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How to make Swedish pickled beetroot
Post Date: 2015-08-31 05:48:00 by Tatarewicz
Swedes are experts at pickling, since the country's harsh winters used to mean they had to use this method to preserve foods and late summer is the best time of year to jar up vegetables such as beetroot (inlagda rödbetor). Food writer John Duxbury's shares his tips with The Local. Summary Makes: 750ml Preparation: 15 minutes Cooking: 75 minutes Total: 90 minutes Ingredients 1kg beetroot, preferable gold-ball sized 1tsp salt 500ml clear distilled malt (spirit) vinegar (5 percent) 300g caster sugar 10 whole white peppercorns 3 cloves Swedish beetroots. Photo: Steven Senne/TT/AP Method 1. Rinse the beetroots, but leave a short length of the root and the tops on ...

Italian woman locks up man for refusing sex
Post Date: 2015-08-31 05:38:22 by Tatarewicz
0 Comments A 46-year-old woman has been arrested on suspicion of abduction after locking a 25-year-old man in the basement of her home near Naples because he denied her sex, Italian media reported. The pair reportedly met this summer and enjoyed a fling, Il Messaggero reported. But the man soon grew weary of the amorous adventure, and refused to have any more intercourse with the woman, who is separated from her husband. Unhappy with the rejection, she then allegedly locked him in the basement of her home in Arzano, a town north of Naples. It is unclear from the reports just how long the man was kept in the room, but he somehow managed to alert a passerby to his presence. “The ...

Case Closed: FBI Says 9mm Is The Best Pistol Round
Post Date: 2015-08-30 12:46:31 by X-15
A new study from the FBI’s Training Division shows that overall, the 9mm Luger pistol round is the best option for law enforcement handguns, recommending departments shouldn’t switch their side arms to larger rounds considered by many to be more lethal. Based in a combination of factors, including so-called “stopping power,” weight and availability, the FBI study shows that the 9mm round penetrates far enough, allows for shooters to carry more rounds, and is more widely available and less expensive than alternative rounds like the .45 ACP or .40 Smith & Wesson. “Most of what is ‘common knowledge’ with ammunition and its effects on the human target ...

Reporter swarmed, stung by yellow jackets; hive held thousands (Tyler, TX)
Post Date: 2015-08-30 12:38:43 by X-15
(Great video at story link!!) Joshua James slipped into a jumpsuit made of thick, heavy cloth and pulled on a beekeeper’s hat, net and full-length gloves. The pest control specialist, who began his career after leaving the U.S. Army in 2012, was ready to go to battle with a hive that held thousands of yellow jackets. The hive was nestled behind a row of azalea hedges and invisible at first glance. But I knew they were there, because just days earlier, while doing yard work on Sunday, I’d awakened the colony, angering a swarm of yellow jackets that stung me between 20 and 30 times. The attack resulted in a trip to the emergency room and an IV push of several medications to ...

Chinese Air Force creates macaque army to protect its jets from birds
Post Date: 2015-08-30 02:37:35 by Tatarewicz
The Chinese Air Force is training macaques to protect its jets from the treat of flying birds by dismantling their nests in trees. Two of the macaques, called Qitian and Ziyun, can destroy a nest in just one minute, military officials said. Birds have the potential to cause huge damage to aircrafts worldwide, getting stuck in engines and damaging jets. The programme to use macaques was first announced last year, with soldiers involved in the training to get them to run up trees and rip down the birds' nests. Experts also said their odour repels birds from rebuilding their nests in the same spots. Poster Comment:More considerate alternative would be o provide bird houses and food away ...

Xi Jinping's ex-wife talks about their failed marriage
Post Date: 2015-08-30 00:31:59 by Tatarewicz
Want... Ke Xiaoming, said to be the former wife of Chinese president Xi Jinping, said that he is not an idealist but a practical man who makes detailed, organized plans, according to a post on WeChat account "Fangshishujian." After the post was reposted thousands of times by other WeChat and microblog users as well as overseas media outlets, the original post was deleted and the account was shut down. The 64-year-old Ke, who is also known as Ke Lingling, is said to be the youngest daughter of former Chinese ambassador to the UK Ke Hua. Rumors have circulated stating that she is a senior manager at a private hospital in London and a guest professor at the University of ...

Caitlyn Jenner Offends Her Friend After Saying She Wants to Be Treated Like a "Normal Woman"—
Post Date: 2015-08-29 10:46:03 by christine

Owen Labrie Found Not Guilty of Felony Sexual Assault in Prep School Trial
Post Date: 2015-08-28 15:04:57 by BTP Holdings
Owen Labrie Found Not Guilty of Felony Sexual Assault in Prep School Trial By EMILY SHAPIRO and GIO BENITEZ 11 minutes ago Good Morning America Owen Labrie was found not guilty of felony sexual assault in a case at St. Paul's School, a prestigious New Hampshire prep school. The jury of nine men and three women delivered a not guilty verdict on the three felony sexual assault charges on the second day of deliberations. He also was found not guilty of simple assault, a misdemeanor. Labrie was found guilty of four misdemeanors relating to sexual assault and endangering the welfare of a child. He was also found guilty of one felony for using a computer to "seduce, solicit, ...

5 Study Techniques Every Clinical Student Should Know
Post Date: 2015-08-28 05:59:09 by Tatarewicz
With the start of the new school year, 25,000 incoming medical students in the United States—and hundreds of thousands of students around the world—are wondering how best to study so they can succeed in classes, on board exams, and in the clinic. Fortunately, decades worth of neuroscience research has given us an entire toolkit of techniques, many of which you probably have not heard of before. Both of us have devoted much of our careers before and during medical school to assimilating and testing these cognitive techniques; the result of these efforts is our learning platform, Osmosis. Here we will highlight five of the most effective, neuroscience-backed study techniques that ...

Fisherman finds underwater spy vessel in South China Sea
Post Date: 2015-08-23 22:15:12 by Tatarewicz
Want... A Chinese fisherman has found a remotely operated underwater vehicle or ROV in waters claimed by China in the South China Sea, reports Shanghai-based news outlet the Paper. Huang Yunlai found an ROV while fishing in an area of the contested South China Sea that was not specified in the report. He initially believed he had caught a big fish but soon realized this was not the case after hauling it up. The ROV Huang caught was disguised as an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), a robot which travels underwater without input from an operator, according to government officials, who identified the object as a spy ROV. After Ministry of State Security authorities retrieved the ROV, ...

Seagull steals camera for amazing bird's eye selfie
Post Date: 2015-08-23 03:24:29 by Tatarewicz
0 Comments ...A cheeky seagull in northern Spain stole a tourist's camera and flew off with it providing astonishing footage from the air as well as some rather amusing close-ups of the bird itself. Some Swiss tourists got more than they bargained for when they were filming along the coast of the Cíes islands, off Galicia in northern Spain earlier this month. The holidaymakers were filming a seagull on a clifftop wall when suddenly the feathered fiend snatched their GoPro video camera and took flight, to the horror of the pair, who can be heard shouting in Swiss German. The video of the incident, uploaded to YouTube by Martin Lozano from Switzerland, shows the bird tentatively ...

Gene Simmons' Wife 'Horrified' Home Was Used For 'Heinous Crime'
Post Date: 2015-08-21 16:31:18 by BTP Holdings
Gene Simmons' Wife 'Horrified' Home Was Used For 'Heinous Crime' "We couldn't be more horrified that someone used our residence for such heinous crimes." by Cavan Sieczkowski Senior Editor, News & Analytics, The Huffington Post Posted: 08/21/2015 10:26 AM EDT | Edited: 2 hours ago Gene Simmons' wife tweeted her horror after the Los Angeles Police Department executed a search warrant at their home in Benedict Canyon Thursday. The LAPD's Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force "visited Mr. and Mrs. Simmons at their home to discuss a crime that may have occurred on their property last year while Mr. Simmons was away on tour ...

Spielberg & ET
Post Date: 2015-08-21 10:24:09 by Lod

Out of Place Artifact: The Mysterious Stone Egg of Lake Winnipesaukee
Post Date: 2015-08-21 06:20:19 by Ada
In 1872, construction workers digging a hole for a fence post near the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee in New England found a lump of clay, with an egg shaped artifact inside it, six feet below the ground. Called the ‘Mystery Stone’, it is one of New Hampshire's more curious and lesser known relics. Amateur and professional archaeologists have speculated about the origin of this strange artifact for well over one hundred years with no clear answers emerging. The rock type is not familiar to New Hampshire and there are no other known objects bearing similar markings or design in the United States. It may very have been the work of someone living in a faraway place and time, as ...

This is clever: A Bad Lip Reading of the First Republican Presidential Debate in Cleveland, Ohio
Post Date: 2015-08-20 15:44:40 by christine

Better-tasting grocery store tomatoes coming soon, scientists say
Post Date: 2015-08-20 05:13:59 by Tatarewicz
BOSTON, Aug. 19 (UPI) -- After decades of complaints, scientists have finally decided to solve the problem of the watery, flavorless mass-market tomatoes found in grocery stores. As most cooks know, the only way to procure a consistently tasty tomato is to pick it from a backyard garden or buy it from a farm stand. But consumers want tomatoes 365 days a year, which means the ruby red fruit must be stored for several days and sometimes shipped thousands of miles across the country. To get tomatoes on the shelves of stores in Northern Michigan in the middle of February, growers in California, Florida, Mexico and elsewhere pick the fruit before its ripe and then blast it with ethylene to ...

Is This Creepy UNICEF Commercial a Teaser for ET Disclosure?
Post Date: 2015-08-19 10:30:27 by Bill D Berger
Jennifer Sodini, ContributorWaking Times UNICEF is an international program under the United Nations that “provides long-term humanitarian and developmental assistance to children and mothers in developing countries.” Their chapter in Chile recently put out a video on their Facebook page, which they cryptically titled “To meet someone different is a great opportunity to live valuable experiences. Let’s say yes to integration!” While the message of the video is important (universal acceptance and love for ALL), we can’t help but wonder what they may really be trying to tell us? Each post on their Facebook page linking to the video contains similar captions ...

Bloody great news......
Post Date: 2015-08-18 11:17:37 by X-15
I'm sitting in the repair shop lobby waiting for a simple fan clutch repair.....two water pump bolts snapped off and a closer examination revealed that it was about to fail (leak). water pump, belt, fan clutch, coolant change. Shit.

Post Date: 2015-08-17 22:05:20 by HAPPY2BME-4UM

Alternative News Sites
Post Date: 2015-08-16 16:11:30 by Bill D Berger
Here are a few of the news/information sites I have bookmarked on my computer. Just wanted to share them with y'all.Lew Rockwell - Libertarian News and Opinion Reason - Libertarian Magazine Free Though Project - Police Abuses and Government Crimes The Anti-Media - Alternative News Truth Voice - Anti-Tyranny Intellihub - Alternative News Blacklisted News - World News, Government Corruption All New Pipeline - Martial Law, Cutting-Edge Alternative News 21st Century Wire - UK-based, not for profit independent blog offering geopolitical news and analysis. Podcasts Now The End Begins - Biblical Prophecy and End Times News Counter Current News - Police Abuse Truthstream ...

10th doctor found murdered in her own home
Post Date: 2015-08-15 05:52:26 by Tatarewicz
PravdaForum... Another Doctor (Osteopath) Found Slain in Her Home The article 10th Doctor (Osteopath) Found Slain in Her Home first appeared at Health Nut News - I think the number of doctors recently found dead or murdered might be higher, although at a certain point we lost track and have to start the research again. -H.C. Natural Blaze By Erin Elizabeth It brings me no joy to break another story on a doctor being killed. In fact, I really didn’t want to write this story, but I’ve lost count how many people have asked me the last day or two when I’ll be covering it. My heart goes out to the friends and family. I started an unintentional series about doctors (mostly ...

Here's the science-backed way to poop without splashback
Post Date: 2015-08-14 04:32:10 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... The whole purpose of YouTube channel Smarter Every Day is to change ordinary people's lives by making them, well, smarter. But we have to admit that after years of watching, the video that's changed our lives the most is probably this one, on the fluid dynamics of poop. Because who hasn't struggled with the sound, mess, and occasional embarrassment caused by toilet splashback? Well, you don't have to anymore, because science has a solution. As you've probably figured out if you've ever spent time dropping objects into water, the poop splash is caused when your poop displaces water, and forms a cavity of air in the fluid at the bottom of your toilet ...

Neighbors at war over feeding of crows in Portage Bay
Post Date: 2015-08-14 03:53:57 by Tatarewicz
SeattleTimes... When one family began feeding crows in the Portage Bay neighborhood, a nearly two-year neighborhood battle ensued. Crows are among the brightest of animals, able to recognize faces, to work for cheese. They are part of mythology in various cultures. In early Asian beliefs, having a crow fly in front of you was bad luck; finding a dead one on the road was good luck. But in the Portage Bay neighborhood in Seattle, crows have been at the center of an epic, nearly two-year neighborhood battle. Even the cops have been called in. Crow facts • There are 40 species of crows, and they live everywhere except Antarctica. • They have 250 different calls. A distress ...

Russian FM Sergei Lavrov caught on mic saying "fucking morons" as Saudi FM speaks about Syria
Post Date: 2015-08-13 09:28:44 by Tatarewicz
PravdaForum... Started by Mario Milano #1 [Russian FM Sergei Lavrov caught on mic saying "fucking morons" as Saudi FM speaks about Syria: post #1] Mario Milano Lavrov did his best to sum up the opinion of most of the world about the House of Saud. Read more at www.liveleak....OlbEAHsQ17LQ.99 0 Report #2 [Russian FM Sergei Lavrov caught on mic saying "fucking morons" as Saudi FM speaks about Syria: post #2] Shura Mario Milano, Lavrov did his best to sum up the opinion of most of the world about the House of Saud. Read more at www.liveleak....OlbEAHsQ17LQ.99 There is no such expression in Russian language! He called them Debils and whores, and that is ...

Post Date: 2015-08-12 07:02:23 by Tatarewicz
Wednesday - August 12, 2015 Extension of Consciousness Jungian psychology expert Gary S. Bobroff and systems and management consultant Cynthia Cavalli will discuss the scientific evidence for the extension of consciousness in humans, plants and animals, as well as synchronicity and coincidence, and how they relate to everything from crop circles to your career and love life. First Hour: Prof. James McCanney presents updates on comets and space news.

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