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Only by Faith
Post Date: 2010-10-03 16:55:24 by James Deffenbach

There's going to be a chicken Holocaust
Post Date: 2010-09-29 23:40:26 by Itistoolate

Post Date: 2010-09-27 17:40:57 by Itistoolate
THE 8TH BEAST OF THE APOCALYPSE By Eli James The Bible is full of prophecies, among which many have come to pass and many which have yet to come. It is up to us to follow Biblical guidelines as well as the plain language contained in the Bible so that we might accurately interpret these prophecies. An example of a fulfilled prophecy is Matt. 24:14, which states, "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations..." This prophecy has taken close to 2,000 years to be fulfilled. Christian missionaries and preachers have indeed reached the entire world either through their personal travels, or through, more recently, radio and ...

The Origins of Satanism [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-09-26 11:15:50 by PSUSA
Satanism is not a Christian invention Satanism predates Christianity and all other religions Satanism is not about spooks, goblins, vampires, Halloween monsters or other related entities Satanism is not about "evil" Satanism is not an invention of, or a "reaction" to Christianity Satanism is not a creation of Anton LaVey Satanism is not about death True Satanism is about elevating and empowering humanity to reach equality with the Gods, which was our True Creator (Satan's) intention "IN THE SECRET OF MY KNOWLEDGE THERE IS NO GOD BUT ME"-SATANFrom "Peace Be Unto Him" Due to centuries of misinformation, lies, and the systematic removal of ...

Post Date: 2010-09-24 19:46:00 by Flintlock
Poster Comment:OOPS, should have been "I Ran" Anyway,who cares about the ME, certainly not ODIN!!! or me. Everybody sing!

The Immorality of Government Inflation
Post Date: 2010-09-24 10:37:08 by ghostdogtxn

Bishop Eddie Long Scandal Update: Baptist Church Rocked
Post Date: 2010-09-22 16:31:17 by Red Jones
Bishop Eddie Long Scandal Update: Baptist Church Rocked By ThirdAge News Staff Posted September 22, 2010 11:15 AM Bishop Eddie Long's scandal continues to unfold in national media attention. The prominent Baptist bishop in the Atlanta area used his stature to pressure young men into having sex, two lawsuits filed late Tuesday allege. The suits were filed in DeKalb County by two former congregation members against Bishop Eddie Long of the 10,000-seat New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Lithonia, WGA-TV, Atlanta, reported. "Long utilized his spiritual authority to coerce certain young male members and employees of defendant New Birth into engaging in sexual acts and ...

Wiccan Community Upset With O'Donnell, Calls Witchcraft Comments 'Teaching Moment' (Ya can't make it up)
Post Date: 2010-09-21 23:30:40 by tom007
Your request is being processed... Sam Stein Sam Stein | HuffPost Reporting Become a Fan Get Email Alerts from this Reporter Wiccan Community Upset With O'Donnell, Calls Witchcraft Comments 'Teaching Moment' First Posted: 09-20-10 01:20 PM | Updated: 09-21-10 10:23 PM digg facebook Twitter stumble reddit What's Your Reaction? Important Funny Typical Scary Outrageous Amazing Innovative Finally Read More: 2010 Elections, Christine o'Donnell, O'Donnell Witchcratc, Pagan Community o'Donnell, Paganism, Witchcraft o'Donnell, Witchcraft Politics, Politics News 981 1,251views 4,986 Wiches Christine O'Donnell announced ...

Gog and Magog
Post Date: 2010-09-20 06:15:45 by Itistoolate
Gog and Magog Discussion of the Gog and Magog of Scripture with Sword Brethren.

Only by Faith
Post Date: 2010-09-17 18:12:31 by James Deffenbach
Poster Comment:I love this song and this video.

Global warming is dead. Long live, er, 'Global climate disruption'!
Post Date: 2010-09-17 17:40:43 by Original_Intent
President Obama’s Science Czar John Holdren is worried about global warming. Having noticed that there hasn’t actually been any global warming since 1998, he feels it ought to be called “global climate disruption” instead. That way whether it gets warmer or colder, wetter or drier, less climatically eventful or more climatically eventful, the result will be the same: it can all be put down to “global climate disruption.” And that will be good, because it will give Holdren the excuse to introduce all the draconian measures he has long believed necessary if “global climate disruption” is to be averted: viz, state-enforced population control; a ...

Pope Vows To Get Church Pedophilia Down To Acceptable Levels
Post Date: 2010-09-17 01:22:02 by wudidiz
Pope Vows To Get Church Pedophilia Down To Acceptable Levels Pope Benedict XVI explains which types of slow, deliberate touching the church deems inappropriate. VATICAN CITY—Calling the behavior shameful, sinful, and much more frequent than the Vatican was comfortable with, Pope Benedict XVI vowed this week to bring the widespread pedophilia within the Roman Catholic Church down to a more manageable level. Addressing thousands gathered at St. Peter's Square on Easter Sunday, the pontiff offered his "most humble apologies" to abuse victims, and pledged to reduce the total number of molestations by 60 percent over the next five years. "This is absolutely ...

Enough is Enough: The Crusades & The Jihad Are Not Equivalents
Post Date: 2010-09-15 15:45:17 by X-15
One of the memes – the unconscious, uncritical, lazy thoughts that spreads from person to person like a virus – that has been particularly virulent during this ground-zero mosque controversy is that Christians have no standing to criticize the violence of Islam, given a supposedly violent Christian history. And no one event is more often invoked as an example of Christian hypocrisy than the so-called “Crusades” (so-called, because no one who fought in them called them that). The latest and most appalling example appears in the NY Times, courtesy of a Nicholas D. Kristof. Among the many absurdities one can find in this column, including definitive claims as to the ...

Another Kind of Liberalism
Post Date: 2010-09-15 09:08:25 by ghostdogtxn

A Bible Verse For Flintlock To Study
Post Date: 2010-09-14 17:57:02 by A K A Stone
The same day went Jesus out of the house, and sat by the sea side. 2 And great multitudes were gathered together unto him, so that he went into a ship, and sat; Lk. 5.1-3 and the whole multitude stood on the shore. 3 And he spake many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, a sower went forth to sow; 4 and when he sowed, some seeds fell by the wayside, and the fowls came and devoured them up: 5 some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth: 6 and when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away. 7 And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprung up, and choked ...

Gunning for Islam
Post Date: 2010-09-14 09:56:49 by ghostdogtxn

Truth About Zionist JEWS Talmud
Post Date: 2010-09-13 00:09:32 by Max
Truth About Zionist JEWS Talmud

Talmud Truth
Post Date: 2010-09-13 00:04:22 by Max
Talmud Truth

Three Things About Islam
Post Date: 2010-09-12 23:09:41 by Armadillo

The Joy of Being Left behind
Post Date: 2010-09-12 12:16:21 by AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt
The Joy of Being Left behind By Benjamin Davis The lyrics to the recently re-popularized song "I Wish We’d All Been Ready" still sometimes ring through my mind: "There’s no time to change your mind, the Son has come, and you’ve been left behind." This theme has been advanced through the Left Behind book series as well as the recent Left Behind video release. It will yet further be advanced via the big screen movie release in February. The Left Behind worldview has left many sincere Bible-believing Christians without hope for their future. I have spoken with young college students who see no point in getting married and raising children because of the ...

How To Promote Peace in Your Church [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-09-11 19:32:58 by bush_is_a_moonie
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14 People regularly email me with questions about how to communicate with other Christians about liberty and peace. The greatest conundrum the Christian libertarian has, it seems, is persuading other Christians to stop supporting the immoral wars that governments perpetrate across the globe. It is particularly difficult in the United States, where “supporting the troops” is essentially part of the new orthodoxy in most evangelical Protestant churches. ...

Reality Check for all Islamophobic Christians–Jesus Didn’t Warn Us About the Muslims. He Warned Us About the Jews.
Post Date: 2010-09-10 08:51:03 by AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt
That’s right, for all you folks out there in the Christianite community frothing at the mouth and getting yourselves all hot-n-bothered these days over “THEM MOOZLIMS” taking over America, implementing Sharia law, cutting off heads, circumcising our women, forcing us to wear burkhas and all the rest, as much as I hate to douse your much-anticipated version of Armageddon with the cleansing waters of reality, nevertheless for the sake of posterity, it’s got to be done. The fact is (and as disappointing as it will no doubt be for those of you out there sitting anxiously on the brink of your war-orgasm) Jesus never mentioned them–meaning words such as ...

Did Germany(Hitler) declare war on the Jews or was it the other way around?
Post Date: 2010-09-10 08:29:33 by Itistoolate
"Judea" Declares War On Germany A facsimile of the original 1933 British newspaper making the announcement - 6 years before Germany entered Poland. The blood of the war is on the hands of the jews. In the video HERE , Adolf Hitler reveals that it was the internationalist jew lobbying to plunge Europe into all-out war - as they also did in 1914. He then calls on Jehovah (Yahweh), the God of the Bible, to destroy the wicked jew. Such indeed is the promise of Christianity! Learn the truth about Christianity at

Quran Burning Pastor: Judaism, Other Religions "Of The Devil" [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-09-08 15:12:49 by tom007
Quran Burning Pastor: Judaism, Other Religions "Of The Devil" Posted by CBS News Investigates 2 comments * Share 33 * 0diggsdigg * * Share * E-mail * Print * Font An excerpt from a deposition of Pastor Terry Jones, August 10, 2010. Pastor Terry Jones who caused international controversy with his Quran burning plan, believes that Islam is "of the devil" and apparently has similar problems with other religions. Last month, in a deposition from a court case in which Jones was a witness, attorney Michael Spellman asked Jones what else he believed was "of the devil." Q. And you believe that everything that is not from god is of the devil. Is that right? A. ...

When Fundies Attempt Logic; BobC's God v. Science
Post Date: 2010-09-06 10:23:38 by Samuel Gray
I swear to the god I'm mocking that LP is a gift this weekend with Bob Celeste. It's like a free preview of Showtime where you get the porn channels too. You just can't make this shit up. Seriously, folks, time to winnow wheat from chaff. If you believe *any* part of the tripe BobCeleste professes to believe, you are not worthy to sit at the table of reasoned men. ********************************** cranky (#0) A mass extinction that caused the death of giant species of mammal including mammoths, sabre-tooth tigers and giant beavers was not caused by a comet impact, scientists have concluded. I have know that for years, it was the Flood of 1,656 years after Adam and Eve were ...

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