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Holding Ground, Losing War
Post Date: 2022-09-23 07:50:13 by Ada
Zelensky’s strategy of defending territory at all costs has been disastrous for Ukraine. At the end of 1942, when the Wehrmacht could advance no further east, Hitler switched German ground forces from an “enemy force-oriented” strategy to a “ground-holding” strategy. Hitler demanded that his armies defend vast, largely empty and irrelevant stretches of Soviet territory. “Holding ground” not only robbed the German military of its ability to exercise operational discretion, and, above all, to outmaneuver the slow, methodical Soviet opponent; holding ground also pushed German logistics to the breaking point. When holding ground was combined with endless ...

What In the Hell Was Washington Thinking?
Post Date: 2022-09-22 07:13:16 by Ada
What in the hell were those bloody-minded Washington/NATO neocons thinking? At any time in the last nine months they could have had a diplomatic settlement with Russia that would have: Avoided/ended the war in Ukraine, thereby saving tens of thousands of Ukrainian lives and hundreds of billion of economic cost and destruction; Allowed the Russian speaking population of the Donbas a substantial degree of self-governance and autonomy from the hostile government in Kiev; Permitted the historic Russian territory of Crimea to remain under Russian control per the wishes of the overwhelming share of its Russian- speaking population; Kept NATO out of Ukraine and its missiles away from ...

The West Won’t Like Russia’s Next Move in Ukraine
Post Date: 2022-09-21 06:55:22 by Ada
NATO leaders and the Western news media need to realize that they may be celebrating the prelude to a prolonged, extremely bloody war or even an impending nuclear catastrophe. NATO officials and the Western news media have not concealed their glee that Ukraine’s counteroffensive has forced a precipitous withdrawal of Russian troops from a sizable chunk of territory near the eastern city of Kharkiv. The attack did appear to catch the Kremlin by surprise. Russian leaders expected the main counteroffensive to come in the south, and the bulk of Kyiv’s efforts do appear to be focused on that region. Nevertheless, the loss in the east is a significant military setback—and an even ...

Playing with Nuclear War
Post Date: 2022-09-18 20:05:16 by X-15
As of this writing (September 12), Ukraine’s counter offensives appear to be succeeding. The widely telegraphed offensive in the south is making some progress. But it looks as if its primary role was deception, where it has already succeeded because Russia responded by drawing down its forces in eastern Ukraine, opening the door for the main Ukrainian counteroffensive. That is moving forward at Blitzkrieg pace, to the point where Russian units are disintegrating. All this is, of course, wonderful news for Ukraine and for anyone who wants to see David beat Goliath. But interests must be matters of cold calculation, not warm emotions. Foreign policy is more than consulting Sant’s ...

The Unnecessary War on Terrorism The Unnecessary War on Terrorism
Post Date: 2022-09-16 07:57:12 by Ada
Immediately after the 9/11 attacks, interventionists supported an invasion of Afghanistan. Never mind that the federal government produced no evidence of complicity of the Taliban government in the attacks. Never mind that there was no congressional declaration of war against Afghanistan, as the Constitution requires. Never mind that Afghanistan had been legally justified in refusing President Bush’s unconditional extradition demand for Osama bin Laden to be turned over to the Pentagon and the CIA, given that there was no extradition treaty between Afghanistan and the United States. Never mind all that. All that mattered, U.S. officials and interventionists claimed, was that the ...

Dustoff: The Unprecedented Horror Witnessed By Vietnam Medics | Battlezone | War Stories
Post Date: 2022-08-29 00:48:47 by Esso
Poster Comment:You can't close the the eyes of dead people. A medic explained the mechanics of that to me in Beirut. I still had to try that with my mother when she died in hospice in 2014. They open right back up. I pulled the covers over her after taking pics. Yeah, I know that's gruesome. I needed to document the event. My former girlfriend Marla was with me.

9/11 False Flag Fallout: US-Imposed Destruction of Afghanistan and Pakistan
Post Date: 2022-08-26 08:53:35 by Ada
Australian biochemist Gideon Polya is one of the world’s leading experts on avoidable mortality, holocausts, and genocides. In Post-9/11 US- Imposed Muslim Holocaust and Muslim Genocide (2020) Polya writes of “the Zionist-backed US War on Muslims (a.k.a. the US War on Terror) which has been associated, so far, with 32 million Muslim deaths—from violence, five million, or from imposed deprivation, 27 million—in 20 impoverished countries invaded by the US alliance since the US government’s 9/11 false flag atrocity.” Dr. Polya maintains a website Afghan Holocaust Afghan Genocide where he estimates that the US is responsible for 6.8 million Afghan deaths, ...

Dugin's Daughter ASSASSINATED In Moscow, Russia Blames Ukraine, This May Be WW3's Franz Ferdinand
Post Date: 2022-08-22 10:45:21 by Esso

Russia’s Destruction of the Ukraine Military
Post Date: 2022-08-20 07:46:48 by Ada
Unlike the Whore Western Media William Schryver Provides the Accurate Picture of Russia’s Destruction of the Western-trained Ukraine Military: The “Demilitarization” of Ukraine has been precisely the Russian mentality in Ukraine. Their foremost objective, from the very beginning, as explicitly articulated by President Vladimir Putin in his historic speech of February 24, 2022, was to “demilitarize” Ukraine – to destroy its army. When the war began, the most capable, experienced, well-armed, and well- positioned Ukrainian forces were NOT in Kiev, but in the Donbass and Mariupol. They had been positioning there for months, with the ultimate objective of ...

"Ukraine" Counteroffensive Was a Total Bust, Now They’re Losing Even Worse
Post Date: 2022-08-16 07:07:41 by Ada
Whenever anyone points out that I expected Russia’s Ukraine liberation operation would be quicker, I point out that Douglas Macgregor made the same prediction I did. He’s gone through and explained why it took longer than we expected. He points to the refusal of the US to negotiate (one which didn’t surprise me), but also the Ukrainians’ willingness to die for no reasons, and biggest of all, the Ukraine’s ability to get away with squatting in cities and launching artillery from behind human shields. The Ukraine people’s stupidity has for sure shocked everyone. And we all knew the media lies, but their defense of the human shields program has been really over ...

Washington’s Assassination Bureau
Post Date: 2022-08-16 06:49:04 by Ada
What exactly did Ayman al-Zawahiri do? I often complain that Washington’s heavily lopsided relationship with Israel is an arrangement that brings absolutely no benefit to the American people, and even less to our national security as it has involved the US in an endless series of completely avoidable conflicts. But there is one exception to that generalization, though one hesitates to call it a benefit, consisting of the White House’s adoption of the Israel practice of referring to opponents as “terrorists.” Israel uses it as a generic cover designation to denigrate and humiliate the Palestinians while also delegitimizing their resistance, permitting them to torture ...

In Rebuke of the Dishonorable David Petraeus
Post Date: 2022-08-16 06:35:04 by Ada
In a recent article for The Atlantic David Petraeus came to the conclusion that American soldiers should still be in Afghanistan today. Two thousand, three hundred twenty-four American servicemen killed, $2.3 trillion dollars and over 20 years later convicted criminal and adulterer David Petraeus concludes "In essence, then, from the beginning through to the end – but especially at the end – American commitment was lacking." Petraeus made vague statements regarding the success he achieved while in command of American forces in Afghanistan. He referred to what he believes the American decision makers should have done differently while rarely offering details. David ...

The Kremlin’s Efforts to Avoid Conflict Brings More Conflict
Post Date: 2022-08-08 07:08:02 by Ada
The Kremlin has demonstrated that Russia is reluctant to take decisive action. That doesn’t mean Russia won’t. Indeed, the Kremlin’s reluctance almost guarantees that Russia will be forced into decisive action. Ukraine steals Russian assets — ukraine-seized-russian-assets/ — and Ukraine outside Donbass is permitted life as a country at peace. There is no Russian interference with the government with which it is at war. This encourages more Ukrainian provocations. Instead of retaliation against her enemies, Russia cooperates with them. Russia permits Ukrainian grain to flow, thus providing Ukraine with more funds for war with ...

Today is 12th anniversary of Joey's 'Alive Day'
Post Date: 2022-08-07 22:21:58 by Esso
Poster Comment:Joey lost his legs about half way down his thighs. Sometimes FOX shows his prosthetics. I've got a soft spot in my heart for Marines after that dealy-wig in Beirut 23Oct1983. I helped put in some hand rails for a Desert Storm Marine a couple months ago. I didn't get paid, I didn't want to. His son was being shipped off to Japan back then to protect my freedoms (bullshit, I'm crying writing about this).

Ann Coulter: “When Putin Bombs Pearl Harbor, Then I’ll be Interested”
Post Date: 2022-08-01 09:10:19 by Ada
Ann Coulter appeared on some talk show that Piers Morgan is running and was speaking out against the war against Russia, and said “you can’t just compare everything to Hitler.” She then said: “When Putin bombs Pearl Harbor, then I’ll be interested.” It is a funny clip. The catty Brit bitch at the end might be the funniest part. It’s good to see Ann is still on point. She’s looking very tired. I think we’re all looking kind of tired these days though. It’s a tiny fraction of conservatives that are willing to say this war on Russia is dumb. It’s Tucker Carlson, Marjorie Taylor Greene, a few others. Very few. Click for Full Text!

Post Date: 2022-07-21 11:26:38 by X-15
One of Napoleon’s observations is that you should never interrupt your enemies when they are making a mistake. Russians know this, not least because they were careful not to interrupt Napoleon himself in 1812. Putin and his team have had plenty of opportunities to meet NATO’s leaders, observe them, negotiate with them and assess them. It’s unlikely they’re very impressed. But when they started their “special military operation” in Ukraine they could never have dreamed how self- destructive NATO would be. What mistakes? First, the West has not shot itself in the foot with its economic sanctions – Hungary’s Viktor Orban is right when he observes that ...

What Happens When The Taliban Gets Ahold Of Pakistan's Nuclear Arsenal
Post Date: 2022-07-19 10:21:26 by X-15
All administrations attempt to put a certain amount of spin on reality. They tried to paint things in the most positive light. The Biden administration has taken this to an entirely new level. It has dispensed with reality entirely. It has created a completely fictional universe. A few weeks ago the Biden administration trumpeted the killing of a not particularly significant terrorist leader in Syria. This was obviously intended to convey the message that Joe takes threats to the homeland seriously. Meanwhile, in Central Asia, a new terrorist super state that dwarfs anything previously seen is being completely ignored. Afghanistan is not just under the control of the Taliban. It is now a ...

Serbian President Says World War III Has Already Begun
Post Date: 2022-07-15 08:13:04 by Ada
I dislike Vucic because of his Uncanny Valley face and inability to commit as pro-Russia, instead identifying as “neutral.” However, he deserves big credit for being the first head of state to actually say in public what I’ve been saying since March: World War III has already begun. The US funding the Ukraine military to fight Russia means that the US is at war with Russia. Every country on earth is taking up sides between Team ZOG and Team Sino-Friend. RT: The Ukraine conflict is in fact already a world war, given that the West is fighting Russia via its proxies in Kiev, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told local media on Wednesday. “We should understand that ...

Russia and China Haven’t Even Started to Ratchet Up the Pain Dial
Post Date: 2022-07-14 07:49:52 by Ada
The Suicide Spectacular Summer Show, currently on screen across Europe, proceeds in full regalia, much to the astonishment of virtually the whole Global South: a trashy, woke Gotterdammerung remake, with Wagnerian grandeur replaced by twerking. Decadent Roman Emperors at least exhibited some degree of pathos. Here we’re just faced by a toxic mix of hubris, abhorring mediocrity, delusion, crude ideological sheep-think and outright irrationality wallowing in white man’s burden racist/supremacist slush – all symptoms of a profound sickness of the soul. To call it the Biden-Leyen-Blinken West or so would be too reductionist: after all these are puny politico/functionaries ...

Ukraine Update # 11
Post Date: 2022-07-13 15:20:33 by Ada
The Kremlin intended Russia’s intervention in Ukraine to be limited to Donbass. The purpose was to drive out the Ukrainian and neo-Nazi military forces that were occupying parts of the two independent republics and shelling the residents. Had Russia intervened eight years previously, the intervention could have been limited and quickly concluded. But the Kremlin, afflicted with hesitancy and false hopes for the Minsk Agreement, waited until Washington had raised, armed and trained a Ukrainian army. What the Kremlin needed was a quickly concluded operation that did not give the West time to get involved in the interest of a wider war in order to conduct more propaganda against Russia ...

UN Blames the Ukraine for Nursing Home Hoax, Uses Term “Human Shields”
Post Date: 2022-07-10 09:49:46 by Ada
Nearly five months later, the United Nations admits everything the Daily Stormer was saying from the beginning: human shields are the prime war strategy of the Zelensky regime. Their entire scheme is based around human shields, and it’s the single reason they’ve been able to hold out this long – even with all of the American money and weapons. Reddit needs to be pulled up before the Hague for promoting the use of human shields. Click for Full Text!

US Special Forces Vets Near Front Lines Training Ukrainian Soldiers
Post Date: 2022-07-06 07:27:33 by Ada
The New York Times spoke to several retired American special operators who say they are providing training to Ukrainian troops near the battlefield and even planning missions against Russian soldiers. Since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, the US has transferred nearly $7 billion in weapons to Kiev’s military. However, American forces that were training Ukrainian soldiers shortly before the Russian attack have since withdrawn. Many of the weapons systems Washington provided to Kiev are unfamiliar to its soldiers. To cover the training gaps, the US and its allies are bringing Ukrainian soldiers to other European countries to learn the new weapons. The US has also reportedly ...

Zelensky Orders NATO to Pay $5 Billion a Month to Cover Costs of Pretending There’s a Chance to Win
Post Date: 2022-06-30 08:06:35 by Ada
The Ukraine is somehow more Jewish than Israel. At least Israel has some kind of explanation for their demands. Palestinians exist and are in theory a threat to the Jews. Russians are not even theoretically a threat to the Ukrainians, and the only reason there is a war is that the Ukraine had a violent revolution (funded by the West) and started murdering Russians, then started saying they were going to put nukes on Russia’s border. We can see in the territories that Russia has already taken that they are not changing anyone’s way of life, and the quality of living in territories that are absorbed by Russia is going to go up. The Ukraine people have no dog in this fight, and ...

The Causes and Consequences of the Ukraine Crisis
Post Date: 2022-06-28 19:55:51 by X-15
Let me now turn to the matter of escalation. It is widely accepted among international relations scholars that there is a powerful tendency for protracted wars to escalate. Over time, other countries can get dragged into the fight and the level of violence is likely to increase. The potential for this happening in the Ukraine war is real. There is a danger that the United States and its NATO allies will get dragged into the fighting, which they have been able to avoid up to this point, even though they are already waging a proxy war against Russia. There is also the possibility that nuclear weapons might be used in Ukraine and that might even lead to a nuclear exchange between Russia and ...

$70 Million Vanished Without A Trace In Afghanistan
Post Date: 2022-06-19 09:54:00 by BTP Holdings
$70 Million Vanished Without A Trace In Afghanistan ( The U.S. doubts Russian reports that the former president of Afghanistan fled with $169 million as his U.S.-backed regime fell apart last August. But the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) claimed he couldn’t account for the untold sum of money handled by the now-defunct Afghan government. The chairman of SIGAR, John Sopko, provided this information in his interim report to Congress on June 7 in response to questions on American equipment, money, and other resources still present in Afghanistan after the U.S. soldiers withdrew. Reports show the recent study concentrated on money, ...

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