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Judge throws the book at Just Stop Oil protesters:
Post Date: 2023-04-22 00:01:32 by Horse
Eco activists who scaled a bridge over the Dartford Crossing and caused 40 HOURS of gridlock are jailed for five years in record sentence for climate action Poster Comment:This was in England. These are the people who were defacing paintings in museums.

Wagner Dashes Ukrainian Hopes In Bakhmut
Post Date: 2023-04-21 18:29:21 by Horse
Poster Comment:Only a few days left for the Ukraine in Bakhmut. Wagner controls 90% of the city and Russian forces have cut off supplies. Ground should be dry enough in a week for tank battles. About 50 Ukrainian soldiers a day are surrendering along the Donbass. It was 30 and fewer before that. The Ukrainians are losing lots of artillery pieces every day plus tanks and hundreds of soldiers. That counter offensive will die. Russians are dropping 25 very accurate Guide Glide 3,300 and 1,100 pound bombs every day on the Donbass. They drop the smaller 1,100 pound bombs in towns like Bakhmut where there are civilians nearby.

Post Date: 2023-04-21 17:58:45 by Horse
Poster Comment:Man stands up to media charge of racism.

Top 7 types of CANCER cases are SKYROCKETING since humans began getting injected with Covid spike protein jabs
Post Date: 2023-04-21 11:10:15 by Horse
Anyone who is battling cancer or already battled it and beat it, now has a new challenge on their hands, and it’s more of a war than just a battle. Millions of spike proteins are floating around in their Covid-vax-injected system, and it’s like spreading candy around the house for the cockroaches and ants to find. Cancer is being fed by the Fauci Flu injections, and MSM won’t say a word about it. Just look at the skyrocketing cases of all kinds of cancer over the past two years, and you will see. #1. Turbo cancer – existing tumors grow exponentially quicker (plus multiple tumors in multiple organs) #2. Breast cancer #3. Recurrence (and metastasis) after complete ...

Zoltan Interview: "You basically see a commodity supercycle in embryonic form"
Post Date: 2023-04-21 10:06:57 by Horse
Zoltan Pozsar: The World Changed 12 months ago. "You basically see a commodity supercycle in embryonic form, but it's going to grow very fast. [If geopolitics gets more complicated] you set the stage for a big bull run." In Zoltan Pozsar’s most recent interview pursuant to his missive entitled War and Peace, he spoke with Resource Talks in mid March. During this conversation, he laid out rather concisely the main points of that report. So we listened and wrote a follow up to that piece outlining Zoltan’s key interview points, which were tangentially different than War and Peace. Video: Resource Talks Contents: The Two Commodity Narratives Three Things ...

German Peasants Protesting the Total Breakdown of National Functionality – No Leader
Post Date: 2023-04-21 07:14:37 by Ada
As everyone knew was going to happen, the German economy has totally collapsed and they’re staring down deindustrialization. Of course, the government will always make sure the upper classes are totally insulated, and as much of the middle classes as possible, because the lower classes can’t do shit. That’s a fact of reality. Peasants cannot do revolutions without leaders, and they are so dumb, the leaders are usually people with totally different motives than those stated (see the entire history of both communism and the US color revolutions). You can grab the peasants and use them for good, however. If you had the will to power. Napoleon did it. Hitler did it. ...

Silver Demand Set Records In Every Category In 2022
Post Date: 2023-04-20 17:32:09 by Horse
Total global silver demand in 2022 came in at a record 1.242 billion ounces. This represented an 18% increase in silver demand over 2021. Net physical silver investment rose for a fifth consecutive year to a new high of 332.9 million ounces. Silver investment in India charted a staggering 188% increase over 2021 with lower prices and bargain hunting driving demand higher. There was modest demand growth in the US despite ongoing supply shortages that drove premiums exceptionally high – especially on American Silver Eagle coins. Industrial demand posted a record of 556.5 million ounces in 2022. Green energy initiatives helped drive industrial offtake higher. Photovoltaics (PV) alone ...

TikTok To Censor Content That Challenges Global Warming Dogma
Post Date: 2023-04-20 17:30:07 by Horse
While continuing to allow dangerous stunts that are killing children to go viral.. Poster Comment:China owns TikTok. So what do they care about Global Warming? Maybe they like the propaganda that shuts down factories in the US and Europe and moves them to Asia.

Doubled Pregnancy Loss Rate, Raised Foetal Abnormality Rate and Concentration of Lipid Nanoparticles in Ovaries
Post Date: 2023-04-20 11:46:21 by Horse
How Could They Call This Vaccine Safe? The mRNA vaccines were released globally in early 2021 with the slogan ‘safe and effective’. Unusually for a new class of medicine, they were soon recommended by public health authorities for pregnant women. By late 2021, working age women, including those who were pregnant, were being thrown out of employment for not agreeing to be injected. Those who took the mRNA vaccines did so based on trust in health authorities – the assumption being that they would not have been approved if the evidence was not absolutely clear. The role of regulatory agencies was to protect the public and, therefore, if they were approved, the drugs were safe. ...

Biden’s DOJ Indicts Four Americans for Their Political Views on Russia
Post Date: 2023-04-20 07:47:25 by Ada
The allegation is that members of the African People’s Socialist Party were involved in a 'foreign malign influence campaign' The Justice Department has indicted four Americans, including three members of the African People’s Socialist Party and Uhuru Movement (APSP), over their political views on Russia, a step that has grave implications for First Amendment rights. The allegation against the Americans is that they were involved in a “foreign malign influence campaign” directed by Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB). The DOJ also indicted three Russians related to the case, including Aleksandr Ionov, who was initially charged last year. Ionov is a ...

Did the Neocons Save the World from the Thucydides Trap?
Post Date: 2023-04-19 11:35:27 by Horse
Over the last couple of years I’d begun seeing our growing conflict with China described as an inevitable consequence of “the Thucydides trap” but hadn’t been entirely sure of the source of that idea. Decades ago, I’d had a very strong interest in Classical Greek history, so the reference was obvious to me: the bitter rivalry between a dominant Sparta and a rising Athens that had led to the decades long Peloponnesian War that devastated Greece. But only recently did I discover that the term had been popularized in Destined for War, a 2017 national bestseller by Harvard’s Graham Allison, which had followed his earlier 2015 Atlantic article on the same subject. ...

Germany Closes Its Last Nuclear Power Plants - Electricity Bills To Spike Up To 45%
Post Date: 2023-04-19 11:01:56 by Horse
Get ready for the return of the peasant lifestyle... Poster Comment:Someone called the German Greens the worst fascists in Europe.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Drops Bomb on Biden Crime Family –
Post Date: 2023-04-19 10:36:50 by Horse
Oversight Committee Has Evidence of Biden Family Connections to Human Trafficking of Prostitutes from US, Russia, Ukraine. Prior to the 2020 election, The Gateway Pundit released sordid details from the Hunter Biden laptop. The mainstream media and regime lapdogs refused to report on the criminal conduct of Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and the Biden Crime Family, in order to protect them days before the 2020 election. The Gateway Pundit reported in October 2020 on Hunter Biden’s Russian orgies, his many nights with Russian hookers, his father wiring him money for his prostitutes, and his fears of being blackmailed by the Putin regime. Now there is more evidence that it was not just ...

John Kirby Scolds Brazil, Says That the Ukraine War Can Never End
Post Date: 2023-04-19 08:35:15 by Ada
We are being ruled by actual lunatics and morons. It’s incredible. Really, it’s unbelievable that it’s even real. RT: Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva is “parroting Russian and Chinese propaganda” by claiming that the West is not interested in ending the fighting in Ukraine, US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby has stated. During his visit to China last week, Lula said that “the US needs to stop encouraging war and start talking about peace. The European Union needs to start talking about peace.” The leftist politician, who made a comeback as Brazilian president after succeeding Jair Bolsonaro in early 2023, also ...

Elon Musk Confirms Development Of Non-Woke AI Bot "TruthGPT" To Rival Microsoft And Google
Post Date: 2023-04-18 16:32:17 by Horse
"I'm going to start something which I call TruthGPT," Musk said, "or a maximum truth-seeking AI that tries to understand the nature of the universe." Poster Comment:When AI write news reports, Elon's AI can do instant fact checking citing sources 24/7 for all to see on Twitter.

Russia's Electronic Warfare Capabilities
Post Date: 2023-04-18 15:39:47 by Horse
The “leaks” include a massive amount of information, including the claim that US-made JDAM (Joint Direct Attack Munition) bombs are failing in Ukraine due to successful Russian EW measures. The “leak” documents not only review the use of Russian countermeasures to make JDAMs ineffective, but also indicate that in some cases this results in failure to even detonate. It seems this includes the JDAM-ER (Extended Range) bombs that the troubled Biden administration sent to the Kiev regime in order to provide certain battlefield advantages to its forces. A futile effort, it would seem now, although the documents suggest that at least a thousand JDAM kits have been sent so ...

Man Falls From the 19th Floor, Stands Up and Sings All the Way to The Hospital
Post Date: 2023-04-18 10:29:54 by Ada
There is a man in Russia who is very lucky to be alive. It’s actually a miracle, or maybe it was the vodka that kept him going. Who knows - but this is one heck of a wild story that was actually caught on video. The man, who was drunk, fell from the 19th floor and landed on a car. And after the horrific fall, the guy got up, seemingly unfazed and then sang as he walked to the hospital. If it wasn’t on camera, nobody would believe it. Rumraiders reported that a drunk man had a little too much to drink and plummeted hundreds of feet. Miraculously the man lived to tell the tale, or rather sing it. After landing on a car with his body, the man preceded to stand up and start ...

Meet the ‘elite’ couples breeding to save mankind
Post Date: 2023-04-18 10:25:29 by Ada
At the beginning of March, Aria Babu quit her job at a think tank to dedicate herself to something most people have never heard of. Having worked in public policy for several years, the 26-year-old Londoner had come to an alarming realisation about the future of the UK, the world – and the human species. ‘It became clear to me that people wanted more children than they were having,’ Babu says. ‘Considering this is such a massive part of people’s lives, the fact that they were not able to fulfil this want was clearly indicative that something was wrong.’ The new focus of Babu’s career is a philosophy known as pronatalism, literally meaning pro-birth. Its ...

Post Date: 2023-04-18 09:49:08 by Horse
UPDATE: The tank was damaged as a result of a collision with another tank. Polish Army Reserve Officer Piotr Pavelka commented on the incident: Ukrainian soldiers who are still training on the Polish Leopard 2A4 just drove into each other. Apparently, something went wrong, that one of the tanks drove another on the armor, and the one who drove on the armor crashed into the tower, tearing it out of the hull. Well, to be honest, I don’t remember such clumsy car control anywhere else. Poster Comment:After the Ukrainians lost a lot of men in a stupid offensive on the Donbass, the Wa Po interviewed a tank commander who had been a pig farmer 2 months before. In the US Army it takes 3 to 4 ...

Comer Says New Financial Records Reveal SIX ADDITIONAL Biden Family Members Involved in Shady Overseas Deals
Post Date: 2023-04-18 09:42:12 by Horse
House Oversight Chairman James Comer on Monday revealed SIX ADDITIONAL Biden family members were involved in the Biden Crime Family’s shady overseas business deals. Hunter Laptop Emails Show Joe Biden Traveled to Ireland with Hunter and Jim Biden Who Met with Chinas CEFC Executives As Joe Biden settles back in at the White House after his trip last week to Ireland, investigations by the US Attorney of Delaware and the U.S. House continue on with recent revelations of transactions flagged as SARs, or Suspicious Activity Reports, regarding Hunter Biden’s business dealings with Chinese energy firm CEFC. ...

The End of American “Exceptionalism”?
Post Date: 2023-04-18 08:03:58 by Ada
Failing banks, inflation, soaring interest rates and the flight from the petrodollar could become a disaster for ordinary Americans Watching a once great nation commit suicide is not pretty. President Joe Biden does not seem to understand that his role as elected leader of the United States is to take actions that directly or indirectly benefit the folks who voted for him as well as the other Americans who did not do so. That is how a constitutional democracy is supposed to work. Instead, Biden and the gang of introverts and neocon war criminals that the has surrounded himself with have done everything that can to inflict fatal damage on the economy through rash initiatives both overseas ...

New Era - First Ever Shots of Russian Su-35 Sold To Iran Coming to New Home
Post Date: 2023-04-18 07:05:13 by Horse
Poster Comment:SU 36 is 100 mph faster than an F22 or F 35

Pepe Escobar: All Roads Lead To Beijing
Post Date: 2023-04-17 00:56:49 by Horse
Authored by Pepe Escobar, This is the tale of two pilgrims following the road that really matters in the young 21st century; one coming from NATOstan and another one from BRICS. Let’s start with Le Petit Roi, Emmanuel Macron. Picture him with a plastic grin in his face strolling alongside Xi Jinping in Guangzhou. Following the – long and gentle – sound of classic “High Mountain and Flowing Water”, they enter the Baiyun Hall to listen to it played by the 1000-year-old Guqin (a beautiful instrument). They taste the fragrance of 1000-year-old tea – and muse on the rise and fall of great powers in the new millennium. And what does Xi tell Le Petit Roi? He ...

Iran Test-Fires Advanced New Guided Missile | Will Sadid 365 Take On Western Tanks In Ukraine?
Post Date: 2023-04-16 16:41:30 by Horse
Poster Comment:In addition to 8 km range ATGM that can penetrate reactive armor, Iran unveiled the Meraj 532, a suicide drone with 450 km range and a 120 pound payload. It can hit US bases in Saudi Arabia if the US tries to a stage a coup to restore the Petrodollar. The Meraj 532 could also be used against US troops in Syria.

US Leak Reveals China's Huge “Hypersonic Leap” | Can US' Defences Stop Xi's Next-Gen DF-27 Missile?
Post Date: 2023-04-16 16:30:55 by Horse

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