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Life of luxury: Afghan officials who fled country now living in opulent U.S. mansions
Post Date: 2022-06-14 12:50:12 by Ada
One said to purchase 10 properties worth more than $10 million Many members of Afghanistan’s last government fled the country in the years leading up to the fall of Kabul and are now living in luxury, the Wall Street Journal reported Monday. Many of the former officials bought expensive homes in the U.S. worth millions of dollars, according to the WSJ, which reviewed property records. The officials fled their country as the Afghan people became subject to Taliban rule and Afghanistan’s economy fell into shambles. Afghanistan’s former finance minister Eklil Hakimi purchased about 10 properties in California from when he was in office to after he left Afghanistan in 2018, ...

Appearing in a T-Shirt After a Day Committing Atrocities, Zelensky Announces He’s Taking Back Donbass and Crimea
Post Date: 2022-06-14 10:57:38 by Ada
I don’t even understand what is going on here. Is he joking? This “war” has been going on for four months, and the Ukraine has done nothing but lose territory, nonstop, the whole time. The head of NATO just called for a surrender. What is Zelensky saying here? How can he take back territory he lost when he had an army now that he doesn’t even have an army? Click for Full Text!

Post Date: 2022-06-10 08:57:13 by Ada
AS PART OF THEIR PROXY WAR THE WEST HAS BEEN DELIBERATELY TRYING TO HEAD OFF MOVES TOWARDS SERIOUS NEGOTIATIONS Boris Johnson meets with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg The British government, as ever following the US lead, is sending longer range missile systems to Ukraine for the first time. The government described the M270 weapon system they are despatching as a “cutting edge” military asset which can strike targets up to 80 kilometres away “with pinpoint accuracy.” Ukrainian soldiers are due to be brought to Britain for training in how to use the missiles. As even some of the mainstream media point out, on top of the four precision-guided, medium-range ...

In Gaffe, George W. Bush Accurately Denounces ‘Wholly Unjustified and Brutal’ Invasion of Iraq
Post Date: 2022-06-05 13:31:49 by BTP Holdings
In Gaffe, George W. Bush Accurately Denounces ‘Wholly Unjustified and Brutal’ Invasion of Iraq May 19, 2022 | John Friend Independent observers of American politics will recognize the blatant hypocrisy that high profile politicians engage in on a daily basis. However, the level of hypocrisy on display during a recent speech by former president George W. Bush may be the most egregious example in recent memory and cannot be ignored or dismissed by even the most poorly informed and ignorant American voter. The man who launched an illegal war of aggression based on total lies, fake intelligence, and deception and hysteria against Iraq at the behest of the pro-Israel ...

The Appalling Treatment of a Prisoner at Guantánamo
Post Date: 2022-06-05 07:47:51 by Ada
THE FOREVER PRISONER The Full and Searing Account of the C.I.A.’s Most Controversial Covert Program In the wee hours of March 28, 2002, a joint team of F.B.I. and C.I.A. officers, accompanied by the Pakistani police, raided a house in the city of Faisalabad. The suspects inside tried to flee, and in the ensuing melee the C.I.A.’s main target, a clean-shaven Palestinian with wild corkscrew hair, was shot and badly wounded. He was known as Abu Zubaydah, and President George W. Bush soon announced his capture as one of the first big victories in the nascent War on Terror. He was said to be No. 3 in Al Qaeda, a financier and planner of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Still ...

Decision Time Has Come for Russia in Ukraine
Post Date: 2022-06-03 08:39:36 by Ada
I suspect the Kremlin has concluded that the limited intervention in Ukraine was a mistake. I don’t mean that the Kremlin will fail in its effort to drive all Ukrainian military units out of Donbass. The mistake the Kremlin made was in thinking that the military intervention could be limited. The US and NATO are now involved in the conflict. Ukraine is being supplied with heavy weapons and with training in their use. Washington has now arranged to send missiles capable of hitting Russian territory. Clearly, there is nothing limited about the conflict. The dilemma for Russia is that by confining its military operations to the Donbass region in east Ukraine, Western weapons are ...

WaPo Interviews Deserters, Admits Reddit Morons in the Ukraine Getting Felted
Post Date: 2022-05-30 09:59:06 by Ada
“r/VolunteersForUkraine said I would save democracy against Russian Nazis. They never told me I would get felted.” Looks like the jig is slowly popping off the hook. This media went insane claiming that the Ukraine was going to win, now they’re getting badly felted and the world is seeing it so they’re like “uhhh, uhhhh, uhhh.” Here’s the link to the original WaPo article, but we’re just going to use the Russian version because it’s shorter and better and not Jewish. RT: Americans and other foreign fighters who had travelled to Ukraine in order to fight Russia, and have now returned home, have spoken of their disappointment to the ...

MSM Offers Rare Glimpse Into How Bad Things Are Really Going For Ukrainian Forces
Post Date: 2022-05-28 07:59:26 by Ada
While everyone’s focused on the latest mass shooting in the US, The Washington Post published what may be the first major acknowledgement from the mainstream western media that Ukraine’s war against Russia has not been nearly the cakewalk they’ve been leading the public to believe. In a new article titled “Ukrainian volunteer fighters in the east feel abandoned,” WaPo reports that contrary to the triumphant narratives the western world is being spoon fed, many troops in eastern Ukraine have been surviving on one potato per day and deserting their posts because they feel their leaders have turned their backs on them and they’re being sent to certain death. ...

Why the West, WEF, NWO, LQBTQAI+ are Hellbent to destroy Russia and Putin
Post Date: 2022-05-26 14:00:06 by Esso
Vladimir Putin speaking at the Valdai Discussion Club (2021) about how the West and Western Europe are destroying themselves over the "wokeness" delusion. This was very difficult to find. It is a very good speech.

Post Date: 2022-05-18 11:40:03 by Esso
All the world's a stage. Join us. Text "4POG" to 462-769 or visit MB01SYXEDBDOMFO

Scott Ritter's Switcheroo: "Why I Radically Changed My Overall Assessment"
Post Date: 2022-05-16 07:20:51 by Ada
On Sunday, the foreign policy blogs were abuzz with the news that Scott Ritter had done “an about-face in his assessment of the war”. It appears that the ex-Marine had examined recent developments in Ukraine and concluded that it’s going to be much harder for Russia to win than he had originally thought.. Naturally, the news of Ritter’s reversal sent shockwaves across the internet, especially among the people who follow events in Ukraine closely and who greatly admire his even-handed analysis. Some of these people clearly felt betrayed by Ritter’s comments and blasted him as a “concern troll” which refers to a person who feigns sympathy while actually ...

Ukraine - Putin On Why The War Started, Failed Attempts On Snake Island, Other Issues
Post Date: 2022-05-13 10:12:46 by Ada
It is Victory Day. As Ernest Hemingway said: Anyone who loves freedom owes such a debt to the Red Army that it can never be repaid. The most important part of Vladimir Putin’s speech to the Victory Parade on the Red Square is the narrative that explains how the current war in Ukraine began. Putin is correct in seeing this as a NATO proxy war against Russia: [D]espite all controversies in international relations, Russia has always advocated the establishment of an equal and indivisible security system which is critically needed for the entire international community.Last December we proposed signing a treaty on security guarantees. Russia urged the West to hold an honest dialogue ...

Rising to the Bait – Again
Post Date: 2022-05-12 16:23:38 by Ada
$40 billion is still a great deal of money – even in the Biden Thing’s America. Except it’s not going to help Americans. Rather, the Biden Thing has taken $40 billion out of the pockets of Americans, to finance all-but-war with nuclear-armed Russia by arming and abetting Ukraine. When the government – and the corporations that own the government – want war, they usually get what they want. Some 108 years ago, the government of Woodrow Wilson and the arms peddlers and financial interests behind Wilson wanted war with Germany – something few if any Americans wanted as they’d be the ones paying for it, in blood and treasure. To drag them into what was then ...

Captured Ukrainian Says Javelins Were Useless in Mariupol, Zelensky Ordered the Troops to Die
Post Date: 2022-05-09 09:44:29 by Ada
You’ve heard a lot about Javelins – for sure, we’ve all been bombarded with pro-Javelin propaganda. But have you sat and wondered how such a missile system would work in an urban environment, which is where a majority of combat is taking place in the Ukraine? If you haven’t thought about that, then you’ve probably never seen a video of the way one of these missiles works. The “fire-and-forget” guidance system is definitely cool – no one could disagree with that. But the amount of airspace needed for a missile of a size that is capable of taking out a tank to get off the ground and begin the homing process makes it obviously impossible to use ...

Ukraine's Forces Are Told To Hold The Line Where Russian Artillery Is Pulverizing Them
Post Date: 2022-05-06 11:19:05 by Ada
The Russian military forces are grinding down Ukrainian ground forces by extensive use of heavy artillery. The Ukrainian artillery has been destroyed or lacks ammunition.The Ukrainian forces have orders to stay in their position and to hold the line. That only makes sure that Russian artillery strikes will destroy them. The order was given because the 'west' has pushed the Ukrainian president to not make peace with Russia. The consequence will be the assured destruction of the Ukrainian military. bigger There are claims that the Russian progress in Ukraine has been slow or has even come to a halt: The United States assessed last week that Russian troops were making “slow ...

US Officials Say US Intelligence Is Helping Ukraine Kill Russian Generals
Post Date: 2022-05-05 07:18:24 by Ada
The US has expanded its intelligence sharing with Ukraine According to a report from The New York Times citing unnamed senior US officials, intelligence provided by the US on Russian military units has helped Ukraine target and kill Russian generals. Ukraine has claimed to have killed 12 Russian generals, but the number is not confirmed, and Kyiv has an interest in exaggerating its success on the battlefield, and the officials wouldn’t specify how many Russian officers were killed as a result of the assistance. But either way, the claim by US officials that they are helping kill Russian generals is a major provocation toward Moscow. Like other US assistance to Ukraine, the claim ...

Sergey Glazyev: For those who still don’t understand [Ukraine]
Post Date: 2022-05-04 10:50:42 by Esso
I will try to briefly explain and justify the necessary measures to achieve Victory A special military operation (SVO) revealed a plan prepared in advance by the US power and financial elite to seize power in Russia. It includes the following components and stages. 1. Wear out the Russian armed forces in a war with well-trained and directly controlled by the Pentagon fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, “stitched” by the Nazis with a vertical of officers appointed by the US and British special services. Turn the population of Ukraine into zombies infected with Russophobia. At the same time, incite the international community against Russia, making accusations of war crimes ...

20 Years Later, Jews Blame Saudi for 911
Post Date: 2022-05-02 16:46:48 by Ada
After 20 years of not mentioning the fact that nearly all of the alleged 911 hijackers were Saudi nationals, the media is coming out and blaming Saudi Arabia for the attacks. I wonder what could have spurred such a massive change of narrative, after having blamed Osama bin Laden for 20 years? Ah. Right. A lot of people blame the Jews for 911, but don’t put any import on the role that Saudi had. Saudi intelligence was – at least at the time – de facto run by the Mossad. What’s more, Saudi has always had some of these crazy people who are rich and just support terrorism on principle. ISIS was funded and armed by the US and Israel, but they also had supporters in ...

Washington & Moscow Have Combined to Make the Ukrainian Situation into Armageddon
Post Date: 2022-05-02 07:49:51 by Ada
Yesterday morning I posted an explanation of why Russian liberalism was generating a wider war that could end in Armageddon. wider-war-is-in-the-cards/ I find no relief in The Saker acknowledging the same unfolding of events. The Saker and Andrei Martyanov are two competent analysts of Russian military capability. Until recently they have acknowledged no problem with Putin’s limited military operation in Ukraine. But The Saker now realizes that the slow Russian operation has made opportunities for Western mischief that will widen the conflict. No doubt Martyanov also sees the adverse ...

Sitrep: Operation Z
Post Date: 2022-05-01 12:22:29 by Ada
Firstly, the biggest news at the forefront is that the Mariupol situation appears to be nearing a possible conclusion. We reported last time that one prominent source said Azovstal would be fully resolved by 4/30 (today), while Sladkov said days ago that Azov had about 9 days of food left, which by now would put them at maybe 6 days or less, by those estimations. We also reported that negotiators had arrived and were settling in to the small villages around Mariupol. Now today there is a large, full blown UN / Red Cross operation under way to evacuate the civilians in the Azovstal factory. ...

Ukraine - Doubling Down
Post Date: 2022-05-01 09:44:15 by Ada
The Russian side is making some progress in the war in Ukraine. While the differences on the map look small the repositioning of forces that had threatened Kiev is finished and the Russian military is now seriously degrading and grinding down the Ukrainian forces in Donbas. March 31 2022 Source: Liveuamap – bigger April 29 2022 bigger According to the daily reports of Russia’s Ministry of Defense the Ukraine is losing several hundred soldiers and some 30 armored vehicles per day, most of them to artillery. A flood of gruel pictures posted on Telegram by both sides confirm this. Several Ukrainian attempts to counterattack Russian forces have failed. ‘Western’ ...

Russian TV Is Talking Very Frankly About Nuclear War (While America Stands with Ukranus)
Post Date: 2022-05-01 07:27:30 by Ada
There are two popular clips going around on social media this week of Russians talking about the inevitability of nuclear war. They are both from Russia 1, which is state television. Remember that RT is also Russian state media, and not really very well- edited, in terms of promoting a consistent agenda, so given the “shrug” mentality of Russians when it comes to narrative control, I don’t think it’s fair to assume that every talking point is overseen directly by the Kremlin. It seems to be more of a “just follow along with what we’re saying” situation. I am not certain of the situation, as my Russian is not good enough to just sit and watch Russian ...

The Real Threat in the Ukraine Conflict
Post Date: 2022-04-28 07:20:39 by Ada
I still have forebodings about the manner in which the Kremlin is conducting the Ukrainian operation. There is no doubt that the Russians had to come to the defense of the Donbass republics. Having done little other than to provide the republics with some weapons and intelligence, for eight years the Kremlin allowed the Ukrainian shelling of Donbass and the occupation of large areas of the Donbass by Nazi militias, while the US and NATO trained and equipped a large Ukrainian army to subdue the republics. As the year 2022 opened, the republics were faced with an invasion by 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers. The atrocities committed on the population by the Nazi militias would have been severe. ...

A Recap Of The War In Ukraine
Post Date: 2022-04-27 11:05:06 by Ada
Gonzalo Lira just delivered a decent recap of the war in Ukraine. Gonzalo Lira @GonzaloLira1968 - 10:28 UTC · Apr 26, 2022 Quick recap for those who haven't followed what's been going on in Ukraine but want to understand: 02/24: The Russians invaded from the south, south-east, east and north, in a lightning campaign. The Russians invaded with 190K troops—against 250K combat troops from Ukraine. The RF put 30K troops near Kiev—nowhere near enough to capture the city—but enough to pin down some 100K AFU defenders. The RF also launched several axes of attack, with reinforcements on standby (including a famed 40km long tank column), to see where they might be ...

Ex-NATO analyst paints a completely different picture of Ukraine war
Post Date: 2022-04-27 10:58:30 by Ada
The retired Swiss Colonel Jacques Baud has written a lengthy article in which he paints a completely different picture of the war in Ukraine than portrayed in the Western media. The former NATO analyst helped Ukraine build its army for years. Baud noted that the so-called Russian-backed separatists in Donbass were never supported in any way by Russia for the past eight years. After the Maidan coup in 2014, the Russian-speaking part of the population – civilians – were attacked by Ukrainian soldiers. In cities like Odessa, Mariupol, Luhansk and Donetsk massacres were carried out by them. Since then, a civil war has raged in the country. Baud was working as an army analyst for ...

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