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The Fundmental Cause of Feminism
Post Date: 2012-03-21 12:53:46 by Turtle
Society is an apparatus for providing women with resources. Every human society that has survived follows this model. Wombs are the bottleneck of human reproduction. Most men can die off and the size of the next generation is unchanged. Those lucky men who survive don’t miss their dead competitors. The death of one woman not only reduces the size of the next generation, her loss is compounded exponentially over the course of generations. Hundreds of descendants never come into being. Putting women first was the successful group survival strategy of the Stone Age—a strategy that didn’t change as a few farming tribes grew into civilizations. Securing resources for women was ...

Why So Many Bosses are Idiots
Post Date: 2012-03-15 15:56:45 by Turtle
When I got out of college and into the workforce I found, much to my surprise, I was working for semi-incompetent, semi-clueless bosses. Based on my participation in the jobs I’ve held, I’ve come to some conclusions as to what makes an effective leader. 1. Every boss should listen to the rebels and the “trouble-makers.” They’re the ones who tell the truth. Every organization needs someone to tell the emperor he has no clothes. 2. To find out what’s really going on and what needs to be changed, ask the people at the “bottom.” They’re the ones who do most of the work and actually know what the problems are. Not once have I seen this done in any ...

"You're Such a Nice Guy
Post Date: 2012-03-13 13:44:55 by Turtle
I was once included in an interesting conversation about a certain group of women’s inability to find a “nice guy”. The 6 women were all very concerned with the state of contemporary men and the dearth of guys available to them now that felt they’d matured and needed to be appreciated for their readiness to settle down and start a family (see, post-wall, 35+ demographic). “What is it with men these days? It’s like they’re all self-absorbed jerks now.” “I know, but I think it’s just another indicator of how messed up society is now.” “Yeah, why can’t I find a Nice guy? Is that too much to ask for?” “Rollo, what ...

A Dirty T-Shirt and a Bag of Condoms
Post Date: 2012-03-13 13:28:56 by Turtle
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economyPoster Comment:This is what has happened today between men and women -- and has for a while. In these children's minds, it is always the man's fault. This result is because of 40+ years of relentless Marxist-Feminist lesbian-created feminism.

An Email Turtle Got
Post Date: 2012-03-10 12:22:02 by Turtle
Mao actually killed over 110 million Chinese in 27 years and the Soviets killed 70-80 million in the former USSR in 71 years. Wanted to correct your stats. Have you ever read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand ? That and The Vision Of Ayn Rand by Nathaniel Branden, a book of 527 pages text of his 20 NBI Lectures on Objectivism, would help you deal with your issues. Both are available from Amazon. I'm available for consultation too. Poster Comment:This was about an article I had at Occidental Observer a year ago. Ayn Rand..whackjob.

The Southern Poverty Law Center Is Now Writing About Pickup Artists as Hate Groups
Post Date: 2012-03-09 12:42:16 by TooConservative
The Southern Poverty Law Center Is Now Writing About Pickup Artists as Hate Groups The Southern Poverty Law Center, founded in 1971 as a civil rights law firm, has released its latest "Intelligence Report" on hate groups in the United States. This year's report contains a new category: the Manosphere. From the SPLC's introduction to the misogyny report: The so-called “manosphere” is peopled with hundreds of websites, blogs and forums dedicated to savaging feminists in particular and women, very typically American women, in general. Although some of the sites make an attempt at civility and try to back their arguments with facts, they are almost all thick with ...

Downside of rising single motherhood
Post Date: 2012-03-05 13:34:40 by Turtle
The trend toward unwed parenthood has reached a new milestone: More than half of births to American women younger than 30 now occur outside of marriage. Predictably, some lament this as another sign of the fall of civilization. Others see it as something to celebrate. On the feminist blog, a headline unabashedly proclaimed: "The Increase in Single Moms Is Actually a Good Thing." The article argued that women are now empowered enough to be choosy about the men they marry. On, writer Katie Roiphe urges us to recognize that "the facts of American family life no longer match its prevailing fantasies" and that marriage is only one way of raising ...

Hate All Non-Jews, Skvere Rabbis Say
Post Date: 2012-03-03 22:34:53 by Original_Intent
Exclusive: Hate All Non-Jews, Skvere Rabbis Say A recently published book written by a Skvere hasidic rabbi and endorsed by the Skvere Rebbe himself tells Skvere hasidim and other Jews to hate all gentiles. Gentiles are wholly evil, the book says. They spiritually pollute the world, and even looking at their faces is harmful.   The book is called Yalkut Shaiylos u'Teshuvos. As the title indicates, it is a collection of questions and answers on halakhic topics. The questions were asked by young Skvere yeshiva students in New Square, New York. The answers are rabbinic. The section translated below is titled, "Goyyim" and it explains the Skvere hasidic view of ...

Gingrich "I've fallen short of the Glory of God"
Post Date: 2012-02-27 04:02:35 by noone222
Poster Comment:Ya just can't make this shit up !

Rothschilds Want Iran’s Banks
Post Date: 2012-02-12 00:15:20 by christine
Could gaining control of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran (CBI) be one of the main reasons that Iran is being targeted by Western and Israeli powers? As tensions are building up for an unthinkable war with Iran, it is worth exploring Iran’s banking system compared to its U.S., British and Israeli counterparts. Some researchers are pointing out that Iran is one of only three countries left in the world whose central bank is not under Rothschild control.Before 9-11 there were reportedly seven: Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea and Iran. By 2003, however, Afghanistan and Iraq were swallowed up by the Rothschild octopus, and by 2011 Sudan and Libya were ...

Texas AG: Big Pharma Bribes Forced Teens To Be Fraudulently Medicated
Post Date: 2012-02-11 01:16:02 by Original_Intent
Texas attorney general has filed charges against Big Pharma for bribing officials to implement an elaborate scheme to fraudulently diagnose and medicate teenagers for mental illness.   According to a former Pennsylvania Inspector General’s Agent, a pharmaceutical industry-sponsored teen mental health program was created with the “cold-blooded and cold-hearted intent to recruit more children into a very subjective diagnosis of mental illness and to treat those kids with medication.” The whistleblower’s allegations have drawn the attention of the Texas Attorney General who has sued pharma giant Johnson & Johnson regarding its involvement with the program and ...

Amnesia(ty) International Closes Online Poll, Hides Human Rights Hero Winner
Post Date: 2012-02-04 23:14:42 by Original_Intent
Mathaba Online voting for Human Rights Hero 2011 closed one month early, and result censored, after Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi took clear lead along with Nabeel Rajab of Bahrain and Michael Jackson. Image: Hijacked as a money-making business forgetful of western crimes and state-terrorism, true human rights defenders have re-branded AmnestyMathaba News Agency was able to capture evidence of fraud and cheating by Amnesty International USA in its on-line poll for "Human Rights Hero" of 2011.Already under intense criticism worldwide for having ignored the plight of the Libyan people who were bombed and invaded in the name of "human rights" by western powers, leading to ...

Facts About the Tuskegee Airmen
Post Date: 2012-01-27 12:18:40 by Turtle
This letter was not written for publication, but to enlighten you and your staff about some of the errors and misleading information you continue to publish, Perhaps it should be published to set your readers straight. As a WWII Historian and former 8th AF fighter pilot flying 87 missions over Europe during WWII, I am dedicated to factual reporting about the air war in Europe and aviation in general, and I take issue with the media (and not with just AJC) continuing to publish untrue and/or misleading statements about the Tuskegee Airmen (T/A). Although I have great respect for the pilots and achievements of this WWII Fighter Group, I do not appreciate the continuing repetition of myths ...

Sheriff: Food dispute led to Ohio murder-suicide
Post Date: 2012-01-10 21:06:26 by bush_is_a_moonie
A dispute over whether a terminally ill woman should have been given tea and toast or an orange apparently upset her husband so much that he shot and killed two of her sisters and his son before killing himself, a sheriff said Tuesday. The sick woman, 59-year-old Darlene Gilkey, who's dying of cancer, witnessed the shootings from a hospital bed in her living room but was uninjured, Hocking County Sheriff Lanny North said. The woman's son, Ralph Sowers III, told a 911 dispatcher he survived when his stepfather, Paul Gilkey, said he was sparing him because he had kids. Sowers said his stepfather repeatedly warned him to get out of the way before putting the gun above his head and ...

SSRIs and Murder/Suicide
Post Date: 2012-01-10 12:58:01 by Turtle
Murder-Suicide Celexa SSRI Antidepressant* 2010-04-22 Ireland *Jury Finds Celexa Cause of Murder-Suicide: Two Physicians Testify: Foundation Demands Action Murder-Suicide Paxil* [Seroxat] 2001-08-09 Wyoming *Jury Finds Paxil Was Cause of Murder-Suicide Murder-Suicide Attempt Effexor & Paxil* [Seroxat] 2003-06-17 Australia *Mother Acquitted by Using SSRI Defense Murder-Suicide Prozac 1994-06-05 New Jersey +77 Year Old Woman Stabs Husband 35 Times & Stabs Self 50 Times Murder-Suicide Paxil* 1997-04-14 California +Asian: Father Drowns Two Children: Kills Self: Lawsuit Murder-Suicide Zoloft 1998-05-28 California +Famous Comedian Phil Hartman Shot in his Sleep by Wife: She Then ...

Romney Endorser Gov. Christie Talks to Young College Girl About "Going Down"
Post Date: 2012-01-09 20:39:15 by FormerLurker
Poster Comment:Related story; N.J. Gov. Chris Christie Responds to Female Hecklers With Offensive Oral Sex Joke

Militarists, Drug Warriors, and Heresy-Hunters: The Anti-Ron Paul Axis of "Decency"
Post Date: 2011-12-31 01:10:10 by Original_Intent
Toxic smugness: Google the term "Backpfeifengesicht." Newt Gingrich, lapsed adulterer, impenitent warmonger, and self-appointed “teacher of civilization,” has excommunicated Ron Paul and his supporters from the ranks of human decency. A similar anathema has been pronounced by left-wing heresy hunter David Neiwert -- a former sidekick to the degenerate fraud named Morris Dees – and many other self-appointed political “watchdogs.” Those banishment decrees condemn Dr. Paul and his supporters for rejecting the fundamental tenet of statism – the belief that officially sanctioned lethal coercion is the key to social progress.  "I think ...

I need site help finding an old post
Post Date: 2011-12-22 23:11:18 by 2dollarbill
I'm sorry to waste the bandwidth, but I need to find an old post quickly. It was posted here maybe 2 years or so ago by someone who didn't get the attention they wanted, never the less, it was interesting. It had to do with physopaths, socialpaths, homos, and the what not. I believe he had "john" something in his screen name of some sorts. Does anyone remeber or could point me in the general direction? Thanks in advance and sorry for the trouble.

Damn, this is REALLY sick.
Post Date: 2011-12-17 19:35:37 by Esso
Now that footage of the cringe-worthy pep rally prank has gone viral, John Wollersheim says as the school principal he owes an apology to everyone who was offended by the incestual display. Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:Wollersheim... That's Iranian, right?

The Wannabe Ninjas
Post Date: 2011-12-14 15:16:26 by Turtle
The time: right about now. The location: these days, just about any place in the United States. The characters: an accountant, a Chevy Cavalier, a poodle, and several police dressed completely in black, just like ninjas in a cheap kung fu film. Wannabe Ninjas: BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! Accountant (getting out of car): What the heck is this? (He looks down and counts all the holes in him.) You idiots just shot me 54 times! I'm not going to survive this, you know! And I've got a wife and two young daughters! Head Wannabe Ninja: You're a drug dealer! Accountant: I am not! I'm an accountant! See the horn-rimmed glasses, the pocket protector and the tidy little mustache? ...

Rick Perry flubs Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s name, misstates number of justices
Post Date: 2011-12-11 11:23:24 by christine
Rick Perry just can't catch a break. The gaffe-prone Republican presidential candidate had another "oops" moment on Friday, when he flubbed the name of Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor during a meeting with the Des Moines Register newspaper. The interview became even more cringe-worthy when he misstated the number of justices. The slipup happened as Perry criticized President Obama's two Supreme Court picks. "When you see his appointment of two, from my perspective, inarguably activist judges, whether it was…" the Texas governor said before trailing off. He paused for six seconds. "Not Montemayor," said Perry. "Sotomayor," a ...

Calif. prison psychologist accused of faking rape
Post Date: 2011-12-10 15:41:30 by Original_Intent
Calif. prison psychologist accused of faking rape By DON THOMPSON - Associated Press By DON THOMPSON Published: 12/09/11Saturday, Dec. 10, 2011 7 Comments var addthis_title = document.title.replace(/'/g,''').replace(/"/g,"""); var addthis_url = location.href+'?storylink=addthis'; function fbs_click() {u=location.href;t=document.title;''+encodeURIComponent(u)+'&t='+encodeURIComponent(t),'sharer','toolbar=0,status=0,width=626,height=436');return false;} Email Storyclose Email Story ...

Alleged victim says cries for help from Sandusky basement went unheeded
Post Date: 2011-12-08 20:49:56 by AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt
One of the new alleged victims in the sexual harassment case against former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky told a grand jury that Sandusky's wife ignored his screams for help while Sandusky raped him in the basement of their home. Sandusky rearrested in The young man, identified in the new complaint as Victim No. 9, who is now 18 years old, said in his testimony that Sandusky attempted to rape him at least 16 times, sometimes successfully. "I took it at first he was just a nice guy, like he went to church every weekend, his kids come over every once in a while and stuff," the young man ...

Japan, Russia see chance to clone mammoth
Post Date: 2011-12-05 00:00:13 by Tatarewicz
TOKYO — Scientists from Japan and Russia believe it may be possible to clone a mammoth after finding well-preserved bone marrow in a thigh bone recovered from permafrost soil in Siberia, a report said Saturday. Teams from the Sakha Republic's mammoth museum and Japan's Kinki University will launch fully-fledged joint research next year aiming to recreate the giant mammal, Japan's Kyodo News reported from Yakutsk, Russia. By replacing the nuclei of egg cells from an elephant with those taken from the mammoth's marrow cells, embryos with mammoth DNA can be produced, Kyodo said, citing the researchers. The scientists will then plant the embryos into elephant wombs for ...

CROUSE: Normalizing Penn State pedophilia [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2011-11-27 00:43:57 by Original_Intent
The vast majority of Americans are outraged at the recent accusations of child rape by a former member of the football coaching staff at Penn State University and the seeming cover-up by the university’s president and legendary head football coach. At the same time, a small, radical organization, B4U-ACT, is lobbying under the radar to convince the American Psychiatric Association (APA) - publisher of the bible for identifying abnormal behaviors, the Diagnostic&StatisticalManualofMental Disorders (DSM) -to declare that pedophilia should not be included in the list of abnormal behaviors.Members of the APA need to listen to the public outcry and disregard members of B4U-ACT. Raping ...

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