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Russia’s Darkest War Week: Massive Losses in Ukraine
Post Date: 2023-11-12 14:25:09 by BTP Holdings
Russia’s Darkest War Week: Massive Losses in Ukraine Story by Ben Evans • 12 November 2023 Russia’s Darkest War Week: Massive Losses in Ukraine © Provided by Z-LIVE NEWS Int. Media reports indicate significant Russian troop losses, especially in the contested Donetsk region. Russia experienced one of the deadliest days of warfare since the beginning of its invasion in Ukraine, as reported by Newsweek. According to statements from Kyiv, the Russian armed forces suffered a significant increase in losses and equipment damage, particularly since launching their offensive for Avdiivka, a major industrial center in the eastern Donetsk region and a symbol of Ukrainian ...

Hezbollah vs. IDF -- What Happened Last Time?
Post Date: 2023-11-04 10:32:11 by Ada
It looks like the parable of David and Goliath is about to re-emerged on the world stage. Ironically, the previous battle cast the Israeli State as the heavy. The “David” of the piece was decentralized “4GW” (4th Generation Warfare) as deployed by an estimated 3,000 Hezbollah fighters. The outcome of that battle was a serious blow to central governments everywhere. If one of the most effective government militaries in the world couldn’t deal with 3,000 militiamen, what good is it? The inevitable outcome of the ill conceived U.S. Government actions in Iraq and Afghanistan delivered two much more lethal blows to Goliath. The uncivilized, barbaric ferocity of the ...

BOOM: NBC Reports West in Negotiations with the Ukraine for SURRENDER!
Post Date: 2023-11-04 10:19:04 by Ada
Here’s the original article. I always quote publications that have a better format for my quote system, but this is important enough you might want the original. It’s over, faggots! Get off the battlefield and go mourn your dead! Just so you understand – I want to make sure everyone understands this point – “peace negotiations” mean “negotiated surrender.” It’s a euphemism, in the vein of changing the name of the “Department of War” to the “Department of Defense.” No one wants to use the word “surrender,” because it sounds nasty. But that’s what the Ukraine would be doing in “peace negotiations” ...

Ukraine has taken 17,000 Russians off the battlefield without firing a shot, US Army special-ops general says
Post Date: 2023-11-02 21:25:01 by BTP Holdings
Ukraine has taken 17,000 Russians off the battlefield without firing a shot, US Army special-ops general says Story by (Stavros Atlamazoglou) • 1 November 2023 Russian soldiers during the Vostok military exercise at a training area south of Vladivostok in September 2018. MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP via Getty Images © MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP via Getty Images > Russia has taken hundreds of thousands of casualties since attacking Ukraine last year. > Thousands more troops have deserted, a reflection of the Russian military's deep morale problems. > Ukrainian information warfare has helped drive those Russians away, according to a top US general. Today, a lot ...

The Neoconservatives and Israel Are Reopening the Middle East Wars
Post Date: 2023-11-02 08:35:35 by Ada
The latest reports support my thesis that the Israeli-Hamas Conflict is a Continuation of the 9/11 Plot. This article from the Israeli newspaper Haaretz describes the enormous amounts of arms and ammunition Washington is assembling around Israel and reports the arrival of transport ships and aircraft for evacuations of Americans from the Middle East. This is evidence that Washington intends a much larger conflict than the one in Gaza. Washington is preparing for a regional conflict. Putin, by restraining the Muslims, is making the same mistake he made with the Minsk agreement–banking on peace when Washington intends war. I see the information in Haaretz’s report as support for ...

Col. Douglas Macgregor: "We Are Setting The Stage For Chaos!" - Must Video
Post Date: 2023-10-30 00:09:13 by TwentyTwelve
0 Comments stage-for-chaos-must-video-2480310.html

Col. Douglas Macgregor: "The War Has Entered A New Phase!" - Must Video
Post Date: 2023-10-30 00:07:20 by TwentyTwelve
0 Comments http://the-war-"> http://has-"> entered-a-new-phase-must-video-2480315.html

One Mistake Before Armageddon
Post Date: 2023-10-28 09:06:42 by Ada
Each of us faces each day threats to our health, happiness, and life. Overarching it all, we collectively face death from nuclear weapons. The development of nuclear weapons was a human stupidity. They cannot be used, but their existence threatens the life of the planet. So why have them? Accident, emotional response, loss of reason are all human faults that can come into play at any time. During the 20th century Cold War these dangers were underlined by the Cuban Missile Crisis. President Nixon led the way to sanity with arms control agreements with the Soviet Union and his opening to China. Presidents Carter and Reagan kept the momentum going for reduced tensions and peaceful ...

Beirut Bombing 1983 - US Marine Barracks - Forgotten History [40 YEARS AGO TODAY]
Post Date: 2023-10-23 08:40:37 by Esso
Poster Comment:I sure as fuck didn't think I'd still be around 40 years later rehashing this bullshit in my 60s. I guess I figured that I'd check out about 50 like my old man did. I didn't think there'd be a rerun starting a couple, three years ago with Bidet's clot-shot mandates systematically killing 15 or so of my friends, including three girlfriends. And now frail and doddering homosexual Prez Poopy Pants Pedophile has things fucked up over there again because he's so weak and has destroyed the military with his gay diversity, inclusion and equity [DIE] suicide pact. Nobody's afraid of the rainbow flag US now.

It Doesn’t Look Like There is Going to be a Ground Invasion of Gaza This Time Around
Post Date: 2023-10-22 15:27:32 by Ada
The situation in the Middle East does not make sense to me, as a general matter. From the beginning, I didn’t understand how it could have happened without the Mossad knowing. Israel doesn’t have a good military, but they have very good intelligence (both of which are things I guess you’d assume about a country of Jews). Egypt came out and said that they warned of the attack because they had that intelligence. The Jews initially denied this, then the Americans confirmed it. Troops had been moved from the Gazan border to the West Bank. Click for Full Text!

Postcards from a Police State: 22 Years of Blowback from the USA Patriot Act
Post Date: 2023-10-18 08:54:59 by Ada
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”—Hermann Goering, German military commander and Hitler’s designated successor For those who remember the days and months that followed 9/11, there is an unnerving feeling of déjà vu about the Hamas attacks on Israel. The same shocking images of carnage and grief dominating the news. The same disbelief that anyone could be so hateful, so monstrous, so evil as to do this to another human being. The ...

Palestinian resistance bombs Haifa with R-160 missile
Post Date: 2023-10-13 10:13:19 by Horse
The Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed arm of the Hamas movement, announced on Wednesday that it had bombed the city of Haifa in northern Israel with an R160 missile. The Brigades said in a statement: “The Al-Qassam Brigades bombed the occupied city of Haifa with an R160 missile,” which is locally made and has a range of 160 km. The movement added: “We attacked a parking lot for vehicles and individuals in eastern Gaza with two suicide planes,” without further details.

Israel-Palestine war: Three lies Biden has told since the start of fighting
Post Date: 2023-10-13 07:59:48 by Ada
Middle East Eye takes a look at some of the US president's remarks which have not held up to scrutiny US President Joe Biden has pushed several false claims when speaking about the latest round of fighting in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. Earlier this week, he delivered a 10-minute speech where he laid the blame for the violence squarely on Palestinian fighters, absolving Israel of any responsibility. His speech came three days after Palestinian fighters launched a multi- pronged assault on southern Israel, killing at least 1,200 people and taking at least 100 Israelis captive. According to Mohammed Deif, the leader of Hamas's military wing, the operation was ...

Israel-Palestine war: What we know so far about Israeli casualties
Post Date: 2023-10-12 07:09:09 by Ada
Israeli army and police officers are among those who have lost their lives since Hamas launched its surprise attack on Saturday At least 1,200 Israelis have died since Saturday's surprise Palestinian attack, the largest number killed since the 1973 Middle East war. The death toll includes hundreds of civilians, as well as police and army forces. Senior Israeli commanders and local officials are among the dead. Hamas says it has captured more than 100 Israelis and taken them back to Gaza as hostages. The Palestinian Islamic Jihad groups says it has around 30 more. On Tuesday, the Israeli military said it had found the bodies of "around 1,500 Hamas" fighters in Israel ...

Did you see the agent provacature?
Post Date: 2023-10-11 22:11:21 by titorite
If I can get this embed to work, Im trying to show off a clip of the french beating off the doctors supporting hammas all around the nice part of town, Its like fifteen secons if I did it right you shit if I didnt get it right this time. Point is, after they run them up a bit, they start beating on the Irish white fellow thats to give no fucks in his scranny outfit and cop stach.

Gazans Break Out of World's Biggest Concentration Camp
Post Date: 2023-10-09 06:32:17 by Ada
Nonviolence didn't work, so they had to shoot their way out My preparations for this weekend’s False Flag Weekly News, with its tongue-in-cheek lead story suggesting that Wednesday’s emergency alert’s hidden message was “killer tranny Sarah Ashton-Cirillo is on the loose,” were shockingly interrupted by the Gaza concentration camp breakout. Suddenly, the emergency alert was real—and being sounded all over Israel. As usual, Western morons blamed the victims. In a lame attempt at sick humor, American National Security Council spokeswoman Adrienne Watson condemned the attacks as “unprovoked.” Apparently it isn’t a provocation to slaughter ...

This Proxy War Can’t Be Both ‘Unprovoked’ AND A Great Strategic Investment
Post Date: 2023-10-03 10:07:52 by Ada
If you accept that this war is a very low-cost, high-reward means for the US to advance its strategic interests overseas, then you’d have to have tapioca for brains to also believe that the US wouldn’t have gone out of its way to make sure the war happens. As opposition to funding the US proxy war in Ukraine increases on Capitol Hill, empire apologists have been frantically churning out think pieces about how much the war serves US strategic interests in order to manufacture support for its continued backing by Washington. Such arguments flatly contradict the propaganda messaging we were inundated with at the beginning of the war that this was an “unprovoked ...

Why Mitch McConnell Is One Sick F**k
Post Date: 2023-09-27 10:13:31 by Ada
Rarely has the imperial arrogance of the Washington political class been so succinctly expressed. We are talking about Mitch McConnell’s recent triple bank-shot rationale for inflicting still more misery and death on the god-forsaken peoples of Ukraine. American support for Ukraine is not charity. It’s in our own direct interests – not least because degrading Russia helps to deter China. What kind of sick fuck would demolish an entire nation and slaughter tens of thousands of its citizens in order to weaken its neighbor and historic suzerain—all for the purpose of sending a carom shot across the bow of rulers 3,600 miles away. And rulers, at that, who are no boon to ...

Escobar: A Snapshot Of Ukrainian Morale In The Battlefield
Post Date: 2023-09-25 11:52:17 by Ada
It’s now firmly established that the Ukrainian counter-offensive turned out to be the feeder of a bloody meat grinder of astonishing proportions. It’s now firmly established that the Ukrainian counter-offensive turned out to be the feeder of a bloody meat grinder of astonishing proportions. Of every 100 people who joined Ukrainian units last Fall, months before the counter-offensive, only 10 to 20 remain. The rest are dead, wounded or incapacitated. These stats were confirmed by the online publication Poltavashchyna. It’s quite enlightening to check the following snapshot of the Ukrainian frontlines only five months ago, in Spring, slightly before the start of the ...

Post Date: 2023-09-19 07:06:16 by Esso
The closer that bears down, the more fucked up I get. My mother used to have an old saying, "If you can get over the dog, you can get over the tail." I was just a kid back then. I couldn't get over 241 dogs. I never will.

Was There a “war on Terror” or a War on the American People?
Post Date: 2023-09-14 09:36:31 by Ada
In response to 9/11, Republican Attorney General John Ashcroft told an obedient Congress on a Wednesday to have a sweeping expansion of executive power and dramatic curtailment of American’s civil rights ready in bill form by the end of the week. As Matt Taibbi reminds us, “Congress quickly delivered with ‘roving’ wiretaps, warrantless searches, ‘trap and trace’ searches, law enforcement and intelligence access to grand jury information, use of FISA monitoring for non-foreign situations, reduction or elimination of predicate requirements for FBI investigations, and elimination of judicial review for most of these activities, among many other things in the USA ...

Blinken: US Does Not Oppose Ukrainian Attacks Inside Russia With US-Supplied Missiles
Post Date: 2023-09-11 10:52:32 by Ada
The fact that we are drawing closer and closer to nuclear conflict should dominate headlines every single day, and the subject of how to avoid planetary disaster should be the constant focus of mainstream political discourse. During an appearance on ABC’s This Week with Jonathan Karl, Secretary of State Tony Blinken explicitly said that the US would not oppose Ukraine using US-supplied longer-range missiles to attack deep inside Russian territory, a move that Moscow has previously called a “red line” which would make the United States a direct party to the conflict. “We understand that the United States is considering sending those long- range missiles that Ukraine ...

Jerkface Elon Musk Refuses To Help Start Nuclear War
Post Date: 2023-09-09 09:16:26 by Ada
KYEV — Ukraine boss Volodimir Zelensky is reportedly irate at the lack of international support he's received in his extended battle with Russia, including a recent snub by major certified butthead Elon Musk who has refused to help start a nuclear war. "Not only have we not received the trillions of dollars in blank checks we requested, but stupid dipwad Elon Musk won't let us use his Starlink system to inch us closer to nuclear holocaust," said a visibly perturbed Zelensky from another mansion, but we're not sure which one there are so many at this point. "Doesn't he know how much sacrifice and prison time my political opponents have endured since this ...

Bound to Lose
Post Date: 2023-09-04 09:01:33 by Ada
Ukraine’s 2023 Counteroffensive It is now clear that Ukraine’s eagerly anticipated counteroffensive has been a colossal failure.[1] After three months, the Ukrainian army has made little progress pushing back the Russians. Indeed, it has yet to get beyond the so-called “grey zone,” the heavily contested strip of land that lies in front of the first main line of Russian defenses. The New York Times reports that “In the first two weeks of the counteroffensive, as much as 20 percent of the weaponry Ukraine sent to the battlefield was damaged or destroyed, according to U.S. and European officials. The toll included some of the formidable Western fighting machines ...

Fallujah Is Not a Presidential Victory Lap
Post Date: 2023-08-31 09:48:31 by Ada
florida republican governor ron desantis politicial candidate sp Des Moines, Iowa, USA - August 12, 2023: Florida Republican Governor and presidential candidate Ron DeSantis greets supporters at the Iowa State Fair fair side chats in Des Moines, Iowa. In the first 2024 Republican presidential debate last week, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis touted his time in Iraq. “I learned in the military, I was assigned with U.S. Navy SEALs in Iraq, that you focus on the mission above all else, you can’t get distracted,” he declared. Later in the debate he stated, “I’m somebody that volunteered to serve, inspired by September 11 and I deployed to Iraq alongside U.S. Navy SEALs ...

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