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Biden Campaign COLLAPSING as RIGGED Polls REVEALED to be FAKE!!!
Post Date: 2020-10-15 19:13:55 by BTP Holdings
Joe Biden’s Campaign is indeed COLLAPSING as the RIGGED Polls are REVEALED to be FAKE! In this video, we’re going to look at how Biden is actually struggling to get just 8 people to show up at his campaign rallies, how an analyst has uncovered some pretty shocking manipulation in the polling data, and how literally every single other metric out there is pointing to nothing less than a massive Trump victory in November!

Hunter Biden Was NOT “Hacked;” Agreed to Transfer Ownership of Mac Under Terms of Repair Agreement
Post Date: 2020-10-15 12:34:43 by Ada
He legally forfeited the laptop. Twitter has cited its “Hacked Materials Policy” to justify a wide-ranging and unprecedented censorship campaign against the New York Post’s report on Hunter Biden’s organization of a meeting between Burisma executives and Vice President Biden. But its own policy does not apply, as the materials published in the story were not hacked. The Post included an invoice that Biden had signed upon handing over his Mac to the computer repair contractor, including his signature. Latest: Massachusetts College is Now Offering a “White Supremacy in the Age of Trump” Course The New York Post went on to obtain email communications from ...

How the Media Has Whitewashed FBI Abuses in the Russia Probe
Post Date: 2020-10-15 07:28:35 by Ada
It’s hard to decide which development is worse: the FBI’s lengthy pattern of arrogant misconduct, or the mainstream media’s willingness to be an accomplice in excusing such misconduct. Either behavior undermines government accountability and the protection of civil liberties. The entire episode is a sobering example of irresponsibility on the part of institutions that nevertheless insist on respect from the public. by Ted Galen Carpenter The mainstream media not only continues to parrot the narrative that President Donald Trump is a Russian asset who collaborated with Moscow to steal the 2016 presidential election, but journalists have also minimized or dismissed evidence ...

It’s Begun: Media Start Predicting a Biden ‘Landslide’ — Just Like Four Years Ago
Post Date: 2020-10-14 19:41:38 by BTP Holdings
It’s Begun: Media Start Predicting a Biden ‘Landslide’ — Just Like Four Years Ago By Conservatives Journal - October 14, 2020 Want to have some fun? Go to news aggregator and get into the Wayback Machine back to this date in 2016. Strangely, many of the headlines look exactly like headlines from today. Inside Donald Trump’s Total Meltdown Ryan sounds alarm on Trump Michelle Obama calls on women to rise up against Trump Donald Trump’s Attacks on the Rights of Minority Voters CPJ chairman says Trump is threat to press freedom Poll: Clinton Ahead in North Carolina; Virtual Tie in Ohio It’s amazing. And the media are oblivious to the ...

Bombshell Report: Comey Had It in Writing That Hillary Was Behind Trump-Russia Smear
Post Date: 2020-10-14 12:30:17 by BTP Holdings
Bombshell Report: Comey Had It in Writing That Hillary Was Behind Trump-Russia Smear By Joe Saunders Published October 11, 2020 at 2:11pm As every passing day brings the 2020 election closer, news keeps coming about the 2016 campaign. And it keeps getting worse for President Donald Trump’s opponents — then and now. In the latest revelation, The Washington Times reported Sunday that it had obtained a three-page, highly classified memo from September 2016 in which the CIA informed then- FBI Director James Comey that the Hillary Clinton campaign was planning to blame “collusion” between the Trump campaign and the Russian government for the release of embarrassing ...

The Least Important Election of Our Lives
Post Date: 2020-10-14 10:36:06 by hondo68
Every year, we’re told this is the big one. One year, it just wasn’t.With four more years of Donald Trump on the ballot, and the nation spinning into a recession, and an unprecedented global pandemic, it’s a more or less consensus judgment that the coming election will be a very big deal.“The presidential contest alone will represent perhaps the starkest choice between two competing visions for the nation’s future since the elections of 1860 that set the Union on course for a civil war” writes Reid Wilson in The Hill, with a breathlessness that’s become familiar this year.Then again, it’s also familiar from four years ago. “This is by far the ...

Joe Biden Just Hit the LOWEST of LOWS will this HORRIFIC Attack on Trump
Post Date: 2020-10-13 09:39:38 by BTP Holdings
Because we don't want you to miss Gary's new YouTube podcast hit this link for exclusive guests and a new look at the week's news on YouTube G- Cast

Joe Biden continues to age at warp speed on the campaign trail
Post Date: 2020-10-13 08:28:38 by Ada
There's a bad joke about a music scholar who visits Beethoven's grave in Vienna. As he nears, he hears the Ninth Symphony being played backward. He turns to the cemetery caretaker and asks, "What's that strange music?" The caretaker answers, "Oh, that's just Beethoven de-composing." That joke pops into my mind every time I see photos of Joe Biden or hear him speak. On the one hand, Biden is holding up better than I would have expected a few months ago. On the other hand, no one can deny that the man is aging with incredible speed Today, several people emailed me the same meme. I looked at it and saw a photo that purports to be Joe Biden, placed next to ...

Court Rules Against Six-Day Extension to Count Absentee Ballots in Wisconsin
Post Date: 2020-10-12 19:25:53 by BTP Holdings
Court Rules Against Six-Day Extension to Count Absentee Ballots in Wisconsin By Conservatives Journal - October 11, 2020 Republicans in Wisconsin got a small victory in their efforts to make it more difficult to commit voter fraud when a Wisconsin judge overruled a lower court’s decision to allow absentee ballots to be counted for six days after Election Day. If the ruling stands, all ballots would need to be collected by 8:00 p.m. on election night. The ruling will also allow the state to announce the winner on Election Day or shortly thereafter. The six-day absentee ballot extension could have prolonged the decision for a week or more. Fox News: Conley’s ruling also noted ...

Joe Biden: I Wanna See These Young Ladies Dance When They're 4 Years Older
Post Date: 2020-10-11 14:05:15 by BTP Holdings
Joe Biden: I Wanna See These Young Ladies Dance When They're 4 Years Older By Kipp Jones Published October 6, 2020 at 7:01am Politicians aren’t always on target when they’re out posturing for votes. In the case of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, he missed the mark by a mile Monday night while campaigning in Miami. The 77-year-old did manage to remind voters of his propensity for strangely toward girls and women, though, at the Little Haiti Cultural Center. When courting the Haitian-American vote, Biden uttered a statement that puts him on par with the awkward candidate we’ve come to know. At a town hall event that was broadcast on NBC, Biden used a ...

Pete Buttigieg: Pence Can Deliver ‘Outrageous’ Talking Points With A Straight Face
Post Date: 2020-10-10 19:48:38 by BTP Holdings
Pete Buttigieg: Pence Can Deliver ‘Outrageous’ Talking Points With A Straight Face The following video is brought to you courtesy of the Fox News YouTube Channel. Click the play button to watch it now. Former Mayor of South Bend, Indiana Pete Buttigieg joins Martha MacCallum and Bret Baier to weigh in on Kamala Harris’ debate preparation. Poster Comment:Pete Buttigieg: "Yes we are going to take your AR-15s." You and what Army?

Putin Says He Wants to Work With Biden; You Know, Those ‘Shared Values’ Between Democrats and Communists
Post Date: 2020-10-10 11:11:31 by BTP Holdings
Putin Says He Wants to Work With Biden; You Know, Those ‘Shared Values’ Between Democrats and Communists by Patriot Outlook Russian “former” Communist Vladimir Putin is apparently cozying up to the notion of working with Democrat vice presidential candidate Joe Biden, in the event that Uncle Joe (Biden, not Stalin) wins the election. The Russian strongman said in a wide-ranging interview with the Rossiya TV network released on Wednesday that he sees a “positive resemblance” between Biden and the Democrats, and former Soviet Union communists, as reported by Newsweek. While Putin said — being the diplomatic devil he is — he is open to working with ...

Diaper Report 10/9/20
Post Date: 2020-10-10 08:49:33 by Ada
If Face Diapers work, why is Joe Biden worried about being in the same room with an Undiapered Don? Another rational question that will never be answered by the irrational, for whom the Face Diaper has become a kind of psychological security blanket. It makes them feel better. The fact that it doesn’t do anything – medically – is beside the point. Some of the original impetus to impose general Diapering rested on this point. It was argued by some that it was mean-spirited to leave Diapering to the psychologically debilitated as this made them feel worse. In addition to dealing with their own neurosis, they had to deal with the public display of their neurosis. No one ...

Senate Judiciary Chairman Reveals Whether Trump SCOTUS Pick Will Get Confirmed
Post Date: 2020-10-09 03:47:08 by BTP Holdings
Senate Judiciary Chairman Reveals Whether Trump SCOTUS Pick Will Get Confirmed By Jack Davis Published September 22, 2020 at 8:04am In the scorched-earth war that surrounds nominations to the U.S. Supreme Court, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham is ready to bring the fire. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death Friday at age 87 ignited a firestorm over the politics and policy of filling her vacant seat. Justices are nominated by a president and confirmed by the Senate. Democrats have said any nomination should wait until after the election, in hopes that Democratic nominee Joe Biden will win. Many Republicans and President Donald Trump have vowed to move forward ...

Shameful moderator bias at the vice presidential debate
Post Date: 2020-10-08 09:51:44 by Ada
One tragedy of this election season, and all modern election seasons, is that the Democrats' radicalism is being hidden from the American people by a complicit media establishment. It would have been nice, then, if Wednesday's vice presidential debate could have been a teaching moment where light was shined on Kamala Harris's and Joe Biden's toxic positions. Unfortunately, moderator Susan Page's bias made this impossible. Page, USA Today's Washington Bureau chief, made sure to inquire about how Judge Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation to the Supreme Court would affect abortion, exhibiting the typical leftist obsession with prenatal infanticide. She asked Vice ...

Message From The President
Post Date: 2020-10-07 20:13:38 by sonny
3 Comments Click for Full Text!

The Supreme Court and appellate courts are drawing back from voting madness
Post Date: 2020-10-07 09:36:23 by Ada
One of the most important things Trump accomplished in his first term — with Sen. Mitch McConnell's support — has been to place strict constructionists on federal courts across America, including the Supreme Court. These judges interpret legislation and determine whether it is constitutional, rather than legislating from the bench. This matters because Democrats are using the Wuhan virus as an excuse to ignore longstanding state legislation governing elections. On Tuesday, both the Supreme Court and the Ninth Circuit ruled against activist judges. These decisions may reflect the fact that at least some judges believe that siding with the status quo could help prevent a civil ...

Racist Joe Strikes Again
Post Date: 2020-10-06 19:45:47 by sonny
But of course the polls all say Biden way ahead, which is a total crock of shit. Everywhere I go it is Trump Trump and fuck that Socialist Chinese sellout Senile Joe yo ut Click for Full Text!

Pinkerton: Vote Fraud Reminds Us Why We Need the Electoral College
Post Date: 2020-10-05 09:17:40 by Ada
James O’Keefe and his Project Veritas have stirred the pot with a new video report on voter fraud. The headline in Breitbart News read, “Project Veritas Exposes Ilhan Omar Allies in Alleged Ballot Harvesting in Minnesota.” Soon thereafter, President Donald Trump jumped in, tweeting the Breitbart story and adding, “This is totally illegal. Hope that the U.S. Attorney in Minnesota has this, and other of her many misdeeds, under serious review??? If not, why not???” What’s notable about this alleged vote fraud is that it took place in a Democratic primary — that is, in the August 11 Democratic primary election in the fifth Congressional district of ...

Trump Pollster McLaughlin: Dems ‘Trying to Steal the Election’ in NC, PA, NV, NJ
Post Date: 2020-10-05 08:52:55 by Ada
In a Sunday interview on New York AM WABC 770 radio’s “The Cats Roundtable,” President Donald Trump pollster John McLaughlin predicted there would be attempts at election fraud in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Nevada and New Jersey. McLaughlin emphasized how there have been attempts at ballot harvesting or getting rid of signature verification in those states amid the push for mail-in voting. He also advised that mail-in voting should be called “fraud.” “When you want to know what the polls are saying, figure out what the Democrats are doing in that state,” McLaughlin told host John Catsimatidis. “In North Carolina and in Pennsylvania, the ...

How Does the Electoral College Work and Why Does It Matter?
Post Date: 2020-10-04 13:52:17 by BTP Holdings
How Does the Electoral College Work and Why Does It Matter? by Allyson Waller October 4, 2020 It remains one of the most surprising facts about voting in the United States: While the popular vote elects members of Congress, mayors, governors, state legislators and even more obscure local officials, it does not determine the winner of the presidency, the highest office in the land. Sherrie Hewson et al. sitting at a table: Democratic electors in Nevada sign their ballots for the Electoral College in 2016. To win, a candidate needs 270 electoral votes of the 538 that are up for grabs.© Scott Sonner/Associated Press Democratic electors in Nevada sign their ballots for the Electoral ...

Delaware College Fact Checks Biden, Says He Never Was Student
Post Date: 2020-10-03 19:30:34 by BTP Holdings
Delaware College Fact Checks Biden, Says He Never Was Student Joe Biden (Alex Wong/Getty Images) By Jason Devaney | Sunday, 27 September 2020 10:04 PM A historically Black college in Delaware said Joe Biden never attended the school despite his claim that he "got started" there. The Washington Times reported that Delaware State University issued a statement saying Biden's remark from almost a year ago was not true. "Vice President Biden did not attend DSU," Carlos Holmes, Delaware State's director of news services, told the Times. "However he was the Commencement keynote speaker in 2003 and [2016], and during the former he was awarded an honorary ...

Kentucky AG reacts to charge he 'betrayed his race'
Post Date: 2020-10-03 12:38:35 by BTP Holdings
Kentucky AG reacts to charge he 'betrayed his race' 'It is repugnant, it is so disappointing, but it's par for the course' By WND Staff Published October 2, 2020 at 8:10pm Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron reacts to criticism personal attacks for his handling of the Breonna Taylor case in an interview Oct. 1, 2020, with Fox News' Tucker Carlson (Video screenshot) Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron responded Thursday to charges that his handling of the Breonna Taylor case is a betrayal to fellow African Americans. "It is so unfortunate that because I have a different political philosophy and because of my role as the attorney general and as the ...

Sitting Democratic Mayor Indicted on Two Felony Charges
Post Date: 2020-10-03 10:26:02 by BTP Holdings
Sitting Democratic Mayor Indicted on Two Felony Charges In this Sept. 3, 2020, file photo, Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren addresses the media during a news conference in Rochester, New York. (Adrian Kraus / AP) By Johnathan Jones Published October 2, 2020 at 6:40pm The Democratic mayor of Rochester, New York, who proposed partially defunding her city’s police department last month, has been indicted by a grand jury for alleged campaign violations. WROC-TV reported that following a multi-year investigation into Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren, the district attorney has charged the Democrat with two felonies stemming from her 2017 re-election campaign. Warren will face one felony ...

‘Ideas Don’t Burn Down Buildings’ — Donald Trump Mocks Joe Biden Calling Antifa ‘An Idea’
Post Date: 2020-10-02 17:16:26 by BTP Holdings
‘Ideas Don’t Burn Down Buildings’ — Donald Trump Mocks Joe Biden Calling Antifa ‘An Idea’ By -October 1, 2020 “Joe Biden says Antifa is just an idea,” Trump said. “Well, ideas don’t assault cops and they don’t burn down buildings. Antifa is a domestic terrorist organization.” The president commented during a campaign rally in Duluth, Minnesota, on Wednesday night after Tuesday’s debate. He boasted that he had received endorsements from law enforcement organizations all across the country, and Biden did not receive one. Trump also accused corporate media of fueling the riots throughout the summer, failing to criticize the ...

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