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Turtle Unfriended at Facebook
Post Date: 2014-03-24 20:32:09 by Turtle
A woman at Facebook, who apparently decided to Friend me because I am so cute, decided to unFriend me after I commented that Yomama is a blue-gummed half-breed Commie and one of the worst Presidents the U.S. ever had. Some people are so touchy. Especially those who can't see what Yomama really is and instead worship him.

Man on meth fights off 12 cops while masturbating in bar (alt. title)
Post Date: 2013-12-28 20:09:02 by X-15
A Beaverton man was arrested following a string of erratic outbursts that culminated in the suspect allegedly masturbating in a Salem roadhouse, officials said. It took a Taser and more than a dozen officers on Sunday to finally subdue Andrew Frey inside Iggy's Bar & Grill on Portland Road Northeast, the Marion County Sheriff's office said. The 37-year-old man later told authorities he had used methamphetamine the day before and had no recollection of the alleged wild behavior, according to officials. The brouhaha began around 1 p.m. when sheriff's deputies started receiving reports of man acting bizarrely in the 9000 block of Brooklake Road Northeast, officials said. ...

Same-sex Couple to “Wed” on Rose Parade Float
Post Date: 2013-12-28 20:01:25 by X-15
Homosexual activists have found a way to besmirch the reputation of yet another American cultural institution. The Pasadena Star News, the California hometown newspaper of the 125-year-old Tournament of Roses Parade, reported that at the upcoming January 1 parade, two homosexuals, identified as Danny Leclair, 45, and Aubrey Loots, 42, will stage a same-sex “wedding” ceremony “atop a giant wedding cake-shaped float sponsored by the AIDS Healthcare Foundation.” The paper recalled that the “first-ever live wedding during the annual Rose Parade took place in 1989. It was called the 'most widely witnessed wedding in American history'” — and, of course, ...

George Bush Sr. Cavorts With Cheerleaders, His Proclivity For Underage Male Call-Boys Not Mentioned In Goofy PR Stunt
Post Date: 2013-12-27 15:49:15 by Artisan
George H.W. Bush was featured in a goofy series of stories this week as he galavanted around surrounded by smiling scantily-clad Texas cheerleaders. However, the stories neglected to reveal this evil old geezer's true proclivities, which is underage male prostitutes, as documented in The Washington Times, June 29, 1989 Front page story: "Homosexual prositution inquiry ensnares VIPs with Reagan, Bush: 'Call Boys' took midnight tour of White House." [Article continues here.]

Nelson Mandela funeral: George W. Bush, Bill and Hillary Clinton to attend Mandela memorial
Post Date: 2013-12-07 00:38:25 by X-15
Former Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will travel to South Africa for Nelson Mandela's memorials next week,while former President George H.W. Bush will be staying home. The younger Bush and former first lady Laura Bush "gratefully accepted" the invitation of President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama to travel aboard Air Force One, spokesman Freddy Ford said. The trip will be for "memorial services next week," but Ford didn't specify whether that means the Obamas and Bushes will attend a large memorial planned for Dec. 10 in Johannesburg or go to the state funeral set for Dec. 15 in Mandela's ...

Texas Cop Arrested For Raping Teenaged Girl at Traffic Stop, Released on Bond
Post Date: 2013-11-25 23:40:36 by Artisan
SAN ANTONIO – Officer J. Neal with the San Antonio Police Department has been charged with sexual assault. Reports state that he was on-duty when he began following a teenage girl for several blocks before finally stopping her. The girl says Officer Neal used the excuse that “her car was stolen.” He then did a forcible “pat down.” She pleaded for a female officer, but he continued. Then he handcuffed her and forced her to the back of his squad car where she was groped, assaulted, and raped, according to reports. The girl reported the rape immediately. It turns out that this is the third time Officer Neal has been accused of sexual “misconduct.” ...

Father who filed complaint against Sheriff learns of murdered son's fate on Facebook, after Sheriff fails to notify him
Post Date: 2013-11-17 17:50:29 by Artisan
The father of a missing man who had filed a complaint against the San Diego Sheriff's Department for their mishandling of his son's case has revealed that he had to find out about the discovery of his son's remains on Facebook, after the Sheriff failed to even notify him of the tragic discovery. Joseph McStay, who disappeared with his wife and two sons in February 2010 from their Fallbrook Ca. home, was found with his family November 10, 2013 in shallow graves in the desert near Victorville, CA. Patrick McStay told CBS News that the department was the "dumbest, most corrupt organization" he's ever seen, and that he "hasn't heard a word from anyone" ...

FMCSA Administrator describes "smack in the face" & "much clearer view" after riding in an actual big rig for 2 days
Post Date: 2013-11-07 17:31:30 by Artisan
Anne S. Ferro, administrator of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has taken a ride-along with an actual trucker for two days and described the experience as a "smack in the face." She added that the experience has been "very enlightening" and has given her "a much different and a much clearer view" of the real life challenges that truckers face. Ferro had been challenged at a Congressional hearing in June when a lawmaker asked her "What would be so hard about you actually going and getting hands on experience?" [Article continues here.

FBI’s Comey Orders New Agents to Visit MLK Memorial
Post Date: 2013-10-29 18:21:18 by X-15
The new director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation said he will make all new agents visit the memorial to Martin Luther King Jr., in order to remind them “of the dangers in becoming untethered to oversight and accountability.’’ James Comey announced the new practice in a speech Monday at his formal installation as the seventh head of the FBI. The ceremony was held in the courtyard of FBI headquarters. In the 1990s, then-FBI Director Louis Freeh ordered that all new agents would visit the Holocaust Memorial Museum, in order to see what can happen when government power is abused. Mr. Comey is expanding that tradition and adding to it by ordering new agents to visit the ...

The Real Hillary Clinton is revealed and it isn't pretty..... Documented & Published outbursts by Hillary Clinton
Post Date: 2013-10-26 17:57:02 by X-15
This "Lady" wants to be President. "Where is the G*damn f**king flag! I want the G*damn f**king flag up every morning at f**king sunrise." -From the book "Inside the White House" by Ronald Kessler, p.244- Hillary to her staff at the Arkansas Governor's mansion on Labor Day 1991. F**k off! It's enough I have to see you shit-kickers every day, I'm not going to talk to you too!! Just do your G*damn job and keep your mouth shut." -From the book "America Evita" by Christopher Anderson, p.90-Hillary to her State Trooper body guards after one of them greeted her with "Good Morning" "If you want to remain on this detail, ...

Schoolkid Grabs Cops' AR-15 & Shoots It During Police Safety Demonstration
Post Date: 2013-10-23 23:17:03 by Artisan
By Martin Hill October 23, 2013 A student at a "Red Ribbon Week" event in Chino California grabbed the AR-15 mounted on a police motorcycle and shot the weapon, injuring three people. The incident occurred at Newman Elementary School, only about out a mile from the Chino Police Department. At a press conference held Wednesday evening at the Police station, The public information officer began by saying that the annual 'Red Ribbon' event is held for the students to "provide them with information on safety programs." was there and has exclusive coverage of the entire press conference, and well as interviews with neighbors around ...

Turtle Banned Twice from Facebook, so he Quits
Post Date: 2013-09-27 20:28:02 by Turtle
I was once banned for 12 hours from Facebook for telling George Takei to quit whining about his faggotry and the fact he is a Jap. I suggested if he had not lucked out into Star Trek he'd be trolling the docks in San Francisco waiting for the ships to roll in so he could blow sailors. The second time I told some fool to not compare the prejudice against the Irish over 100 year ago to diseased child-molesting faggots and niggers, who are genetic rapists and murderers. So, I'm done with the place. Violating "Community Standards," blech.

Brown University Students To Host Nudity Week
Post Date: 2013-09-27 01:54:44 by noone222
PROVIDENCE, RI (CBS) – Some students at Brown University are ditching their clothes for a week to celebrate nudity. Nudity in the Upspace includes nude open mic nights, yoga classes, body painting, a discussion forum and other nude student performances and events. The discussion forum is described as “an open and honest discussion about power, privilege, race, class, gender, ability, and other isms how they intersect with nudity, body image, nudity in relation to (de)sexuality, etc.” Becca Wolinsky and Camila Pacheco-Fores, both juniors at the Ivy League school, are coordinating the week-long series of events. They say their hope is to promote education and a positive ...

Illegal alien amnesty activist, widely celebrated in the media, arrested for child porn
Post Date: 2013-09-20 13:22:48 by Prefrontal Vortex
Illegal alien amnesty activist, widely celebrated in the media, arrested for child porn A widely celebrated “undocumented immigration reform activist” allegedly confessed to Federal agents to downloading child porn off of the internet for years. Roy Naim is being described as a “non-citizen” from Israel by CNN. According to previous feature articles in TIME magazine and The Jewish Daily Forward, he admits to being an illegal alien. Apparently he has also distributed a picture of himself online where he outs himself as an illegal alien from Israel. He is also appears to have no source of income. He volunteers to work with children for a Jewish community group in New ...

George P. Bush
Post Date: 2013-09-19 12:18:39 by X-15
Dear Friend— As a native Texan, I believe that our state is an exceptional place and we can work together to make it even better--which is why I’m running for Texas Land Commissioner.We need conservative leadership based on the conservative values that make our state great. As a public school teacher, I learned that we need more accountability from our schools and more options for our parents. Education is often measured by inputs; it needs to be measured by outcomes. As a businessman, I learned that government can’t create jobs; but it can prevent the creation of jobs. Jobs come from small business, and entrepreneurs need the freedom to pursue their dreams and create ...

TX Troopers cry 'harassment,' seek Protective Order against Plaintiff in Civil rights lawsuit
Post Date: 2013-08-28 13:30:36 by Artisan
Two Texas Troopers who are being sued in a federal civil rights lawsuit have filed a brief claiming 'harassment' and are seeking a protective order against the plaintiff, in order to avoid disclosing information in the discovery phase of the trial. The suit stems from a 2010 incident in which the troopers illegally demanded ID from the plaintiff under threat of arrest, with no probable cause. What's interesting is that when the incident actually occurred on the dark roadside in the middle of nowhere, Troopers menaced "I'm the one with the badge and the gun." But once called on their behavior in a court of law and in the public sphere, the troopers aren't as ...

Rand Paul on Bradley Manning Verdict: “I don’t have a lot of sympathy” [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2013-08-20 09:48:40 by Artisan
There's terrible news out about Rand Paul and comments he has made about Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden. At a Cato University event, Rand stated that there need to be some laws that protect certain secrets and that Manning put many lives at risk by releasing millions of pages “willy-nilly,” reports DL Magazine. “There do have to be laws to protect some secrets. I think if you’ve got the, you know, the plans on how to make a nuclear bomb that is a state secret. If you give that to the enemy, that is being treasonous,” said Rand, “Even if you reveal it, you just have to have laws against that. What Manning did was just willy-nilly, just released ...

Money, Money, Money, Money, MONEY!
Post Date: 2013-08-18 12:04:28 by Ada
WASHINGTON — CLINTON nostalgia is being replaced by Clinton neuralgia. Go to Columnist Page » Related News Unease at Clinton Foundation Over Finances and Ambitions (August 14, 2013) Why is it that America’s roil family always seems better in abstract than in concrete? The closer it gets to running the world once more, the more you are reminded of all the things that bugged you the last time around. The Clintons’ neediness, their sense of what they are owed in material terms for their public service, their assumption that they’re entitled to everyone’s money. Click for Full Text!

10-year-old girl arrested for allegedly raping 4-year-old boy
Post Date: 2013-08-10 17:06:17 by Big Meanie
HOUSTON -- The mother of a 10-year-old girl accused of raping a 4-year-old boy in their apartment complex said police have got it all wrong. “She was just being a child having fun and playing,” the woman said. “She didn’t know she was doing anything wrong.” According to the mom, the girl has been charged with raping the boy in the courtyard of the complex. Houston Police confirmed an incident was reported back in April. A juvenile sex crimes investigator was assigned to the case, and an arrest was made late last week. “Me and my mom were crying and then she took me to the police car,” said the little girl. “I didn’t want to get ...

Turtle Banned for 12 Hours from Facebook
Post Date: 2013-08-09 21:00:27 by Turtle
Turtle is banned for 12 hours from Facebook for making fun of Jap fagboy George Takei, (Sulu) who supports faggots over everyone else. Turtle suggested that if he had not lucked out into Star Trek he'd be wandering the wharfs working for sailors to blow. Facebook was not amused about the truth about the Jap fagboy.

Exclusive: FBI allowed informants to commit 5,600 crimes
Post Date: 2013-08-04 12:09:20 by Ada
USA TODAY exclusive: New documents show FBI agents gave their informants permission to break the law thousands of times in 2011. FBI agents gave confidential informants permission to break the law 5,600 times in 2011 New documents offer the first public view of how often FBI sources are allowed to break the law Rules were tightened after the FBI said it used accused mobster James "Whitey" Bulger as an informant WASHINGTON — The FBI gave its informants permission to break the law at least 5,658 times in a single year, according to newly disclosed documents that show just how often the nation's top law enforcement agency enlists criminals to help it battle crime. The ...

Hacker Forces Colin Powell To Deny Affair
Post Date: 2013-08-01 17:06:45 by noone222
8 Comments AUGUST 1--As a notorious hacker seeks to distribute “very personal” e-mails sent to Colin Powell by a female Romanian diplomat, the retired general is denying that he engaged in an extramarital affair with the woman while he served as Secretary of State, though he recently advised her to delete all their online exchanges, The Smoking Gun has learned. In a statement addressing his relationship with Corina Cretu, a member of the European Parliament who previously held a series of ...

Anthony Weiner acknowledges more explicit texts
Post Date: 2013-07-23 21:43:42 by bush_is_a_moonie
In response to a report on a gossip Web site, New York mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner acknowledged Tuesday that he continued to engage in explicit online exchanges after resigning from Congress. “My resignation was not a point in time that was nearly as important to my wife and me as the challenges” in my marriage, Weiner said at a press conference in Manhattan. “Some of these things happened before my resignation, some of them happened after.” The newly-revealed Facebook messages, posted on gossip site The Dirty, allegedly were sent by Weiner using the alias “Carlos Danger” to a 22-year-old woman between August and November of 2012. According to the site, ...

Outrage as news station is duped into reporting false and racist names for the Asiana crash pilots... as it emerges an NTSB INTERN was behind the prank
Post Date: 2013-07-13 03:07:51 by noone222
A San Francisco Bay area television station is apologizing for an on-air gaffe that has viewers outraged. During the midday broadcast on Friday, presenter Tori Campbell, announced that her news station, KTVU, had just learned the names of the four pilots who were on board Asiana flight 214 when it crashed at San Francisco International Airport on Saturday. She then proceeded to read out four fake names from a teleprompter whilst keeping a straight face. The names, which may have originated as a joke online, were apparently given to the station by an intern working for the summer at the NTSB. The names poked fun at the fact the plane crash as it attempted to land, but crashed as it ...

Rand Paul "Assures" Evangelicals That He Doesn't Want to End the Drug War
Post Date: 2013-07-08 12:52:28 by Artisan
In preparation for a 2016 presidential run, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) is courting evangelical leaders. And we all know what that means! It's time to throw those hedonistic, libertine, drug-obsessed libertarians under the bus. The Washington Post reports on how that's going: At a lunch Friday with about a dozen evangelical pastors in a Cedar Rapids hotel, the younger Paul assured the group that he disagrees with libertarians who support legalizing drugs. When one pastor inquired about ideological ties between Paul and his father, the senator asked that he be judged as his own man. Paul said he believes in freedom and wants a “virtuous society” where people practice ...

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