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Hail kills English troops (April 13, 1360)
Post Date: 2017-11-18 18:39:43 by Horse
On so-called “Black Monday” (April 13th)in 1360, a hail storm kills an estimated 1,000 English soldiers in Chartres, France. The storm and the devastation it caused also played a part in the Hundred Years’ War between England and France. The Hundred Years’ War began in 1337; by 1359, King Edward III of England was actively attempting to conquer France. In October, he took a massive force across the English Channel to Calais. The French refused to engage in direct fights and stayed behind protective walls throughout the winter, while Edward pillaged the countryside. In April 1360, Edward’s forces burned the Paris suburbs and began to move toward Chartres. While ...

P-40 Kittyhawk firing 50 calibre machine guns in flight
Post Date: 2017-11-18 00:09:57 by X-15
Poster Comment:Shooting blanks, but still what a sound!!

Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy
Post Date: 2017-11-11 20:43:01 by Ada
New Historical Expose Uncovers Serious Discrepancies in Deaths of Leading Anti-Communist American Leaders “This is one of the most important books ever written including, for the first time, how JFK’s orders for a preemptory air strike against the Cuban Airforce, canceled at the last minute doomed the Bay of Pigs invasion.” – Roger Stone In the mid-twentieth century, global communism was one of the biggest threats America ever faced. After defeating Nazi totalitarianism in World War II, America faced the challenge of becoming even more vigilant against communists trying to seize global power. Political leaders emerged to dedicate their careers to fighting communist ...

How the CIA 'found' Hitler alive in Colombia in 1954: Agency was told about man with a VERY familiar face who lived in an ex-SS community where he was called The Fuhrer and given Nazi salutes, declassified files show
Post Date: 2017-11-01 19:25:30 by Ada
Declassified CIA report details claims about a man claiming to be Hitler living in Colombia in the 1950s Phillip Citroen, a former SS officer, told agents a man called Adolf Schuttlemayer was living in the town of Tunja, 85 miles north of Bogota, among a group of former Nazis in 1954 Citroen said the men called Schuttlemayer The Fuhrer, gave him Nazi salutes and 'afforded him storm-trooper adulation' He even provided a photograph showing a man with a strong likeness of Hitler Citroen said Hitler left Colombia in January 1955 and moved to Argentina The CIA was told about a man claiming to be Adolf Hitler who lived in Colombia among a community of ex-Nazis during the Fifties, ...

What If Rousseau Was Right?
Post Date: 2017-10-31 05:20:29 by Ada
A new book argues man's "progression" into agriculture and civilization was really a mistake. Sid Meier’s iconic Civilization computer games all start the same way. A band of hardy settlers is poised to emerge from an undifferentiated mass of shaggy, subsistence-level nomads and begin the arduous task of building a sedentary, urbanized civilization. Cultural progress, technological advancement, and higher standards of living beckon, but only if you, the player, assume the mantle of responsibility and lead your people into a brighter and, crucially, more settled future. The Civilization paradigm of human progress has been recycled, tweaked, and overhauled by five ...

The JFK Cover-Up Continues
Post Date: 2017-10-28 08:36:40 by Ada
While the mainstream media was announcing for the past two weeks that President Trump was going to release the CIA’s long-secret records on the JFK assassination, I took a different position. On Monday of this week, I predicted that Trump would make a deal with the CIA that would enable the CIA to continue its cover-up of the JFK assassination. (See “I Predict Trump Will Continue the CIA’s JFK Assassination Cover-Up” and “No Smoking Guns in the JFK Records?”) On Thursday, the day of the deadline established by law for releasing the records, Trump granted the CIA’s request for continued secrecy, on grounds of “national security,” more than 50 ...

J. Edgar Hoover: "Need To Convince Public That Oswald Is Real Assassin"
Post Date: 2017-10-28 08:23:21 by Ada
Amid the thousands of new files released yesterday – though less than expected – were two intriguing memos to, and from, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover on November 24th, 1963 – the day that Jack Ruby killed Lee Harvey Oswald as the gunman was being transported to the Dallas County Jail after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. In a memo issued by Hoover, he appeared to be particularly concerned that the public would have to be compelled to believe that Oswald was a lone actor – not part of a larger conspiracy. “There is nothing further on the Oswald case except that he is dead.” In the 1964 Warren Report on Kennedy’s assassination, NBC ...

The Legacy of Reagan’s Civilian ‘Psyops’
Post Date: 2017-10-18 03:53:44 by GreyLmist
Special Report: When the Reagan administration launched peacetime “psyops” in the mid-1980s, it pulled in civilian agencies to help spread these still-ongoing techniques of deception and manipulation, reports Robert Parry. Declassified records from the Reagan presidential library show how the U.S. government enlisted civilian agencies in psychological operations designed to exploit information as a way to manipulate the behavior of targeted foreign audiences and, at least indirectly, American citizens. A just-declassified sign-in sheet for a meeting of an inter-agency “psyops” committee on Oct. 24, 1986, shows representatives from the Agency for International ...

This Declassified Document Is the Ultimate Proof [Re: 1962 Cuban Project - Operations Mongoose and Northwoods]
Post Date: 2017-10-17 17:18:38 by GreyLmist
Full Document: [@ George Washington University | Internet Archive: Wayback Machine copy] Classified information in the United States | Unclassified - Wikipedia Unclassified is not technically a classification; this is the default and refers to information that can be released to individuals without a clearance. ... the statement of NOFORN (meaning "no foreign nationals") is applied to any information that may not be released to any non-U.S. citizen. NOFORN and distribution statements are often used in conjunction with classified information or alone on SBU [Sensitive But Unclassified] information. Poster Comment:Additional ...

Polkark,from Masterpiece Theater on PBS
Post Date: 2017-10-16 10:55:15 by sneakypete
5 Comments You can go to the link above to stream it from Episode 1,Season 1,to the most recent episode. This,like most of what is produced by Masterpiece Theater,is one of the best historical dramas to be found,and it's free. I am watching season 3 now,and can't wait for the next episode to air. The casting,acting,and writing is as good as anything you will find anywhere,and better than most. There is history,war,and even love and romance in it. Something for everyone. For any of you who might not know much about history,there are shocking lessons to be learned. If you don't already understand what drove so many ...

Murdering Dorothy Hunt
Post Date: 2017-10-13 07:12:54 by Ada
A few folks still remember the shocking December 8, 1972 announcement of the crash of United Airlines flight 553 carrying the wife of Watergate burglar E Howard Hunt. What most Americans did not realize at the time was that she was murdered. One of the few who recognized that criminal elements were involved in sabotaging the flight was Sherman Skolnick whose ground breaking research revealed that the crash was no accident. It was actually a carefully crafted murder of dangerous witnesses to the deeds of Washington’s Nazi thugs. Not that Dorothy was a saint. She and her husband were a CIA couple, like the Clintons, albeit on a more modest scale. According to Skolnick, Dorothy ...

Five Worst Foreign Policy Presidents in American History
Post Date: 2017-10-04 07:53:52 by Ada
The president of the United States is granted wide leeway by the U.S. Constitution over foreign policy, more than any other policy realm. In addition to being the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, the president can make treaties, appoint diplomats (with the consent of the Senate), and, due to congressional legislation, impose sanctions on foreign entities. Since World War II, the United States has issued no declarations of war; all military actions have been initiated by the president. As per the War Powers Resolution of 1973, the president can deploy troops for up to 60 days without congressional approval. Thus, whatever the foreign policy of the United States—positive or ...

American Presidents, Slavery, and the Confederacy
Post Date: 2017-10-01 12:51:39 by X-15
The current pogrom against Southern history and symbols ignores the influence the South and the institution of slavery had on most American presidents. American history would not be the same without it. If the current goal is to purge any reminder of slavery and the Confederacy from the public sphere, then nearly every American president would have to be withdrawn from our historical consciousness. Nineteen presidents either were slaveholders, from slaveholding families, or were married into slaveholding families: 1. George Washington 2. Thomas Jefferson 3. James Madison 4. James Monroe 5. Andrew Jackson 6. Martin Van Buren 7. William Henry Harrison 8. John Tyler 9. James K. Polk ...

America in the Middle East
Post Date: 2017-09-29 17:31:39 by Ada
America’s Great Game: The CIA’s Secret Arabists and the Shaping of the Modern Middle East, by Hugh Wilford Wilford continues the story with the Americans moving into Cairo; there was a need to coordinate Lend-Lease activities in the region. It turns out that Lend-Lease was useful for purposes other than sending Jeeps to Europe. From the time of his transfer from the State Department to the OSS in April 1944… …Kim [Roosevelt] was a key player in Project SOPHIA, a secret program for spreading OSS officers throughout the region under cover of [Lend-Lease.] Bill Donovan had been looking into setting up a Cairo office for the OSS as early as 1942; the office was ...

JFK Wished He Could Splinter The CIA 'Into A Thousand Pieces And Scatter It Into The Winds'
Post Date: 2017-09-18 19:33:55 by BTP Holdings
JFK Wished He Could Splinter The CIA 'Into A Thousand Pieces And Scatter It Into The Winds' By John Amato 1/08/14 1:14pm Robert Gates' new book is making the rounds on cable TV news and is getting much attention from the Beltway elites like Bob Woodward. Gates' harshest criticisms were saved for V.P. Joe Biden: Biden is accused of “poisoning the well” against the military leadership. Thomas Donilon, initially Obama’s deputy national security adviser, and then-Lt. Gen. Douglas E. Lute, the White House coordinator for the wars, are described as regularly engaged in “aggressive, suspicious, and sometimes condescending and insulting questioning of our ...

israel Going After Assange
Post Date: 2017-09-18 02:58:28 by Tatarewicz
PMF... Das Juden is Going After Assange Why? Because he committed the worst mortal sin there is, he told some truth about Apartheid Israel: ‘“Russian actions on its own doorstep in Eastern Europe do not in fact threaten the United States or any actual vital interest. Nor does Moscow threaten the U.S. through its intervention on behalf of the Syrian government in the Middle East. That Russia is described incessantly as a threat in those areas is largely a contrivance arranged by the media, the Democratic and Republican National Committees and by the White House. Candidate Donald Trump appeared to recognize that fact before he began listening to Michael Flynn, who has a rather ...

This ghost ship hunted U-boats in Portland Harbor… maybe
Post Date: 2017-09-12 14:52:32 by farmfriend
One of the fastest, most feared and successful privateering American ships of the War of 1812 called Portland Harbor home. She defeated grand British warships and plundered fat merchant vessels alike. In her lifetime, the Dash was a legend. After she was gone, she became a shadow in the fog, one of Maine’s most enduring ghost stories. The Porter brothers built the Dash at their Freeport shipyard in 1813. They designed her to be as fast as her name. They needed a speedy smuggling vessel to evade blockading British warships during the war of 1812. They also had to outrun the U.S. Navy enforcing the Embargo Act. The Dash did both. Sailing out of Portland on her maiden run, the she made ...

What Does 'Sold Down The River' Really Mean? The Answer Isn't Pretty
Post Date: 2017-09-10 18:43:20 by BTP Holdings
What Does 'Sold Down The River' Really Mean? The Answer Isn't Pretty January 27, 2014 7:00 AM ET Lakshmi Gandhi Slave auction in New Orleans, 1842, "Sale of Estates, Pictures and Slaves in the Rotunda, New Orleans." The nation's most active slave market was in New Orleans. Slaves who had been "sold down the river" were auctioned off to plantation owners. Encyclopaedia Britannica/UIG via Getty Images For generations, the phrase "sold down the river" has been used to signify a profound betrayal. "River" was a literal reference to the Mississippi or Ohio rivers. For much of the first half of the 19th century, Louisville, Ky., was ...

Viking skeleton’s DNA test proves historians wrong
Post Date: 2017-09-09 14:03:01 by Ada
The remains of a powerful viking — long thought to be a man — was in fact a real-life Xena Warrior Princess, a study released Friday reveals. The lady war boss was buried in the mid-10th century along with deadly weapons and two horses, leading archaeologists and historians to assume she was a man, according to the findings, published in in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Wrong. “It’s actually a woman, somewhere over the age of 30 and fairly tall, too, measuring around [5’6"] tall ,” archaeologist Charlotte Hedenstierna-Jonson of Uppsala University, who conducted the study, told The Local. And she was likely in charge. “Aside from ...

What Is the Cultural Revolution? [Mao's Red Guards]
Post Date: 2017-09-08 13:31:23 by GreyLmist
What Is the Cultural Revolution - YouTube, 7.5 minutes Published on Aug 27, 2013 by NTDTV Have you heard the term "Cultural Revolution" and wondered what it refers to? Or maybe you know it was a rough time in Chinese history but don't know what happened during that time. Join Mike Chen as he gives you a brief overview of China's Cultural Revolution and helps you understand some of the phenomena that characterized that time. What Was China's Cultural Revolution and Why Was It So Violent? - YouTube, 4 minutes Published on May 20, 2016 by NowThis World Mao's Red Guards - YouTube, 7.5 minutes Published on Aug 3, 2008 by James Leibold From the film Morning ...

Coriolus (Turkey Tail Mushroom), A Potent Superfood for Immune Functions
Post Date: 2017-09-07 17:41:43 by Horse
Poster Comment:Solaray sells this 60 count. 500 mg per capsule. $15 to $16 online. You might need a stronger dose if your immune is shot due to chemo.

Replacing Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day is a long overdue victory for civil rights
Post Date: 2017-09-04 12:49:21 by farmfriend
Twenty five years ago, ahead of its time as usual, the city of Berkeley renamed Columbus Day as Indigenous Peoples Day. Los Angeles, what took you so long? This week, despite heartfelt pleas by some Italian-Americans to preserve the annual commemoration of Christopher Columbus, who was born in Genoa, the council did what can only be described as the right thing: It copied Berkeley. Henceforth in Los Angeles, there will be no day devoted solely to the achievements of Columbus, who was both the discoverer of the New World and the catalyst for the destruction of Native American people and their cultures in the centuries that followed. Click for Full Text!

Lincoln Unmasked
Post Date: 2017-08-31 09:43:34 by Ada
Thomas DiLorenzo’s The Real Lincoln (2002) was as much an event as it was a book. Here was a brutally frank treatment of a political figure we are all expected to treat with a quiet awe, and certainly not with the kind of serious and sustained scrutiny reserved for mere mortals. With every major aspect of the standard narrative that students are taught about Lincoln laughably and grotesquely false, this book was a shocking reminder of suppressed truths. It sold extremely well, managing the truly astonishing feat of reaching number two in Amazon sales rank in the face of (surprise!) a complete media blackout. That kind of success, in the absence of a major marketing and publicity ...

Russians part of ancient India, Egypit cultures, built pyramids
Post Date: 2017-08-31 07:54:52 by Tatarewicz
Vedas and Yoga were created by Russians on Vimanas PART ONE: RUSSIANS GAVE CULTURE TO EGYPTIANS AND INDIANS. HYKSOS ARE RUSSIANS Here we see a Brahmаn (the member of the highest caste in India) demonstrating his ancestral armour – a shirt made from metal rings. It is a shame that Indians conceal that they got this armour, along with Vedas and Yoga from Russians. This armour is called “kolchuga” in Russian from a Russian word “koli”, which means “pierce with a sword”. Russian word “koli” also gave the root to the word Kali-ma or “Koli-ma” – a woman-warrior (“ma”) who pierces her enemy with a sword. The name for ...

Jack the Ripper Mystery
Post Date: 2017-08-31 01:21:35 by Tatarewicz
C2C... practicing pediatrician Daniel Friedman, MD, shared his research into the Jack the Ripper mystery. He has unearthed facts about both Jack the Ripper and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and drawn some startling conclusions. While a number of suspects have been proposed in recent years, Friedman was able to eliminate some of the main ones-- Dr. William Gull-- the Queen's physician couldn't have done it because he had a paralyzed arm; and H.H. Holmes, while a serial killer, had a completely different M.O. than the Ripper. Based on his research, he's concluded the killer of the five London prostitutes in 1888 was none other than the creator of Sherlock Holmes, himself, Arthur Conan ...

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