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Porch Pirates Are A Big Security Problem In Canada,
Post Date: 2024-01-13 11:42:11 by Horse
So The Police Are Acting Swiftly To Protect The Privacy Of The Thieves! Poster Comment:Sounds like Trudeau!

Will Russia & China Prevent Washington from Expanding the Conflict?
Post Date: 2024-01-13 00:39:40 by Ada
As I have emphasized, Russia and China are behind the eight ball. Russia is dependent on Iran to prevent the CIA funneling jihadists into the Russian Federation and the former Soviet Central Asian republics. China has energy dependence and energy investments in Iran and doesn’t want a repeat loss like the one Washington imposed on China in Libya. Yet these two superpowers have not conveyed to Washington that Iran is off limits. The most certain way of deterring a dangerous escalation is an immediate announcement by Russia, China, and Iran of a joint security alliance in which an attack on one is an attack on all. Russia could add clout to this announcement by immediately removing its ...

Why did the U.S. State Department lease an upscale New York City apartment to disgraced pedophile Jeffrey Epstein?
Post Date: 2024-01-12 21:04:17 by Ada
There is a strange overlap between the federal government of the United States and "seedy" parties from the billionaire class, the late pedophile Jeffrey Epstein being no exception. During a recent appearance with Jack Posobiec of Human Events Daily, guest Mike Benz explained that Epstein long maintained ties to the Deep State, and was even leased an upscale apartment in New York City by the U.S. State Department. "There's the strange broker role that Epstein seemed to play in commercial transactions and in the affairs of the billionaire class," Benz stated during the show. Comparing the situation to that involving Hunter Biden, Benz went on to explain that ...

A New Kind of “Domino Effect” Changes Africa’s Orbit
Post Date: 2024-01-12 18:01:10 by Horse
by philbutler According to a recent Council of Foreign Relations report, Russia’s growing influence results from a massive disinformation campaign. Those who read the report with an objective eye will quickly notice the earmarks of America’s disinformation campaign against the Russians. Where Russia-Africa relations are concerned, CFR and other sources cite Wagner PMC, weapons trade, and some form of Russian neocolonialism as major factors of the so-called “Russia shift.” That notorious “domino effect” Washington used to justify the Vietnam War appears to already be in motion in Africa for an altogether different effect. Vietnam map The truth about shifted ...

Biden's Military Embarrassed in Gulf of Oman
Post Date: 2024-01-12 14:59:59 by Horse
The Cradle @TheCradleMedia Footage of the St. Nikolas tanker that was seized and retaken by the Iranian navy in the Gulf of Oman. The US captured the tanker in April 2023, seizing one million barrels of Iranian crude oil in the process. https://twitter.com/i/status/1745871761705521172 Poster Comment:The point is that the Dollar keeps its value provided: 1) The US military can terrorize the world but after losing in Afghanistan, Iraq and Ukraine it is about to be undone in Yemen. 2) The only other condition is that Biden does not print so many dollars. Moral of the story buy gold, silver and lead.

Gonzalo Lira, American Imprisoned in Ukraine for Criticizing Zelensky Regime, Has Died
Post Date: 2024-01-12 14:30:33 by Horse
Journalist Gonzalo Lira, an American citizen who was tortured and imprisoned in Ukraine for criticizing the Zelensky regime, died in a Ukrainian prison on Thursday night after being abandoned by his own government. "Gonzalo Lira, Sr. says his son has died at 55 in a Ukrainian prison, where he was being held for the crime of criticizing the Zelensky and Biden governments," Tucker Carlson revealed Friday on X. "Gonzalo Lira was an American citizen, but the Biden administration clearly supported his imprisonment and torture. Several weeks ago we spoke to his father, who predicted his son would be killed." Tucker Carlson @TuckerCarlson Gonzalo Lira, Sr. says his son has ...

Gonzalo Lira has reportedly Died
Post Date: 2024-01-12 14:23:56 by Pinguinite
twitt er.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1745863377493143906 Tucker Carlson Gonzalo Lira, Sr. says his son has died at 55 in a Ukrainian prison, where he was being held for the crime of criticizing the Zelensky and Biden governments. Gonzalo Lira was an American citizen, but the Biden administration clearly supported his imprisonment and torture. Several weeks ago we spoke to his father, who predicted his son would be killed.

Scientists in China, experimenting with a coronavirus closely related to the virus that causes COVID-19,
Post Date: 2024-01-12 07:28:50 by Horse
found that it had a 100 percent kill rate Scientists in China, experimenting with a coronavirus closely related to the virus that causes COVID-19, found that it had a 100 percent kill rate in a small mouse study, according to the researchers’ announcement on Jan. 4. A laboratory technician wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) works on samples to be tested for the Covid-19 coronavirus at the Fire Eye laboratory, a Covid-19 testing facility, in Wuhan China, on August 5, 2021. (Photo by STR/AFP via Getty Images) The scientists, including a doctor trained by the Chinese military, cloned a pangolin coronavirus and infected modified mice to “assess its pathogenicity,” ...

A member of the Chinese Communist Party is the second-largest foreign owner of US land,
Post Date: 2024-01-12 07:26:35 by Horse
according to the Daily Caller. Billionaire Chen Tianqiao, founder, chairman and CEO of Shanda Group, owns around 200,000 acres of land in Oregon, according to Land Report. His involvement with the CCP ranges from membership to executive roles in CCP-linked organizations, the DCNF reports following a review of Chinese-language media reports. In 2015, Chen acquired 198,000 acres in Oregon, according to Land Report. The $85 million purchase made the Chinese national the 82nd-largest property owner in the U.S. and the second-largest foreign U.S. land owner, Bloomberg reported, second only to a Canadian family who owns over 1 million acres of Maine. Oregon’s Bull Springs Skyline Forest ...

The TRUTH About Female Educators... | Jordan Peterson
Post Date: 2024-01-11 17:39:16 by Horse

Google co-founder Sergey Brin and ex-wife visited Epsteins pedophile island: new docs
Post Date: 2024-01-10 17:10:16 by Horse
Google co-founder Sergey Brin vacationed on Jeffrey Epstein’s “pedophile island” with his ex-wife, according to another round of court documents unsealed Monday. Epstein accuser Sarah Ransome said she met Brin and his fiancée at the time, Anne Wojcicki, on the private island owned by the late financer in a series of 2016 emails to journalist Maureen Callahan, a Post columnist at the time. Ransome said she would send Callahan a series of photos from her time in Epstein’s circle, including an image of her with Brin and Wojcicki, who divorced in 2015. “I also have other photo’s [sic] of the Epstein girls and I, whilst on the Island including a couple of ...

No, Arctic Sea Ice Isn't Shrinking
Post Date: 2024-01-10 16:46:47 by Horse
Further scientific evidence has been produced to show that summer sea ice in the Arctic has shown no significant decline since 2007. The facts produced make a mockery of attempts by alarmists such as Al Gore and Sir David Attenborough to push the collectivist Net Zero agenda by stating that all the ice will be gone in just a few years. A leading Danish scientist notes a fall in sea ice between 1997 and 2007, but minimal loss in the 44-year satellite record both before and after this period. Furthermore, he concludes in a recently published paper that there is no apparent correlation between the variable extent of Arctic sea ice and the gradually increasing concentrations of the trace gas ...

Scottish Parents Who Refuse To Let Their Kids Go Trans Could Face 7 Years In Prison
Post Date: 2024-01-10 16:42:48 by Horse
Parents who refuse to accept their children identifying as transgender could face seven years in jail under a new law in Scotland. “Proposals published on Tuesday state that actions designed to “change or suppress” another individual’s gender identity, causing them physical or psychological harm, would become illegal under the radical law,” reports the Telegraph. The law would ban so-called ‘conversion practices’ which often take place in a “family setting,” according to ministers. It would mean that if parents try to stop their child “dressing in a way that reflects their sexual orientation or gender identity,” they could face ...

Marc Faber on Precious Metals
Post Date: 2024-01-10 16:34:01 by Horse
Poster Comment:Calls politicians and Bankers liars!!

Democracy in Name Only
Post Date: 2024-01-10 16:19:30 by Ada
The word “democracy” comes from the Greek, but when the system was first used, it was a selective one, with men of means being the only ones eligible to vote. It has come a long way since, with American lefty busybodies trying to give the vote even to illegal migrants who have more or less snuck into the country. Personally I have always been a monarchist, although my type of monarchs—the Romanovs, Hohenzollerns, and Habsburgs—no longer rule and have been replaced by monarchies as in Britain, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, and the Scandinavian countries that have no governing power. The historic transformation from the royal to the democratic may be characterized ...

Half of the members on the World Health Organization's transgender health policy committee are not qualified medical experts
Post Date: 2024-01-10 09:23:56 by Horse
- and most are gender activists. One of the panelists is a controversial Canadian trans TikToker who believes puberty blockers should be prescribed to all children, regardless of their gender identity, so they can 'choose' their gender rather than being assigned one by society. Another member believes that transitioning causes no health problems and claims the only 'actual side effects' of getting a sex change are a 'significantly improved quality of life... and trans joy.' A number of women's rights and LGBTQ+ organizations fear the UN agency - whose recommendations are highly influential - has been captured by a 'trans bias'.

The Foreign Policy Blob’s Desperate Attempt To Preserve NATO
Post Date: 2024-01-10 08:34:27 by Ada
There are multiple indications that members of the foreign policy establishment are increasingly worried that the American people are growing weary of Washington’s strategic overextension and the excessive costs in treasure and blood that role imposes. Elites show their nervousness through desperate attempts to preserve the policy status quo. One recent example was the effort in Congress to limit the president’s powers and options regarding NATO. In December 2023, hawks finally achieved their goal when both the Senate and House approved a provision attached to the National Defense Authorization Act that would bar a president from withdrawing the U.S. from NATO without the ...

CASHING IN: Orders at worlds top defense companies soar amid geopolitical conflicts
Post Date: 2024-01-09 07:10:25 by Horse
A recent analysis from the Financial Times (FT) found that the world's top defense companies have been receiving high orders of military supplies – from tanks to fighter jets to missiles – because of developing and ongoing conflicts in Europe and the Middle East. According to 15 defense groups, including the largest U.S. contractors as well as United Kingdom's BAE Systems and South Korea's Hanwha Aerospace, the combined order backlogs were $777.6 billion, up from $701.2 billion two years earlier, or about a 10 percent increase. This is by the end of 2022, which is the latest for which full-year data is available. It continued into 2023 and in the first half of the ...

"We Don't Need MEN Anymore" | Jordan Peterson Edit
Post Date: 2024-01-09 06:11:42 by Horse

They know something's coming.
Post Date: 2024-01-09 05:34:15 by Horse
Poster Comment:Zuckerberg's bunker in Hawaii cost him $275 million.

Death of the Dollar Ushers in; Gold to Skyrocket in 2024 Says Gerald Celente
Post Date: 2024-01-08 16:27:19 by Horse
Poster Comment:Says $3,000 an ounce gold in 2024 is possible.

Mexico Doing a Better Job at Protecting US Border Than American Government
Post Date: 2024-01-08 09:16:42 by Ada
Mexico actually doesn’t want all of these Central and South Americans in their country. The United States has created a crisis for Mexico by opening the border and telling these people to march through Mexico, then set up tent cities on the Mexican side of the US border as they wait to be processed. Imagine that the Americans are literally saying everyone’s job is going to be replaced with AI and also saying we should have tens of millions more poor people living on welfare and breeding rapidly and turning the entire place into a filthy cesspit. Who could think of this, other than the Jews? White women will endorse it and say it’s good, but they couldn’t have come up ...

Ukraine May Resort to Printing Money to Plug Deficits if Western Cash Dries Up
Post Date: 2024-01-08 08:18:28 by Horse
Russian, US and even Ukrainian officials have admitted that Kiev would collapse into financial ruin if Western powers stop sending military and economic assistance to the country to continue the war against Russia. That moment appears to be approaching. The Wall Street Journal has crunched some numbers on the Ukrainian crisis and concluded that Ukraine might have to resort to drastic measures if Western support stops flowing. Pointing to “dwindling” Western financial assistance; lesser interest in continuing to fund the proxy crisis; and Russia outguning Ukraine militarily and economically, the outlet warned that “without sufficient support, Ukraine may have to resort to ...

Coalition of Grassroots Diplomats Take the Lead on International Solidarity with South Africa
Post Date: 2024-01-08 08:09:49 by Horse
in the Absence of Diplomacy and Accountability from U.S. Officials Peace activists across the country have embarked on a campaign to mobilize global support for South Africa’s charge of genocide against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ). The campaign, spearheaded by CODEPINK, World Beyond War, and RootsAction, aims to rally nations to submit a “Declaration of Intervention” supporting South Africa’s case at the ICJ. The focus is on holding Israel accountable for alleged genocide in Gaza and putting an end to the tragic suffering of an imprisoned population. Delegations from major cities engaged with U.N. missions, embassies, and consulates worldwide, ...

"F**k Ukraine" - Candace Owens Explains Why America Should Not Support Ukraine
Post Date: 2024-01-07 16:45:19 by Horse

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