or right door and found myself among a group of blacks who were quite the experience. This was the real deal in which actors like Will Smith try to portray in the movies being cool, but Hollywood never captures it and makes everyone look like they have never been around players in their lives. The southsiders were partying and ...

Cop to motorist: "You wanna go to jail for some ****ing reason I come up with?" (video)
Post Date: 2008-08-03 09:00:53 by Artisan
Watch how cops go berzerk every time Brett Darrow invokes his God given rights and refuses to answer their meddling questions. The funy part is that Darrow gets them on video every time. The cop in this vid was fired for his actions in this case. Also, key to this story is the fact that police chief SCOTT UHRIG, who appears in the video at minute 2:00 condemning the officer's action, is himself an admitted pervert degenerate before being promoted to police chief; CNN does not mention these facts when interviewing him: ------------- [from ] WHO IS POLICE CHIEF SCOTT UHRIG? view this document from the state of Missouri from 2002! Why is he ...

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