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"If People Think Things Are Bad Now..." Tucker And Alex Jones Talk Deplatforming, Depopulation, & The NWO
Post Date: 2023-12-08 06:23:26 by Horse
In a deep-dive on everything from 'deplatforming' to 'depopulation', Tucker Carlson sat down with Alex Jones. Elon Musk said it best... Dubbed "the most censored man in the world", Jones began by discussing his (correct) prediction about 9/11. As Tucker points out, "the 9/11 thing, you called it in public." But Jones says his most accurate prediction was around a decade ago when he read the "Rockefeller Foundation Operation Lockstep report," which he says: "described using a virus to bring in world government, a world medical ID, which they would then build a social credit score off of... ...that they would make people wear masks for ...

Post Date: 2023-12-08 05:54:28 by Horse
Biden Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin THREATENS to Send Americans to Fight Russia if Congress Does Not Give Zelensky and Ukraine More Money – Elon Musk Responds Poster Comment:The Russian S-400 can take out F-16 at 500 Kms (248 miles.) Ditto for the R 37 air to air missile. The Krasnopol rocket artillery system can hit a moving target at 76 Kms (47.2 miles.) We have nothing like it. Our military officers would refuse the fight as a suicide mission.

Pfizer's Original Trial Report.
Post Date: 2023-12-07 23:55:38 by Horse
AG Ken Paxton's new lawsuit against Pfizer highlights their use of "Relative Risk Reduction" as a "misleading statistic that unduly influence[s] consumer choice." To better understand this statistic and how it compares to "Absolute Risk Reduction", please see this explainer… https://twitter.com/i/status/1732751866021224693 , Poster Comment:Hep B Vaccine at birth Utterly Destroyed Our Twin Boys https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1eaJbgDXqBoxX

Food for Thought
Post Date: 2023-12-07 23:32:18 by Horse
“Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relations” ~ George Orwell

White Lung Disease: The New Global Killer?
Post Date: 2023-12-07 17:02:49 by Horse
The dreaded white lung disease is ravaging our world, and we are all going to die for sure! This will definitely be a global killer as bad or worse than even the dreaded COVID-19 (which was even worse than the flu sometimes). In reality, white lung disease is just the same walking pneumonia that has existed every cold and flu season but has been made worse because of the mRNA/modRNA COVID jabs. The adverse events listed in the Pfizer documents include certain types of pneumonia that create the “white lung” X-rays that they are calling white lung disease—more fear porn designed to manipulate the public and sell jabs. In modRNA: Why It Matters & Other Essays, Attorney ...

Kim Dotcom exposes alleged US atrocities in Ukraine, urging action against corruption, deception, and potential conflict.
Post Date: 2023-12-07 16:49:15 by Horse
Kim Dotcom presents a scathing critique of the US government’s actions in Ukraine, highlighting a series of alleged wrongdoings, manipulations, and geopolitical strategies. He accuses the US of orchestrating a coup, supporting Nazis, spreading propaganda, violating peace agreements, provoking war with Russia, imposing sanctions, and more. Dotcom urges readers to question their support for the US government, deep state, and associated systems, warning of dire consequences and the potential for global conflict if citizens fail to act against what he views as corruption, deception, and warmongering. Kim Dotcom @KimDotcom This is important. Pay attention. What the US Govt did to Ukraine ...

US Math Scores Hit All-Time Low On International Exam
Post Date: 2023-12-07 11:45:09 by Horse
American students scored an all-time low in math on a major international exam, which provided the first comparison of global achievement since the pandemic radically changed education around the world. According to data released Tuesday, American 15-year-olds had a 13 point plunge out of 1000 on the PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) exam, which was given last year to 620,000 students in 81 countries worldwide. "These results are another piece of evidence showing the crisis in mathematics achievement," said Peggy Carr, commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics, in a statement to WaPo. "Only now can we see that it is a global ...

North Korea is readying military and claims it saw U.S. military bases from spy satellite. How did we get to this point?
Post Date: 2023-12-06 20:34:25 by BTP Holdings
North Korea is readying military and claims it saw U.S. military bases from spy satellite. How did we get to this point? Story by Niamh Cavanagh • 2 December 2023 North Korean leader Kim Jong Un visits Korean People's Army Air Force headquarters on Aviation Day in North Korea on Dec. 1. (KCNA via Reuters) © Provided by Yahoo News The sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un rejected talks with the U.S. at a United Nations Security Council meeting on Thursday following weeks of deteriorating relations. In the last two weeks, Pyongyang launched a spy satellite violating resolutions set by the U.N. and withdrew from the 2018 military pact with South Korea that aimed to ease ...

Putin's Visits to UAE, Saudi Arabia Prompted by Global 'Dynamics of Gaza War'
Post Date: 2023-12-06 11:57:39 by Horse
Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in the United Arab Emirates on Wednesday to meet with UAE President Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan and discuss bilateral, regional, and international affairs. As part of his brief Middle East tour, the Russian leader is also visiting Saudi Arabia, while later hosting Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in Moscow. Vladimir Putin’s visit to the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia could be used by the Arab countries “as a signal, perhaps to the West," to show that "we have other options and we're not really happy with your policy towards Gaza,” Abdulaziz Algashian, a Saudi political analyst, told Sputnik. The Russian ...

Poll: Majority of American Voters Want US to Call for Permanent Gaza Ceasefire
Post Date: 2023-12-06 11:24:19 by Horse
Polling continues to show that the majority of Americans favor a lasting ceasefire in Gaza, a position the Biden administration has rejected. The latest poll from Data for Progress found that 61% of American voters support the idea of the US calling for a “permanent” ceasefire in Gaza and a general de-escalation of violence, including 76% of Democrats, 49% of Republicans, and 57% of independent or third-party voters. When presented with arguments for and against the idea of a ceasefire, 52% of respondents still supported a permanent truce, while 34% opposed the idea, and 14% said they didn’t know what position to take. The poll was conducted from November 22 to 25 and ...

NZ Government administrator who leaked data showing a one-in-four DEATH rate for some COVID jab batches ARRESTED
Post Date: 2023-12-06 10:58:00 by Horse
In recent days, damning government data was leaked out of New Zealand showing that more than 24 percent of Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccine” batches cause death. We have since learned that the government administrator whistleblower who dropped the goods has been arrested. According to reports, the man in question was taken into custody by law enforcement for “accessing computers for deceptive purposes.” This is rich, considering the New Zealand government’s hiding of said data in the first place is the true deception. The following edited clip lays out the facts of what the data shows, so have a watch: Kim Dotcom @KimDotcom New Zealand ...

Sudden SOFR Spike Sparks Concerns of Mounting Reserve Shortage and Surging Overnight Repo Rates.
Post Date: 2023-12-06 10:28:54 by Horse
A sudden spike in SOFR (Secured Overnight Financing Rate) points to a mounting reserve shortage and an overnight repo spike, surprising many as SOFR printed at 5.39% on Friday. Poster Comment:Money Supply is shrinking fast. And liquidity problems plus a huge deficit will force a Depression.

Billionaire Palmer Luckey Unveils Jet-Powered VTOL Kamikaze Drone
Post Date: 2023-12-06 06:14:45 by Horse
Palmer Luckey, the founder of Oculus, is positioning Anduril Industries, his Southern California startup defense firm, to challenge military-industrial complex giants such as Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Boeing, and General Dynamics. Luckey revealed on X that Anduril Industries has developed an affordable vertical takeoff and landing drone that can be reused on surveillance or kamikaze missions. https://twitter.com/i/status/1730451833716723906 Anduril told Forbes that the US Special Operations Command signed a $12.5 million contract last year for the autonomous jet-powered drone called "Roadrunner. " Poster Comment:More tweets at source.

Speaker Johnson Tells White House No Ukraine Funds Without Beefed Up Border
Post Date: 2023-12-06 00:03:28 by Horse
"American taxpayers deserve a full accounting..." Poster Comment:Zelensky has filed papers for American citizenship. Wants to move to his $30 million mansion in Florida.American lawyers will be serving with papers for lawsuits as soon as he lands in Florida. As a citizen he can vote for Biden or Trump. I think Trump would pay him to campaign for Biden.

6 Things We Need To Do To Start Fixing Youth Crime
Post Date: 2023-12-05 23:43:14 by Horse
Authored by Eric Abetz via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), "Youth crime is out of control" is the refrain heard on many lips around Australia and the Western world. Another common phrase is "The youth are our future." Put those two phrases together and we are left contemplating, indeed fearing for, the future well-being of our society. The statistics on youth crime regularly adorn newspapers and lead electronic media bulletins. Youth crime is a scourge. So how did we get here? What can we do about it? Like with any ingrained social problem, there is no quick fix. Something that took a generation or two may well take a similar time to repair. It takes a lot less ...

Montreal Mayor Collapses: It is a mystery?
Post Date: 2023-12-05 19:14:19 by Horse
Poster Comment:Stupid. Politicians are supposed to get water injections, not bioweapons.

The Real Problem With Our Foreign Policy…
Post Date: 2023-12-05 06:59:54 by Ada
Over the weekend Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin explained to the American people what’s really wrong with US foreign policy. Some might find his conclusions surprising. The US standing in the world is damaged not because we spent 20 years fighting an Afghan government that had nothing to do with the attacks on 9/11. The problem has nothing to do with neocon lies about Iraq’s WMDs that led untold civilian deaths in another failed “democratization” mission. It’s not because over the past nearly two years Washington has taken more than $150 billion from the American people to fight a proxy war with Russia through Ukraine. It’s not the military-industrial ...

Senate to Vote on Biden's $106 Billion Military Aid Bill on Wednesday
Post Date: 2023-12-05 06:46:29 by Horse
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has scheduled a vote for Wednesday to advance President Biden’s massive $106 billion emergency spending request that includes military aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, as well as additional funding for the border, POLITICO reported. The vote is not expected to pass as Republicans have said they would block Biden’s request if Democrats don’t make certain concessions on border policies. While the bill includes $13.6 billion for border security, the GOP is looking for asylum law changes that would make it more difficult for migrants to enter the country, but a deal hasn’t been reached. Schumer’s reasoning for ...

Tucker Carlson Destroys John Kerry and Climate Change Zealots with Facts (VIDEO)
Post Date: 2023-12-05 05:43:04 by Horse
Tucker Carlson on Monday released episode 44 of his show on X. “Another half-demented 80-year-old yelling about things he doesn’t understand. These are our leaders. They don’t care about our future because they don’t have one of their own,” Tucker said of Biden’s Climate Envoy John Kerry. Tucker Carlson destroyed John Kerry and the climate change zealots with facts on Monday night’s episode. “There might be no one in the country who cares less about the future of the United States than climate czar John Kerry who turns 80 next week,” Tucker said. “Kerry turned up at a conference in the Middle East the other day and announced that at his ...

Venezuelans approve referendum to claim territory in neighboring Guyana
Post Date: 2023-12-04 11:12:11 by Horse
Venezuelans on Sunday approved a referendum called by the government of President Nicolás Maduro to claim sovereignty over an oil- and mineral-rich piece of neighboring Guyana, the country's electoral authority announced. Few voters could be seen at voting centers throughout the voting period for the five-question referendum, but the National Electoral Council claimed to have counted more than 10.5 million votes. The council, however, did not explain whether the number of votes was equivalent to a voter or if it was the sum of each individual answer. Venezuela has long argued the territory was stolen when the border was drawn more than a century ago. But Guyana considers the ...

Myanmar's military is losing ground against coordinated nationwide attacks, buoying opposition hopes
Post Date: 2023-12-04 11:01:27 by Horse
About two weeks into a major offensive against Myanmar’s military-run government by an alliance of three well-armed militias of ethnic minorities, an army captain, fighting in a jungle area near the northeastern border with China, lamented that he’d never seen such intense action. His commander in Myanmar’s 99th Light Infantry Division had been killed in fighting in Shan state the week before and the 35-year-old career soldier said army outposts were in disarray and being hit from all sides. “I have never faced these kinds of battles before,” the combat veteran told The Associated Press by phone. “This fighting in Shan is unprecedented.” Eight days ...

Our National Disgrace in Iraq and Syria
Post Date: 2023-12-04 09:09:39 by Ada
American troops are needlessly risking life and limb because of policy paralysis and lack of political courage. When the Economist’s Gregg Carlstrom interviewed an American diplomat last year, he asked about the Biden Administration’s Syria policy. In response, according to Carlstrom, that official “shrugged and laughed.” One group certainly not laughing about President Biden’s Syria policy (or lack thereof) is the over 70 U.S. troops injured in attacks by Iranian-aligned militias on American bases in Syria and Iraq since the beginning of the Israel–Hamas war. This number includes over two dozen troops who have suffered life-altering traumatic brain injuries. ...

US Signs New Climate Pact To Shut Down All Coal Plants
Post Date: 2023-12-04 03:34:25 by Horse
"To meet our goal of 100 percent carbon pollution-free electricity by 2035, we need to phase out unabated coal," Poster Comment:So if they shut down the coal plants, where will grt the electricity to charge their EVs?

Data From US Medicare and the New Zealand Ministry of Health
Post Date: 2023-12-03 07:34:22 by Horse
It's finally here: record-level data showing vaccine timing and death date. There is no confusion any longer: the vaccines are unsafe and have killed, on average, around 1 person per 1,000 doses. Executive summary Today you will get to see the data that nobody wants you to see. FINALLY. No State or country has ever released record-level public health data on any vaccine. Privacy is not the reason for this; the data can be easily obfuscated (which we did on this data) so that no record entry would match that of any person, living or dead. The reason the data is kept secret is simple: it would expose the fact that the COVID vaccines are unsafe, as well as all the vaccines that I ...

Private Jets Headed To Global Warming Conference "Literally Frozen On Runway"
Post Date: 2023-12-02 11:12:37 by Horse
While world leaders spoke at a 'global warming' conference in Dubai, located in the heart of the Arabian Desert, discussing the usual: banning gas stoves, cow farts, and petrol-powered vehicles, a powerful snowstorm grounded all flights at Munich Airport in Germany.

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