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The Ukraine War Is a Racket
Post Date: 2022-04-26 08:41:08 by Ada
“War is a racket, wrote US Maj. General Smedley Butler in 1935. He explained: “A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small ‘inside’ group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.” Gen. Butler’s observation describes the US/NATO response to the Ukraine war perfectly. The propaganda continues to portray the war in Ukraine as that of an unprovoked Goliath out to decimate an innocent David unless we in the US and NATO contribute massive amounts of military equipment to Ukraine ...

Russian army eliminates logistics terminal with foreign weapons near Odessa<b>
Post Date: 2022-04-24 10:22:38 by Ada
Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov added that missile troops, artillery hit 102 Ukrainian military targets MOSCOW, April 23. /TASS/. Using high-precision missiles, Russia’s armed forces destroyed a logistics terminal at a military airfield near Odessa, where foreign weapons were stored, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov said on Saturday. "This afternoon, using long-range high-precision air-based missiles of Russia’s Aerospace Forces, a logistics terminal at a military airfield near Odessa was eliminated where a large batch of foreign weapons received from the US and European countries was stored," the spokesman said. He added that ...

Putin Executes American, British Mercenaries working for Zelenskyy
Post Date: 2022-04-20 12:58:58 by Ada
A Mar-a-Lago source speaking under condition of anonymity told that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the execution of American and British soldiers-of-fortune who had answered Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s international call to arms. Our source, who is in almost daily contact with President Trump, said the 45th President of the United States learned of the slayings on a Saturday evening call with the Russian leader. According to Putin, the Russian military had captured and slain six British and two American nationals who were trying to plant explosives along a main supply route (MSR) stretching from southern Russia to the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, where Putin has waged war on an ...

'Why don't we just kill them?': New book details CIA rendition and torture programme
Post Date: 2022-04-17 09:49:57 by Ada
Cathy Scott Clark, author of 'The Forever Prisoner', links CIA torture programme to notorious Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq In the early years of America's war on terror, during an undisclosed meeting of the top brass of the US's Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), senior intelligence officials gathered to discuss what to do with the individuals subjected to rendition and "enhanced interrogation techniques". After looking at a number of options, including keeping them in detention, sending them to another country, and prosecuting them, one senior official asked, "Why don't we just kill them?" The details of that meeting were revealed on Monday, in a ...

UPDATES: Militants, Mercenaries at Azovstal Asking Kiev to Allow Them to Surrender - Russian MoD
Post Date: 2022-04-16 21:48:28 by Ada
All those who lay down arms at Azovstal and surrender on Sunday are guaranted life, the Russian Ministry of Defense said. Earlier in the week, 1,160 Ukrainian soldiers, including 176 officers, of the 36th Marine Brigade surrendered in Mariupol. The Russian Defense Ministry said it was ready to allow all Ukrainian troops to withdraw through humanitarian corridors and promised to spare Ukrainian nationalists who agree to lay down arms. The Ukrainian side declined the offer. Mariupol, a coastal city in the breakaway Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) with a population of 450,000, went under the control of Ukrainian troops during the 2014 offensive. On March 7, a senior DPR military said ...

Latest Interviews with Colonel MacGregor Are Worth a Watch
Post Date: 2022-04-14 08:58:55 by Ada
I love watching Colonel Douglas MacGregor, because I’m certain he’s not a reader of my website, and yet he reaches all the same conclusions as me. It’s also good for you, the reader, to realize that it isn’t just me that is saying this stuff. The only high ranking military official who is willing to go on the record as being opposed to the regime, and the “rootless cosmopolitans,” is saying everything I’m saying. Click for Full Text!

Ukrainian military capitulate en masse in Mariupol
Post Date: 2022-04-11 08:52:54 by Esso
The Ukrainian military, who found themselves in complete isolation in Mariupol, began to capitulate en masse. The active advancement of the DPR forces and Russian units forced the Ukrainian military and nationalists to start capitulating en masse. This is evidenced by regularly appearing photographs in which you can see the Ukrainian military being held captive. Подробнее на: kapituliruyut-v-mariupole In the presented photo, which has almost spread around the entire Network, you can see another group of Ukrainian military who decided to surrender because of their ...

The Dogs of War
Post Date: 2022-04-10 23:39:15 by Esso
Back in civilian life, an ex-mercenary soldier (Christopher Walken) accepts an offer by an American businessman to overthrow a small African government. Making plans to lead the coup, Walken visits the country in the guise of a nature photographer. Suspicious, the government throws Walken into prison and subjects him to torture. While in prison, he meets a dissident political leader. Finally free, Walken is deported. Back in the United States, Walken recruits his band of mercenaries and makes a raid on the military headquarters of the country's dictator and completes the coup. But not entirely: Walken has been moved by the dissident leader he met while imprisoned, and has a nasty ...

Kiev is Preparing Mass Murder of Civilians in Lugansk With West's Support, Russian MoD Says
Post Date: 2022-04-10 17:39:19 by Ada
Russia launched a military operation in Ukraine in February, after the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics asked for assistance to defend themselves from attacks by Ukrainian troops. Col.Gen. Mikhail Mizintsev, head of Russia's National Defence Management Centre, has issued a warning that Ukrainian government, with the help of several Western countries, is preparing to mass murder civilians in order to blame these atrocities on the Russian military and the forces of the Lugansk People's Republic. In particular, Mizintsev said, foreign media reporters have already arrived at a local hospital in the city of Kremennaya in Severodonetsk District, in order to film a provocation ...

Nuclear War Is On The Horizon
Post Date: 2022-04-10 12:53:55 by X-15
Nuclear War Is On The Horizon As Facts Cannot Be Acknowledged, the Insane Drive into Nuclear War Cannot be Stopped Paul Craig Roberts Some readers have asked why Russia regards Finland’s membership in NATO as a provocation. For the same reason that Ukraine’s membership is a provocation: US missile bases on Russia’s border. The US does not currently have hypersonic missiles, but will sooner or later. Such missiles on Russia’s borders could reach Moscow in 3 or 4 minutes, clearly an existential threat. Along with Finland, Washington wants the bases in Sweden and the Baltic states, and already has missile bases in Poland and Romania. Whereas Washington intends ...

Torture killed every single avenue for 9/11 terror prosecution
Post Date: 2022-04-10 06:52:40 by Ada
What happens when suspects have permanent brain damage? America is about to find out as plea deals replace anticipated trials. The Guardian has reported that a recently-declassified CIA Inspector General’s report from 2008 found that CIA officers at a covert detention site in Afghanistan used a prisoner, Ammar al-Baluch, as a “training prop,” taking turns smashing his head against a plywood wall and leaving him with permanent brain damage. Baluch is currently one of five defendants before a military tribunal at the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo charged with participating in the planning for the September 11 attacks. The case has been stuck in the pre-trial phase for ...

Russia States Obvious: Ukies Blew Up the Train Station
Post Date: 2022-04-09 07:51:31 by Ada
Instead of doing a chemical weapons false flag, the West has decided to do random traditional weapons attacks against civilians in the Ukraine. I don’t think anyone who isn’t a totally brainwashed American believes this garbage. RT: A Tochka U ballistic missile, which reportedly killed dozens of civilians in the Ukrainian city of Kramatorsk on Friday, came from a town under the control of Ukrainian forces, the Russian Defense Ministry has claimed. The missile was fired from Dobropole, around 45km southwest of the city, Moscow stated. The deadly strike hit the main train station in Kramatorsk when an estimated 4,000 people were waiting for evacuation trains there. The ...

Nuclear War Is On The Horizon
Post Date: 2022-04-09 07:27:12 by Ada
Some readers have asked why Russia regards Finland’s membership in NATO as a provocation. For the same reason that Ukraine’s membership is a provocation: US missile bases on Russia’s border. The US does not currently have hypersonic missiles, but will sooner or later. Such missiles on Russia’s borders could reach Moscow in 3 or 4 minutes, clearly an existential threat. Along with Finland, Washington wants the bases in Sweden and the Baltic states, and already has missile bases in Poland and Romania. Whereas Washington intends Finland’s NATO membership as a new provocation, we must not forget two other existing provocations that the Kremlin has declared to be ...

Fox News Reporter Deletes Tweet About His Legs Being Blown Off in the Ukraine
Post Date: 2022-04-08 09:17:54 by Ada
You may recall that Fox News reporter Benjamin Hall had his convoy attacked in Kiev on March 14 – two people on his team died, and he was seriously injured. Or, you may not recall that, because the news was buried, because the attack was done by the Ukrainians, and “heroic democracy anal neo-Nazi journalist killers” doesn’t fit the narrative. Anyway, he tweeted for the first time after the attack on Thursday, saying he’d lost both feet and one leg, probably lost an eye, and lost most of his hearing. For some reason, the tweet was deleted. It’s the top story on New York Post. And the tweet is at the top and missing. I don’t know what this ...

Colonel MacGregor Says Bucha Claims Do Not Make Sense
Post Date: 2022-04-08 07:41:42 by Ada
During an interview with Jackson Hinkle this week, retired Colonel Douglas MacGregor was asked about the alleged Bucha massacre, which the Ukrainian government and international Jewish media is blaming on Russia. MacGregor said that it made no sense that the Russians would do this. He also noted that many of the bodies were wearing white armbands, which is something that Ukrainian civilians – either Russia supporters or just the uninvolved – wear in order to keep from being shot by Russians. He noted that Ukrainians have a record of killing people wearing these armbands. He did say that it was technically possible that the Russians did do this, mentioning that the US did bad ...

Twitter Bans Former UN Inspector Scott Ritter for Talking About Ukrainian War Crimes
Post Date: 2022-04-07 11:12:10 by Ada
At first they were banning speech because it allegedly hurt people’s feelings. Then it was killing people to disagree with the CDC and Anthony Fauci. But what’s going on now? Does talking about the Ukraine hurt someone’s feelings or get someone killed from a virus? What is the new rationale here? Or are they just saying “this new Indian CEO is wild – we can’t even control him, he just bans everyone”? RT: Twitter “permanently suspended” the retired US Marine Corps officer Scott Ritter on Wednesday, accusing him of engaging in prohibited behavior by questioning the claims of Ukrainian authorities that Russian soldiers had massacred ...

Washington Post Admits NATO Wants To Prolong War In Ukraine
Post Date: 2022-04-06 15:46:12 by Ada
In an article about the potential for a peace deal between Ukraine and Russia, the Washington Post admits that some within NATO want to prolong the war for as long as possible. The admission is contained in a piece titled ‘NATO says Ukraine to decide on peace deal with Russia — within limits’. “Even a Ukrainian vow not to join NATO — a concession that Zelensky has floated publicly — could be a concern to some neighbors. That leads to an awkward reality: For some in NATO, it’s better for the Ukrainians to keep fighting, and dying, than to achieve a peace that comes too early or at too high a cost to Kyiv and the rest of Europe,” states the article. ...

Cole Swindell - You Should Be Here
Post Date: 2022-04-06 02:35:08 by Esso
Poster Comment:Cole Swindell - Ain't Worth The Whiskey I think it was Tim McGraw that said, "Don't expect a free ride from no one. Don't hold a grudge or a chip and here's why, bitterness keeps you from flying, always stay humble and kind." I try to take solace in the Bible, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Then there's country music.

Ukraine Under Fire: Reporter Documents War-Torn Mariupol
Post Date: 2022-04-05 09:42:30 by Ada
Citizens and zoo animals suffering tremendously Independent journalist Patrick Lancaster documented the scene as citizens of Mariupol, Ukraine attempted to either flee or go into hiding amid heavy shelling. Lancaster is embedded with the soldiers fighting for the Donetsk People’s Republic and Russia, but encourages everyone around the world to monitor reporting from both sides of the Ukraine conflict. Footage posted Monday shows Lancaster hanging out with some of the young animals living at the Mariupol private zoo. The zoo’s owner told Lancaster several animals have already died after being hit by shrapnel, but says he’ll have to remain in the warzone since he ...

The truth about Bucha is out there, but perhaps too inconvenient to be discovered
Post Date: 2022-04-04 23:26:30 by Pinguinite
Surprised to see RT publish a Scott Ritter write-up...... =============== “In war, truth is the first casualty.” This quote has been attributed to Aeschylus, a 6th BCE Greek tragedian noted for his “copious use of imagery, mythic allusion, grand language, wordplay and riddles.” It is only fitting, therefore, that the man who first gave word to the concept of modern-day war-time propaganda would see his quote come to life in the present-day Ukraine. The Kiev government and their Western information warfare advisers may have coopted all of Aeschylus’ playwright devices to craft a modern-day tragedy in the Ukrainian town of Bucha that exemplifies the notion of the ...

Pundits Who Advocate Hot War With Russia Are Enemies Of Humanity
Post Date: 2022-04-04 10:55:34 by Ada
In an appearance on the MSNBC show Velshi, The Modern War Institute’s John Spencer explicitly advocated direct US military conflict with Russia due to allegations of war crimes in the Ukrainian city of Bucha. “I’m ready to commit at this moment — unlike I was before this day — to put people in direct contact with Russia, to stop Russia,” Spencer said. “Call it peacekeeping. Call it what you will. We have to do more than provide weapons. And by ‘we,’ I mean the United States. Yes, we’ll do it as a coalition with lots of other people, but we are the example. So put boots on the ground, send weapons directly at Russia.” Notice the ...

DPR: Donetsk Militia Seizes Control of Downtown Mariupol
Post Date: 2022-04-04 10:36:29 by Ada
Global Over the past few weeks, DPR troops, together with the Russian military, have been clearing Mariupol (the second-largest city in the republic) of the remaining forces of Ukrainian radicals, including the Azov nationalist battalion. The militia of the Donetsk People's Republic has seized control over downtown Mariupol, spokesman for DPR troops Eduard Basurin announced on Monday. He noted that the port and industial zone are still to be cleared, so an operation is underway in the city. In the meantime, at least 7 civilians were wounded as Ukrainian forces shelled the part of the city liberated by the militia, the DPR said in a separate statement. Kiev previously tried to ...

"The Withdrawal from Kiev Is Russian Escalation. It's the...Transformation from a Psychological Operation to a Textbook War"
Post Date: 2022-04-04 09:41:25 by Ada
Interview with Marko Marjanovi, Editor of Anti-Empire Question 1– You think that the Russian Army was spread-too-thin to achieve its strategic objectives in Ukraine, and you point to the (Russian) army’s withdrawal around Kiev to make your point. (“Russia’s effort was very clearly too diluted over too many axes and sectors.”) But, now, you think that things have changed and Russia has started to make the correct military decisions. How have Russia’s plans changed and how will it​ affect upcoming clashes with the Ukrainian Army? Marko Marjanovi, Editor of — It is undeniable that how the Russians were prosecuting the war at ...

Is It Possible to Actually Know What Has Been and Is Going On in Ukraine?
Post Date: 2022-04-04 08:10:13 by Ada
Over the past three months I’ve authored six articles about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine: that’s six out of eleven installments that have showed up at MY CORNER and then published in such venues as and THE UNZ REVIEW. That may seem excessive—and I acknowledge that. But the issue is, I would suggest, one of staggering significance to the United States and, indeed, to the future of the world. As you might imagine, I have some friends who disagree with what I’ve written and have taken me to task for my views and assertions. There has even been a suggestion calling into question my use of sources and how I evaluate information and news which ...

Post Date: 2022-04-02 20:03:49 by Esso

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