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"The Last War We Can Afford To Fight":
Post Date: 2023-04-06 20:24:23 by Horse
Tucker Carlson Sounds Alarm Over De-Dollarization, Slams Biden Admin For Pissing Off World As we've noted several times of late, a growing number of countries are threatening the US dollar's status as the global reserve currency by conducting global trade without it - you know, the thing Saddam and Gaddafi threatened to do before they were 'liberated' from their mortal coils for otheSome recent headlines; Recommended Videos Upstart Borrow Now Etoro Invest Now Wall St ends year with biggest annual drop since 2008 NOW PLAYING 'Far more bullish than most people' on 2023 -CIO Bond selloff 'unambiguously bad for all assets' -CIO Huawei: 'business as ...

Food for Thought
Post Date: 2023-04-06 16:04:14 by Horse
NATO is a cause of war and instability in Europe. Without NATO we may have a real prospect of peace. ~ Alexander Mercouris Poster Comment:Alex is one half of the Duran channel. Also in this show he said, "The US has been trying to get Xi Jinping to accept a phone call from Biden for 5 weeks to no avail." That shows you how little the Chinese of of the US President.

American Farmers To Begin Injecting Livestock With mRNA Shots This Month by Greg Reese
Post Date: 2023-04-06 10:08:45 by Horse

For the first time, Saudi Arabia welcomed Russian warship Admiral Gorshkov at Port of Jeddah
Post Date: 2023-04-06 09:27:43 by Horse
Poster Comment:This ship is on a world tour with its Mach 9 cruise missiles. US Navy is still subsonic.

MUST WATCH VIDEO: 33 years of history that led up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
Post Date: 2023-04-06 09:23:18 by Horse
Poster Comment:Take a listen to Sachs’ recounting of this completely ignored history that led up to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. It will blow your mind.

Putin revamps Russian tanks with Arena-M shield to counter Western weapons in Ukraine
Post Date: 2023-04-06 08:55:48 by Horse

Seymour Hersh: The Nord Stream Ghost Ship
Post Date: 2023-04-06 08:11:25 by Ada
This is a preview of an article available on Sy Hersh’s Substack. Subscribe here. America’s Central Intelligence Agency is constantly running covert operations around the world, and all must have a cover story in case things go badly, as they often do. It is just as important to have an explanation when things go well, as they did in the Baltic Sea last fall. Within weeks of my report that Joe Biden ordered the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines, the agency produced a cover story and found willing takers in the New York Times and two major German publications. By creating a story of deep sea divers and a crew who did not exist, the agency was following protocol, and the ...

COVID In China – Lift Of Strict Restrictions Bring Relief And Worry To The County
Post Date: 2023-04-05 21:09:51 by BTP Holdings
COVID In China – Lift Of Strict Restrictions Bring Relief And Worry To The County December 12, 2022 | AAN Staff Last month in Beijing and several other cities, protests over heavy COVID-19 restrictions grew into calls for Xi Jinping and the Communist Party to step down. Creating havoc in the cities, resulting in violence and multiple deaths. Though late last week and over the weekend, it was reported that China decided to relax the restrictions. While there was initially surprise and relief amongst China’s citizens, many are now worried about the virus’s future and if they will meet the strict restrictions again soon, as leadership could backtrack and reimpose at any time. ...

Journalist, Spy, or Cyber Front Warrior?
Post Date: 2023-04-05 10:37:29 by Ada
Last Thursday, March 30, Russian authorities arrested the Wall Street Journal journalist Evan Gershovitch: Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) claimed that Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich was “acting on instructions from the American side to collect information about the activities of one of the enterprises of the Russian military-industrial complex that constitutes a state secret.” Gershkovich, who was arrested in the city of Yekaterinburg in the Ural Mountains region, will be held until at least May 29, according to Russian judicial officials.The Wall Street Journal said it “vehemently denies” the allegation and demanded that Russia release ...

How’s That War Going?
Post Date: 2023-04-05 10:24:48 by Ada
“The American press, once the guardian of democracy, was hollowed out to the point that it could be worn like a hand puppet by the U.S. security agencies and party operatives….Disinformation is both the name of the crime and the means of covering it up; a weapon that doubles as a disguise.” — Jacob Siegel How’s the war going? Huh? Do you mean the war over in Ukraine? Or the US government’s war against its own people? Well, the first one, the Ukraine War, is mostly destroying Europe — though, apparently, the denizens of Germany, Holland, et al., haven’t figured that out yet. Europe’s industrial economy is toast without affordable Russian ...

Poland’s Military Aid to the Ukraine Actually a Land-Grab Plot, Top Russian Spy Claims
Post Date: 2023-04-05 10:20:36 by Ada
Poland has been trying to seize Galicia for a very long time. Then, all of a sudden, they become the best friend of the Ukraine, and their solution to help the Ukraine is to send peacekeepers into Galicia. It doesn’t take a super genius to put two and two together here. RT: Poland’s military assistance to Ukraine is part of a secret plan aimed at destroying the country’s statehood, the head of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), Sergey Naryshkin, warned on Tuesday. If Kiev is ultimately defeated by Moscow, Poland will be able to retake lands that it lost to the Soviet Union in the 1940s, he suggested. “Seizing control of the western territories of ...

RFK Jr: ‘The Neocon Projects’ in Iraq and Ukraine Have ‘Made a Laughingstock of U.S. Military Power and Moral Authority’
Post Date: 2023-04-05 09:34:56 by Ada
Neocon control of America has led to the collapse of American global hegemony and the shredding of our nation’s moral authority, according to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. “The collapse of U.S. influence over Saudi Arabia and the Kingdom’s new alliances with China and Iran are painful emblems of the abject failure of the Neocon strategy of maintaining U.S. global hegemony with aggressive projections of military power,” Kennedy said Monday on Twitter, sharing an article from Reuters on OPEC+ cutting production to spike the price of oil in defiance of the Biden regime. “China has displaced the American Empire by deftly projecting, instead, economic power,” Kennedy ...

Visit To An Incredible Dog Shelter in Donetsk (Donbass)
Post Date: 2023-04-05 02:05:24 by Horse
Poster Comment:Donetsk is in the Ukraine and has been shelled by Ukrainian artillery for 8 years.

Big Pharma Greed
Post Date: 2023-04-05 00:26:01 by Horse
Poster Comment:30 second video: 4,000% markup on Moderna's covid 19.

Tom Renz: It’s Confirmed They’re Vaccinating Us With mRNA Through The Food
Post Date: 2023-04-05 00:18:33 by Horse
Poster Comment:mRNA is in meat and wild game. Opening video describes how mRNA can be edited into vegetables. It is easier for the evil ones to infect us through vegetables than through meat.

Mud Still a Major Problem for AFU
Post Date: 2023-04-04 23:58:33 by Horse
Poster Comment:Short 30 second video: Ukraine is the breadbasket of the world because they have 15 feet of topsoil. Problem is when rains melt the snow, those heavy tanks and vehicles aren't going anywhere in the deep mud. There is going to be a Ukrainian counteroffensive to get Bakhmut off the headlines. But they are stalled by mud and are losing men and weapons by drone and artillery strikes and by glide bombs. Russia is currently dropping 20 glide bombs daily on the Donbass. Russia is mass producing 100 of these 3,300 pound bombs daily by adding modern controls and aviation on old Soviet era dumb bombs. They are cheaply and deadly. They are air launched from a distance of up to 40 ...

Here Are 7 Signs That Global De-Dollarization Has Just Shifted Into Overdrive
Post Date: 2023-04-04 23:26:13 by Horse
Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog, For decades, the U.S. dollar was the undisputed king of global currencies, but now dramatic changes are happening. China, Russia, India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia and other nations are making really big moves which will enable them to become much less dependent on the U.S. dollar in the years ahead. This is really bad news for us, because having the primary reserve currency of the world has enabled us to enjoy a massively inflated standard of living. Once we lose that status, our lifestyles will be much different than they are today. Unfortunately, most Americans don’t understand any of this. Even though our leaders have treated ...

Saudi Arabia Makes Its Eurasian Shift
Post Date: 2023-04-04 23:00:56 by Horse
Authored by Agha Hussain via The Cradle, Saudi Arabia's recent reconciliations with Iran and Syria under Chinese-Russian guidance is perceived as a step toward reducing Riyadh's dependence on the US, while also advancing Beijing and Moscow's political and economic influence in West Asia. On 6 March, 2023, Iranian and Saudi officials held a meeting in Beijing where they agreed to restore bilateral relations. The agreement was significant not only for the mutual de-escalation of tensions in West Asia, but also for Saudi Arabia’s growing importance in the process of Eurasian integration led by China and Russia. By welcoming Chinese mediation, the kingdom has positioned ...

Food for Thought
Post Date: 2023-04-04 22:51:02 by Horse
"If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter." -- George Washington

Food for Thought
Post Date: 2023-04-04 22:44:26 by Horse
"Finally, history has shown that all opposition to entrenched oligarchy arises from the middle classes, who have the surplus of funds needed to challenge the ruling classes. Communism survived for as long as it did because their system designed the middle class out of existence at the very start. The New World Order will have to, indeed already is, following the same model. If the general population only has enough to pay for the next day's rent and food, they will do as they are told." -- Michael Rivero

Italian Doctor Suspended for Suggesting Autopsies of Sudden Deaths
Post Date: 2023-04-04 12:49:41 by Horse
Italian doctor Valerio Petterle was publicly asked about sudden deaths. He suggested that sudden deaths of adults are on the rise and recommended doing more autopsies to discover why people are dying unexpectedly. For this suggestion, Dr. Petterle was suspended for two months (English translation, archive link in Italian). Poster Comment:So doing your job is grounds for expulsion?

Chinese Spy Balloon Collected Intel, Sent Back To Beijing In ‘Real Time’ Despite Pentagon Claims: Report
Post Date: 2023-04-04 01:38:34 by Original_Intent
The Chinese spy balloon that drifted across the US in February collected intelligence from several sensitive American military sites and transmitted the information back to Beijing in real time — while the Biden administration held off on intercepting it for days, according to a shocking report. The device — which was shot down off the coast of South Carolina on Feb. 4, seven days after it first entered US airspace — made multiple passes over some key installations, at times flying in a figure-eight to ensure maximum data collection, according to NBC News, which cited two current senior US officials and one former White House official. The outlet added that the intelligence ...

Gonzalo Lira: The US HATES the Peace Breaking Out In The Middle East
Post Date: 2023-04-03 19:18:19 by Horse
Poster Comment:He thinks the US is plotting a coup against Crown Prince MBS. I think Russia saw that coming which is why they gave Iran the Kinzhal missile and sold them 24 SU-35s.

U.S. Department of Defense issued a contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine
Post Date: 2023-04-03 18:12:05 by Horse
3 months before Covid was known to even exist The world first started to hear about a novel coronavirus in early January 2020, with reports of an alleged new pneumonia like illness spreading across Wuhan, China. However, the world did not actually know of Covid-19 until February 2020, because it was not until the 11th of that month that the World Health Organisation officially named the novel coronavirus disease as Covid-19. So with this being the official truth, why does United States Government data show that the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) awarded a contract on the 12th November 2019 to Labyrinth Global Health INC. for ‘COVID-19 Research’, at least one month before the ...

The Dollar Is In Trouble! Here Are 7 Signs
Post Date: 2023-04-03 09:54:21 by Horse
#1 The BRICS nations account for over 40 percent of the total global population and close to one-fourth of global GDP. So the fact that they are working to develop a “new currency” should greatly concern all of us… The Deputy Chairman of Russia’s State Duma, Alexander Babakov, said on 30 March that the BRICS bloc of emerging economies – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – is working on developing a “new currency” that will be presented at the organization’s upcoming summit in Durban. “The transition to settlements in national currencies is the first step. The next one is to provide the circulation of digital or any other form ...

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