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Virus DNA matches code patented by Moderna 3 years before pandemic
Post Date: 2022-02-25 11:26:10 by Ada
Researchers put odds of it occurring naturally at 3 trillion to 1 Fueling suspicion that SARS-CoV-2 originated in a lab in China, researchers have discovered a tiny piece of DNA in the virus that matches the genetic sequence patented by Moderna three years before the pandemic began. The odds of Moderna's sequence occurring naturally are about one in 3 trillion, according to the researchers. The code was discovered in SARS-CoV-2's unique furin cleavage site, the part of the virus that binds to human cells, allowing it to cause infection, London's MailOnline reported. Many scientists have been saying for some time that the furin cleavage structure could not have developed ...

Lithium-ion batteries are fueling the fire on a burning cargo ship full of Porsches
Post Date: 2022-02-21 13:36:46 by Dakmar
The cargo ship Felicity Ace is aflame from bow to stern with a lithium-ion battery fire that can’t be put out with water alone. The ship left Germany on Feb. 10 and headed for the US with about 4,000 Porsches, Bentleys and other luxury cars aboard, and some of those were electric vehicles. It’s not clear if the batteries contributed to the fire starting in the first place—a greasy rag in a lubricant-slicked engine room or a fuel leak are the usual suspects in ship fires—but the batteries are keeping the flames going now. Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:Quick, smother the fire with Democrats!

Apollo 11: The Complete Descent
Post Date: 2022-02-20 20:03:36 by BTP Holdings
A detailed account of every second of the Apollo 11 descent and landing. The video combines data from the onboard computer for altitude and pitch angle, 16mm film that was shot throughout the descent at 6 frames per second. The audio recording is from two sources. The air/ground transmissions are on the left stereo channel and the mission control flight director loop is on the right channel. Subtitles are included to aid comprehension. As well as Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Mike Collins, the video includes the following people from the mission control team: Click for Full Text!

Depopulation for Dummies
Post Date: 2022-02-13 08:33:14 by Ada
Ever since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, conspiracy theories have been the talk of the internet. One of the most interesting phenomena regarding the pandemic has been witnessing conspiracy theories evolve into “science,” and vice versa. Mass confusion became so rampant that the establishment’s Department of Propaganda (i.e., Big Tech) was forced to step in and become the arbitrators of truth, establishing a non-negotiable narrative that silenced all dissenters. This resulted in an Orwellian-style censorship campaign used to combat COVID “misinformation,” which consequently divided the public into two camps: conformists and non-conformists. Those who ...

SpaceX Loses 40 Satellites To Solar Storm
Post Date: 2022-02-12 06:32:34 by Esso
Poster Comment:Oops.

Former Pfizer QC Chemist Exposes Big Pharma’s Deadly Experiments on the Public
Post Date: 2022-02-10 09:29:58 by Ada
'It's completely unethical,' she says. Former Pfizer quality control chemist and political correspondent Syrian Girl, @syriangirlpartisan, joined The Alex Jones Show on Wednesday to expose Big Pharma’s deadly experiments on the public. She told Jones, “The whole point of science is that you shouldn’t trust it, you should do experiments, you should get data and you should still not trust that. You should continually test things. But, for some reason, science is now being treated as a religion and people are being forced to be part of an experiment.” “It’s completely unethical, it’s completely against everything we’re supposed to be ...

X-Raying Race
Post Date: 2022-02-10 07:59:38 by Ada
One conception of race is that it is skin deep, and is no more than a matter of skin pigmentation. By implication, such a categorisation is superficial, trivial, and unlikely to be an explanation of any presumed racial differences in behaviour. There may be effects due to people making unwarranted assumptions based on skin colour, but that says more about them than anything else. According to the skin-pigmentation theory, an Xray should see right through that, to the reality of the bones underneath. This would reveal, the theory says, that people are alike under the skin. Perhaps so, but is it true of their bones? Click for Full Text!

Machine that generates clean power by replicating our sun hailed as answer to climate change and energy crisis
Post Date: 2022-02-09 17:13:14 by Ada
A MACHINE that generates clean power by replicating our sun could secure the world’s long-term energy future. The Back To The Future-style fusion reactor runs purely on seawater and involves no harmful waste. NINTCHDBPICT000710627117 2 JET have unveiled their fusion reactor which generates clean power by replicating our sun The latest trials resulted in the process producing 59 megajoules of sustained energy, enough to boil 60 kettles in just five seconds. That is more than double what was achieved in similar tests in 1997. Now experts, with the world currently battling an energy crisis, believe the procedure will mean the end of the need to rely on oil and gas. It is also being ...

Revolutionary material stronger than steel yet as light as plastic developed by MIT scientists
Post Date: 2022-02-07 10:59:33 by Ada
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Scientists at MIT have developed a material that is as light as plastic — but stronger than steel. They believe the material could revolutionize the car, mobile phone and building industries. The easily manufactured substance – up to six times more difficult to break than bulletproof glass – is the result of an engineering feat previously thought to be impossible. It is a two-dimensional polymer that self-assembles into sheets, unlike all other polymers, which form one-dimensional, spaghetti-like chains. Until now, scientists believed it was impossible to induce polymers to form 2D sheets. Now, its developers hope the material could be used as a ...

Scientists Discover Highly Infectious Mutant HIV Strain In The Netherlands
Post Date: 2022-02-06 19:56:13 by Horse
A new highly transmissible and much more damaging strain of HIV has just been discovered in the Netherlands by scientists working with Oxford University. They're calling it the "new virulent subtype B" - or "VB", for short. An international study led by researchers from Oxford’s Big Data Institute identified 109 cases of the new variant after analyzing more than 6,700 samples from patients who had tested positive for HIV. Details from the study were published this week in the medical journal Science. The researchers determined that the variant has been circulating in the Netherlands for "several years". Source: Science Their research revealed ...

The Grand Canyon Explained | How The Earth Was Made (S2, E1) | Full Documentary
Post Date: 2022-02-05 14:33:16 by BTP Holdings
The Grand Canyon is nearly 300 miles long and over a mile deep. You could stack four Empire State buildings one on top of the other and they still wouldn't reach the lip of the Canyon. Find out more in Season 2, Episode 1, "Grand Canyon." #HowTheEarthWasMade

UN names Moscow best world city to live in
Post Date: 2022-02-03 10:18:14 by Ada
The Russian capital beat out major European and North American rivals to claim the top spot The UN has published its global cities ranking for 2022, and has awarded Moscow the top spot among large cities for quality of life and infrastructure, commending the metropolis for its transportation and its citizens’ well-being. A draft of the report, the full version of which will be released in March, was made available online on Wednesday. Experts analyzed the 50 largest cities globally and ranked 29 “world cities” according to six metrics: productivity, infrastructure development, quality of life, equity and social inclusion, environmental sustainability, and urban governance ...

The Illusion of Web3
Post Date: 2022-01-31 09:23:05 by Ada
Is a truly autonomous, decentralized internet actually possible? A new internet is coming, and with it, a new society. This is the dazzling promise made by advocates of “Web3.” The terms they use—blockchain, cryptocurrency, NFT—may be obscure, but their vision is clear. They seek to displace all “arbitrary authorities”—in the flesh as well as online. They are building a decentralized internet so they can build a decentralized world. Venture capitalists are investing billions in Web3. They are out to make money, but they also sincerely proclaim certain ideals. Theirs is an updated version of a familiar illusion: that we can rid the world of authority, ...

Robot Performs First Laparoscopic Surgery Without Human Help
Post Date: 2022-01-27 23:16:29 by Horse
Robot Performs First Laparoscopic Surgery Without Human Help A robot has performed laparoscopic surgery on the soft tissue of a pig without the guiding hand of a human-a significant step in robotics toward fully automated surgery on humans. Designed by a team of Johns Hopkins University researchers, the Smart Tissue Autonomous Robot (STAR) is described today in Science Robotics. "Our findings show that we can automate one of the most intricate and delicate tasks in surgery: the reconnection of two ends of an intestine. The STAR performed the procedure in four animals and it produced significantly better results than humans performing the same procedure," said senior author Axel ...

The Meaning of the FDA Resignations
Post Date: 2022-01-23 13:50:16 by BTP Holdings
The Meaning of the FDA Resignations BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER SEPTEMBER 14, 2021 POLICY, PUBLIC HEALTH How significant is it that the two top FDA officials responsib Poster Comment: le for vaccine research resigned last week and this week signed a letter in The Lancet that strongly warns against vaccine boosters? This is a remarkable sign that the project of government-managed virus mitigation is in the final stages before falling apart. The booster has already been promoted by top lockdown advocates Neil Ferguson of Imperial College and Anthony Fauci of NIH, even in the face of rising public incredulity toward their “expert” advice. For these two FDA officials to go on record with ...

Men And Women's Brains Really Do Work Differently!
Post Date: 2022-01-21 18:52:11 by Horse
Scientists Find 1,000 Genes That Are More Active In One Gender Than The Other, Making Males Sexually Assertive And Females More Maternally Protective. It's often said that men and women's brains work so differently that one sex is from Venus and the other is from Mars. Well now a new study supports this hypothesis after finding 1,000 genes that are much more active in one gender than the other. It looked into how male and female mouse brains differ by probing areas that are known to program 'rating, dating, mating and hating' behaviours. The behaviours — for example, male mice's quick determination of a stranger's sex, females' receptivity to mating, and ...

A real monster plant straight out of science fiction (4 min)
Post Date: 2022-01-21 14:57:48 by NeoconsNailed
The Tyrant of the Deep | The Green Planet | BBC Earth Giant water lilies clear competition from the water’s surface by wielding their buds like a club. Once clear, they claim their space and grow up to 20cm a day. Their leaves can measure around 2m across, blocking out the light from anything below the surface. The Green Planet will open your eyes to an undiscovered kingdom like never before…this is life from the perspective of plants. 🌱 Find out more 👉 =-=-=-=-=-=-= I still can't believe I just saw that, but wikid says yes. Damn things a botanical you-know-what! NN i/Victoria_(plant) Click for ...

Leftists now freaking out about “privilege” and “inequality” … among SQUIRRELS
Post Date: 2022-01-20 18:48:55 by Ada
(Natural News) The New York Times has published a piece arguing that “privilege” and “inequality” are not just human issues but also animal issues. Researchers from the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) say that because of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), they decided to probe deeper into “health disparities and other inequalities around the world,” which led them to focus on squirrels. Apparently the furry rodents suffer from many of the same societal problems that leftists say plague humans. Things like “intergenerational wealth” and “white privilege” are endemic “across so many different species,” says Dr. ...

N-Acetyl Cysteine should always be in your cabinet.
Post Date: 2022-01-16 10:30:25 by Horse

Air Force technician came face-to-face with 6ft 'shadow person' while guarding nukes
Post Date: 2022-01-13 11:22:42 by Ada
Former USAF nuclear weapons technician Adrian Reister describes glowing 'orbs' hovering around the high-security Missouri base – and coming face-to-face with a 'shadow person' Click for Full Text!

Covid loses 90% of ability to infect within five minutes in air – study
Post Date: 2022-01-11 19:55:03 by Horse
Coronavirus loses 90% of its ability to infect us within five minutes of becoming airborne, the world’s first simulations of how the virus survives in exhaled air suggest. The findings re-emphasise the importance of short-range Covid transmission, with physical distancing and mask-wearing likely to be the most effective means of preventing infection. Ventilation, though still worthwhile, is likely to have a lesser impact. “People have been focused on poorly ventilated spaces and thinking about airborne transmission over metres or across a room. I’m not saying that doesn’t happen, but I think still the greatest risk of exposure is when you’re close to ...

Animals Noah Should Have Thrown Off The Ark
Post Date: 2022-01-06 18:29:32 by Esso
Poster Comment:Especially black squirrels.

One of the largest comets ever seen is headed our way
Post Date: 2022-01-06 07:55:13 by BTP Holdings
The comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein, depicted in this illustration, is estimated to be about 1,000 times more massive than a typical comet. ILLUSTRATION BY NOIRLAB, NSF, AURA, J. DA SILVA (SPACEENGINE) SCIENCENEWS One of the largest comets ever seen is headed our way Comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein offers a rare opportunity for a generation of astronomers to study an object from the extreme edges of the solar system. BY MICHAEL GRESHKO PUBLISHED SEPTEMBER 29, 2021 More than 2.7 billion miles from the sun—29 times farther than Earth treads—a tiny sliver of sunlight reflected off something plummeting toward our home star. Something icy. Something unimaginably old. Something big. ...

Alert: US Tracking Russian Rocket's Uncontrolled Re-Entry
Post Date: 2022-01-05 20:43:10 by BTP Holdings
Alert: US Tracking Russian Rocket's Uncontrolled Re-Entry By Jack Davis January 5, 2022 at 4:20pm A massive chunk of a Russian rocket re-entered the Earth’s atmosphere Wednesday after raising fears of an impact in various U.S. locations. US Space Command said in a statement that it was “aware of and tracking the location of the Angara A5/PERSEY rocket body in space,” according to CNN. “At this time, the 18th Space Control Squadron assesses the entry point into the Earth’s atmosphere at approximately 2054 UTC (1:54 pm MST) over the Southern Pacific Ocean.” That equates 3:54 p.m. ET. “Factors such as the atmospheric conditions and the exact angle ...

Astronomers Make the Case for Calling Pluto a Planet Again
Post Date: 2022-01-05 10:27:25 by Horse
Like many people, I grew up in a solar system of nine planets. It’s the same solar system we live in now, of course, but the definition of a “planet” changed in 2006 to exclude poor little Pluto and its frosty kin. That was before we’d even seen the little ice ball up close, but New Horizons paid it a visit in 2015. Since then, an increasingly vocal minority of scientists has suggested that maybe kicking Pluto out of the planet club was a mistake. A study from a team of noted astronomers soon to be published in the journal Icarus lays out the argument for readmitting Pluto. However, it’ll bring a lot of friends.

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