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Russian Predicts Maniacal Overreach Will Collapse US Economy
Post Date: 2023-03-26 08:08:28 by Ada
Can you hear that? The screeching in the distance? The drip that is getting louder and louder? It’s happening. RT: One of Russia’s richest men has warned that the American economy is currently in a very challenging situation, due to global overreach. Tycoon Oleg Deripaska make the comments using his Telegram channel on Friday. He believes the underlying economy cannot take the weight of the country’s enormous government debt and exorbitant spending. “Reckless militarization, sanctions against everyone, and military adventures around the world have already cost this country almost $33 trillion,” said the billionaire, who was sanctioned by the US last year. ...

How to improve your phone voice
Post Date: 2023-03-26 07:48:41 by Horse
Poster Comment:I have been following this guy for a while.

Food for Thought
Post Date: 2023-03-25 23:06:45 by Horse
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. Nikola Tesla.

Dolly the Dog
Post Date: 2023-03-25 20:20:40 by Esso
Yesterday, I woke up at 9 a.m. and drank a cup of freshly brewed coffee. Then I read the headlines on my smartphone while taking a shit. There’s a two-year-old zebra named Sero who lives at a zoo in Seoul. Sadly, both of his parents died, and he took their passing very hard—becoming aggressive and obstinate. He now fights with his kangaroo neighbors and refuses to sleep in the barn. Anyway, Sero escaped from his pen and began wandering the streets of the city. He was eventually tranquilized and returned to his home. I ate hash browns for breakfast as I watched Fox News. A bunch of tornadoes ripped through Mississippi killing twenty people. When crap like this happens, I begin ...

The Hierarchy Of Money And The Case For $8,000 Gold
Post Date: 2023-03-25 16:17:14 by Horse
By Jan Nieuwenhuijs of In the hierarchy of money gold is superior to fiat money. From an historical perspective the past decades have been characterized by trust in fiat money, whereby fiat made up the lion share of global international reserves. The war between Russia and Ukraine (and by extension West and East), inflation, and systemic risks are reversing this trend. A long-term gold valuation model, which assumes gold will account for the majority of international reserves, suggests the gold price to exceed $8,000 in the coming decade. The Hierarchy of Money Reading Zoltan Pozsar’s analyses for a few years led me to read books and follow lectures by his ...

World Bank Says Ukraine's Reconstruction Will Cost $411 Billion & Rising
Post Date: 2023-03-25 16:00:32 by Horse
Zelensky previously touted that American corporations would find "big business" in rebuilding Ukraine. Poster Comment:IMF is loaning Zelensky $15 billion to keep the scam going. The IMF will get their money back if Z absconds to Israel. They can get it from US and European taxpayers.

US Resumes Theft Of Syrian Oil Hours
Post Date: 2023-03-25 15:54:38 by Horse
Pentagon on high alert after rocket attacks After Overnight Battles from 'pro-Iran' militias... Poster Comment:The US paid Al Qaeda to attack Christians and others in Syria. They gouged out the eyes of Christians and beheaded them.

Miranda Devine shares stunning new details about Hunter Biden’s ‘FBI mole’
Post Date: 2023-03-25 15:38:44 by Horse

Cinematic spring offensive
Post Date: 2023-03-25 15:35:03 by Horse

***FLASH*** Numerous Stratotankers Just Went Up Over Iraq . . . 20 Missiles Just Struck 3 US Bases in Syria
Post Date: 2023-03-25 10:43:10 by Horse
Iran may be about to get hit. Three Strato-tankers just went airborne over Iraq. LIVE UPDATES BELOW . . . -USAF KC135R 60-0365 -USAF KC135R 62-3533 -USAF KC135T 58-0069 Putting that much air refueling capability into action signifies a big air operation is about to take place. Something big is happening.

Syrians Have Every Right To Attack US Occupiers:
Post Date: 2023-03-25 10:02:35 by Ada
The western world is solemnly commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Iraq invasion by blindly following the US into more conflict and militarism while repeating all the same kinds of mass media malpractice. ❖ If you think it’s a coincidence that the western world suddenly got super–duper interested in China’s human rights record right when China began threatening US planetary domination, then you’re a bootlicking moron who deserves to be shamed in public. A leaked 2017 State Department memo explicitly acknowledged that it’s US government policy to ignore the human rights violations of US-aligned nations while attacking them in nations like China, ...

G7 Vs BRICS - Off To The Races
Post Date: 2023-03-25 07:34:59 by Horse
Authored by Scott Ritter via, An economist digging below the surface of an IMF report has found something that should shock the Western bloc out of any false confidence in its unsurpassed global economic clout... Last summer, the Group of 7 (G7), a self-anointed forum of nations that view themselves as the most influential economies in the world, gathered at Schloss Elmau, near Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, to hold their annual meeting. Their focus was punishing Russia through additional sanctions, further arming of Ukraine and the containment of China. At the same time, China hosted, through video conference, a gathering of the BRICS economic forum. Comprised of ...

NASA Is tracking a huge, growing anomaly in Earths magnetic field
Post Date: 2023-03-24 14:10:38 by Horse
NASA is actively monitoring a strange anomaly in Earth’s magnetic field: a giant region of lower magnetic intensity in the skies above the planet, stretching out between South America and southwest Africa. This vast, developing phenomenon, called the South Atlantic Anomaly, has intrigued and concerned scientists for years, and perhaps none more so than NASA researchers. According to Science Alert, The space agency’s satellites and spacecraft are particularly vulnerable to the weakened magnetic field strength within the anomaly and the resulting exposure to charged particles from the Sun.

German Post Ukraine War Joke
Post Date: 2023-03-24 14:00:28 by Horse
A German walks into a bar and orders a fancy beer. The bartender tells him: "100 euros!" The German is shocked - "100 euros? Yesterday it was only 10 euros!” "Well, today it is 100 euros." – "But why 100, damn it?" Bartender: "I'll explain it, -10 euros is the beer, -10 to help Ukraine, -20 assistance to European countries who have imposed sanctions and are not members of the EU. -20 euros in aid to the UK, for successful implementation of sanctions against Russia. -Then 30 euros are sent to the Balkan countries as aid to buy furnace coal/keep their corrupt politicians. - and finally, 10 euros for a gas subsidy for the EU and fund to ...

Fury at woke barristers refusing to prosecute eco warriors:
Post Date: 2023-03-24 13:54:16 by Horse
120 top legal professionals to sign 'Declaration of Conscience' to try and keep climate activists out of the courts Leading lawyers have been accused of undermining the legal system by declaring that they will not prosecute climate activists. Around 120 top legal professionals are set to sign a 'Declaration of Conscience' vowing to refuse their services in prosecuting protesters from eco-groups such as Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion. Amid accusations of virtue signalling, the group – who call themselves 'Lawyers are Responsible' – will also refuse to act on behalf of clients involved in oil and gas on the grounds that they are destroying the ...

Zelensky's army in the Bakhmut area.
Post Date: 2023-03-24 12:06:56 by Horse
Poster Comment:Zelensky has 20,000 of 80,000 soldiers in reserve. They have 60,000 on the frontline. Their brigades on average now have fewer than 1,000 men each. Their brigades all started at 4,000 when they were created indicating casualty and captured losses at more than 75%. These 60,000men have 300 tanks and hundreds of artillery pieces but no air cover. They are low on ammunition. Russia has unlimited artillery, rockets, drones and glide bombs. The Ukrainians have to wait for the weather to change so the ground dries out. The top soil is 15 feet deep in the Donbass which makes for a big mud pile. This is Zelensky's last stand. In a week or so he will have no army capable of ...

Missiles slam into ANOTHER US base in Syria:
Post Date: 2023-03-24 11:39:07 by Horse
Iran-backed militants retaliate hours after Biden ordered deadly 'precision airstrikes' on their positions following suicide drone attack that killed American worker Iran-backed fighters fired three missiles at a US military base in northeast Syria today after President Biden launched a series of retaliatory air strikes in response to a deadly Iranian suicide drone attack that killed an American contractor. The Iran-backed groups targeted the US base at the Al-Omar oil field in Syria's northeast with a missile attack at around 11am on Friday morning. Two missiles fell in the oil field, without causing damage, while the third landed on a civilian house nearby, the Syrian ...

Pentagon Leaders Say New Budget Will Help Prepare for War With China
Post Date: 2023-03-24 11:25:22 by Horse
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley told Congress at a Thursday hearing that the Pentagon’s 2024 budget request will help the country prepare for a future war with China. Milley insisted the Pentagon’s massive $842 billion budget request is meant to deter war but said it will also prepare the US military to fight one. He told the House Appropriations subcommittee on defense that deterring and preparing for a conflict “is extraordinarily expensive, but it’s not as expensive as fighting a war. And this budget prevents war and prepares us to fight it if necessary.” The Pentagon identified China as the ...

Post Date: 2023-03-24 11:18:08 by Horse
WHEN THEY'RE ARRESTING TRUMP AND ASSANGE AND BOMBED THE NORD STREAM PIPELINES? Mexico's president said the US government's destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines and the ongoing political persecution of WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange shows the US State Department's accusations of human rights violations in Mexico "should not be taken seriously." Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador dismissed a report by the US government on Tuesday accusing his administration of human rights violations as "lies." The State Department issued its annual report Monday on "Human Rights Practices." The publication criticized the Lopez Obrador ...

Australia Banks are Now Debanking Independent Journalists Exercising Their Free Speech Rights
Post Date: 2023-03-24 11:10:06 by Horse
Australia’s banks are not “debanking” conservatives because of their beliefs and related statements made in the press and on social media.

CUCKED OUT: Blinken Now Suggesting Ukraine is Maybe Allowed to Do Talks with Russia!
Post Date: 2023-03-24 10:18:57 by Ada
HA! It’s happening! This faggoty limp-wristed Jew KIKE Antony Blinken was saying for OVER A YEAR that he would never allow the Ukraine to negotiate with Russia…! He was the one who, in March of 2022, cockblocked Zelensky’s own attempts to enter negotiations! NOW??? “Oh, well, it looks like they might have to negotiate, actually.” This is exactly what I’ve been saying for weeks now: all indicators are that the tide has shifted and the US is ready to surrender. They want to save their weapons and money to fight a war against China, and they realize that there is nothing they can possibly gain from continuing the Ukraine war. RT: US Secretary of State ...

Fat Beast Pompeo Says Biden Needs to be Even More Aggressive in Pushing for War with Russia and China
Post Date: 2023-03-24 09:38:11 by Ada
Every single time the Republicans criticize anything Joe Biden does on the world stage, they say “I completely agree with everything he is doing, but he needs to be way more extreme in pushing this agenda he is pushing.” You will basically never see any of these people question any of the basic premises of the Democrat war machine. On the question of China and Russia, what does Pompeo even want Biden to do? We are already directly in a war with Russia in the Ukraine, and Biden is sailing warships all around China. He just announced four new military bases on China’s border. Does Pompeo want a preemptive nuclear strike? I just really don’t see how Biden could be any ...

STUDY: Big Pharma Is Paying TikTok Influencers to Hook Teens on New Drugs.
Post Date: 2023-03-23 17:52:30 by Horse
“Pharmaceutical marketers have noticed the power of patient persuasion and begun to leverage ‘patient influencers’ in brand campaigns,” says a new study by researchers at the University of Colorado, alongside the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. With the wider influencer-marketing industry expected to be worth up to $21.1 billion in 2023, the study published in The Journal of Medical Internet Research provides early insights into this growing new area, including its darker side. “The bottom line here is that patient influencers act as a form of interactive direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising, sharing their knowledge and experiences on pharmaceutical ...

Zuckerberg Emailed All Employees Telling Them 'Please Resign,' 'Confidential' Message Leaked on Twitter
Post Date: 2023-03-23 16:16:23 by BTP Holdings
Zuckerberg Emailed All Employees Telling Them 'Please Resign,' 'Confidential' Message Leaked on Twitter By Mike Landry March 22, 2023 at 2:29pm There was a leak from the Facebook hive to a tech publication saying Facebook was developing a mobile phone. Not so, said Facebook CEO and founder Mark Zuckerberg. And in denying the content of the leak to TechCrunch, Zuckerberg went ballistic, dashed out an angry email to all hands, and told the leaker to resign, following it with this threat: “If you don’t resign, we will almost certainly find out who you are anyway.” Gulp. As a retired business professor, when I see heads of major corporations making major ...

Michael Hudson: The Most Fascist Party in Europe
Post Date: 2023-03-23 16:01:51 by Horse
Michael Hudson: “I guess the most right wing neo fascist party is of course the Greens in Germany!” (There is nothing in the Social Democrat parties of Europe that fascists would not like. There is no longer a labor party representing the interests of working people.)

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