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There Will Be Many Ghosts in Kiev
Post Date: 2022-03-02 08:59:35 by Ada
The vast technical improvements in the tools of its dissemination mean that propaganda need not be subtle at all now. In the 21st century, the fog of war looks crystal clear. Every advance in communication technology—from the telegraph to telephone to radio to television, and now on to the digital world of social media and livestream—has added verisimilitude and detail to what remains an illusion. We have only pictures of wars, landscapes of battlefields and portraits of soldiers; we do not actually see the thing itself. No man does, though the great military geniuses of history got closest. Napoleon and Caesar knew what was being done, what needed being done, what motivated ...

'Out of the Question': Claims of Russian Use of Cluster, Vacuum Munitions in Ukraine False - Kremlin
Post Date: 2022-03-01 11:07:26 by Ada
On Monday, Ukrainian ambassador to the United States Oksana Markarova accused Russia of using a vacuum bomb in the northeastern Ukrainian town of Okhtyrka. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch further alleged that Russia has deployed banned cluster munitions, supposedly using them to target a preschool containing civilians. Reports accusing Russia of using cluster and vacuum munitions in the conflict in Ukraine are "false," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said. "Russian troops do not carry out any strikes on civilian infrastructure or residential complexes. This is out of the question. We are talking only about the demilitarisation of Ukraine, about military ...

Ukraine: Welp, This Is for Sure a Real War Now
Post Date: 2022-03-01 08:54:00 by Ada
Something big exploded🇺🇦 — ZOKA (@200_zoka) March 1, 2022 So, there is now definitely a war happening in the Ukraine. After a week of not really understanding if a war was actually even happening, we are now seeing actual footage of gun fighting and bombings of things other than airports and military facilities. The carnage is seen particularly in Kharkiv. Also Mariupol, but that is just Azov left, so they can just basically kill everyone there and no one cares. Click for Full Text!

General Milley Calls Russia To Warn Them Of Ukrainian Counter-Attack World
Post Date: 2022-02-28 07:26:48 by Ada
WASHINGTON, D.C.—After learning of Ukrainian plans to launch a counterattack outside Kyiv, General Milley did the honorable thing and immediately called the Kremlin to give Putin a friendly heads-up. "Let me get this straight—some comedian turned politician named Volodymyr Zelenskyy is calling the shots over there in Ukraine?? Hoo-boy, better get Vladimir on the line. That Zelenskyy guy seems like bad news," said Milley, according to one anonymous source. "It's only right that I give ol' Vlad a heads-up that he's about to be attacked by a crazy person. Yikes!" General Milley then picked up a giant green rotary dial phone like the ones military ...

Ukraine “War” – The Level of Disinformation is Making Me Sick. Is There Even a War?
Post Date: 2022-02-28 06:12:18 by Ada
I have been watching Jews lie for a decade now, and I’ve never seen anything like what is happening with the coverage of the Ukraine. I’ve never seen anything even close to it. On CNN and Fox News, as well as every other news channel, they are talking about how the Ukrainians are fighting hard and Russia is suffering heavy losses. What they don’t ever, ever do is show you any footage of combat. Look at this, from a Western-backed Ukrainian publication: Click for Full Text!

Chechen assassination squads spotted in Ukraine forest…
Post Date: 2022-02-27 09:21:54 by Ada
A squad of Chechen special forces ‘hunters’ has been unleashed in Ukraine to detain or kill a set of specific Ukrainian officials. Each soldier was reportedly given a special ‘deck of cards’ with Ukrainian officials’ photos and descriptions on them, a Moscow channel with links to the security establishment reported. The list is of officials and security officers suspected of ‘crimes’ by the Russian Investigative Committee. Click for Full Text!

Did NATO Just Declare War on Russia?
Post Date: 2022-02-27 07:20:36 by Ada
“No matter who tries to stand in our way… they must know that Russia will respond immediately, and the consequences will be such as you have never seen in your entire history…. I hope that my words will be heard.” Vladimir Putin issues warning to any country that tries to stop Russia’s “Special Operation” in Ukraine​ In a move that can only be regarded as a major escalation, NATO officials announced on Friday that they would deploy troops from its Combat-Ready Response Force to support the Ukrainian regime in its war with Russia. The Alliance will also send additional weapons which will be used to blunt the Russian offensive that has already ...

Ukraine’s leadership has rejected negotiations – Kremlin
Post Date: 2022-02-26 16:08:18 by Ada
Russia says it has resumed the military operation in Ukraine after Kiev refused to negotiate Russia’s military operation in Ukraine is continuing after the country’s leadership declined to negotiate, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Saturday. President Vladimir Putin previously ordered the Russian troops to halt their advance on Friday, awaiting a response from Kiev, Moscow said. It added that the offensive continued on Saturday. Alexey Arestovich, an adviser at Zelensky’s office, confirmed to Ukrainian media that Kiev has declined the talks with Russia, citing the “terms” put forward by Moscow through intermediaries. “It was an attempt to force us ...

The Battle For Kiev is the Silliest War Yet, The Level of Disinformation is Absurd
Post Date: 2022-02-26 13:09:10 by Ada
Russia is refusing to take out any infrastructure. The energy, water, and internet are still on. They’re trying not to make people mad, and they’re trying to not make it so a lot needs to be rebuilt when they install a new government. The Western media is saying that Russia is having a hard time. As if they couldn’t just bomb all of the infrastructure if they wanted to and have this finished in 15 minutes. Honestly, most of what is being posted on Twitter is fake. The only thing that the West was ready for before this war was to post a bunch of fake videos and ban anyone giving an account of anything that is actually happening. Russian soldiers are being put under ...

Civilized Nations Kill With Sanctions And Proxy Armies: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
Post Date: 2022-02-26 10:01:49 by Ada
Pouring more weapons into Ukraine is not how you save lives; you save lives by negotiating a ceasefire. Pouring more weapons into Ukraine is how you create a long and expensive military quagmire for Russia at the cost of many thousands of lives to advance US strategic interests. While making a vast fortune for the arms industry. ❖ Issuing a guarantee that you would never add a nation to NATO who you don’t plan on adding anyway is a no-brainer when the alternative is mass military butchery. I mean, unless your goal was to provoke mass military butchery. ❖ If the Kremlin wanted to kill large numbers of people it should have done so with starvation sanctions and proxy ...

Defiant Ukrainian border guards killed after telling Russian warship to ‘go f–k yourself’
Post Date: 2022-02-25 10:44:04 by Bill D Berger
Ukrainian border guards defending a Black Sea island defiantly told an invading Russian warship to “go f–k yourself” when asked to surrender and were killed when the warship opened fire.The 13 guards were posted on the small but strategic Snake Island off Ukraine’s southeastern border when they were approached by two vessels on Thursday, according to Ukrainian media outlets. “This is a Russian warship, I repeat. I suggest you surrender your weapons and capitulate otherwise I will open fire. Do you copy?” the Russians told the border guards.The 13 guards were posted on the small but strategic Snake Island off Ukraine’s southeastern border when they were ...

Biden Warns Russia That If They Don't Stop He Will Deploy Deadly Trans Admiral
Post Date: 2022-02-25 08:14:57 by Ada
WASHINGTON, D.C.—With Russia poised to tear through Eastern Europe with terrifying military power, Biden warned Putin that if he doesn't stop advancing his army, he will be forced to deploy his deadly trans admiral. "You think I'm joking, Vlad! I ain't messin' around here! You don't want me to use this!" said Biden to Putin in a Zoom call, motioning to a portrait of transgender admiral and Assistant HHS Secretary Admiral Rachel Levine. "This is the deadliest weapon the United States has ever produced, and I won't hesitate to use it on you! Watch out!" Diversity and inclusion experts speculate the firepower in just one trans admiral is ...

Update on the Ukrainian situation
Post Date: 2022-02-25 07:58:12 by Ada
Ukrainian resistance seems to have ceased as its infrastructure was put out of operation. Only a few neo-Nazi militias trapped within the Donbass territories continue to offer resistance. Russian paratroopers captured Kiev airport. Hours ago the Russian forces had reached the Dnieper and approached the suburbs of Kiev. Ukraine has lost its air force, air defense, navy, and all military airports. With the destruction of 83 military facilities, the infrastructure of the Ukraine military has been wiped out. The neo-Nazis will be held accountable. Ukraine will be required to renounce NATO membership, demilitarize, and renounce all claims to Crimea and the independent republics. Ukrainian ...

Tucker Carlson Destroys Neocon Lindsey Graham Over His Warmongering Against Russia
Post Date: 2022-02-24 18:10:35 by Ada
Fox News host Tucker Carlson destroyed neoconservative Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) over his failed foreign policy record and his jingoistic rhetoric regarding the Russia/Ukraine conflict. “It’s a little galling to be lectured by people with impossibly generous Congressional pensions about sacrifices that you get to make, but it’s especially infuriating to hear the last guy who is speaking about food prices that has skipped very few meals recently tell you that looking at history, informs you of everything you need to know about the future. Really, what sort of history we are talking about?” Carlson asked. Carlson brought up the humiliating disastrous loss in ...

Russia has 'no plans’ to take over whole of Ukraine – Putin
Post Date: 2022-02-24 02:03:47 by Pinguinite
Russia has 'no plans’ to take over whole of Ukraine – Putin Moscow said it does not intend to capture Ukraine, but would seek its “de-Nazification” and “demilitarization”  Russian President Vladimir Putin has claimed that Russia had "no plans to occupy the Ukrainian territories" after announcing that a special operation was launched to defend the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics from “Ukrainian aggression.” The operation’s ultimate goal is “to protect the people who have been subjected for 8 years to genocide by the Kiev regime,” Putin said in an adress on Thursday morning, adding that Moscow would ...

Ukrainian reporters are hearing ‘explosions’ in Kiev
Post Date: 2022-02-23 23:16:47 by Esso
Poster Comment:This sounds like bullshit warmongering. Kiev's a long way from the border.

Why Smedley Butler left the imperialist front despising ‘Gangsters of Capitalism’
Post Date: 2022-02-23 16:43:47 by X-15
Smedley Butler was one of the most decorated Marines in U.S. history, and by the end of his life he was also one of the most outspoken critics of the U.S. imperialism that he had spent most of his life enforcing. That contradiction between Butler the antiwar critic and Butler the builder of empire is at the heart of an important new book by Jonathan Katz, Gangsters of Capitalism: Smedley Butler, the Marines, and the Making and Breaking of America’s Empire. Katz’s book is an essential reminder of what the U.S. did during those decades and of the lasting effects that those interventions had on the countries where Butler went. Butler took part in America’s so-called “small ...

Horse's Take on NATO Weapons Sales to Ukraine
Post Date: 2022-02-22 14:21:33 by Horse
Secretary of State Baker promised Mikhail Gorbachev that we would not be sending missiles into eastern Europe after the collapse of the Berlin wall to make a nuclear first strike against Russia possible. That is despite the US having much inferior missiles. Ukraine makes a tank that is far superior to America's Abrams and even superior to the best that Russia has. Europe rates tanks in competition and America does not do well. Ukraine's tanks are rated superior to the German Leopard tanks as well. In fact Ukraine won a contract to sell tanks to an Asian country. But they could not fulfill the contract and make any deliveries because of corruption and financial instability. If we ...

Fear and Loathing in Washington
Post Date: 2022-02-22 09:34:52 by Ada
The Biden Administration’s Crimes Against Humanity One can frequently disagree with government policies without necessarily regarding them with disgust, but the Joe Biden Administration has turned that corner, first with its senseless promotion of a new Cold War that could turn hot with Russia and, more recently, with its actions undertaken to undermine and punish Afghanistan. The fact that the White House wraps itself in the sanctimonious, self-righteous twaddle that is so much the hallmark of the political left is bad enough, but when the government goes out of its way to harm and even kill people around the world in pursuit of an elusive global dominance it is time for the ...

US Embassy “Predicts” Terrorist Attacks Inside Russia
Post Date: 2022-02-21 10:00:51 by Ada
The US Embassy in Russia just issued a warning of a “possible terrorist attack” in Russia. If that’s not a threat, then I don’t know what the hell it is. This is a big issue that doesn’t get a lot of play: there are a lot of Moslems in Russia. This is a relic of the Russian Empire, when the Czars were conquering territory to the south that is filled with Moslems. Most of them speak Russian as a first language, but many of them are hardcore Islamic. A whole bunch of them went to Syria to get trained by the CIA/Mossad in their ISIS program, and then returned to Russia. So, if there were a war, even a limited war in the Ukraine, the CIA would activate all of these ...

U.S. To Invade Canada To Establish A Democracy
Post Date: 2022-02-20 10:02:49 by Ada
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Meeting in a top-secret, smoke-filled war room, U.S. generals agreed on a plan earlier this week to invade the foreign dictatorship known as "Canada" and establish a democracy there. "Gentlemen, it's time," said General Butch "Meathead" Tanner of the U.S. Army as he munched a cigar. "We can't let this evil, religious zealot Trudeau oppress his people any longer. It's time to let freedom ring." "And by 'let freedom ring', of course, I mean 'rain down an ungodly amount of explosives,'" he added. "I love democracy." A few generals urged caution, pointing out that getting involved ...

Going Super-Viral and an Important Rumble Video
Post Date: 2022-02-19 08:18:57 by Ada
Just after I published my first long article on the likely origins of the Covid outbreak in April 2020, our alternative media website was suddenly deplatformed, being banned from Facebook and with all our pages completely deranked by Google. For almost a decade, my article The Myth of Hispanic Crime had regularly been ranked #2 of some 200 million Google search results on that topic, but it now suddenly disappeared from the public discussion, a development that deeply rankled me. Being blocked by the two primary gatekeepers of the global Internet has obviously had a serious impact upon our ability to reach potential readers, especially new ones. Nonetheless, our articles do still ...

Russian Invasion Prognosticators Are Like Cult Leaders Repeatedly Predicting The Apocalypse
Post Date: 2022-02-17 10:09:29 by Ada
Back in November The Military Times published a Ukrainian intelligence claim, which was picked up and repeated by numerous other mainstream publications, alleging that Russia was going to invade Ukraine by the end of January. Then in late January when the calendar debunked the Military Times incendiary headline “Russia preparing to attack Ukraine by late January”, that same outlet ran a much less viral story with the headline “Russia not yet ready for full-scale attack says Ukraine“. This past Friday the deputy director of the Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center, Melinda Haring, tweeted the following: “Putin has big weekend plans in Ukraine: 1) he’s ...

Ex-Afghan president: Biden order on frozen funds an atrocity
Post Date: 2022-02-14 07:58:27 by Ada
Afghanistan's former President Hamid Karzai, speaks during a press conference, in Kabul, Afghanistan, Sunday, Feb. 13, 2022. Karzai called a White House order freeing $3.5 billion in Afghan assets for America's 9/11 families "an atrocity against the Afghan people." He also sought the help of Americans, and in particular the families of the thousands killed on 9/11, to press the White House to rescind last week's order which he said was both "unjust and unfair." (AP Photo/Hussein Malla) 1 of 10 Afghanistan's former President Hamid Karzai, speaks during a press conference, in Kabul, Afghanistan, Sunday, Feb. 13, 2022. Karzai called a White House order ...

What If the U.S. Hadn’t Gone to War After 9/11?
Post Date: 2022-02-12 09:19:08 by Ada
New research offers an alternative to the war on terror as the Biden administration rethinks its counterterrorism playbook. On September 19, 2001, CIA officers collected cardboard boxes filled with $3 million in nonsequential $100 bills to buy off Afghan warlords, beginning America’s martial response to the 9/11 attacks. A day later, President George W. Bush stood before Congress and declared a “war on terror” that would “not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped, and defeated.” Over the next 20-plus years, the tab on that conflict, which began in Afghanistan but spread across the globe to Burkina Faso, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Niger, ...

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