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Interview with Lara Logan: “We are lying about Ukraine on an epic scale”
Post Date: 2022-04-02 12:53:40 by Esso
Lara Logan is a South African TV and radio journalist as well as a war correspondent. She is one fierce woman who has toured multiple war zones, personally endured horrendous treatment, and is one of the very few remaining honest journalists out there. I highly recommend watching this 10-minute clip of Lara red-pilling the media on Ukraine. Video ZH Article _Logan Wiki Page Poster Comment:Lara Logan is pretty much hated as "a conspiracy theorist" meaning, she tells the truth. Here's what got her kicked off of Fox last year: "And so in that moment, what you see on Dr Fauci, this ...

False Flag Update: US Sending Chemical Weapons Protection to the Ukraine
Post Date: 2022-04-02 09:48:24 by Ada
It was easy to read the headline as though the US is sending chemical weapons to the Ukraine, since Joe Biden said he would use chemical weapons against Russia. But no – this is chemical weapons protection, as the US continues to set the stage for a Syria-type false flag. RT: The US is bracing for the possibility that Russia might use chemical or biological weapons against Ukraine, providing equipment and supplies that could be used to save lives after such an attack, White House press secretary Jen Psaki has confirmed. Psaki disclosed the aid effort on Friday, without giving details on the gear that’s being sent to Kiev. She added that giving the equipment to Ukraine ...

The Ukraine ‘aid’ bill that’s actually a license to kill and defraud Papers show how the Ukraine stays a Western proxy in a war with with Russia
Post Date: 2022-03-31 13:31:30 by Ada
On March 15, US President Joe Biden signed a bill approving a staggering $13.6 billion in aid to Ukraine. Heavily promoted in advance as a vital lifeline to Kiev that would safeguard citizens, defend refugees, and protect democracy, references to the supposedly landmark move immediately vanished from the mainstream media following its White House approval, and have remained absent ever since. One explanation for this informational deficit could well be that in reality, the legislation serves no tangible benevolent ends of any kind, in fact providing an effective blank cheque for proxy war, and untrammelled embezzlement by US government agencies and contractors. This much is certain from ...

Post Date: 2022-03-31 10:06:54 by Esso
Nightbreaker is a 1989 movie of a Dr. Alexander Brown reflecting on his involvement in the exposure of American soldiers to nuclear combat post- World war 2. Poster Comment:

The Stargate Project: When the CIA Dabbled with the Psychic
Post Date: 2022-03-25 19:22:12 by Esso

Biden Appears To Tell U.S. Troops They Are Going To Ukraine
Post Date: 2022-03-25 16:46:59 by Bill D Berger
Democrat President Joe Biden’s team had to do damage control on Friday after the president appeared to tell a group of U.S. soldiers in Europe that they would be getting sent to Ukraine.ABC News reported that Biden “raised eyebrows when he appeared to tell the group that American troops will be going into Ukraine, though he has repeatedly said that he will not send troops there.”“You know, with the Ukrainian people, Ukrainian people have a lot of backbone, they have a lot of guts and I’m sure you’re observing it,” Biden said. “And you’re gonna see when you’re there, and some of you have been there. You’re gonna see, you’re gonna ...

NATO Says That Russia is for Sure Losing Really Badly
Post Date: 2022-03-24 10:00:32 by Ada
March 24, 2022 No one knows how many Russian soldiers have died, other than the Russian government. Announcing “between 7 and 15 thousand” is a pretty wide range. However, neither casualty count nor timescale are relevant to the obvious eventual outcome of this conflict. Assuming NATO does not invade, the Ukraine either has to agree to negotiate, or just continue losing territory and soldiers. It should be noted that there is a large body of soldiers in the center of the country that could be slaughtered by the Russians at any time if they wanted to, but the Russians don’t want to slaughter them and they don’t want to disrupt the planting season on the farms. ...

Zelensky Threatens “Third World War” with Russia, Apparently Committing US/NATO Forces
Post Date: 2022-03-23 09:22:31 by Ada
Zelensky is officially threatening Russia with “World War III,” which implies that he is unilaterally committing US/NATO forces to fight against Russia for him. Either that, or he’s saying that he’s been holding back this whole time, and his forces are ready to advance and encircle Moscow. Either way – it’s difficult to process how this is being reported uncritically by the entire media. Fox News: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy warned of a third world war if peace talks with Russia fail during a television interview that aired Sunday. Zelenskyy said that “any format” should be used in order to have a possibility of negotiating with ...

Washington Is Driving the World to Nuclear War
Post Date: 2022-03-23 09:18:00 by Ada
Since the Russian action in Ukraine began, provoked by Washington’s cold shoulder to Russian security concerns, Washington, in addition to doing all possible to keep the conflict going, has also dumped three more provocations on the Kremlin: an attempted coup or “color revolution” in the former Russian province of Kazakhstan, NATO military maneuvers currently under way in the former Russian province of Georgia which is not a NATO member, and NATO maneuvers in Poland on the Border of Belarus, a former Russian province and current Russian ally. granicy-s-belorussiey The signal Washington consistently ...

Zelensky Aide Says Castrating Russian POWs is Bad PR
Post Date: 2022-03-22 10:47:28 by Ada
Previously: In Unoccupied Ukraine, Everyone is Getting Taped to Posts and Whipped Ukrainian Peace Prize Democracy: Whip It – Whip It Good! It’s our values in a democracy to castrate prisoners of war. That’s who we are. We tape people to posts, we mutilate people’s genitals. We shut down opposition parties and opposition media. It’s called “democracy” – maybe you’ve heard of it? These are our values. RT: Calls for the killing of Russian children or the castration of prisoners of war are absolutely unacceptable and ruin Ukraine’s image as a civilized European country, a senior adviser to President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Monday. ...

Larry C. Johnson: "The Ukrainian Army Has Been Defeated. What's Left Is Mop-Up"
Post Date: 2022-03-22 09:30:19 by Ada
Question 1– Can you explain to me why you think Russia is winning the war in Ukraine? Larry C. Johnson– Within the first 24 hours of the Russian military operation in Ukraine, all Ukrainian Ground Radar Intercept capabilities were wiped out. Without those radars, the Ukrainian Air Force lost its ability to do air to air intercept. In the intervening three weeks, Russia has established a de facto No Fly Zone over Ukraine. While still vulnerable to shoulder fired Surface to Air Missiles supplied by the U.S. and NATO to the Ukrainians, there is no evidence that Russia has had to curtail Combat Air Operations. Russia’s arrival in Kiev within three days of the invasion also ...

From Iraq to Ukraine, the American Press Loves a War
Post Date: 2022-03-22 08:06:00 by Ada
Today's journalists aren't speaking truth to power by not-so-subtly agitating for direct military involvement in Ukraine. On this day in 2003, the United States launched its air invasion of Iraq, with the ground component beginning one day later. It was the first stage of a war that would ultimately drag on for over eight years, killing thousands of American soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians as the U.S. and its allies sought to overthrow Saddam Hussein's government. Nineteen years on, Americans watch as a conflict embroils Eastern Europe. Russian President Vladimir Putin's large-scale invasion of Ukraine beginning last month has brought frequent ...

UPDATES: Russian MoD Calls on Kiev to Take Back Order to Militants to Become 'Martyrs of Mariupol'
Post Date: 2022-03-20 17:47:14 by Ada
In Mariupol, which has become a base of operation for the Azov battalion, nationalists prevent the evacuation of the local residents and use civilians as human shields while they launch counter attacks at the advancing Russian forces from hospitals, schools and other civilian infrastructure. Over the past three days, the Russian troops helped evacuate 59,304 people, including 139 foreign citizens, from the besieged city to Russia, the head of the Russian National Defense Control Center, Mikhail Mizintsev, said on Sunday. Click for Full Text!

Zelensky Accurately States That War Crimes Were Committed in Mariupol, Blames Wrong Side
Post Date: 2022-03-20 09:51:53 by Ada
This ugly little Jew is so disrespectful and unserious that he is unwilling to put on a shirt before making public political appearances. And we’re supposed to take him seriously. There were definitely “war crimes” in Mariupol, but they were committed by the Jewish neo-Nazi group “Azov Battalion.” This is the most ridiculous thing ever. We have all of this footage of the people from Mariupol – who were only able to escape with their lives because Russia established unilateral evacuation corridors – saying that Azov did all of these things the Russians are being blamed for. I posted a bunch of the videos with English subtitles in a recent piece, but ...

Post Date: 2022-03-20 03:38:10 by Esso

Lockheed Martin CEO Tearfully Urges U.S. To Implement No-Fly Zone In Ukraine
Post Date: 2022-03-19 10:07:29 by Ada
U.S.—In a stirring interview on CNBC this week, Lockheed Martin's CEO Jim Taiclet tearfully urged the Biden Administration to declare a no-fly zone in Ukraine. "Just think of the stockholders, um, I mean—the innocent civilians in Ukraine!" he said, wiping tears from his eyes. "Imagine how safe they'll be as our multi-billion-dollar F-35s, Stalker UAS drones, or S-97 Raiders patrol the skies! Please! Someone must do something! For the children!" Lockheed Martin has already spent $80 million on marketing campaigns to garner support for a no-fly-zone in Ukraine, as well as the world war that would likely come after. "This is so, so ...

Pearl Harbor My Eye!
Post Date: 2022-03-19 07:43:11 by Ada
We were already getting sick and tired of this Zelensky clown, but the sheer chutzpah of comparing Ukraine’s predicament with Pearl Harbor or 9/11 is just fricking outrageous. To paraphrase Senator Lloyd Bensten’s famous retort to Dan Quayle in the 1992 VP debate: We knew the United States of America and Ukraine isn’t any United States. To the contrary, it is a cesspool of corruption, mal-governance and rank stupidity on the foreign policy front. For crying out loud, its situation is comparable to the drug cartels taking over Mexico, demanding the return of the Gadsden Purchase and then seeking to join a Russian-led anti-American treaty organization. That is to say, ...

Body Language Expert questions the "staged" image of President Biden
Post Date: 2022-03-18 22:18:42 by Esso

Mariupol Being Crushed as Russia Finally Able to Get Azov’s Human Shields Out Alive
Post Date: 2022-03-18 09:35:21 by Ada
I’ve seen alleged right-wingers on the internet claiming that Azov Battalion are some kind of “Trve National Socialist” group. I tend to just assume these are fed accounts, but probably someone is stupid enough to believe that. If you were a Trve NatSoc, would you use your own people as human shields and then open fire on them when they try to flee? We should remember that Azov has links to Atomwaffen, which is a satanic death cult pretending to be a nationalist organization. There are dozens of these videos of people describing what Azov was doing to people, but they keep getting deleted. Here’s one, where a man explains that Azov was opening fire on columns of ...

Lord Ponsonby
Post Date: 2022-03-17 11:00:30 by Ada
Hi Lew, I’ve been sending friends Lord Posonby’s Ten Rules of Propaganda. He was one of the few Brits to oppose WWI and predicted the slaughter it would create for all. He then predicted the propaganda that would be used to sell it. Little has changed. Posonby’s Ten Rules of Propaganda: 1. We don’t want war, we are only defending ourselves 2. The other guy is the sole responsible for this war 3. Our adversary’s leader is evil and looks evil 4. We are defending a noble purpose, not special interest 5. The enemy is purposefully causing atrocities; we only commit mistakes 6. The enemy is using unlawful weapons 7. We have very little losses, the enemy is losing ...

Zelensky Makes Common-Sense Plea To Start WWIII
Post Date: 2022-03-17 10:19:28 by Ada
WASHINGTON, D.C.—In an emotional plea before Congress today, Ukrainian president Zalinsky made a common-sense request for America to institute a no-fly zone and start WWIII. "Please," said Zelensky through a translator. "This shouldn't be that hard. All I'm asking for is for an all-out war between the nuclear powers of Russia, America, and China. It's that easy! What's there to even think about here?" According to sources, most members of Congress weren't entirely convinced until Zelensky whipped out his guitar and sang a lovely Ukrainian ballad, causing the many of the politicians in the room to squeal and swoon with delight. As the lovely ...

What could possibly go wrong?
Post Date: 2022-03-16 17:55:25 by Esso
Poster Comment:They sure don't look like Slavs to me. PJW sounds mad. Lotta that going around today.

all is lost
Post Date: 2022-03-15 15:00:00 by Esso
Poster Comment:"Boris" is a skilled content creator and digit bender that works in the gaming industry.

After Seeing Graph, Redditors Decide to Go Fight in Yemen Instead – Denounced as Anti-Semites, Banned
Post Date: 2022-03-15 10:31:07 by Ada
The “Reddit Rambo Brigade” has moved from r/VolunteersForUkraine to r/VolunteersForYemen after a member of their forums posted the following graph: Click for Full Text!

US is Performing the Weirdness on the Global Stage – Will It Work?
Post Date: 2022-03-13 17:25:15 by Ada
The US is sending weapons, while the Europeans are calling for some kind of diplomacy. As we reported last week, the US State Department came out and basically declared that they don’t want any form of diplomacy, they just want to keep shoving Ukrainian bodies into a meat grinder in order to stretch out the length of time it takes for Russia to take the country. Related: State Department Says It Just Wants the War to Keep Going, No Interest in Diplomacy This is the kind of insanity that political dissidents in America are used to at this point. But now these same techniques of lunacy are being employed against a foreign country. Every Russian is being treated like a ...

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