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The Stellinga
Post Date: 2016-05-10 19:47:37 by Ada
From my post on The Freemen, I introduced the larger-than-life Harm and the person who soon became his charge, Erin. Erin has grown quite curious of Harm, his background, and the history of those Harm often refers to as “my people.” Another of Harm’s “people,” Bern, explains…you have to go back to Charlemagne – or, as Bern calls him, “Carl the Butcher.” From The Last of the Freemen, by Carl Trotz: “So Carl the Butcher,” Bern continued, “he was in the business of killing, conquering people, taking their land, demanding tribute from the survivors in perpetuity. Common enough, the Romans did it, they do it today, invading in the ...

1972 Jeremiah Johnson - Trailer
Post Date: 2016-05-08 18:45:12 by BTP Holdings
A mountain man who wishes to live the life of a hermit becomes the unwilling object of a long vendetta by Indians, and proves to be a match for their warriors in one-on-one combat on the early frontier. Director: Sydney Pollack Writers: Vardis Fisher (novel), Raymond W. Thorp (story "Crow Killer") Stars: Robert Redford, Will Geer, Delle Bolton Poster Comment:1972 was the year I graduated High School.

How the Curse of Sykes-Picot Still Haunts the Middle East
Post Date: 2016-05-08 16:08:50 by X-15
In the Middle East, few men are pilloried these days as much as Sir Mark Sykes and François Georges-Picot. Sykes, a British diplomat, travelled the same turf as T. E. Lawrence (of Arabia), served in the Boer War, inherited a baronetcy, and won a Conservative seat in Parliament. He died young, at thirty-nine, during the 1919 flu epidemic. Picot was a French lawyer and diplomat who led a long but obscure life, mainly in backwater posts, until his death, in 1950. But the two men live on in the secret agreement they were assigned to draft, during the First World War, to divide the Ottoman Empire’s vast land mass into British and French spheres of influence. The Sykes-Picot Agreement ...

The Rothschilds & The Civil War
Post Date: 2016-05-07 09:58:50 by BTP Holdings
The Rothschilds & The Civil War Excerpted From 'Descent Into Slavery' By Des Griffin Chapter Five 10-23-7 It would be extraordinarily naive to even consider the possibility that a family as ambitious, as cunning and as monopolistically minded as the Rothschilds could resist the temptation of becoming heavily involved on the American front. Following their conquest of Europe early in the 1800s, the Rothschilds cast their covetous eyes on the most precious gem of them all -- the United States. America was unique in modern history. It was only the second nation in history that had ever been formed with the Bible as its law book. Its uniquely magnificent Constitution was ...

Was the rise of the Roman Empire helped by VOLCANOES? Experts say massive eruptions could have triggered revolts in rival empires
Post Date: 2016-05-02 16:48:19 by Ada
Yale researchers combined historical accounts with climate data Evidence of eruptions came from sulphate in Greenland and Antarctica The eruptions helped destroy the Ptolemaic Kingdom on the Nile Eight out of 9 revolts against rulers began within 2 years of eruption dates By Major volcanic eruptions may have paved the way for the Roman Empire's success in Egypt and the Middle East. These eruptions helped destroy the Ptolemaic Kingdom on the Nile, which ruled in the Hellenistic period, scientists say. The domestic unrest and ensuing uprising led to the Kingdom's destruction in Egypt and North Africa 30 BC. Scroll down for video Major volcanic eruptions may have paved the way ...

Post Date: 2016-05-02 14:38:11 by Ada
On the eastern slopes of the Andes Mountains, in the remote San Martin Province of Peru, lie the abandoned ruins of a mysterious civilization. Modern Peruvians tell us that a people whom they call the Chachapoya, “the cloud people,” built these structures. The most notable of these is the massive Kuelap Fortress, which contains more stone than even the pyramid of Cheops in Egypt. The Chachapoyan civilization, which according to the carbon-14 dating method dates at least as far back as 400 AD, existed until around 1500 AD. At that time, it succumbed to two external forces that arose in short succession. First, the expanding Incan Empire, which conquered the Chachapoyan civilization ...

Oliver Cromwell and the Jews: a correction
Post Date: 2016-05-02 00:24:12 by X-15
Ken Livingstone was caught off guard recently. In an interview with he was asked how London was going to celebrate next year's 350th anniversary of the readmission of the Jews to England. He replied: "Well, until you mentioned it, I hadn't remembered when we had re-admitted the Jews. I can't even remember who threw them out!" Fortunately for the mayor, his office is one step ahead of him. "Jews were welcomed by Cromwell in 1656," reads a new guide to Jewish cultural events in London. "Throughout 2006, we pay special tribute to their heritage, presence and future in Britain." The celebrations kick off next week, when two public ...

THIS DAY 80 YEARS AGO: FDR's Evil Executive Order Required Citizens to Turn in All Gold to the Government by This Day
Post Date: 2016-05-01 23:43:07 by Artisan
Americans were not allowed to own gold from that date until President Gerald Ford signed Executive Order 11825 on December 31, 1974 revoking FDR's order. Note Well: Nothing says it couldn't happen again. Poster Comment:original document at source

Le Corbusier, Piaf, the feuding Le Pens … the wartime rifts that still divide France
Post Date: 2016-04-27 20:17:45 by BTP Holdings
Le Corbusier, Piaf, the feuding Le Pens … the wartime rifts that still divide France Modern divisions have roots in unresolved conflicts of the Nazi occupation German soldiers German officers and Parisians mingle near a cafe on the Champs Elysees on Bastille Day in 1940. Photograph: Chas. Baulard/ Bettmann/CORBIS Andrew Hussey in Paris Saturday 9 May 2015 19.04 EDT This weekend marks the 70th anniversary of the moment when Charles de Gaulle announced to the French nation that it had finally come through the sufferings of the Nazi occupation. For as long as almost any Frenchman or woman can remember, 8 May has been a public holiday, marked by military parades and ...

Swiss Alps saw cheesemaking in Iron Age, say researchers
Post Date: 2016-04-27 20:03:02 by X-15
Alpine cheesemaking in Switzerland could be as much as 3,000 years old, say British researchers who have unearthed exciting new archaeological evidence dating back to the Iron Age. Archaeologists from the universities of York and Newcastle analyzed residues on ceramic pots found at six places in the Swiss Alps and discovered evidence of cheesemaking. Residues on pottery fragments dating from the Iron Age – which started around 1,000BC – showed evidence of heating milk as part of the cheesemaking process, the team said in a statement. The fragments were found in the ruins of stone buildings similar to those used by modern Swiss dairy farmers working in alpine pastures in ...

Hitler Deserted the Reich in 1945, and Lit Out for Argentina
Post Date: 2016-04-26 01:03:00 by Tatarewicz
PravdaMainForum... Quote The photo in the montage top left allegedly taken in Chile shows Adolf Hitler when he was over 90 years old, he died in Mendoza Argentina in December 1985, where he had spent forty years after fleeing the Reich in 1945, protected by the local Sephardic Jewish community and the Nazi SS. He was a grandson of Baron Salomon Mayer Rothschild of Vienna, he was buried in a public cemetery in Palmira 30 Miles southeast of Mendoza, he completed many paintings. d27347255888.jpg Quote Hanna Reitsch landed her Fieseler Fi 156 Storch in the Tiergarten near the Brandenburg Gate April 26, 1945, departing in a ...

‘America’s War for the Greater Middle East,’ by Andrew J. Bacevich
Post Date: 2016-04-23 06:49:05 by Ada
A Military History By Andrew J. Bacevich Illustrated. 453 pp. Random House. $30. In the opening chapter of his latest book, the military historian Andrew J. Bacevich blames Jimmy Carter, a president commonly viewed as more meek than martial, for unwittingly spawning 35 years of American military intervention in the Middle East. Bacevich argues that three mistakes by Carter set precedents that led to decades of squandered American lives and treasure. First, Carter called on Americans to stop worshiping “self-indulgence and consumption” and join a nationwide effort to conserve energy. Self-sacrifice, he argued in what is now widely derided as Carter’s “malaise ...

Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler 2016
Post Date: 2016-04-20 22:11:00 by X-15

And We Danced (What has happened to us and our JOY ?)
Post Date: 2016-04-15 07:25:09 by noone222
Poster Comment:Joy to the World !

10 Strange Cold War Tales Left Out Of The History Books
Post Date: 2016-04-13 08:40:00 by Ada
6We’ve previously talked about bizarre things that happened during the Cold War, and there are many more such stories. Four decades truly is more than enough time for all sorts of wackiness. Click for Full Text!

JFK Jr. Told The World Who Murdered His Father – But Nobody Was Paying Attention
Post Date: 2016-04-13 03:29:27 by Tatarewicz
Article has many pictures; some quotes: Hunt was directly involved in the murder of JFK And (GHW) Bush supervised Hunt." “The Khazarian Mafia’s intense hatred of anyone who professed faith in any God but their god Baal has motivated them to murder kings and royalty, and make sure they can never rule. They have done the same with American presidents – running sophisticated covert operations to disempower them. If that doesn’t work the KM assassinates them, like they did to McKinley, Lincoln and JFK. The KM wants to eliminate any strong rulers or elected officials who dare to resist their Babylonian money-magick power or their covert power gained from their ...

New Evidence on When Bible Was Written: Ancient Shopping Lists
Post Date: 2016-04-11 21:18:04 by Ada
Letters inscribed on pottery, known as ostracons, which were unearthed in an excavation of a fort in Arad, Israel, and dated to about 600 B.C., shortly before Nebuchadnezzar’s destruction of Jerusalem. Credit Michael Cordonsky/Israel Antiquities Authority TEL AVIV — Eliashib, the quartermaster of the remote desert fortress, received his instructions in writing — notes inscribed in ink on pottery asking for provisions to be sent to forces in the ancient kingdom of Judah. The requests for wine, flour and oil read like mundane, if ancient, shopping lists. But a new analysis of the handwriting suggests that literacy may have been far more widespread than previously known in ...

Neanderthals may have died off from diseases carried by humans from Africa
Post Date: 2016-04-11 09:48:31 by Ada
Diseases and infections passed on by the ancestors of modern humans when they moved out of Africa and into Europe may have helped wipe out the Neanderthals who previously dominated the continent. The unfortunate Neanderthals, who would only have developed resistance to the diseases of their European environment, are most likely to have been infected with a bacterium that causes stomach ulcers, the virus that causes genital herpes, tapeworms and tuberculosis. The impact on the Neanderthals was described as catastrophic by the scientists behind the new research, who published their findings in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology . The diseases and infections to which the hunter- ...

Britain’s Terrorist-in-Chief
Post Date: 2016-04-09 08:53:19 by Ada
…the RAF bombed Iraqi and Afghani tribespeople on several occasions – and met with success in repressing uprisings in those colonies. – Ted Grimsrud, The Good War That Wasn’t – and Why it Matters, referring to the time between the two World Wars. One hundred years and counting. Remember: they hate us for our freedom. From the World Future Fund (WFF): Britain has the dubious distinction of being the nation that did more to perfect a system of mass murder of civilians by means of air power than any other nation on earth. Theories on British terrorism from the air were put to the test even as early as the Great War: Even during the First World War, [Hugh] ...

Britain’s Terrorist-in-Chief
Post Date: 2016-04-07 10:33:54 by Ada
…the RAF bombed Iraqi and Afghani tribespeople on several occasions – and met with success in repressing uprisings in those colonies. – Ted Grimsrud, The Good War That Wasn’t – and Why it Matters, referring to the time between the two World Wars. One hundred years and counting. Remember: they hate us for our freedom. From the World Future Fund (WFF): Britain has the dubious distinction of being the nation that did more to perfect a system of mass murder of civilians by means of air power than any other nation on earth. Theories on British terrorism from the air were put to the test even as early as the Great War: Even during the First World War, [Hugh] ...

Unexpected and Gruesome Battle of 1250 BC Involved 4,000 Men from Across Northern Europe
Post Date: 2016-04-07 10:27:43 by Ada
A battlefield of 3,250 years ago in Germany is yielding remains of wounded warriors, wooden clubs, spear points, flint and bronze arrowheads and bronze knives and swords. The gruesome scene, frozen in time by peat, is unlike anything else from the Bronze Age in Northern Europe, where, researchers thought, large-scale warfare didn’t begin until later. As it is, no one knows who these people were who fought on the banks of the Tollense River in northern Germany near the Baltic Sea because there are no written records from the time. But analysis of the remains of the 130 men, most between ages 20 and 30, found so far shows some may have been from hundreds of kilometers ...

New satellite images reveal fresh evidence that Vikings settled in North America
Post Date: 2016-04-02 08:20:06 by Ada
The Vikings' claim to be the first Europeans to reach North America will receive a huge boost, with the announcement of the discovery of a new site that marks the farthest known westerly point of the Norse exploration across the Atlantic. Scientists working with the BBC will today reveal that they believe they have discovered only the second known Viking site in North America, on the Canadian island of Newfoundland, 400 miles south-west of a settlement discovered in the 1960s – the farthest known point of all the Viking voyages. The remains of metal and turf, dating to sometime between 800AD and 1300AD, were excavated after sophisticated new satellite searches, and give ...

Egyptian hieroglyphics digitally restored to former psychedelic glory (VIDEOS)
Post Date: 2016-03-31 10:00:33 by Ada
Archaeologists at New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art have digitally restored artwork from an ancient Egyptian temple, showing the time of the pharaohs in an incredibly detailed and colorful light. Due to 2,000 years of flooding and the harsh desert sandstorms, many of the original signs that ancient Egyptian architecture was once vibrant and brightly colored have been wiped away. However, by studying first hand accounts of Egyptian explorers - such as early diagrams by Britain’s Aylward M. Blackman - and even the ancient civilisation’s fashion sense, experts have reimagined the mesmerizing colors which would have adorned the Temple of Dendur. The 10 BC temple once ...

America’s Planned War on Great Britain
Post Date: 2016-03-31 09:49:38 by Ada
Here is an interesting documentary on War Plan Red — the US contingency war plans against the British Empire in the early 1930s. However, the researchers poorly researched the political-economic background for this possible war. Although little known to the general public today, this is a topic of which I have been familiar with since the 1970s through the fascinating works of journalist Ludwell Denny. Denny wrote two excellent books during this period, We Fight For Oil (1928), and America Conquers Britain: A Record of Economic War (1930). Here is a link to both books online. This possible war between the British Empire and the United States was not as farfetched as many would believe ...

Whites in Servitude in Early America and Industrial Britain
Post Date: 2016-03-30 14:37:30 by X-15
In 1997, Prime Minister Paul Keating of Australia refused to show "proper respect" to Britain's Queen Elizabeth II during her state visit. In response, Terry Dicks, a Conservative member of the British Parliament said, "It's a country of ex-convicts, so we should not be surprised by the rudeness of their prime minister." A slur such as this would be considered unthinkable if it were uttered against any other class or race of people except the descendants of White slavery. Dicks' remark is not only offensive, it is ignorant and false. Most of Australia's "convicts" were shipped into servitude for such "crimes" as stealing seven yards ...

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