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Jewkraine Whines That Russia is on the Attack as Putin Says 30% of Western Equipment Destroyed
Post Date: 2023-06-20 09:45:54 by Ada
The neo-Nazi state of Jewkraine is not very good at fighting wars. What they are very good at, however, is crying like little faggot babies about how the other team is not playing fair, even as they continue to use human shields, kill POWs, and refuse to retrieve their own injured and dead (they let them get eaten by dogs). Click for Full Text!

Scott Ritter: Ukrainian Counteroffensive’s Second Week Ends in Failure
Post Date: 2023-06-17 09:16:10 by Ada
Operation enters the second week of Ukraine’s long-awaited and highly touted counteroffensive, some basic conclusions can be drawn even though the fighting continues, and will continue to rage, for some time to come. First and foremost, the counteroffensive gambit has failed. While there is still considerable combat strength left in the Ukrainian military, including more than 75% of the NATO-trained and -equipped 60,000-strong cohort Ukraine had assembled in the past eight months, fundamentally flawed assumptions about the quality of the force on which Ukraine and its NATO allies had placed their collective hopes for victory over Russia have been exposed. In short, Ukraine lacks the ...

Post Date: 2023-06-15 11:21:20 by Esso

War-mad Putin Ally Proclaims Russia Will 'Wipe Washington Off the Face of the Earth' for Interfering in Ukraine
Post Date: 2023-06-14 20:31:11 by BTP Holdings
War-mad Putin Ally Proclaims Russia Will 'Wipe Washington Off the Face of the Earth' for Interfering in Ukraine Story by Connor Surmonte • 14 June 2023 Mega © Radar Online Top Vladimir Putin ally and Russian television personality Yevgeny Satanovsky recently proclaimed that Russia is capable of "wiping Washington off the face of the Earth,” has learned. Satanovsky, who is reportedly known for making outrageous claims about nuclear weapons and for referring to the 70-year-old Russian president as an "Emperor," made the concerning threat this week. Mega © Radar Online According to Daily Star, Satanovsky made the startling threat ...

After Pointlessly Destroying Huge Amounts of Equipment, Kiev Junta Demands Germany Give More Tanks
Post Date: 2023-06-13 07:12:28 by Ada
The Kiev Junta has spent a week sending German Leopard tanks to get blown up in fields for no reason. Now, they are demanding more of these tanks. RT: Ukraine needs significantly more German armor amid intense fighting with Russia, controversial former ambassador to Berlin Andrey Melnik said in an interview published on Sunday. The request comes after Moscow claimed it had destroyed several German-made Leopard tanks while repelling repeated attempts by Kiev to breach Russian lines. Speaking to Tagesspiegel, Melnik, who now serves as Ukraine’s deputy foreign minister, said his country requires much stronger support from the West than it is receiving now. … “The ...

Scott Ritter: Ukrainian Counteroffensive Runs Into Defensive Wall Yesterday
Post Date: 2023-06-12 10:34:55 by Ada
Over the course of the past few days, Ukraine has thrown two of its best-trained, best-equipped mechanized brigades into offensive operations against entrenched Russian defenders in the Zaporozhye sector of the front lines. These two brigades had been hand-picked for this job, having been equipped with modern Western tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, supported by Western-supplied artillery, and using NATO-specific tactics shaped by NATO-provided intelligence and NATO operational planning. In short, these two brigades represented a top-level NATO-level capability, the epitome of the nexus between Ukraine and the Collective West in their ongoing war to destroy Russia. They failed. As ...

CIA KNEW About Ukraine Plot to BLOW UP Nord Stream Pipeline, Other Plots | Are We The BAD Guys? Yep.
Post Date: 2023-06-12 09:58:54 by Esso
Poster Comment:US blew up Nordstream under the cover of BALTOPS '22. Ukraine didn't have the capability.

A War Like No Other
Post Date: 2023-06-12 08:13:55 by Ada
The Biden doctrine is a cynical effort to cash in on the blood of another nation. Joe Biden created for the U.S. a war like no other, one where others die and the U.S. simply sits back and pays the bills on a gargantuan scale. No attempts are made at diplomacy by the Americans, and the diplomatic efforts of others like the Chinese are dismissed as evil attempts to gain influence in the area (similar to the dismissal of Chinese diplomatic work in the Yemen war.) Biden is coming close to achieving 1984’s end state of perpetual warfare, while only putting a handful of American lives at risk. He has learned lessons from the Cold War, and has already put them into play. Can we call it ...

With Bradleys and Leopards Getting Blown Up, White House Says They’re Not Worried About Ukie Casualties
Post Date: 2023-06-11 11:12:17 by Ada
The Spring Counteroffensive has finally begun, and it is truly a wonder to behold. With no air support, the “Ukraine people” are driving all of their best equipment through open fields to have it blown up. They actually appear to be blowing some of their stuff up on their own mines, which is quite frankly some Wile E. Coyote type shit. There is a lot of video now of both Bradley and Leopard tanks being blown up. It’s been a real rough few days for our brave “Rainbow Heroes of the Order of the Stretched Anus.” Click for Full Text!

Ukie Madmen Just Driving Leopard Tanks and Other Heavy Equipment Into the Line to Get Blown Up
Post Date: 2023-06-09 08:42:50 by Ada
Video with the destruction of the Leopard column. — Lord Bebo (@MyLordBebo) June 8, 2023 The Ukraine’s spring counteroffensive has apparently begun, and has thus far consisted of “probing” attacks involving a lot of NATO equipment. These probes are somewhat standard for Slavic warfare, but it is incredible that they are sending their new NATO equipment, including the much-ballyhooed German Leopard tanks, to just get blown up for what seems like no reason at all. Leopard in the right upper corner takes a hit … not sure what though. — Lord Bebo (@MyLordBebo) June 8, 20 ...

Russia Holds West Responsible for Dam Disaster
Post Date: 2023-06-07 08:55:40 by Ada
This was an unthinkable crime and it is ostensibly a crime against their own country. I mean, Ukraine is claiming they have a right to all of these Russian territories, because “nation” is no longer a part of “nation-state,” so they are, according to their own beliefs, flooding their own people, risking the meltdown of their own nuclear reactor, denying their own people water. The reddit faggots on Twitter say that these territories are Ukraine, but they also celebrate when they are attacked and civilians are harmed, because those civilians – who they claim are Ukrainian – are a Russian enemy also. RT: Ukraine destroyed the Kakhovka dam in an ...

Russia Blows Up a Bunch of American Heavy Equipment After Hohols Suicide-Rush the Donbass Line
Post Date: 2023-06-06 07:13:31 by Ada
Is this the “counteroffensive” we’ve been hearing about for six months? RT: Russian forces have repelled a renewed large-scale attack by Ukrainian troops in several parts of Donetsk and Zaporozhye Regions, the Defense Ministry in Moscow said in the early hours of Tuesday, claiming that Kiev’s armed formations and military units suffered “significant losses.” “Having suffered heavy losses the day before, the Kiev regime reorganized the remnants of the 23rd and 31st mechanized brigades into separate combined units, which continued the offensive operations close to Novodarovka and Levadnoye,” said the ministry’s spokesman, Lieutenant General ...

Wacky Hohols Now Flying Drones Into Random Buildings in Moscow!
Post Date: 2023-05-30 09:28:57 by Ada
Russian capital, Moscow region attacked by drones – officials As it turns out, the big new hohol “counteroffensive” involves flying drones into random civilian buildings in Moscow! What weird actions are these??? Click for Full Text!

U.S. Has Been Planning Ukraine’s Counteroffensive ‘For Months,’ Victoria Nuland Says
Post Date: 2023-05-30 07:23:02 by Ada
She added that the attack will be "likely starting and moving concurrently" with events such as the NATO summit in Lithuania, scheduled for July 11. US officials are openly admitting America is running Ukraine’s war with Russia. From RT, “US has been preparing Ukrainian counteroffensive ‘for months’ — Nuland”: US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland told an audience in Kiev on Thursday that Washington has been helping plan the Ukrainian ‘counteroffensive’ against Russia for almost half a year. “Even as you plan for the counteroffensive, which we have been working on with you for some 4-5 months, we are ...

Post-Bakhmut Fiasco: Hohol Commanding Officer Shot by Subordinate for Ordering Unit to Go Die
Post Date: 2023-05-27 10:21:43 by Ada
The fallout from the lunatic bloodbath in Bakhmut has begun. It’s totally unclear why tens of thousands of “Ukrainians” were sent to die in a city that could not possibly be held. At least six and probably eight months before the Russians raised their flags on the last mid-rise tower in Bakhmut, it was obvious that the city was going to fall and everyone who went there was going to die for no reason. There are various theories as to why the Zelensky government chose to keep shoving bodies into this meat-grinder, against the advice of his own military leadership and, as we know from the big leaks, against the advice of many American advisors. It’s possible: He was ...

WAR CRIMES: Ukraine Admits Murdering ‘Quite A Few’ Russian Civilians Who Back Putin And His Invasion
Post Date: 2023-05-22 08:44:42 by Ada
Ukraine's targeting of civilians doesn't merely violate vague "international norms" that Washington pretends to hold dear -- they are explicitly war crimes. Ukraine implicated as a state sponsor of terror -- one that's received $37 billion in US military aid since the war started. A senior Ukrainian official has admitted that his country has assassinated “quite a few” Russian civilians who support Putin and his war to assert control of the Donbas region. In an interview with The Times of London, Major General Kyrylo Budanov, who heads Ukraine’s military intelligence service, also promised more attacks are to come. “We’ve already successfully ...

The Army We Don’t See
Post Date: 2023-05-10 06:57:53 by Ada
In late March, I was taken aback by a news story about a drone attack on American troops at a joint base with Kurdish forces in Syria. Though five U.S. soldiers were wounded, there was only one death and, as Eric Schmitt reported in the New York Times, that “soldier” was actually a private military contractor. (Weeks after his death, we still have no idea what company he worked for.) Another contractor was also wounded. Consider that a grim reminder of a reality of American war in this century that it’s been all too easy to ignore, one that TomDispatch regular, co-founder of the Costs of War Project, and military spouse Andrea Mazzarino highlights in today’s piece. As ...

Russian MP Says "Time To Launch Missile Attack On Zelensky's Residence" After Putin Targeted
Post Date: 2023-05-03 11:28:24 by Esso
Update(10:02ET): Zelensky's office is insisting it had nothing to do with the drone strike on the Kremlin, which Russian officials say was a "terrorist" attempt to assassinate President Putin: Even though Ukraine has denied involvement, pro-Kremlin voices are already calling for revenge. In a social media post, Vyacheslav Volodin, the chairman of Russia’s lower house of Parliament, said: "We will demand the use of weapons capable of stopping and destroying the Kyiv terrorist regime." [...] The reaction out of lawmakers in Russia's State Duma has been predictably hawkish, also with prominent Russian MP Mikhail Sheremet reportedly saying "It's time ...

Before We Send Any More Money To Ukraine - Can We Find Out Where The Rest Of Our Cash Went?
Post Date: 2023-04-17 10:32:25 by Ada
Back during the days of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, we gave our allies, the mujaheddin, a whole bunch of man-portable ground-to-air missiles called Stingers. They used them to great effect against the Russians. They also sold a bunch of them on the black market. We then spent a great deal of time wandering all over the world, making deals with black-market arms dealers and buying back our own missiles so they would not be used to shoot down commercial airliners by terrorist groups. Needless to say, we paid top dollar to get the missiles back. This is the way the world works. If you pass out money and weapons to people around the world you don’t always know in advance the ...

Texeira Pentagon Leaks Reveal MSM as a Branch of Government - Viva Frei Vlawg
Post Date: 2023-04-15 08:17:52 by Esso
Poster Comment:Frei is a Canadian legal-beagle (lawyer).

Torture files: how the most notorious scandal in Iraq came from GiTMO
Post Date: 2023-04-15 07:25:18 by Ada
Still no reckoning for those who took criminal interrogation tactics from the dark corners of the GWOT and blew them up at Abu Ghraib. This is the fifth installment of our weeklong series marking the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, March 20, 2003. See all of the stories here. On September 18, 2001, President George W. Bush signed into law congressional authorization to use military force against those responsible for the September 11, 2001 attacks. Three weeks later, the U.S. invaded Afghanistan. Bush then opened the detention facility at U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, which became a feature of the United States’ rights-rejecting response to 9/11; ...

Syria episode shows how contractors still used to fight America’s wars
Post Date: 2023-04-10 08:04:40 by Ada
It would be good to know for certain how big the US footprint in that part of the world actually is. It’s become increasingly apparent that official data on U.S. military personnel deployed in so-called war zones overseas may be understating the actual number. Likewise, active duty military casualties account for only a portion of the American deaths suffered in Washington’s various overseas crusades in the last 20 years. The principal mechanism for that statistical deception is the Pentagon’s growing use of “civilian contractors,” like the one killed in a drone strike targeting U.S. military on a coalition base in eastern Syria last week. According to the ...

Hohol Diplomat Admits Kiev Not Reporting Casualties, Says Real Number “Horrible”
Post Date: 2023-04-09 08:47:38 by Ada
For whatever reason, the Ukrainian government is constantly going out and just publicly admitting things that I have been claiming. I’ve said for nearly a year that the Kiev junta was lying about deaths as a way to downplay just how crazy it is that they are fighting a massive war and destroying their own country for the sake of the “strategic objectives” of the United States. An official has just causally stated that in an interview, admitting that the real number of dead and maimed is beyond belief. Click for Full Text!

Collapse of American Infrastructure and Supply Chain Threatens Anal World War Agenda
Post Date: 2023-03-30 09:53:45 by Ada
How are these Jews planning to start a war with China when they already have these supply line issues? What happens when China cuts the exports? Obviously, the Jews don’t care if we starve, but how are you going to fight a world war when the population is starving? Just only feed the soldiers? And I guess their families? Let everyone else eat crickets? Click for Full Text!

Zelensky Says If He Loses in “Bakhmut,” He’ll be Forced to End the War
Post Date: 2023-03-29 09:49:30 by Ada
March 29, 2023 Zelensky has been continually feeding tens of thousands of troops into the meat grinder in Artyomovsk. Many wonder what the purpose of this is, given that he is not going to have an army for much longer, and he’s yet to make any progress at all. He has explained that he is worried that if he surrenders the city, he will be pressured to make peace with Russia. It’s really wild that the US and Ukrainian governments are able to so openly frame themselves as actively pro-war and entirely opposed to ending the war. RT: Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has said that if his troops were to surrender the city of Artyomovsk, known as Bakhmut in Ukraine, his ...

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