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John Podhoretz, Hideously Inbred Nerd
Post Date: 2010-10-03 15:31:30 by Turtle
Poor John Podhoretz -- oafish, repulsive, cowardly, backstabbing, boring -- and so dull-witted he couldn't cut soft butter with his forehead. Then there's the Matrix plug in the back of his Foul and Most Foreign Peanut-Shaped Pinhead (F&MFP-SP), the one feeding him the most hallucinogenic of Philip K. Dick novels -- the never-written one in which a brilliant, adventureous Poddy is a cross between Dr. Benton Quest and Race Bannon. If that plug ever falls out, reality will come crashing in on Lil' Pod, and he will see himself in all his grotesque, inbred, Betty Friedanesque glory -- a high-speed DNA collision between Elmer Fudd and Beldar Conehead. That plug is apparently ...

Jew Tony Curtis (Gay, Bisexual and Sex With Animals) Dead At 85
Post Date: 2010-09-30 14:09:56 by Itistoolate
Thursday, September 30, 2010 Jew Tony Curtis (Gay, Bisexual and Sex With Animals) Dead At 85 Tony Curtis – actor (out, "I was 22 when I arrived in Hollywood in 1948. I had more action than Mount Vesuvius; men, women, animals! I loved it too. I participated where I wanted to and didn't where I didn't. I've always been open about it." Quote from British gay magazine Attitude 2002, as reported by IMDb.) Quote Links Here and Here Curtis was born Bernard Schwartz in the Bronx, New York, the son of Emanuel Schwartz and his wife Helen Klein. His parents were Hungarian Jewish LINK ...

Working in a Nursing Home
Post Date: 2010-09-30 10:46:17 by Turtle
I spent a total of almost 14 months working in nursing homes. All were eye-openers. The first clue a nursing home needs improvement is that when you walk in it smells like urine. It’s a really common flaw. The second is underpaid CNAs – the administration tries to get by paying them $9 - 9.50 an hour. And, of course, you get what you pay for. CNAs should make $14 an hour – after all, they deal every day with fragile elderly people with Alzheimer’s, some of whom are in horrendous shape. One guy I remember in particular was Stage 3 Alzheimer’s, meaning he was essentially asleep all the time – couldn’t speak, or feed himself, and was incontinent. Such ...

Liberals Carry Luciferian Banner
Post Date: 2010-09-29 12:56:57 by Original_Intent
Ever noticed how angry and ungrateful and critical the Liberal-Left is? I wish I could have asked Ted Kennedy, "What are you so angry about?" As you look at the following, ponder the thought that the very core strategy of the Serpent himself in the garden, was to sow discontent into the hearts and minds of Adam and Eve....I call that spirit of being critical and distrustful of God and good "the venom of Satan." In our time, the last two hundred years or so, we have witnessed this venom advanced as a political strategy by the mostly anti-God, anti-Christian Jewish Marxists on the Left. Prime examples of this attitude in our faces daily are Rachel Maddow and Keith ...

Third Wave Feminism
Post Date: 2010-09-21 11:22:36 by Turtle
Third-wave feminism is a term identified with several diverse strains of feminist activity and study from 1981 to the present. The movement arose as a response to the failures of and backlash against initiatives and movements created by second-wave feminism of c. 1960s through the 1970s and the realization that "women" are of "many colors, ethnicities, nationalities, religions and cultural backgrounds".[1] The third wave embraces contradictions and conflict, and accommodates diversity and change.[1] There is, in this wave, no all-encompassing single feminist idea.[1] Third-wave feminism seeks to challenge or avoid what it deems the second wave's ...

The Dilemma of the Libertarian Homosexual [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-09-19 13:49:33 by Turtle
Quite a few "pure," anarchist libertarians are homosexuals. Specifically, the leftist libertarians. They are stuck in a dilemma. Like the Marxists they so strongly resemble, they believe that once the State "withers way," then all will be equal – there will be no prejudice, no sexism, no ageism, no "homophobia," no racism. This is why they are leftist. The words they use -- "sexism," "homophobia," etc. -- ultimately mean nothing because they can mean anything. This "equality" is the leftist, utopian, never-will-exist pipe-dream. The Left exacerbates what problems that do exist by setting people at each other’s throats; ...

James Murray: Arctic Circle Collective—Copkilling Blooms, Tikkun and Post-Matrix Anarcho-Zionism
Post Date: 2010-09-14 12:00:57 by Prefrontal Vortex
James Murray: Arctic Circle Collective—Copkilling Blooms, Tikkun and Post-Matrix Anarcho-Zionism In the wake of a series of shooting deaths by local police forces in Seattle, Tacoma and the metropolitan region, most clearly justified, but with at least one seemingly something of a tragic mistake, local Anarchist groups are going wild, calling for more copkillings. (This in fact echoes the call of local NAACP Pres. James Bible justifying the killing of “occupying force” cops, in the midst of a copkilling spree that left five local European-American police officers dead at the hands of two Black Supremacists. Of course, the only real racists, the Seattle Police Chief gravely ...

Rapture Pet Insurance [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-09-14 11:59:51 by Turtle
Effective Sept. 2010: NOW SERVICING ALABAMA and OHIO You've committed your life to Jesus. You know you're saved. But when the Rapture comes what's to become of your loving pets who are left behind? Eternal Earth-Bound Pets takes that burden off your mind. We are a group of dedicated animal lovers, and atheists. Each Eternal Earth-Bound Pet representative is a confirmed atheist, and as such will still be here on Earth after you've received your reward. Our network of animal activists are committed to step in when you step up to Jesus. We are currently active in 24 states. Our representatives have been screened to ensure that they are atheists, animal lovers, are moral / ...

Q&A: Michael Lewis Talks About the Banks That Brought Down Greece
Post Date: 2010-09-08 10:44:30 by Prefrontal Vortex
Q&A: Michael Lewis Talks About the Banks That Brought Down Greece by Jaime Lalinde September 7, 2010, 12:01 AM In the October issue of Vanity Fair, Michael Lewis investigates the cause of the Greek financial crisis, one that translates to nearly a quarter-million dollars for each working Greek citizen. In V.F.’s April 2009 issue, Lewis examined the financial disaster in Iceland, winning Loeb and Overseas Press Club awards for his report. Lewis differentiates the two crises in this month’s article, writing, “In Greece the banks didn’t sink the country. The country sank the banks.” Aside from rampant tax fraud, nefarious number crunching by the Greek government, ...

Mormon leader's Masonic Handshake Raises Eyebrows
Post Date: 2010-09-06 16:39:29 by Original_Intent
In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, the Temple ceremony is sacred, and not to be revealed outside of the Temple. On the other hand, Masonic handshakes are permitted to be exchanged anywhere, including in public, as a way to identify a fellow "craft-member". To see a President of the Mormon church exchanging a Masonic grip that signifies "brotherhood" with the Masters of Evil, has caused more than its share of concern both within and without the Church. The difference between the Masonic ordinances and the LDS Temple ordinances are glaringly obvious to someone that understands both. The Masons claim their signs, tokens and ordinances from Solomon's ...

Bob Celeste, Christian Patriot, Claims Victory in Shutting Down Craigslist Adult Services
Post Date: 2010-09-05 11:41:58 by Samuel Gray
Title: We Won, Craigslist surrendered Source: Yahoo News URL Source: Published: Sep 4, 2010 Author: AP Post Date: 2010-09-04 20:23:05 by BobCeleste Views: 197 Comments: 28 Craigslist strikes adult services under pressure Click for Full Text! Click for Full Text! Poster Comment: Back about four years ago, Craigslist started blocking, taking down and otherwise refusing to run ads in the General category for such things a Bible studies or Bible study materials. One such ad that we ran was: Did God really say You must be Born Again? Send any size donation and a long self addressed stamped envelope to: and then our address For a ...

Tea Party Senate Candidate Opposes Masturbation 'Lust is adultery,' says Delaware's Christine O'Donnell
Post Date: 2010-09-03 08:17:26 by tom007
Tea Party Senate Candidate Opposes Masturbation 'Lust is adultery,' says Delaware's Christine O'Donnell By Mary Papenfuss Posted Sep 3, 2010 2:41 AM CDT What is Newser? Face it, there's too much news. Newser cuts through the clutter, selects the best stories from hundreds of sources, and reduces them to two paragraphs. More » Follow Newser: Follow Newser on Twitter Friend Newser on Facebook Subscribe to Newser's RSS feeds Subscribe to Newser emails * STORY * COMMENTS (21) Do you like this story? 6Share Email Share Bookmark & Share Digg Reddit Google Buzz Delicious Yahoo Buzz Fark (Newser) – Now that's abstinence. Delaware Tea Party Senate ...

Post Date: 2010-08-30 17:05:20 by noone222
Huffington Post Offers $100,000 for Sex Tapes, Phone Records to Destroy Glenn Beck Monday, August 30, 2010 | Kristinn Posted on Monday, August 30, 2010 8:24:16 AM by kristinn Edited on Monday, August 30, 2010 1:25:08 PM by Jim Robinson. [history] In the wake of Glenn Beck's hugely successful Restoring Honor rally held in Washington, D.C. this weekend, the Huffington Post has published an offer of $100,000 to anyone with evidence that would destroy Beck's reputation and take him off the political/cultural battlefield. An essay written by Beau Friedlander, the last editor-in-chief of Air America before it shut down this year, was posted in the Politics section of the Huffington ...

(my title) Yet another catholic molestation scandal and attempted coverup. But this is in Belgium, and the police are involved, and the Vat'o'sin is perturbed
Post Date: 2010-08-30 15:48:06 by PSUSA
Reprints PARIS — The former leader of the Roman Catholic Church in Belgium urged a victim of serial sexual abuse by a bishop to keep silent for a year, until the bishop — the victim’s own uncle — could retire, according to tapes made by the victim last April and published over the weekend in two Belgian newspapers. Enlarge This Image Eric Vidal/Agence France-Presse — Getty ImagesCardinal Godfried Danneels pressed a sexual abuse victim to either accept a private apology or wait until the bishop retired, according to tapes. Related Belgian Cardinal: I Was 'Naive' to Meet Victim (August 30, 2010) The tapes, which church ...

Proud American Taxpayers Refurbish Mosques IN 55 FUCKING COUNTRIES !!!
Post Date: 2010-08-27 05:20:03 by noone222
Dear Friend, According to the Associated Press, the Obama administration will give away nearly $6 million of American tax dollars to restore 63 historic and cultural sites, including Islamic mosques and minarets, in 55 nations. See the State Department document here. This is an outrage! Our country is broke. And can you imagine what the ACLU and others on the secular left would say if these monies had been spent to repair Christian churches? They would be screaming “separation of church and state!” Funding Islam on foreign soil with American taxpayer money? Not a whimper. The latest taxpayer givaway includes $76,000 for a 16th century mosque in China, $67,000 for a mosque in ...

The Greatest Taboo: One Woman Lifts the Lid on the Tragic Genetic Consequences of When First Cousins Marry
Post Date: 2010-08-24 15:36:03 by Turtle
Sitting in the family living room, I watched tensely as my mother and her older brother signed furiously at each other. Although almost completely without sound, their row was high-octane, even vicious. Three of my uncles were born deaf but they knew how to make themselves heard. Eventually, my uncle caved in and fondly put his arm around his sister. My mum has always had a special place in her family because she was the first girl to live beyond childhood. Five of her sisters died as babies or toddlers. It was not until many years later that anyone worked out why so many children died and three boys were born deaf. Today there is no doubt among us that this tragedy occurred because ...

Bristol Palin to speak in Louisville on behalf of home for single mothers ($14,000 for an appearance, paid by the Single Mom's Chairty)
Post Date: 2010-08-24 09:06:16 by tom007
Bristol Palin to speak in Louisville on behalf of home for single mothers By Peter Smith • • August 22, 2010 Bristol Palin — the teen mother whose turbulent relationship with her son's father has added a soap-opera subplot to her mother Sarah’s political career — will speak Sept. 8 on behalf of a home for single mothers in Louisville. Palin, 19, will receive $14,000 to speak at a benefit at the Louisville Marriot Downtown on behalf of the Lifehouse, which was founded in 2007 and has operated in a brick house on Riedling Drive, a quiet street off Zorn Avenue. The $125-per-person benefit will raise funds toward plans to double the ...

Five Minutes After the Rapture
Post Date: 2010-08-23 11:18:34 by Turtle
Ralph: Dum de dum dum, dum de dum dum. Sam: Hey Ralph, look at all this stuff lying all over the sidewalk. Ralph: Weird…clothes, shoes, socks, keys, wallets…some guy’s dental fillings…a glass eye… an artificial leg…somebody’s heart transplant flopping around in the street…a busted-open suitcase full of martial aids…what is going on here? Sam: Maybe it’s the Rapture. I heard about it from some guys used to go to tent revival meetings, fall over backwards and start twitching and babbling. One guy's cowboy boots flew off. Ralph: Yeah, speaking in tongues and “getting saved.” Hillbilly kitsch. Sam: Look, a brand-new ...

San Tan Valley 'grandpa' accused of kissing neighborhood girls
Post Date: 2010-08-20 11:15:52 by Red Jones
San Tan Valley 'grandpa' accused of kissing neighborhood girls by Brealyn Nenes - Aug. 19, 2010 06:03 PM The Arizona Republic A man considered the "grandpa" of his San Tan Valley neighborhood was arrested Wednesday on suspicion of four counts of aggravated assault after he reportedly kissed two neighborhood girls, according to the Pinal County Sheriff's Office. Sheriff's officials responded to a call from the girls' father, who said John Hester, 47, had kissed his 5-year-old and 8-year-old daughters, according to a statement from the Pinal County Sheriff's Office. Hester admitted to deputies that he kissed the two girls, the statement said, and he also ...

Diversity Debate Convulses Elite High School
Post Date: 2010-08-05 13:04:09 by Prefrontal Vortex
Diversity Debate Convulses Elite High School By SHARON OTTERMAN Published: August 4, 2010 With one of its alumnae, Elena Kagan, poised for confirmation as a justice on the United States Supreme Court, it should be a triumphant season for Hunter College High School, a New York City public school for the intellectually gifted. But instead, the school is in turmoil, with much of the faculty in an uproar over the resignation of a popular principal, the third in five years. In her departure speech to teachers in late June, the principal cited several reasons for her decision, including tensions over a lack of diversity at the school, which had been the subject of a controversial graduation ...

Medicare Fraud
Post Date: 2010-08-04 10:41:43 by Turtle
I recently read in the paper that a man who had been my doctor briefly 25 years ago was found not guilty by a jury of Medicare fraud. He was facing up to ten years in prison. After the verdict he said “the government” (i.e. taxpayers) still owes him $130,000. Apparently he had been going into nursing homes and homes for disabled people and cleaning their ears and other minor stuff and charging astronomical amounts. The doctor said the prosecutor failed to take into account looking at the charts, etc. I’m not going to comment on the doctor and whether he’s really guilty or not – except to say that he is. I worked for a year in a nursing home when I was 21. In ...

Gunship Blowing People Up
Post Date: 2010-08-03 11:23:17 by Turtle
Poster Comment:I consider this cold-blooded murder.

Women Abusing Men in Public
Post Date: 2010-07-30 11:23:51 by Turtle
Poster Comment:Women are responsible for half of all domestic assaults. Men just happen to bigger and srronger and do more damage. About once every five years I run across a woman in public who thinks she has the right to abuse strange men. I've never exactly understood it, but they actually seem to think they have the legal right to do it. One called the police on me because I had left my dog in the car for seven minutes and another seemed to think I was going to steal her purse. The hostility towards men was just steaming off of them.

Goldi Slaps Yukie's Hand for Posting Gay Porn [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-07-23 01:48:59 by abraxas
Goldi Slaps Yukie's Hand for Posting Gay Porn #36. To: yukon (#11) you posted a link with porn. no more photos for you as of now. I am tired of the fights. shape up or ship out. we are in a battle for our county -- and you are a major distraction. Goldi-Lox posted on 2010-07-22 10:51:53 ET Wow......that should learn him. Way to get tough on gay porn links!!

Goldi-Lox: HasYukon Been Banned, And If So, Why?
Post Date: 2010-07-20 11:31:56 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Title: Goldi-Lox: HasYukon Been Banned, And If So, Why? Source: LP Source: [None]Published: Jul 20, 2010Author: H2Post Date: 2010-07-20 11:21:12 by Happy2BMe-OnLP Views: 0 HasYukon Been Banned, And If So, Why?

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