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Assange Described A Decade Ago How 'Endless' Afghan War Was Engineered By "Transnational Security Elite"
Post Date: 2021-08-22 11:24:33 by Ada
As the hawks who have been lying about the US invasion and occupation of Afghanistan for two decades continue to peddle fantasies in the midst of a Taliban takeover and American evacuation of Kabul, progressive critics on Tuesday reminded the world who has benefited from the "endless war." "Entrenching U.S. forces in Afghanistan was the military-industrial complex’s business plan for 20+ years," declared the Washington, D.C.-based advocacy group Public Citizen. Click for Full Text!

Biden: Withdrawal of Troops in Afghanistan Could’ve Gone No Better
Post Date: 2021-08-21 11:38:11 by BTP Holdings
Biden: Withdrawal of Troops in Afghanistan Could’ve Gone No Better Joe Biden joined George Stephanopoulos in an exclusive interview with ABC News. What he had to say about the ongoing chaos in Afghanistan is receiving backlash from both sides of the political aisle. In the interview, Stephanopoulos asked Biden if the U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan could’ve been handled better, in which Biden snapped backed and said it couldn’t have been better. Biden then expanded on the comment and declared there was going to be chaos no matter what he did; so he felt as if the situation could’ve gone no better than how it went. Stephanopoulos also asked Biden what he ...

The Afghanistan Exit Debacle: Incompetence, Distraction Or Something More Sinister?
Post Date: 2021-08-21 09:01:01 by Ada
Does the Biden admin need US troops home to enforce medical tyranny through martial law? My first instinct has been to ignore the circus surrounding Biden’s apparent bungle of the troop exit from Afghanistan, primarily because I think it distracts from the much bigger danger of despotic covid mandates and vaccine passports that Biden and his handlers are trying to push forward right now on our home soil. That said, I have received numerous requests from readers to discuss the situation and I’ve found certain aspects of the pull-out rather suspicious. The basic assumption here is that Biden is senile and his handling of the exit is tainted by his stupidity, but maybe there is ...

Afghanistan’s “Color Revolution”? Narcotics and the Opium Trade
Post Date: 2021-08-20 07:19:16 by Ada
The U.S. has not been thrown out of Afghanistan. Quite the opposite. Washington is involved in managing the strategic transition towards the formation of a Taliban Islamic Emirate. Earlier reports suggested that a so-called interim Afghan administration was to be headed by Prof. Ali Ahmad Jalali, who just so happens to be a US citizen. “Regime Change” in Afghanistan? Troop withdrawals coupled with a US sponsored color revolution? The Doha Negotiations with the Taliban America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan has been the object of extensive negotiations between Washington and the Taliban. An earlier deal was signed in Doha in late February 2020 during the Trump ...

Now Would Be A Great Time For George W Bush To Shut The Fuck Up
Post Date: 2021-08-18 22:40:13 by X-15
George W Bush has issued a statement on the situation in Afghanistan, and there are not enough shoes in the world to adequately respond to it. “Laura and I have been watching the tragic events unfolding in Afghanistan with deep sadness,” the Hague fugitive writes. “Our hearts are heavy for both the Afghan people who have suffered so much and for the Americans and NATO allies who have sacrificed so much.” Bush tells the US Armed Forces, diplomatic corps, and intelligence community how proud he and his wife are of their “sacrifice” and “courage” and that they “kept America safe” and “made America proud” with their decades-long ...

Generation GWOT and the fall of Afghanistan
Post Date: 2021-08-18 14:11:14 by X-15
Some of you Afghan Veterans out there are hurting, trying to make sense of what this all means. Including some of my peers, who are not immune to the feel bads coming out of this clusterfuck. So allow me to give you a different perspective, one that will perhaps sooth the pain a bit. I shoot straight, and this isn’t all sunshine and roses. There is going to be some Grim Dark up front. But it does have a silver lining, hear me out. Was this a foolish mission to start with? Yes. The only way to decisively win in Afghanistan was full scale genocide, which we knew from about 2003 forward. We don’t have the stomach for that, and that is probably a good thing. Did we lose? Yeah, ...

Taliban Officially Bans Production, Distribution, And Use of Narcotics
Post Date: 2021-08-18 08:48:02 by Ada
At the same Kabul press conference on Tuesday where the Taliban spokesman condemned the censorship practices of Facebook, he also announced that from now on, The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan will be a narcotics-free country. Spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said that all of the opium and heroin production which has been run by the US military for the last two decades will end, and the country will go back to the drug-free way it was before the American invasion. “We had brought narcotics production to a halt in 2001. That is something we will do. Afghanistan will be drug-free from now on,” he said. “We need alternative crops, and we hope to bring this scourge to an ...

The False Spectre of ‘Domestic Terrorism Threats’ Is Nothing More Than a Government Plot to Control and Incarcerate All Dissenters
Post Date: 2021-08-17 11:08:18 by Ada
“The object of terrorism is terrorism. The object of oppression is oppression. The object of torture is torture. The object of murder is murder. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?” ~ George Orwell, 1984 This ‘virus’ terrorism that has been structured and stoked by this heinous government for the purpose of depopulation, power grabs, and control over society, is now being greatly ramped up in order to shut down all questions, all speech, all facts, and all those that would not comply with draconian mandates issued by this corrupt state. If such a criminal coup is able to be accomplished by the state thugs, all opposition to the status quo ...

Now Would Be A Great Time For George W Bush To Shut The Fuck Up
Post Date: 2021-08-17 10:44:02 by Ada
George W Bush has issued a statement on the situation in Afghanistan, and there are not enough shoes in the world to adequately respond to it. “Laura and I have been watching the tragic events unfolding in Afghanistan with deep sadness,” the Hague fugitive writes. “Our hearts are heavy for both the Afghan people who have suffered so much and for the Americans and NATO allies who have sacrificed so much.” Bush tells the US Armed Forces, diplomatic corps, and intelligence community how proud he and his wife are of their “sacrifice” and “courage” and that they “kept America safe” and “made America proud” with their decades-long ...

“Graveyard of Empires” Claims Another Victim
Post Date: 2021-08-16 10:46:58 by Ada
“Graveyard of Empires” Claims Another Victim, by James Corbett So what’s really happening in Afghanistan? The simplest answer to that question might be: Nothing unexpected. After all, the country is called “The Graveyard of Empires” for a reason. First, the history lesson: Situated on the main land route between Iran, Central Asia and India, Afghanistan has for millennia been recognized as a key square on the geopolitical chess board. The country has been subject to periodic invasions and conquests by various civilizations—the Macedonians, the Mauryans, the Greco-Bactrians, the Indo-Scythians, the Mongols, etc.—for thousands of years. In fact, control ...

There will be no 'interim government' in Afghanistan, says Taliban spokesperson
Post Date: 2021-08-16 09:46:00 by Ada
Taliban spokesperson Zabiullah Mujahid told India Today TV that the Taliban want peace in Afghanistan and they do not want people to fear them. Read on to find out what he told India Today during an exclusive interview. . The Taliban on Sunday marched into the capital city of Kabul, after 20 years of fighting the administration from the Af-Pak region. While fear gripped the city with the top leadership having fled Afghanistan, including President Ashraf Ghani, who tendered his resignation soon after. ON LAW AND ORDER In an exclusive conversation with India Today TV, the Taliban spokesperson Zabiullah Mujahid confirmed that the Taliban have entered the city, explaining that the intention ...

Taliban takes control of presidential palace, poses for pictures inside
Post Date: 2021-08-15 17:29:01 by Ada
The Taliban took control of the presidential palace in Kabul on Sunday — brazenly posing for pictures inside vacated Afghan government offices and meeting rooms. The images show heavily armed fighters from the extremist Islamic group standing around one Taliban leader as he sits at the desk of departed President Ashraf Ghani, who fled the capital city, according to reports. Another photo shows more than a dozen rebels sitting at a long conference table inside the Afghan government building, Al Jazeera reported. The group announced from the palace that they will reestablish the Islamic emirate that was disbanded after US forces invaded in 2001. Taliban militants are reportedly seen ...

Hold the Generals Accountable This Time
Post Date: 2021-08-15 09:03:30 by Ada
If, after the horrors of this week in Afghanistan, the 4-Starry-eyed generals responsible for this 20-year March of Folly are not held accountable, there will be still worse to come. None were held accountable for the disasters of Vietnam or Iraq, and now the allegedly smart 4-Star Generals and Admirals are – get this – preparing for war with China and Russia. "Civilian control" of the military is a fiction when the Departments of Defense and State are headed by windsock politicians like Robert Gates and Hillary Clinton, not to mention President Barack Obama who lacked the spine to stand up to political generals like David Petraeus. This was clear as a bell 12 years ...

Biden’s Afghanistan Predictions Were All Wrong
Post Date: 2021-08-14 10:22:04 by BTP Holdings
Biden’s Afghanistan Predictions Were All Wrong 'Highly unlikely' Taliban will overrun Afghanistan, Biden said in July Thaleigha Rampersad and Jack Beyrer • August 13, 2021 3:45 pm When President Joe Biden defended his decision to withdraw all U.S. troops from Afghanistan by a September 11 deadline, the president told reporters in July that it remained "highly unlikely" the Taliban would take control of the country. "The likelihood there's going to be the Taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely," Biden said. "The Afghan government and leadership has to come together. They clearly have the capacity to ...

The CIA’s Outsourced Torture Is Lost To History
Post Date: 2021-08-07 08:20:34 by Ada
The CIA's notorious practice of kidnapping and displacement gave birth to the post-9/11 torture program. We know nearly nothing about it. Edited by Sam Thielman DESPITE THE REDACTIONS, the pseudonyms, and the thousands of unreleased pages, the Senate intelligence committee’s report into post-9/11 CIA torture – that is, the executive summary available to the public – is the most robust oversight ever conducted of any part of the War on Terror. The committee typically defends the agencies and activities it nominally oversees; remarkably, the torture investigation revealed the gruesome realities inside the CIA’s black sites. It demonstrated, with precision and ...

Post Date: 2021-08-03 02:09:11 by Esso
Poster Comment:Fuckin' slant eyes.

Biden Orders Airstrikes In Afghanistan As Tensions Mount
Post Date: 2021-08-01 21:50:16 by BTP Holdings
Biden Orders Airstrikes In Afghanistan As Tensions Mount ( After removing all troops from the region, the United States is now initiating new military airstrikes in Afghanistan. On Tuesday, the Pentagon confirmed the new airstrikes, which are being carried out to help the Afghan forces as they try to fight back the progression of the Taliban. Major Robert Lodewick, a spokesman for the Pentagon, submitted a statement to The Hill that said: “A number of strikes have occurred over the last several days from both manned and unmanned strike platforms.” These strikes followed two sets that happened last week. The targets of those attacks were equipment ...

The Forbidden Word
Post Date: 2021-07-29 16:12:08 by Ada
Is This Country Heading for the Exit? It was all so long ago, in a world seemingly without challengers. Do you even remember when we Americans lived on a planet with a recumbent Russia, a barely rising China, and no obvious foes except what later came to be known as an “axis of evil,” three countries then incapable of endangering this one? Oh, and, as it turned out, a rich young Saudi former ally, Osama bin Laden, and 19 hijackers, mostly of them also Saudis, from a tiny group called al-Qaeda that briefly possessed an “air force” of four commercial jets. No wonder this country was then touted as the greatest force, the superest superpower ever, sporting a military ...

The Coming ‘January 6’ Train Wreck
Post Date: 2021-07-22 09:28:26 by Ada
With the DOJ's first sentencing, the legal realities are disappointing the left's lust for blood. The January 6 Capitol clash may be the gift that keeps on giving to cynics everywhere. In the coming months, Americans will likely see jaw-dropping bureaucratic debacles, stunning abuses by federal prosecutors, and appalling bloodlust by angry Biden supporters. Perhaps the least likely outcome is that the coming train wreck will restore faith in American democracy. The Justice Department declared last week, “The investigation and prosecution of the Capitol Breach will be the largest in American history, both in terms of the number of defendants prosecuted and the nature and ...

Charlottesville removes statues of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson
Post Date: 2021-07-10 17:47:37 by AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt
Charlottesville removes statues of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson The final scene of a five-year saga that began with a high-school student circulating a petition, inspired an infamous white-nationalist demonstration, landed in the hands of lawyers and ultimately the Virginia Supreme Court, and has now ended with the statue being carted off to parts unknown unceremoniously on the back of a flatbed. A crowd was there to see it off this morning: Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:Jews Caused the Civil War We Thought They Were White - Dontell Jackson - An African-American apologizes for misattributed perceptions of white racism ...

Say Hello to the Diplo-Taliban
Post Date: 2021-07-10 07:26:26 by Ada
Deploying diplomatic skills refined from Doha to Moscow, the Taliban in 2021 has little to do with its 2001 incarnation A very important meeting took place in Moscow last week, virtually hush-hush. Nikolai Patrushev, secretary of the Russian Security Council, received Hamdullah Mohib, Afghanistan’s national security adviser. There were no substantial leaks. A bland statement pointed to the obvious: They “focused on the security situation in Afghanistan during the pullout of Western military contingencies and the escalation of the military-political situation in the northern part of the country.” The real story is way more nuanced. Mohib, representing embattled President ...

The Onion Predicted America's Middle Of The Night Pullout From Bagram In Afghanistan
Post Date: 2021-07-07 07:33:46 by Ada
Nearly a decade after a satirical piece ran about 'slipping out' of Afghanistan, American troops unexpectedly cut the power at Bagram as they left. New details about the U.S. military's sudden, nighttime departure from Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan, which had been a major hub for the United States and the NATO-led coalition in the country for nearly 20 years, emerged over the weekend. The last Americans reportedly left unannounced, ostensibly for operational security reasons, but they turned off the power, which in turn cut the running water at the base, as they departed. The nature of this withdrawal came as a shock to Afghan troops who are now stationed at the base and ...

World War III with Russia and China: Good Idea – Or Great Idea?
Post Date: 2021-07-06 18:09:15 by Ada
Every signal is pointing to the fact that whoever is controlling the US military (we don’t know who it is, but it is clear that it is not any visible face in the Biden Administration) believes that starting dual wars with Russia and China is not just a good idea – it’s a great idea. This week, Russia made statements saying they will push back hard against the US if they keep making these aggressive moves they’ve been making ever since Donald Trump was forced out of office in the coup. Click for Full Text!

Almost as soon as the US military left its biggest airbase in Afghanistan, looters rolled in
Post Date: 2021-07-03 07:30:17 by Ada
Bagram, the biggest airbase in Afghanistan, was ransacked within hours of the US withdrawal. Afghan officials said the US didn't coordinate the withdrawal with them, though the US military denies this. Looters stole laptops and gas canisters. It's not a good sign for the future of Afghanistan. See more stories on Insider's business page. Within hours of the US withdrawal from Bagram - the largest airbase in Afghanistan and the long-time hub of America's longest war - looters rolled in. The looters stole laptops and gas canisters from the base, said Darwaish Raufi, a district administrator for Bagram, per the New York Times. Raufi said the US withdrawal from the base ...

Bombing Afghanistan After the Troops are Gone
Post Date: 2021-07-02 06:19:39 by Ada
If the military officials who talk to the press get their way, the U.S. war in Afghanistan will never end. This became execrably clear on June 9, when the New York Times published an article quoting anonymous Pentagon dignitaries informing us that after the U.S. leaves Afghanistan, it may continue to bomb the country, if it doesn’t like how things go. You read that right. President Biden says the war will end. The geniuses in the Pentagon say no it won’t, we’ll keep bombing. I confess I did a double-take reading this apparent mucking up of the chain of command. We all knew that military bigwigs become rebellious when told to wind down a war. We got a display of that when ...

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