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Nitric Oxide Nasal Spray Reduces Covid-19 Viral Load By 95% Within 24 Hours: Study
Post Date: 2021-08-27 10:32:06 by Ada
A well known antimicrobial, Nitric Oxide, has been found to rapidly reduce SARS-CoV-2 viral load, knocking it down by 95% within 24 hours, and 99% within 72 hours, according to a recent study by researchers funded by England's NHS foundation trust and SaNOtize Research & Development Corporation - a Canadian biotech company currently conducting Phase II trials of a nitric oxide nasal spray. A group of 80 adults (18-70 years) with confirmed (Alpha strain) Covid-19 infections were divided into two groups, with half receiving nitric oxide nasal spray (NONS) that were self-administered 5-6 times daily for 9 days. The goal of the nasal spray is to kill the virus present in the upper ...

"We Don't Understand What's Really Happening" - The CDC Is Under-Counting 'Breakthrough' COVID Cases
Post Date: 2021-08-26 11:12:26 by Ada
A growing number of public health officials working at the state level are worried that the federal government isn't collecting enough accurate data about "breakthrough" infections, yet the Biden Administration has pushed ahead with plans to dole out booster shots, as well as other COVID policies. According to Politico, 49 states are now regularly sending CDC information on hospitalized breakthrough patients. But more than a dozen have told Politico that they do not have the capacity to match hospital admission data with patients' immunization records, forcing states to rely on hospital administrators to report breakthrough infections. f The result is data that is ...

What It Takes to Fly The $340 Million C-17 Globemaster III | Boot Camp
Post Date: 2021-08-26 08:14:43 by Esso
Poster Comment:Gawd, chicky-poos as pilots-in-command. $1.00 per everybody in the country. I'd be happier with men in command. Not the gay guy. Geeze.

Kalashnikov to unveil PPK-20 submachine gun for pilots
Post Date: 2021-08-26 05:53:03 by Esso
Poster Comment:I could live with something like that.

[1347] How A Lock Company Says It Just Doesn’t Care: Centurion USA Bypass
Post Date: 2021-08-25 12:02:54 by Esso

FULL AUTO RPK-74: Russian Macheem Gon
Post Date: 2021-08-24 15:23:28 by Esso

Latest Science Says Vaccines Don’t Really Prevent “Serious Illness” Unless They’re Infinite
Post Date: 2021-08-23 08:47:32 by Ada
When the vaccinated realized that they could get infected with the virus, the media rushed in to say that even though the vaccines don’t really prevent infection, they prevented serious illness and death. Then, people started to realize that the vaccines don’t really prevent serious illness and death either. Despite that, on Wednesday, Joe Biden said people should get vaccine “boosters” to protect themselves against coronavirus and its future, made-up variants. Now, the vaccines only work if you take boosters every few months. Bloomberg: Anecdotes tell us what the data can’t: Vaccinated people appear to be getting the coronavirus at a surprisingly high rate. ...

The History of the mRNA Vaccines
Post Date: 2021-08-22 15:00:04 by BTP Holdings
The History of the mRNA Vaccines BY RENÉ F. NAJERA, DRPH | POSTED ON JANUARY 3, 2021 We have received numerous requests to document the history of mRNA vaccine technology, and we’re working on a dedicated article to be hosted on the main History of Vaccines site along with edits to the pertinent articles already there. Meanwhile, here is a rundown of the history of mRNA vaccine technology. Different Viruses, Different Vaccines The first thing we need to understand is that viruses comes in different classes. The main ones are DNA and RNA viruses. DNA viruses include, among others, the herpes viruses that cause genital herpes, chickenpox and other infections. As their name ...

Do the people who rushed to get the COVID shot have buyer's remorse?
Post Date: 2021-08-22 09:25:25 by Ada
There are many troubling aspects to the COVID vaccines and the growing mandates for them. Here I'd like to focus on one that is rarely discussed. To begin with, when these unapproved vaccines were first made available to the public on an emergency basis, many people rushed headlong to get one. They were in a near panic. I saw this myself. This was due in large extent to the panic whipped up in the mainstream media. The COVID virus was reported to be deadly. Its death toll (which we now know was highly inflated) was used to induce fear. Then the early adapters relied completely on pronouncements from the vaccine manufacturers and health authorities like Dr. Anthony Fauci and the ...

We Bought Illegal Car Accessories
Post Date: 2021-08-20 13:32:03 by Esso

Planes Landing and Take Off from Michigan Highway 32
Post Date: 2021-08-20 11:48:25 by Esso
A-10 Thunderbolt IIs from both Selfridge Air National Guard Base, Michigan and Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona and C-146A Wolfhounds from Hurlburt Field, Florida participated in a training event where they landing and take off from Michigan Highway 32. The highway landings are a part of Exercise Northern Strike 21-2 and marked the first time in U.S. history that a modern military aircraft landed on a U.S. public highway designed only for automobiles.

Crashing Immediately After Landing in Minnesota | Deadly Decision (With Real Audio)
Post Date: 2021-08-20 00:59:43 by Esso

Post Date: 2021-08-16 21:23:17 by BTP Holdings
MIRROR, MIRROR, ON THE MOON MARCH 9, 2011 | DAN LEWIS On July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 and its crew landed on the moon. Famously, commander Neil Armstrong planted an American flag on the moon’s surface, as pictured above. The crew left the flag there. But it wasn’t the only thing they left. Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon, carried with him the “EASEP” — the “Early Apollo Scientific Experiment Package” — as seen below. In constituted two distinct experiments; on the left is the “Passive Seismic Experiment Package” (“PSEP”) and on the right is the “Lunar Laser Ranging Reflector Array” (“LRRR”). Both ...

Weekly Dose of Aviation
Post Date: 2021-08-15 12:42:07 by Esso

The STRANGEST Front Wheel Drive Automobiles
Post Date: 2021-08-14 11:11:14 by Esso

Steam Bending 2 1/4" Heavy Wagon Felloes for Heavy Wheels
Post Date: 2021-08-13 10:17:07 by Esso
Poster Comment:This old codger is really something to watch. He has the patience of Job. The work he does must cost a fortune.

Children Born During Coronavirus Hoax Have “Significantly” Lower IQs
Post Date: 2021-08-13 08:06:03 by Ada
One of the consequences of going along with the coronavirus hoax is that kids are getting dumber. Some people say that you cannot really measure a one-year-old’s IQ, but whatever these researchers are measuring in these young kids is lower now than it was before the pandemic hoax. The Guardian: Children born during the coronavirus pandemic have significantly reduced verbal, motor and overall cognitive performance compared with children born before, a US study suggests. … With limited stimulation at home and less interaction with the world outside, pandemic-era children appear to have scored shockingly low on tests designed to assess cognitive development, said lead study ...

Bill Gates Pledges $1.5 Billion To Develop New Green Technologies As Image-Rehab Tour Continues
Post Date: 2021-08-12 23:21:16 by Horse
Bill Gates' campaign to rehabilitate his public image in the wake of his divorce from ex-wife Melinda French formally began earlier this month when Gates sat for a softball interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper. It continued Thursday with another interview (this time with the conservative-leaning WSJ) where the Microsoft founder pledged to invest $1.5 billion in a series of public-private partnerships set up to develop new green technologies, like devices that suck carbon out of the atmosphere, or emissions-free jet fuel. The statement was clearly timed to coincide with the Senate's passage of the "compromise" infrastructure bill, which, if passed by the House, would ...

The biggest lie about COVID
Post Date: 2021-08-10 08:27:04 by Ada
Excluding the origin story of COVID, I believe the biggest lie in the handling of COVID is the lie around asymptomatic spread — i.e., you could have the virus and not know it and kill people. This has been the great distraction of COVID, and it is being used even today to distract from major issues. For those who have been monitoring the research, we have suspected since fairly early on that having otherwise healthy people and asymptotic people wear a mask has no known benefit in preventing viral spread. Even the peer-reviewed journal articles on the CDC website testify to this. If this statement was true then and is true now, then how did the CDC come to recommend in April of 2020 ...

The Vaccine Karens
Post Date: 2021-08-07 11:29:31 by Ada
If I weren’t already staunchly pro-vaccination, the vaccine zealots would turn me against the COVID shot. The proof that they’re practicing religion and not science is their refusal to acknowledge the great heaping hunks of immunity a person gets from natural infection. Obviously, you don’t want to contract COVID just to get all that boffo immunity, but lots of people have already been infected, so why can’t we count them the same as vaccinated? The current research — and that’s all we have for the vaccines, too — indicates that natural immunity is not as good as vaccine immunity — it’s better! Study after study keeps finding that the ...

Criticizing Fauci and Government Scientists Should be a Federal Hate Crime, Scientific Paper Says
Post Date: 2021-08-05 09:07:13 by Ada
Anthony Fauci is not simply the ruler of the universe and the ultimate decider of all things in the realm of men – he is also the true embodiment of Science itself. This means that he is capable of shaping the form of reality with his words. Criticizing any sentence that Fauci speaks – or even a part of it – is beyond any religious heresy and entering into the realm of pure evil, just like cannibalism and Holocaust denial. The College Fix: Dr. Peter Hotez, a professor of pediatrics and molecular virology at Baylor College of Medicine, is arguing that federal hate-crime protections may need to be extended to Dr. Anthony Fauci and other scientists “targeted by ...

The Tyranny of Smartphones and Dumb Covid Passports
Post Date: 2021-08-05 08:58:41 by Ada
Already tethered to the digital by devices that used to be novelties, we face the prospect of a vaccine-enabled "Paper's please!" future. In a striking passage near the beginning of his contribution to the Penguin History of the Church, R.W. Southern writes: The identification of the church with the whole of organized society is the fundamental feature which distinguishes the Middle Ages from earlier and later periods of history. At its widest limits it is a feature of European history from the fourth to the eighteenth century—from Constantine to Voltaire. In theory, during the whole of this period only orthodox and obedient believers could enjoy the full rights of ...

Trabant 601 Universal complete restoration
Post Date: 2021-08-03 01:05:31 by Esso
Poster Comment:Get me one of those, Dakkie. I'll be yours forever. Gotta be the wagon.

You’re Doing it Wrong... The REAL Double Wrench Method
Post Date: 2021-08-02 23:27:02 by Esso
Poster Comment:It'd be easier to rake the lock. I learned how to rake locks on Master padlocks with homemade tools. I got lucky today at Menards. I need to re-lock my house. I found two sets of KwikSet locks and dead bolts (4 sets total) by sorting through all they had and finding several pairs of keyed alike sets. God love KwikSet, they always send out pairs of a key code (listed on the package). One of the two pairs I found had some really wicked bidding on the keys (a lot of high cut and low cuts on the keys). They almost look like a challenge lock. They'll be impossible to rake, and a really difficult single pin pick. The bidding is very severe to the point that they might be ...

Solar Cells: Layer Of Three Crystals Produces A Thousand Times More Power
Post Date: 2021-08-02 08:02:34 by Horse
The photovoltaic effect of ferroelectric crystals can be increased by a factor of 1,000 if three different materials are arranged periodically in a lattice. This has been revealed in a study by researchers at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU). They achieved this by creating crystalline layers of barium titanate, strontium titanate and calcium titanate which they alternately placed on top of one another. Their findings, which could significantly increase the efficiency of solar cells, were published in the journal Science Advances. Most solar cells are currently silicon based; however, their efficiency is limited. This has prompted researchers to examine new materials, such ...

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