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Media struggle with growing 'blogosphere'
Post Date: 2005-05-04 10:36:23 by Eoghan
More people are blogging than ever -- particularly young people -- while traditional media grapple with dwindling interest and growing criticism from this tech-savvy share of the public, experts told United Press International. "What blogging has created is a million eyes watching over the shoulders of journalists," Matthew Felling, media director of the Center for Media and Public Affairs in Washington, told UPI. He cited the recent scourging of CBS Nightly News anchor Dan Rather, after bloggers showed a document Rather used to question President Bush's military service was a forgery. "Blogs are the ultimate reason we are seeing journalism clean house nowadays," ...

Bushzarro Google: the Quality of Omission and Lies
Post Date: 2005-05-03 17:44:24 by Eoghan
Considering Google’s plan “to build a database that will compare the track record and credibility of all news sources around the world, and adjust the ranking of any search results accordingly” (see Google To Implement Bias Towards Mainstream News), I am reminded of George Creel. Creel ran the Committee on Public Information (CPI), a warmongering propaganda outfit set up by president Wilson on April 13, 1917. “CPI recruited heavily from business, media, academia, and the art world,” writes Propaganda Critic. “Like modern reporters who participate in Pentagon press pools, journalists grudgingly complied with the [CPI’s]official guidelines in order to stay ...

Forsake The Troops-- The Official Website!
Post Date: 2005-05-02 19:06:37 by Continental Op
This website is proudly dedicated to the notion that our nation's military is grossly overcompensated, at the expense of the American taxpayers-- these scumbags get pay and benefits tax free when in a combat zone. Granted, they're not on US soil when being paid for "services" rendered, but they are still US citizens, and still must pay taxes, just like the rest of us. Our problem is this: the military is a lifestyle these morons chose. What idiot risks their life for a country? It's what they chose. Forsake our Troops! They must think that if they go to war, they don't need to pay taxes just......just like the rest of us. Let 'em die in combat-- we don't need their ilk! Two ...

Hear Justin Raimondo on RBN Saturday
Post Date: 2005-04-29 11:10:19 by PnbC
First announced in the BLOG, Justin Raimondo will be on the RBN show The Weekend Interview Show with Scott Horton this Saturday at 3pm EDT. If you miss it you will begin to be able to hear the program archived within a day of the broadcast/netcast. It will be worth hearing.

New Orleans: European American Conference 2005
Post Date: 2005-04-28 14:12:55 by 1776
Distinguished speakers from National Vanguard and other groups will speak at May 20-22 M. P. Shiel EXCITEMENT IS BUILDING as the weekend-long European-American conference in the New Orleans area approaches. National Vanguard Editor and Media Director Kevin Strom will address the audience, as will David Duke, Don Black, British National Party Chmn. Nick Griffin (the party's founder, John Tyndall, spoke at last year's event), Lady Michele Renouf, Dr. Edward Fields, Paul Fromm, Bob Whitaker, Ron Doggett, and many others among the world's leading activists in our people's cause. It is expected that a large number of National Vanguard members will also be there -- informally ...

David Duke Interviews AFP Senior Writer Christoper Bollyn (Audio)
Post Date: 2005-04-27 06:47:16 by Itisa1mosttoolate
American Free Press' Investigative Reporter Christopher Bollyn On Townhall! Christopher Bollyn, is the featured guest this week on these highly rated broadcasts from David Duke's LIVE Townhall radio program. Topics discussed are; -- The Mossad connections to the JFK assassination and 9/11, The Bilderberg Group, Michael Chertoff, Mordechai Vanunu, the Estonian ferry disaster, Jewish-supremacism, White Slavery, depleted uranium and Gulf War Syndrome -- Listen to April 24th Broadcast or Download -- Globalism and Zionist machinations, Turkish addmission into the European Union, the Zionist Lobby and American politics, 9/11, Jewish-supremacism, the Rafiq Hariri assassination, Michael ...

Montana: Kevin McGuire 'Rocks' School Board Election
Post Date: 2005-04-25 17:44:15 by 1776
White candidate isn't afraid to speak up for White Ann Hendon KEVIN MCGUIRE, the pro-White activist who is running for a seat on Bozeman, Montana's School Board, is being condemned by multiracialists there -- but has an increasing number of grassroots supporters who like his ideas. Mr. McGuire, who supports the Declaration of National Alliance members which calls for the resignation of Erich Gliebe and Shaun Walker and which has led to the formation of the National Vanguard membership organization, told the Bozeman Daily Chronicle "I wanted to make changes in the community." When his opponents and the media tried (rather implausibly and irrelevantly, but they do ...

Liquid medical marijuana approved in Canada
Post Date: 2005-04-22 02:21:30 by Neil McIver
Dear Friend: The Canadian government has just delivered a body blow to the U.S. government's irrational prohibition against the medical use of marijuana. Today, Canada approved the prescription sale of a natural marijuana extract -- for all practical purposes, liquid marijuana -- to treat pain and other symptoms caused by multiple sclerosis. In short, the Canadian government has just certified that virtually everything our own government has been telling us about marijuana is wrong. Please visit to help the Marijuana Policy Project capitalize on this opportunity to lobby Congress and select state legislatures to make medical marijuana legal in the U.S. ...

Smoke-filled room at Marijuana Party's Vancouver campaign kickoff
Post Date: 2005-04-21 16:15:50 by Mr Nuke Buzzcut
Smoke-filled room at Marijuana Party's Vancouver campaign kickoff 04/21/2005 Associated Press A smoke-filled room at the Vancouver Art Gallery signaled the opening of the British Columbia provincial election campaign by the Marijuana Party. Campaign manager Kirk Tousaw told about 1,000 people at the rally Wednesday that the pot party plans to run candidates in 40 of the 79 legislative districts for the elections and asserted that Marijuana is anything but a fringe group. "The majority of the people in this province smoke marijuana or have smoked marijuana," Tousaw said, "so either they're criminals or we're mainstream." The party's main platform for the balloting ...

Effective Tyrannicide or Why you shouldn't kill the President
Post Date: 2005-04-20 10:22:59 by Mr Nuke Buzzcut
Effective TyrannicideorWhy you shouldn't kill the President "America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards." - Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy We live in dark times, in what Mark Twain referred to as a 'gilded age'. We have all the comforts one could ask for available, from SUV's to large screen TV's with 200 channels. Bread and circuses for the masses. As long as we remain complacent and comfortable with that it might seem like we live in the freest, greatest country in the world. And maybe we really do, but at this stage ...

Party Crashing: A paleo's-eye view at the Star Trek convention of the American Right
Post Date: 2005-04-19 08:28:18 by Continental Op
Party Crashing A paleo's-eye view at the Star Trek convention of the American Right By Marcus Epstein After showing the federal security guards my driver's license, I walked through the metal detector. Beep! Between my suit and overcoat, I must have had over a dozen pockets, and I didn't feel like figuring out which one held my change, so they scanned my jacket and I walked through again. This time I made it without trouble, but there were still old ladies waiting for security guards to pass wands over them to make sure they weren't hiding knives beneath their broaches. No, I was not getting aboard an airplane but entering the 32nd annual Conservative Political Action Conference ...

Officer Jack McLamb's Outstanding Website
Post Date: 2005-04-18 12:56:32 by christine
A Lawman Speaks for Liberty This letter is the first ever written by Police Officer Jack McLamb, of the Phoenix Police Department (1979), to his fellow police officers nationwide. It would later lead to the founding of his international police publication, Aid & Abet Police Newsletter: Constitutional Issues for Lawmen. The publication has since been expanded to include the U.S. National Guard, Coast Guard, and military personnel. After spending a number of years in law enforcement and at the same time working closely with citizen groups in the city, state and country on various programs, I have fortunately gained a fair understanding as to what citizens think and feel about ...

Post Date: 2005-04-18 10:36:14 by christine
“President Bush is ripping this nation apart,” Ed Nelson, director of the U.S. Border Control said. “There is no question that, unless he and Congress change their views on open borders, mass immigration, exporting jobs and importing "willing workers," our soldiers may soon be fighting a war on a third continent, North America.” According to every poll taken in the past few years, more than 80 percent of the American people oppose illegal immigration. This figure includes all races, colors and nationalities. Yet, the President ignores the wishes, hopes and aspirations of a majority of Americans. “Mr. Bush and the Republican Party deserve most of the ...

North Carolina Wesleyan College Spring 2005 911 The Road to Tyranny
Post Date: 2005-04-14 13:18:51 by Itisa1mosttoolate
> North Carolina Wesleyan CollegeSpring 2005   (POL 495)  911 The Road to Tyranny Professor Jane T. ChristensenOffice: HBB Hardee Bldg., Tel. 252-985-5118 Office Hrs.: Monday 10:10-12:00, Tuesday/Thursday 11:10-1:00, and by appointment Homepage URL:   COURSE DESCRIPTION The events of September 11, 2001, indisputably changed the course of American politics and history.  This course is offered so students may examine various events and policies leading to 911.  In particular, this course will focus largely on the specific destruction in lower Manhattan and the Pentagon.  We ...

RICO Suit - 9-11 Criminal Enterprise
Post Date: 2005-04-12 13:54:13 by eyeswideoopen
You've got to read this and if you can, contribute to the effort - I'm on page 40... and it is AWESOME! Phil Berg is covering it all. Spread the word - he'll need the support from all of us!

Free Blockbuster 9-11 DVD You Can Sign Up For and Send To Anyone In the Country!
Post Date: 2005-04-11 20:00:57 by Arator
I just got it in the mail today. It's a blockbuster 3 hour DVD exposing the lies of 9-11 put out by the 9-11 truth movement in general and millionaire hero-activist Jimmy Walter in particular. The really cool thing is, not only can you get a free copy for yourself, you can also have send a free copy to anyone in the country just by signing them up. So, get busy! Blanket the country with these DVD's! Send one to all your Bushbot friends and family! It's never been easier to get the word out! Do get active, just click this link!

Post Date: 2005-04-11 07:47:01 by CWRWinger
I AM ONLY ONE by Michael Goza Anyone with a sense of discernment can look around and realize there is something seriously wrong with our nation, our society, our culture, and last but not least, our government. The foundations are crumbling. Our Constitution in shambles. God is kicked out of every aspect of our lives. The inept corporate church is no threat to the enemies of our Republic. The church for the most part is silent. Content to remain hidden safely inside it's four walls preaching unlimited submission to Caesar. I know first hand the feeling of being overwhelmed by it all. The feeling of helplessness that sometimes consumes us when we look around and realize how well our ...

Video of the Press Conference--Oklahoma City Bombing Case / R.E.A.C.H.
Post Date: 2005-04-09 19:36:22 by christine
Thanks to our colleagues - Victor Thorn and Lisa Guliani at - you will be able to watch the Oklahoma City Bombing Case / R.E.A.C.H. [Reinvestigate Evidence And hold Congressional Hearings] - press conference that was videotaped in downtown Oklahoma City, 11:30 AM yesterday - 4/5/05 and lasted approximately 20 mins. Video of the Press Conference can be viewed: @>

Where To Buy Gas: Interesting Theory?
Post Date: 2005-04-08 10:26:09 by crack monkey
Where To Buy Gas: Interesting Theory? Reply to: see below Date: 2005-04-07, 7:58AM EDT Got this in an email... WHERE TO BUY YOUR GAS, THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT TO KNOW. READ ON-- Gas rationing in the 80's worked even though we grumbled about it. It might even be good for us! The Saudis are boycotting American goods. We should return the favor. An interesting thought it to boycott their GAS. Every time you fill up the car, you can avoid putting more money into the coffers of Saudi Arabia. Just buy from gas companies that don't import their oil from the Saudis. Nothing is more frustrating than the feeling that every time I fill-up the tank, I am sending my money to people who are trying ...

Loose Change - New 9-11 Blockbuster DVD To Be Available on the 9th!
Post Date: 2005-04-05 08:53:57 by Arator
To watch the trailer, click here (high bandwidth) or here (low bandwidth)

Ads Will Seek to Turn DeLay's Powerful Network Into His Downfall
Post Date: 2005-03-30 08:58:18 by crack monkey
Ads Will Seek to Turn DeLay's Powerful Network Into His Downfall By GLEN JUSTICE ASHINGTON, March 29 - For more than a decade, Representative Tom DeLay, the House majority leader, has devoted himself to cultivating Republican allies along Washington's K Street lobbying corridor. By promoting Republicans for top jobs and recruiting partners to push legislation and raise money, Mr. DeLay has built an unusually powerful network. That network has helped him increase the Republican majority in Congress, pass business-friendly legislation and collect more than $25 million since 1994, according to PoliticalMoneyLine, which tracks campaign finance. But a series of criminal investigations, court ...

Post Date: 2005-03-25 17:39:14 by christine
WING TV (WING TV) in conjunction with former Oklahoma State Representative Charles Key – co author of The Final Report (Final Report) and writer/documentary film producer Christopher Emery are working to organize a rally on Tuesday, April 19, 2005 in Oklahoma City. This rally will commemorate the fateful bombing which took place nearly a decade ago and expose the cover-up of the corrupt bombing investigation - which has persisted since day one. The OKC Bombing: A Day of Truth, Ten Years Later rally will be a show of support to the bombing victims’ family members, friends and survivors of this tragedy as well as a sign that the American people still want truthful answers to what ...

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