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Post Date: 2018-01-26 22:29:22 by bush_is_a_moonie
I did not get on Freedom4um for a long time except every now and then. Christine used to manage this site. I looked at her home page and nothing. Does she still own/manage this site?

EU declares war on plastic waste
Post Date: 2018-01-21 04:24:17 by Tatarewicz
Guardian... Brussels targets single-use plastics in an urgent clean-up plan that aims to make all packaging reusable or recyclable by 2030 The EU is waging war against plastic waste as part of an urgent plan to clean up Europe’s act and ensure that every piece of packaging on the continent is reusable or recyclable by 2030. Following China’s decision to ban imports of foreign recyclable material, Brussels on Tuesday launched a plastics strategy designed to change minds in Europe, potentially tax damaging behaviour, and modernise plastics production and collection by investing €350m (£310m) in research. Plastics found in stomachs of deepest sea creatures Read more ...

C2C Shows upcoming...
Post Date: 2018-01-20 09:52:46 by Tatarewicz
C2C... Sunday - January 21, 2018 Hosted by George Knapp The Grand Canyon is one of the most beautiful places on planet Earth - and it's also one of the deadliest. Grand Canyon expert Michael Ghiglieri, joins George Knapp, to discuss gripping accounts of known fatal mishaps in the most famous of the World's Seven Natural Wonders. First Hour: Roy Orbison Jr tells the story of his father, a rock and roll icon almost without peer. He'll detail his monumental career successes, which were matched at nearly every turn by extraordinary personal tragedies, including the loss of his first wife in a motorcycle accident and his two oldest sons in a fire. Disaster Preparedness/ Rules for ...

Tackle global road deaths like preventable diseases, report urges
Post Date: 2018-01-19 03:28:37 by Tatarewicz
Thomson Reuters Foundation/JapanTimes TEPIC, MEXICO – Governments should treat road deaths as a public health issue and improve public transport, road planning and urban design to slash the injuries and fatalities that plague poorer countries, said the authors of a report. Shifting responsibility for accidents from drivers to city planners and transport authorities was key to reducing the 1.3 million fatalities each year, according to the World Resources Institute (WRI) and World Bank report published on Thursday. “We should look at road fatalities as not acceptable and strive as a society to eliminate or nearly eliminate them,” said Ben Welle, report co-author and WRI ...

Mexico claims longest underwater cave
Post Date: 2018-01-18 22:22:49 by Tatarewicz
DW... The world's longest underwater cave has been discovered in eastern Mexico. Measuring an astounding 347 kilometres, the underwater cavern in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo also holds a number of architectural treasures dating back back thousands of years and are helping to unravel the mysteries of the ancient Maya civilisation. Watch video 01:18

10 surprising things you didn't know about the Philippines
Post Date: 2018-01-13 04:27:35 by Tatarewicz
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) -- Being one of the most visited countries by the Taiwanese as well as having a significant amount of Filipinos residing in Taiwan, Taiwan News has compiled a list of interesting facts about the island nation to help our Taiwanese friends know more about the neighboring country. Here are some interesting and fun facts of the Philippines not many are aware of: 1. The Philippines has 7,641 islands, but only around 2,000 are inhabited. 2. The Filipinos are the most enthusiastic about their social media accounts, and were also ranked as the highest selfie takers in the world by Time Magazine in 2014. 3. Manila, the capital is actually comprised of 16 cities and the ...

Is Your Child Lying to You? That’s Good
Post Date: 2018-01-07 06:57:03 by Tatarewicz
NYT... Should parents be troubled when their kids start to deceive them? Odds are, most of us would say yes. We believe honesty is a moral imperative, and we try to instill this belief in our children. Classic morality tales like “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” and “Pinocchio” speak to the dangers of dishonesty, and children who lie a lot, or who start lying at a young age, are often seen as developmentally abnormal, primed for trouble later in life. But research suggests the opposite is true. Lying is not only normal; it’s also a sign of intelligence. Kids discover lying as early as age 2, studies have found. In one experiment, children were asked not to peek at a toy ...

Private Company to Launch Bold New Search for MH370
Post Date: 2018-01-07 06:31:22 by Tatarewicz
C2C... An American-based company has reached a rather unique agreement with the Malaysian government to revive the search for infamous lost airliner MH370 using a remarkably sophisticated approach. The ambitious expedition, put together by a group known as Ocean Unlimited, is expected to be announced next week and could begin in just a few days. What makes this new search particularly promising is the incredible technology to be used by the group. Oceans Unlimited plans to deploy a whopping eight unmanned submarines to scour a patch of the Indian Ocean believed to be where MH370 may rest. Each of the UAV subs will communicate with an unmanned companion boat floating above them which ...

Clinton took secret trips outside White House to visit girlfriends
Post Date: 2018-01-05 12:47:36 by X-15
A new book from one of his former Secret Service officers claims that Bill Clinton often snuck away from his wife and out of the White House to cozy up with “well-known and lesser-known mistresses,” and that a Secret Service officer in the motorcade was nearly killed in a crash during one secret escape. Gary J. Byrne, a former Uniform Division officer at the center of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, writes in his latest book, Secrets of the Secret Service: The History and Uncertain Future of the U.S. Secret Service, that Clinton demanded a tiny motorcade to secretly dash around Washington unnoticed, ordering that the cars try to obey laws like stopped lights. And in one of those ...

10 Ways Life in Russia Is Better Than in America
Post Date: 2018-01-05 06:10:41 by Tatarewicz
1. Everything’s So Cheap I don’t have the foggiest idea how Moscow ever acquired its reputation as one of the world’s most expensive cities. Probably idiots and Intellectuals. Yet Idiots dumb enough to buy the $5 bottled water at Sheremetyevo Airport before taking one of the shady, overpriced Caucasian gypsy cabs down to their five-star hotels in central Moscow. In reality, food, rent, utilities, property, hotels, travel, restaurants, museums, transport, healthcare, and education are all far cheaper than in major cities in the United States. 2. Better Food One possible cause of the massive rise in American obesity in the past generation is that the nutrients to ...

Hakka made an official language in Taiwan
Post Date: 2018-01-05 04:26:20 by Tatarewicz
GUEST OF HONOR:Townships in which half the people are Hakka are to make Hakka the primary language, while some civil servants are to take a language test By Cheng Hung-ta and Jake Chung / Staff reporter, with staff writer Hakka has been made an official national language after the Legislative Yuan yesterday passed amendments to the Hakka Basic Act (客家基本法). According to the amendment, townships in which Hakka people make up at least one-third of the population are to be designated key developmental areas for Hakka culture by the Hakka Affairs Council, and Hakka is to be used as one of the main languages for communication. Such areas should strive to ...

Meet the world’s first automated police officerMeet the world’s first automated police officer
Post Date: 2018-01-03 23:38:03 by Tatarewicz
PressTv Indian company H-Bots Robotics launched its new fully automated 'Robocop' robot in Hyderabad on Wednesday. The bot will be designed to aid the police and public in day-to-day tasks. It boasts the ability to direct traffic, handle basic security issues and can even be used by members of the public to call for further law enforcement through its on-board digital interface. (Source: Ruptly) Poster Comment:Fear of ambush causes human flatfooters to kill people. Robocop has no fear.

Captain Jack Sparrow? Delta plane rerouted to Detroit due to a bird in a cockpit
Post Date: 2018-01-01 08:03:07 by Tatarewicz
RT... A Delta flight had to reroute and return to Detroit after an unexpected ‘feathered’ passenger was discovered inside a cockpit. The stowaway – reportedly a tiny sparrow – apparently sneaked inside the flight deck during boarding. The pilots of Flight 1943 from Detroit to Atlanta saw a small bird that snuck on board shortly after take-off on Saturday, AP reported, citing Delta’s statement. The captain decided to turn the jet around and return to Detroit to “avoid a potential distraction” during the flight, Delta said. Maintenance is calling in reinforcements. This bird is playing hide and go seek apparently. ...

1,600 vehicles burn in UK parking lot fire in Liverpool
Post Date: 2018-01-01 07:27:08 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... Cars burn during a blaze engulfing vechiles parked at a multi-storey car park near the Echo Arena, at the waterfront in Liverpool on December 31, 2017. (Photo by AFP) Cars burn during a blaze engulfing vechiles parked at a multi-storey car park near the Echo Arena, at the waterfront in Liverpool on December 31, 2017. (Photo by AFP) A blaze has destroyed every vehicle in a 1,600-capacity car park serving the British city of Liverpool’s indoor arena, police said Monday. The Liverpool International Horse Show, taking place in the northwest English city’s neighboring 11,000-seater arena, was cancelled due to the fire, which broke out after dark on Sunday. Nobody has ...

'So much meddling, so little time': Vintage Lavrov at his best on Russian late-night talk show
Post Date: 2017-12-30 06:02:53 by Tatarewicz
RT... Russia's FM has lightheartedly shared Moscow's 'international achievements' with the host of a Russian satirical show. With many elections to interfere in, only the Japanese emperor managed to buy more time in power, Lavrov said. Recalling the elections in France, the Catalonia independence referendum and the Brexit vote, the seasoned diplomat, known for his sense of humor, was asked to share Moscow's foreign policy plans for next year. "You haven't mentioned all we've done. What about Sweden, Denmark, Montenegro, Macedonia and Austria? We've worked hard, [meddling] isn't that easy," Lavrov joked on NTV channel's 'Mezhdunarodnaya ...

C2C Upcoming
Post Date: 2017-12-29 03:01:20 by Tatarewicz
Global Elite Agenda/ Enigma of Gravity Tuesday - January 2, 2018 Hosted by George Noory First Half: William Engdahl has written on issues of energy, politics, and economics for more than 30 years. He'll update his work on how a tiny group of global elite is gaining control over the world's oil, agriculture, and currencies. Second Half: Marcus Chown, astronomy consultant for New Scientist, will talk about his latest work penetrating the enigma of gravity, and pondering some of the most fascinating questions in science. Quest for Immortality/ Paranormal Power of Pets Wednesday - January 3, 2018 First Half: Columnist Stanley Bing has been writing for a long time about corporate ...

Detatching spirits from those possessed
Post Date: 2017-12-18 07:33:52 by Tatarewicz
C2C-AM... Spirit possession, attachment, poltergeist activity and the negative impact of obsession are contemporary issues that demand serious academic research, according to hypnotherapist Dr. Terence Palmer. He joined Dave Schrader (email) in the second hour to discuss dealing with negative spirit influence. Palmer said he "was working as an ordinary hypnotherapist" when some of his patients began to show strange symptoms that seemed like cases of multiple personality disorder. He believed that some of these were actual spirit possessions and began investigating methods to rid victims of this influence. Palmer believes that people under this negative influence have happened on ...

Happy Christmas From Hollywood
Post Date: 2017-12-17 10:56:36 by Ada
Is there anything not to like about Christmas? The answer is a resounding NO, and I include the secular sham that goes with it, expensive trees and cheap pink paper and maddening shopping. The birth of our Lord Jesus came in handy on his 1914th birthday, when the German and British troops called a halt to the slaughter and played football instead. (The high command should have followed the troops’ example, but they ordered the mayhem to continue from the warmth of their various castles.) Even Hollywood used to—I say used to—get into the spirit of Christmas and made films that warmed the heart and spread good cheer. Has a movie ever touched us more than Frank Capra’s ...

Hee-Haw Full Episode - Episode 88º(Ray Stevens, Donna Fargo)Nov 25, 1972
Post Date: 2017-12-12 07:01:44 by BTP Holdings

WGN Channel 9 - Ray Rayner and His Friends (5/16/1980)
Post Date: 2017-12-10 15:53:09 by BTP Holdings
Poster Comment:There is a clip of Flash Gordon on here starring Buster Crabbe.

Chief investigator names police and municipal clerks as most ‘corruption prone’ professions
Post Date: 2017-12-10 00:07:01 by Tatarewicz
RT... © Global Look Press The head of the Russian Investigative Committee has revealed the latest statistics on corruption crime, which show that most cases involve law-enforcement agents, military servicemen, municipal clerks, teachers and doctors. “Representatives of law-enforcement agencies, officials from municipal bodies and enterprises, people working in the spheres of education and healthcare, and also the military,” said Aleksandr Bastrykin, listing the professions most often involved in cases of corruption. Read more Investigative Committee chairman Alexander Bastrykin. © Aleksey Nikolskyi Chief investigator says his agency confiscated over $310M from ...

CoastToCoast-AM shows upcomining
Post Date: 2017-12-03 05:26:24 by Tatarewicz
GMO Dangers/ Alien Encounters & Consciousness Monday - December 4, 2017 Hosted by George Noory Guest(s): Jeffrey M. Smith, Robert Davis First Half: Leading spokesperson on the health dangers of genetically modified foods, Jeffrey Smith will talk about the epic battlefronts on the war for GMOs including the use of fake science and cover-ups to hide the many health conditions which are improved when patients switch to non-GMO diets. Second Half: Robert Davis graduated with a PhD in sensory neurosciences from Ohio State University and served as a professor for over thirty years. He'll share his research on UFO & non-human encounters and their possible connection to the quantum ...

2017 Christmas Decorations at the White House....what a difference one year makes
Post Date: 2017-11-29 17:05:21 by X-15

Territorial Turtle Torments Owners
Post Date: 2017-11-18 07:46:17 by Tatarewicz
C2C-AM... A family in England are having second thoughts about their decision to adopt a pet turtle after the creature seemingly claimed their backyard as its territory has taken to violently defending its turf. The trouble began when John French spotted the rambunctious reptile ramming its head against a glass aquarium at a garden center. Clearly taken with the turtle, the dad decided to bring the creature, now dubbed 'Timmy,' home to join the French family. The newly-adopted pet seemed to be adjusting well to a domesticated life at first, but then John and his wife soon noticed something odd about the animal. It would appear that, after frequently being set free to roam in the ...

Charles Manson gone to meet Satan, good riddance.....
Post Date: 2017-11-17 23:37:26 by X-15
Infamous serial killer Charles Manson has died after a brief hospitalization, authorities say. He died Thursday in a hospital in Bakersfield, California. A spokeswoman for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation confirmed news of Manson’s passing, assuring the press her outfit will very soon put out an official statement on his passing. Poster Comment:Filed under 'Miscellaneous' because he doesn't deserve any better billing.

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