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Final US Troops Leave Afghanistan, War Officially Over, Taliban Officially Won
Post Date: 2021-09-01 08:13:08 by Ada
It’s just really amazing that after fighting a war for 20 years, the US military was incapable of planning an exit wherein everyone came out of the country. RT: The last three US military transport planes have departed the Hamid Karzai Airport just ahead of the August 31 deadline, officially ending the American withdrawal from Afghanistan, the US Central Command (CENTCOM) has confirmed. The last C-17 Globemaster transport lifted off from Kabul at 3:29pm East Coast time, General Kenneth McKenzie, head of the CENTCOM officially announced on Monday, calling it “the completion of our withdrawal from Afghanistan.” With the last US military flight departed, McKenzie said ...

Biden Breaks His Word – Hundreds of Americans Left Behind
Post Date: 2021-09-01 08:05:09 by BTP Holdings
Biden Breaks His Word – Hundreds of Americans Left Behind On Monday, while liberals and White House loyalists tried to portray the Afghan pullout as a triumph, social media critics slammed the president for abandoning his promise to stay in the nation until each American was out. Although hundreds of Westerners are likely still left there, Marine Corps Gen. Kenneth McKenzie Jr. declared Monday that the last of US soldiers stationed at the Kabul airfield departed a day before Biden’s deadline, ending the military’s withdrawal in the nation. Broken Promises Critics quickly resurfaced President Biden’s earlier in the month conversation with ABC News’ George ...

The Completion Of The Afghanistan Withdrawal Is Nothing To Celebrate
Post Date: 2021-08-31 08:35:44 by Ada
The US has officially announced the completion of its military withdrawal from Afghanistan, minus of course the CIA ops which will continue in that country and the bombs that will likely continue to rain down in the name of fighting terrorism. There are a lot of warmongers rending their garments over the termination of a decades-long military occupation which accomplished nothing besides making war profiteers wealthy and killing hundreds of thousands of people. Almost as ridiculous are the countless pundits and politicians hailing this as some kind of major accomplishment that Americans should be proud of. Pride, praise and celebration are not the appropriate emotional response to the ...

Woke Bacha Bazi
Post Date: 2021-08-31 08:32:10 by Ada
We looked the other way when our allies in Afghanistan molested boys. Pay attention as the sexual revolution seeks to enlist your children here in America. America’s 20-year misadventure in Afghanistan failed to root out bacha bazi, the Afghan custom of men molesting boys. Indeed, the practice, banned and severely punished by the Taliban, flourished during the NATO occupation, with much of the abuse meted out by U.S.-backed security forces. Our troops occasionally lashed out against those they caught molesting so-called dancing boys. But the brass insisted it was beyond America’s remit to change the Afghans’ despicable ways. Perhaps the higher-ups figured that since ...

Importing Afghanistan: A Very Stupid Idea with Very Powerful Enablers
Post Date: 2021-08-31 07:53:20 by Ada
Here’s some good news about Afghanistan. If you drew up a “Toxic Top Ten” of the worst possible places to receive migrants from, Afghanistan wouldn’t be #1. I think that honour would go to Somalia. Now some bad news about Afghanistan. It could be well #2 or #3 in the Toxic Ten. It’s #2 for rape convictions in Denmark, but Denmark doesn’t have the honour of having been enriched by importing large numbers of Pakistanis. The Western politicians, journalists and charities now enabling the “evacuation” of Afghans into the West should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity. Click for Full Text!

Blowback: Taliban Target US Intel's Shadow Army
Post Date: 2021-08-30 08:44:32 by Ada
The Kabul Airport bombing shows there are shadowy forces in Afghanistan, willing to disrupt a peaceful transition after US troops leave. But what about US intel’s own ‘shadow army,’ amassed over two decades of occupation? Who are they, and what is their agenda? So we have the CIA Director William Burns deploying in haste to Kabul to solicit an audience with Taliban leader Abdul Ghani Baradar, the new potential ruler of a former satrapy. And he literally begs him to extend a deadline on the evacuation of US assets. The answer is a resounding “no.” After all, the 31 August deadline was established by Washington itself. Extending it would only mean the extension of ...

Why the loss of Afghanistan ultimately ends the Empire
Post Date: 2021-08-29 20:25:43 by BTP Holdings
Why the loss of Afghanistan ultimately ends the Empire BY AKRAINER SUNDAY, AUG 29, 2021 - 7:08 Former Fed Chairman Arthur Burns said that, “A subtle understanding of economic change comes from a knowledge of history and large affairs, not from statistics or their processing alone.” So far as large affairs go, the recent events in Afghanistan could hardly be any larger. On Sunday, 15 August Taliban fighters entered Kabul unopposed and Afghanistan’s president Ashraf Ghani fled the country. Two days later the acting Afghan central bank chief, Ajmal Ahmady did the same. The events took almost everyone by surprise and the foreign policy establishments in the U.S. and UK were ...

'India stands with Afghans' | Taliban Violated Doha Agreement: Jaishankar Unsparing During All-party Meet, Oppn Briefed
Post Date: 2021-08-29 11:00:14 by BTP Holdings
'India stands with Afghans' | Taliban Violated Doha Agreement: Jaishankar Unsparing During All-party Meet, Oppn Briefed In the all-party meeting on Thursday, the Centre was unsparing on the Taliban while outlining its views on the sudden collapse of the Afghanistan government. Written By Akhil Oka Last Updated: 26th August, 2021 13:43 IST Image: ANI/AP In the all-party meeting on Thursday, the Centre was unsparing on the Taliban while outlining its views on the sudden collapse of the Afghanistan government. Giving a briefing to the leaders of political parties such as Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury and Mallikarjun Kharge of Congress, former PM HD Deve Gowda, NCP supremo Sharad Pawar ...

The curious U.S. military alliance with the Taliban
Post Date: 2021-08-29 08:47:13 by Ada
The U.S. government appears to have a closer relationship with the Taliban than with its Afghan and NATO allies. The military withdrew from Bagram Airfield in the dead of night “without notifying the base’s new Afghan commander who discovered the Americans’ departure more than two hours after they left.” The allies were not consulted when the US withdrew from forward military bases or withdrew from Bagram Airfield. Apparently NATO allies were not informed about the closure of the U.S. embassy. This was only revealed when "German diplomats on their way to work noticed the US had withdrawn the forces to their own embassy." The Asia Times reported that ...

‘Killing for the Sake of Killing’
Post Date: 2021-08-28 10:05:18 by Ada
Disillusioned US drone pilots leak footage of air strikes against unarmed Afghans, media says American drone pilots have leaked video of “punitive” and “nihilistic” strikes in Afghanistan in 2019 that led to the killing of civilians, including at least one child, as the US looked for an exit strategy in the two-decade war. The footage, published on Tuesday as part of an investigation by military news outlet Connecting Vets, reportedly reveals how successive US administrations and defense strategists relaxed the rules of engagement in Afghanistan – as part of a policy to pressure the Taliban to the negotiating table. However, drone operators interviewed by the ...

Soldier Fired for Questioning the Sacrifices of Antony Blinken
Post Date: 2021-08-28 09:43:03 by Ada
Firing a marine for saying that the senior leaders at the State Department and Pentagon should take responsibility for evacuating the country before evacuating the people in the country is alpha. “Oh, you think we didn’t plan this well? So how about this plan? You’re fired.” So based. RT: A lieutenant colonel in the US Marine Corps said he was relieved of duty after voicing frustration with American leaders for the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, insisting officials take responsibility for their failures. In a video posted to his Facebook account on Thursday night, Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller unloaded on the country’s military and political leaders ...

Who Profits from the Kabul Suicide Bombing?
Post Date: 2021-08-28 09:22:04 by Ada
The horrific Kabul suicide bombing introduces an extra vector in an already incandescent situation: It aims to prove, to Afghans and to the outside world, that the nascent Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is incapable of securing the capital. As it stands, at least 103 people – 90 Afghans (including at least 28 Taliban) and 13 American servicemen – were killed and at least 1,300 injured, according to the Afghan Health Ministry. Responsibility for the bombing came via a statement on the Telegram channel of Amaq Media, the official Islamic State (ISIS) news agency. This means it came from centralized ISIS command, even as the perpetrators were members of ISIS-Khorasan, or ISIS-K. ...

In Afghanistan, the Worst Is Yet To Come
Post Date: 2021-08-27 08:13:46 by Ada
Say what you will about President Joe Biden, he has stuck to his guns on ending America’s 20-year involvement in Afghanistan’s forever war. His decision not to delay our departure after Aug. 31 was fortified by hard intel that the terrorist ISIS-K was preparing attacks at Kabul airport. Thursday evening, the two bomb attacks occurred. It now seems inevitable that the withdrawal will be completed by Aug. 31, with all U.S. military forces following the last civilians out. Before yesterday’s attacks, the airlift had been going far better than in its chaotic first days. Some 100,000 Americans and Afghans had gotten out of the country since Aug. 14. Biden held his ground, ...

24 California Students On Summer Trip Stranded In Afghanistan
Post Date: 2021-08-25 17:55:39 by Horse
School Officials Scramble To Locate Group Jen Psaki on Monday: "I think it's irresponsible to say Americans are stranded. They are not." Even in "better" times, Afghanistan is certainly an interesting place for a school summer trip for American students, and now dozens are said to be stranded there as the place unravels amid the US troop exit, American embassy closure, and civilian evacuations... More than 20 students and 16 parents from the Cajon Valley Union School District in El Cajon, Calif., visited Afghanistan on summer vacation. Now they are among thousands of people who are waiting to leave the country amid the chaotic U.S. withdrawal that has caused ...

'Forever War' Benefiting Afghans? Follow the Money
Post Date: 2021-08-25 08:44:06 by Ada
After 20 years and a staggering US$2.23 trillion spent in a “forever war” persistently spun as promoting democracy and benefiting the “Afghan people,” it’s legitimate to ask what the Empire of Chaos has to show for it. The numbers are dire. Afghanistan remains the world’s 7th poorest nation: 47% of the population lives below the poverty line, according to the Asian Development Bank. No less than 75% of the – dissolved – Kabul government’s budget was coming from international aid. According to the World Bank, that aid was responsible for the turnover of 43% of the economy – one that was mired in massive government corruption. According to ...

US troops at Kabul airport extort money from Afghans seeking evacuation: Report
Post Date: 2021-08-24 11:21:28 by Ada
The US forces stationed at Kabul’s international airport have reportedly been extorting money from Afghan nationals trying to flee the chaos in their homeland, following the collapse of Afghanistan’s military and the Taliban’s takeover of the country. Iran’s Nour News reported Tuesday that US Marines — who control sections of the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul to oversee evacuation of Americans — were demanding anything between $500 and $2000 from desperate Afghan nationals in exchange for helping them leave in special US planes. Citing Afghans who have left the country, the report said the US forces at the Kabul airport turned away those who ...

CIA Director William Burns held secret meeting in Kabul with Taliban leader Abdul Ghani Baradar
Post Date: 2021-08-24 09:30:13 by Ada
CIA Director William J. Burns held a secret meeting Monday in Kabul with the Taliban’s de facto leader, Abdul Ghani Baradar, in the highest-level face-to-face encounter between the Taliban and the Biden administration since the militants seized the Afghan capital, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive diplomacy. President Biden dispatched his top spy, a veteran of the Foreign Service and the most decorated diplomat in his Cabinet, amid a frantic effort to evacuate people from Kabul international airport in what Biden has called “one of the largest, most difficult airlifts in history.” [Biden faces ...

The Evil That Men Do Lives After Them
Post Date: 2021-08-24 08:44:47 by Ada
How about some accountability for Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen? If you want to know how the United States wound up with “government by stupid” one need only look no farther than some of the recent propaganda put out by members of Congress, senior military officers and a certain former president. President George W. Bush, who started the whole sequence of events that have culminated in the disaster that is Afghanistan, is not yet in prison, but one can always hope. Regarding the current crisis, former FBI special agent and 9/11 whistleblower Coleen Rowley cited Richard W. Behan who mused over “How perverse we have become. We chastise President Biden for a messy ...

The Cynical Campaign To Scapegoat Joe Biden for the Afghanistan Debacle
Post Date: 2021-08-24 08:21:43 by Ada
The chaotic end to the U.S. mission in Afghanistan has produced an abundance of recriminations. Some of them are warranted, even though the dominant motive in nearly all cases is little more than crude blame shifting. Joe Biden and his foreign policy team certainly can be faulted for spectacularly mismanaging the final stage of the US troop withdrawal. The president’s comments on July 8 emphatically disputing predictions that the Taliban would quickly overrun Afghanistan did not enhance his reputation for accurate insights. It is hardly a good sight to see US helicopters conducting evacuation flights of diplomats from the American embassy in Kabul – an image all-too-reminiscent ...

Trump on Afghanistan: 'It's like the captain of a ship jumping the ship before the people are off the boat'
Post Date: 2021-08-24 07:19:21 by BTP Holdings
Trump on Afghanistan: 'It's like the captain of a ship jumping the ship before the people are off the boat' BLAZETV STAFF | August 20, 2021 Former President Donald Trump joined BlazeTV's "Rick and Bubba" morning show Friday and hit the Biden administration hard on the tragic military exit from Afghanistan. Rick kicked off the interview with a most pressing question: Will Trump run for president in 2024, or will he be a rally man behind the scenes? Psaki Actually Blames Trump for Biden’s Disaster in Afghanistan "Maybe both," Trump responded, adding, "because of the campaign laws, you aren't allowed to say [if you plan on running] but, I ...

I served in Afghanistan as a US Marine, twice. Here’s the truth in two sentences
Post Date: 2021-08-23 11:25:47 by Ada
What we are seeing in Afghanistan right now shouldn’t shock you. It only seems that way because our institutions are steeped in systematic dishonesty. It doesn’t require a dissertation to explain what you’re seeing. Just two sentences. One: For 20 years, politicians, elites and D.C. military leaders lied to us about Afghanistan. Two: What happened last week was inevitable, and anyone saying differently is still lying to you. I know because I was there. Twice. On special operations task forces. I learned Pashto as a U.S. Marine captain and spoke to everyone I could there: everyday people, elites, allies and yes, even the Taliban. The truth is that the Afghan National ...

McEnany:The Biden admin was caught flat-footed
Post Date: 2021-08-23 07:44:57 by BTP Holdings
The 'Outnumbered' panel reacts to Biden's Afghanistan withdrawal and Americans stranded in the country Poster Comment:

VP Kamala Harris Runs Away in Middle of Crisis
Post Date: 2021-08-22 18:08:00 by BTP Holdings
VP Kamala Harris Runs Away in Middle of Crisis The job of the vice president is to support POTUS and the nation. He or she should be ready at all times to act in America’s interests and defend and uphold the Constitution. Our current VP Kamala Harris does none of that. She is a far left extremist who was picked due to her ethnicity and gender. She has no love for this country and no competence. Harris’ first foreign mission to Mexico and Guatemala was a massive failure and tonight she will leave on her next trip abroad. Harris Leaves on Foreign Trip As the Afghanistan crisis continues and 15,000 Americans scramble to be evacuated, Harris won’t be going anywhere near ...

Post Date: 2021-08-22 14:38:52 by noone222
Poster Comment:If you don't think war is on the horizon just wait and see.

Where does the Taliban get its money and who's funding the militant group in Afghanistan?
Post Date: 2021-08-22 11:56:30 by Ada
Afghanistan, among poorest nations in the world, is heavily dependent on American aid The Taliban, on the heels of a steady, monthslong military blitz, retook control of Afghanistan last week, just four months after President Biden announced he would withdraw U.S. troops from the embattled nation and nearly 20 years after the militant group was first ousted. placeholder One of the biggest questions the Taliban has faced after sweeping so quickly into power is how it got the cash to seize control and govern the country. Afghanistan, already one of the poorest countries in the world, is heavily dependent on American aid. About 80% of the nation's budget is funded by the U.S. and ...

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