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The Graft Military Industrial Complex Uber Alles?
Post Date: 2024-01-25 23:40:36 by Horse
President Eisenhower talked of the dangers of the Military Industrial Complex but today we should properly refer to it as the Graft Industrial Complex as they have no intention of protecting the citizens of any NATO country or of their allies in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. Initially, the US military budget for 2024 was to be $1.519 trillion but they are already asking more money for Centcom and Yemen, Israel and the Ukraine. Every time Yemen fires a $5,000 drone we counter with a missile costing from a million to 4 million dollars. After firing 90 missiles we send out ship back to port for supplies as we no longer can afford tender ships. Some might think that ...

Food for Thought
Post Date: 2024-01-25 13:08:10 by Horse
"The world is his who can see through its pretension. See it to be a lie, and you have already dealt it its mortal blow." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

U.S. Prepping to Abandon Bases in Eastern Syria and Turn to China
Post Date: 2024-01-25 12:52:53 by Horse
The leaks have started and that almost always is a great indicator about an impending shift in U.S. foreign policy. In this case it concerns Syria, Iraq, Iran and Turkey. The United States has been engaged in a decade long military adventure in Syria. It started out in 2014 as an ostensible mission by special ops forces to find, fix and finish ISIS (that is military speak for killing the “terrorists”), but it evolved into an insurgent support operation to assist the Kurds in their battles against Syria and Turkey. Oh yeah. Almost forgot. The U.S. military personnel primary mission was to protect the Conoco oil facility on Kurdish territory. It is all about the oil. Looks like ...

Senate Looks to Fund Middle East Military Activity as CENTCOM Is Running Out of Funds
Post Date: 2024-01-25 12:40:41 by Horse
The Senate is planning to add money to upcoming legislation to fund President Joe Biden’s military buildup in the Middle East and war in Yemen. Senator Susan Collins says the legation should be a priority as US Central Command is quickly depleting its funds. Senator Jack Reed believes Congress will need to pass multiple rounds of funding to allow Biden to wage war across the Middle East. Following the Hamas attack on southern Israel, Biden ordered thousands of troops and multiple aircraft carrier strike groups into the region. Politico reports the Department of Defense informed Congress the deployment of additional troops and warships to the Middle East over the past four months has ...

Escobar: The Ukraine Charade, Revisited
Post Date: 2024-01-25 11:57:08 by Horse
Authored by Pepe Escobar, Even if country 404 is utterly defeated in 2024, once again it’s imperative to stress it: this is far from over... Selected players scattered around the Beltway silos of power, diligently working as messengers for the people who really run the show in the Hegemon, have concluded that a no holds barred confrontation with Russia would lead to the collapse of all of NATO; undo decades of US iron grip on Europe; and ultimately cause the Empire’s downfall. Playing brinkmanship games sooner or later would meet the indestructible red lines inbuilt in the unmovable Russian object. US elites are smarter than that. They may excel on calculated risk. But when ...

Red Sea Blockage Leads To "Out Of Control" Shipping Rates; Charters Hits $100,000 Per Day
Post Date: 2024-01-25 11:47:37 by Horse
“The lines are charging what they like at the moment, whether that is to the west or east coast, the market has been taken over by a return of the pandemic ‘fear factor’ of not getting product shipped,” Poster Comment:This will increase wait time for spare parts and for necessities that poor people want.

Why Has The Number Of Measles Cases Been Rising So Rapidly All Over The World?
Post Date: 2024-01-25 11:45:25 by Horse
According to the World Health Organization, the number of measles cases in Europe in 2023 was 45 times higher than it was in 2022… Poster Comment:1) mRNA covid injections have reduced immunity. 2) All those immigrants coming to the US and Europe are living in unsanitary conditions. Except for the Chinese who have dedicated hotels and restaurants along the way to the US.

As Elections Loom, CDBCs Are Becoming 'Hyper-Politicized'
Post Date: 2024-01-25 11:33:48 by Horse
Central bank digital currencies are becoming more politicized globally, “but in the U.S. they seem to be ‘hyper-politicized.’” Poster Comment:3 major issues for 2024, other issues like rebuilding infrastructure. 1) Stop CBDCs. Only Trump is opposed. 2) Seal the border and start mass deportations. 3) Stop all mRNA injections and Gain of Function research. Trump failed on this point.

When do we get modern infrastructure in the US?
Post Date: 2024-01-24 23:06:27 by Horse
Hua Chunying 华春莹 @SpokespersonCHN Witness the #BuiltbyChina magic: a cutting-edge monorail system that can switch tracks automatically and seamlessly, making urban transit faster and smooth https://twitter.com/i/status/1749642729611477356 Made in China high-speed rail. In Chile.

US empire in a nutshell:
Post Date: 2024-01-24 22:56:33 by Horse
Kim Dotcom @KimDotcom US empire in a nutshell: Rules-based international order No rules for us War criminals are victims Victims are war criminals Genocide is self-defense Self-defense is genocide Propaganda is journalism Journalism is propaganda Lies are the truth The truth is a lie Truth-tellers are criminals Evildoers are truth-tellers What we do is classified We know everything you do Veterans are heroes Victims are forgotten Savior of far away lands With humanitarian bombs Corporations are people People are corporate resources No NATO expansion eastwards NATO on Russia's borders One China policy Arming Taiwan Poor China makes stuff for us, good Rich ...

Hang on! Bill Gates just said WHAT about vaccines? Are you kidding?
Post Date: 2024-01-24 21:16:24 by Horse

Russian Parliament Speaker Accuses Ukraine of Shooting Down Plane Carrying 65 POWs
Post Date: 2024-01-24 09:48:34 by Horse
In a tragic incident, a Russian military transport plane crashed near the Ukraine border. Conflicting reports mention 65 captured Ukrainian military onboard and, separately, cargo related to air defense systems. Poster Comment:They used artillery strikes to kill POWs inside a Russian POW camp.

Ukraine Is Running Out of Crucial 155 MM Artillery Shells
Post Date: 2024-01-24 09:08:21 by Horse
Ukraine has nearly depleted its stockpile of 155 mm artillery shells for its American-made howitzers. The shortage is problematic for Ukrainian troops, who are out-fired ten to one by Russian forces. A Ukrainian soldier speaking with CNN said, “The ratio [of artillery fire] is about 10 to 1. Russia is a country that produces ammo, and they have strategic reserves. Yes, they use old Soviet systems. But Soviet systems can still kill.” Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February of 2022, Washington has shipped Kiev over two million 155 mm rounds. Ukrainian forces have burned through shells at a rate of nearly a quarter-million per month. The White House is waiting for Congress to ...

With timing of rocket blast, Iran flexes muscles in space
Post Date: 2024-01-24 08:59:17 by Horse
On January 20, 2024, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards successfully launched a three-stage rocket that put the Sorayya satellite into orbit, at an unprecedented 460 miles above the Earth’s surface. It is alleged that Iran’s space program is a cover for testing a nuclear weapons delivery system. What is a scientific victory for Iran could also be a strategic projection of the Islamic Republic’s geo-spatial power. While this space launch was planned days in advance, it occurred on the same day that Israeli forces allegedly killed five Revolutionary Guards of the expeditionary Quds Force in Damascus, followed by an Iraqi militia affiliated with Iran firing ballistic missiles ...

U.S. Planning to Establish New Drone Bases in Ghana, Ivory Coast and Benin
Post Date: 2024-01-24 08:49:54 by Horse
The Wall Street Journal reported on January 4 that talks were under way as the Biden administration was seeking to establish drone bases at airfields in Ghana, Ivory Coast and Benin following a coup in Niger over the summer that jeopardized the U.S. military position there. Stars and Stripes magazine reported in December that the U.S. cut the number of military personnel deployed to Niger by more than 40% in the wake of the coup, which, ironically, was led by a Special Forces officer, Moussa Salaou Barmou, trained at Fort Benning, Georgia, and the National Defense University in Washington.[1] The coup plotters characterized Niger’s deposed President Mohamed Bazoum as a “corrupt ...

In Early 2020, A Chinese Source Trusted By FBI Said COVID Leaked From Wuhan Lab, Sources Say
Post Date: 2024-01-24 08:40:05 by Horse
FBI’s entire 25-person Chinese intelligence squad knew of reliable human intelligence that SARS-CoV-2 Covid leaked from a lab... Poster Comment:Waiting for this story to lead the Evening News on ABC-NBC-CBS

The Atlantic says child sex trafficking is FAKE and not really happening
Post Date: 2024-01-24 08:07:13 by Ada
Too many people are talking about child trafficking these days, which has prompted The Atlantic to publish an article claiming that child sex trafficking is "fake." The media outlet's Kaitlyn Tiffany writes that the "moral panic" taking place with regard to children being trafficked by billionaire pedophiles and other upper crust perverts stems not from reality but from "a QAnon conspiracy theory that emerged in 2017 on an out-of-the-way message board." Purveyors of the child sex trafficking narrative believe, according to Tiffany, that Donald Trump is "a lone hero waging war against a 'deep state' and a cabal of elites who are pedophiles ...

May the WEF Plot Suffer the People’s Resistance
Post Date: 2024-01-24 07:58:24 by Ada
The Covid policies and vaccines that the WEF championed were complete disasters. Thus, one of the WEF’s big themes this year: “restore trust. The World Economic Forum had its annual conference last week in Davos, Switzerland. Once again, the Davos crowd ran a demolition derby for the destruction of liberty around the globe. The WEF seized the Covid pandemic to champion a “Great Reset” to radically increase the power of politicians over every aspect of modern life. In June 2020, the WEF announced that “the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every ...

Defenestrating the Deep State
Post Date: 2024-01-24 07:42:17 by Ada
It has become clear that our government needs to have its wings clipped. On multiple occasions, it has abused its power at the cost of the people it serves. The Department of Justice's two-tiered justice system and its use of lawfare, the FBI and our intelligence agencies interfering in the election process, and the Department of Homeland [In]Security's abandoning the slightest pretense of controlling our southern border by ignoring our immigration laws are examples of the deep-rooted corruption of the administrative state. A three-point plan could help get accountable government back on track: 1. Implement Schedule F. Our government agencies have a set of existing career ...

Are the Houthis Being Punished for 'Doing the Right Thing'?
Post Date: 2024-01-24 07:03:41 by Ada
twitter.com/s aqii52/status/1744688743338917956 “Whoever does not try to stop a genocide, has lost his humanity.” Mohammed Al-Bukhaiti, Houthi spokesman Events in the Middle East are spinning out of control. In the last week, the United States has attacked Houthi positions on the Yemeni mainland 7 times while the Houthis have launched 5 attacks on commercial vessels and US warships in the Red Sea. At the same time, Iran has launched multiple attacks on sites in Syria, Iraq and Pakistan, while Israel has hit targets in both Lebanon and Damascus. Adding more fuel to the fire, the IDF has continued its relentless assault on Palestinians living in Gaza resulting in scores of new ...

NOT Satire: This Is an Actual Ad From Virgin Atlantic
Post Date: 2024-01-23 10:56:24 by Horse
Poster Comment:Between the pilots with covid shots and these crazies I doubt I will ever fly anywhere.

John Kerry Wants To Remove 1.6 Trillion Tons Of CO2 From The Atmosphere:
Post Date: 2024-01-23 10:28:16 by Horse
Cost = $1.6 Quadrillion Poster Comment:Removing CO2 would starve plants and hence cause a famine amongst the humans and animals who eat plants.

Food for Thought
Post Date: 2024-01-23 06:40:46 by Horse
"The weak are always anxious for justice and equality. The strong pay no heed to either." — Aristotle

Iran Mobilizes To Drive US Troops Out Of Iraq
Post Date: 2024-01-23 01:55:45 by Horse
Via Middle East Eye, When Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed al-Sudani arrived in New York City in September for the UN General Assembly, a delicate truce was in balance between the two foreign powers that loom over Baghdad. Iraqi paramilitaries, backed by Iran, had frozen their attacks on US troops in the country. Iraq’s new leader arrived in New York City amid the lull. He was feted on a circuit of swanky receptions with western businessmen and diplomats on the sidelines of the General Assembly, as he pitched Iraq’s oil-rich but corruption-riddled economy as an investment destination. Four months later, the Iraqi leader is condemning Iran and the US for launching deadly strikes in ...

You Will Own Nothing... Because They Will Steal Everything"
Post Date: 2024-01-22 21:25:03 by Horse
Via Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com, David Rogers Webb (DRW) is a financial expert and former global money manager who lives in Sweden. Recently, DRW revealed the game plan of globalists like Klaus Schwab who publicly predicts, “You will own nothing . . .” According to DRW, this is not some idle threat but a complicated active plan demonic Deep State globalist central bankers have been working on for decades. DRW has explained this theft in a free book and documentary called “The Great Taking.” It is a stunning plan to steal almost all wealth and legally not be required to pay one red cent for it. The plan is in the process of unfolding now. DRW explains, ...

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