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'NATOÂ’s mission' leaves Ukraine destroyed
Post Date: 2023-01-19 08:00:15 by Ada
"We are carrying out NATO’s mission." As Ukraine’s defense minister acknowledges the proxy war, NATO proxy warriors disregard the toll. Unveiling its latest military assistance package to Ukraine – at $3.75 billion, the largest to date -- the White House declared that US weapons are intended “to help the Ukrainians resist Russian aggression.” For their part, Ukrainians on the receiving end see it differently. “We are carrying out NATO’s mission,” Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov said in an interview. “They aren’t shedding their blood. We’re shedding ours. That’s why they’re required to supply us with ...

Ukraine is Test Lab for Western Weapons ‘In Every Sense’, US Media Says
Post Date: 2023-01-16 11:21:31 by Ada
Moscow has repeatedly warned Washington and its allies against providing Kiev with arms, something that the Kremlin says contributes to further escalation of the Ukrainian conflict. Ukraine has become a “testbed” for western weapons which do not always live up to expectations and may finally become a thing of the past, a US media outlet has reported. The outlet claimed that the Ukrainian conflict “offered the United States and its allies a rare opportunity to study how their own weapons systems perform under intense use.” Click for Full Text!

Russia Again Calls for Peace But Says the US Will Never Allow It
Post Date: 2023-01-12 09:22:23 by Ada
This war is entirely on NATO and the US. Russia did not start the war and anyone who claims they did is lying to you on purpose or is so dumb they shouldn’t be allowed to have opinions on anything. According to Western sources, 15,000 people were killed in the Donbass by the Ukraine’s Jewish neo-Nazis before Putin devoted forces to a war that was already happening. Putin has been trying to do peace in the Ukraine since 2014. He did the Minsk Agreement and the West attacked and mocked it, violating it on purpose. They later admitted they signed it in bad faith to give the Kiev Junta time to build up their military. Russia is now forced to deal with the fact that there are no ...

Harry’s memoir includes a crude and indecent boast
Post Date: 2023-01-09 10:28:18 by Ada
Prince Harry's book Spare is due to be released on Tuesday, January 10, 2023, but details about what his memoir contains have been leaking out. Amidst the revelations of squabbles with his family and the sanctification of his wife, D-list actress Meghan Markle, one truly shocking revelation stands out: Harry claims to have killed 25 Taliban fighters during his service in Afghanistan. He also claims to have regarded the dead fighters as chess pieces to be taken off the board. The backlash has been intense. Retired British Army Colonel Richard Kemp gave an interview in which he described Harry's remarks as not only creating a security threat to himself but also raising the level of ...

What foreign policy elites really think about you
Post Date: 2023-01-09 08:12:25 by Ada
If public opinion doesn’t match up with the Washington program then it must be wrong, misunderstood, or worse, irrelevant. Tell us, Washington, how do you really feel about American public opinion? For years now, Beltway establishmentarians have been trying desperately to countermand the idea that they are in fact, elites: out of touch, impervious to what regular Americans want and need, and slaves to conventional foreign policy doctrine and dogma. But it is wartime again, and that’s when the masks slip. It began with the steady stream of Eliot Cohen and Anne Applebaum columns from the start of the Russian invasion, all demanding that Americans see the war in Ukraine as our ...

The US Government Is at War With Its Own Citizens
Post Date: 2022-12-26 12:06:07 by Ada
The Twitterfiles show proof that the FBI conducted mass brainwashing, censorship, and disinformation campaigns, in coordination with Big Tech and the mainstream media to steal elections. The FBI has responded by calling everyone “conspiracy theorists” House Republicans have located Emails and text messages implicating Nancy Pelosi in the security stand-down on January 6th In the face of the overwhelming proof that members of the FBI betrayed their oaths of office and violated the most fundamental Constitutional right of the people who pay their salaries to uphold that right, the FBI’s response to these Twitterfiles revelations is to continue to gaslight the public. On ...

Defense Bill Again Targets China Because the Real Enemy Is Anywhere But Washington
Post Date: 2022-12-26 09:24:57 by Ada
Just remember: all of the conservatives who claim to oppose war with Russia support war with China. That includes Tucker Carlson, who recently had Marco Rubio on and joined him in calling on the government to literally ban TikTok to stick it to the small-eyed yellow men who we’re supposed to believe are the REAL threat. Remember: the REAL threat to the American people is literally anywhere on earth other than Washington, DC. Click for Full Text!

Fortunate (Biden) Son
Post Date: 2022-12-25 16:28:20 by noone2222
Fuck D.C. and every cocksucker in it !

Some of Us Don’t Think the Russian Invasion Was “Aggression.” Here’s Why.
Post Date: 2022-12-23 14:46:40 by FormerLurker
By Mike WhitneyImagine if the Mexican army started bombarding American ex-pats living in Mexico with heavy artillery-rounds killing thousands and leaving thousands more wounded. What do you think Joe Biden would do?Would he brush it off like a big nothingburger and move on or would he threaten the Mexican government with a military invasion that would obliterate the Mexican Army, level their biggest cities, and send the government running for cover?Which of these two options do you think Biden would choose?There’s no doubt what Biden would do nor is there any question what the 45 presidents who preceded him would do. No US leader would ever stand by and do nothing while thousands of ...

Hohol Chieftain Says “Russian Mobilization Has Worked” – Coming for Kiev
Post Date: 2022-12-17 08:17:53 by Ada
Against every indication of reality, the American media is obsessed with pushing a narrative that “the Ukraine is winning the war.” This is not only an obvious lie, it also presents a serious problem for the Ukraine military. They are not winning, and when you say they are winning, you create a reality distortion where no one understands what is going on. This Hohol chieftain is saying really the exact opposite of everything the American media is saying, point by point. RT: Russia has adjusted its tactics in Ukraine and adapted to the Western-supplied weaponry Kiev uses, including US-made HIMARS multiple rocket launchers, Ukraine’s top military commander General Valery ...

Hoholistan Launches US Missiles at Russian Holiday Resort, Kills Many Random People
Post Date: 2022-12-11 07:29:17 by Ada
The main war strategy of the Hohol people is launching missiles at random civilians. It’s a kind of terrorism. They are trying to demoralize the Russians, who obviously don’t engage in this kind of mass murder. Click for Full Text!

Expect More Widening of the Ukraine Conflict
Post Date: 2022-12-09 08:11:21 by Ada
An Inflexible Putin indicates he is sticking with his go-slow war that results in ever more Western participation. In rare comments on the status of the war, Putin admitted it would likely be a “long process.” will-defend-russia-all-available-means Does Putin realize that by needlessly prolonging the conflict he is not only causing unnecessary Russian casualties, but also he could be putting his leadership in danger? Many Russians believe that Putin is making Russia look foolish by inability to bring the conflict to a victorious close. This might also affect recruitment. There is no pride for youth to be in a military ...

Swedish Magazine Features 6-Year-Old Ukraine Soldier on the Cover
Post Date: 2022-12-05 10:19:21 by Ada
Among its long list of what used to be considered “ethics violations” and “moral bankruptcies,” the Ukraine is using child soldiers. Everyone kind of knows this, just like they kind of know that the Ukraine is torturing and killing POWs. But you would expect them to downplay this, no? Instead, the Swedish magazine DAGENS ETC featured a brave (?) 6-year-old Ukraine soldier on their cover. You would think this would be a similar scandal to the Balenciaga child sex thing. I agree that having sex with children is not as bad as sending them to die in a war. But it’s sort of in the same category, and celebrating it as “sexy” and “cool” is in the ...

US Says Executing POWs Is Not a Big Deal
Post Date: 2022-11-22 09:32:11 by Ada
It’s our values in a democracy to execute POWs. RT: The Russian embassy in Washington has said that the US is enabling Ukrainian “neo-Nazis” to act with impunity by downplaying evidence of their atrocities, adding that US officials risk blowback from the policy, it warned. The statement released on Monday came in response to comments made by Beth Van Schaack, the US ambassador-at-large for global criminal justice, about videos of the summary execution of Russian soldiers captured by Ukrainian troops. A clip apparently shows the Russians surrendering and lying down on the ground. Another shows what looks like a Russian soldier appearing at the scene and discharging his ...

The Ever Widening War
Post Date: 2022-11-15 09:41:09 by Ada
The Pentagon has appointed a Lt. General (3 stars) Terry Wolff to head a new Army headquarters in Germany with a staff of 300 US military members to coordinate security assistance for Ukraine. Gen. Wolff is a graduate of the US Army Ranger School, a former officer of an armored division, and former director of Strategic Plans and Policy, Joint Chiefs of Staff. This is not the kind of officer that is given inventory assignments. As previously reported, Washington already has a division of troops deployed, not training, on Ukraine’s border and uniformed personnel in Ukraine ostensibly to prevent Ukraine from selling the weapons supplied by the West in black markets. Is ...

The Ever Widening War Grows Wider
Post Date: 2022-10-26 07:35:30 by Ada
Now the Kremlin is faced with the threat of a false flag “dirty bomb” that would serve, as “Assad’s use of chemical weapons was intended,” as an excuse for US military intervention in Ukraine. The Kremlin is also faced with the threat that Ukraine with Western aid will destroy the dam across the Dnieper River, flood Kherson and sweep away Russian artillery positions and pontoon bridges, leaving highly trained special force troops isolated and subject to capture. The capture of Russian special forces would be a major propaganda victory for Ukraine. The Kremlin could not have made a more stupid mistake than going to ...

COLUMN: Honor those killed 39 years ago in Beirut bombing
Post Date: 2022-10-24 08:25:16 by Esso
Sen. Connie Mack II with Beirut veteran Renard Manley at William R. Gaines Jr. Veterans Memorial Park dedication. At a time when we appear to feel more urgency about tearing down monuments and memorials than we do about raising new ones, there is at least one worthy exception. This one honors the lives and tells an American story of sacrifice for freedom by those whose memory undeniably deserves to be preserved. These would be the over 10,000 U.S. Marines, Navy sailors, and Army soldiers who served, many of whom died, in Beirut, Lebanon between 1982 to 1984. On October 23, 1983, 39 years ago this month, 220 Marines were killed, along with 18 sailors and three soldiers. It was the worst ...

The Dull War
Post Date: 2022-10-14 06:22:16 by Ada
The war was predominantly dull; with little movement. Trench warfare as in WWI. The big mistake was at the beginning when Russia tried to take a country of 40m with a few soldiers. The Head of Russian Intelligence Mr Naryshkin recently admitted that Russia had no reliable intelligence on Ukraine. For many years, since 1991, Russian intelligence service did not follow developments in the Ukraine. So Russia went to war, hoping the Ukrainians would greet their soldiers with flowers. It ended with a big retreat of the Russian troops. Putin thought he could make an agreement with Kiev, but it turns out the Ukraine signs agreements one day and reneges on them the next day. So it went on, until ...

Post Date: 2022-10-12 23:06:55 by Sling Blade

Terror on Crimea Bridge Forces Russia to Unleash Shock’n Awe
Post Date: 2022-10-11 08:56:46 by Ada
The terror attack on Krymskiy Most – the Crimea Bridge – was the proverbial straw that broke the Eurasian camel’s back. Russian President Vladimir Putin neatly summarized it: “This is a terrorist attack aimed at destroying the critical civilian infrastructure of the Russian Federation.” The head of the Russian Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, confirmed face-to-face with Putin that Terror on the Bridge was carried out by the SBU – Ukrainian special services. Bastrykin told Putin, “we have already established the route of the truck, where the explosion took place. Bulgaria, Georgia, Armenia, North Ossetia, Krasnodar… The carriers have ...

The Ukraine Just Bombed a Bridge in Russia – Vows More Terrorism
Post Date: 2022-10-08 10:42:06 by Ada
"Crimea, the bridge, the beginning. Everything illegal must be destroyed, everything stolen must be returned to Ukraine, everything occupied by Russia must be expelled", said Mikhail Podolyak, advisor to the office of the President of Ukraine, on the Crimean Bridge explosion. — The Insider (@InsiderEng) October 8, 2022 This weekend is really feeling surreal, no? It’s all happening – right now. This bridge attack comes right after Brandon was out there promoting “nuclear Armageddon.” RT: The blast that rocked the Crimean Bridge early on Saturday is just “the beginning,” a top aide to Ukrainian President Vladimir ...

Genius Strategist Petraeus Outlines Totally Sensible Response to Russian Nuke
Post Date: 2022-10-04 10:42:07 by Ada
General David Petraeus is the great military genius of our time. He single-handedly turned the tides of the Iraq War, finishing off the Arabs and ending the war in 2007. People were saying “the war is unwinnable – it’s going to last 20 years and you’re still going to lose.” Those people didn’t know about General Petraeus and his dick. After his decisive victory in Iraq, finishing off the Russians is paddy- cakes to General Petraeus. For Petraeus, who managed to force Osama bin Laden to surrender control of Baghdad like he was shooting a puppy, defeating Russia is as easy as kicking a field goal with a pathetic kitten. With these kinds of brilliant ...

Pentagon to create “Ukraine command”
Post Date: 2022-10-01 07:55:46 by Ada
UPDATE: The Kremlin has defeated its aims by diddle-dallying with war Ukraine’s government has responded to Russia’s formal annexation of the four eastern and southern regions of Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia by submitting an “accelerated” application to formally join NATO. As I have said dozens of times, the Kremlin’s ill-advised limited drawn- out campaign is ever widening into World War III. membership-stoltenberg-speak-soon This is a serious development. As I have said over and over, the Kremlin’s go-slow limited military operation is a fatal mistake resulting in a wider war. An ...

“Tit-For-Tat” Finally, a war in which I can hate all sides
Post Date: 2022-09-30 18:09:02 by X-15
Recently, a certain Mr.Putin of Russia delivered a message to the “Collective West” concerning a war. Mr. Putin, alert, focused, and not at all doddering, was blunt: Today our armed forces, as I have mentioned, are fighting on the line of contact that is over 1,000 kilometres long, fighting not only against neo-Nazi units but actually the entire military machine of the collective West. … Washington, London and Brussels are openly encouraging Kiev to move the hostilities to our territory. They openly say that Russia must be defeated on the battlefield by any means, and subsequently deprived of political, economic, cultural and any other sovereignty and ransacked. They have ...

Nuclear Games
Post Date: 2022-09-30 17:51:43 by X-15
Fission and fusion. Warheads and delivery vehicles. First strikes and second strikes. Counterforce and countervalue. Shots across the blow and mutually assured destruction. For decades on end these and any number of similarly mysterious terms have been circling the planet, reflecting the efforts of statesmen, politicians, defense officials, soldiers, academics and journalists to understand what nuclear weapons are all about, by whom and how they might be used, and what the consequences of their use might be. Some of the discussions are public, a great many others classified. Some are committed to paper, but a great many others take the form of wargames in which teams of highly qualified ...

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