
Latest Articles: Israel/Zionism

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The Palestinian Tragedy: Cui Bono?
Post Date: 2023-10-25 09:32:54 by Ada
By now it’s fully established who is profiting from the ghastly Palestine tragedy. As it stands we have 3 wins for the Hegemon and 1 win for its aircraft carrier nation in West Asia. First winner is the War Party Inc., a massive bilateral scam. The White House’s $106 billion supplemental request to Congress for “assistance” especially to Ukraine and Israel is manna from Heaven to the weaponizing tentacles of the MICIMATT (military-industrial-congressional- intelligence-media-academia-think tank complex, in the legendary definition by Ray McGovern). The laundromat will be on a roll, including $61.4 billion for Ukraine (more weapons and replenishing of U.S. stocks) ...

"A False Flag attack is coming in Gaza" EX-CIA agent says GET READY!
Post Date: 2023-10-24 22:12:50 by Horse
Poster Comment:Larry Johnson interviewed.

Why is Israel trying to HIDE this hostage interview?
Post Date: 2023-10-24 21:56:31 by Horse
Poster Comment:Israeli soldiers killed hostages. They fired tank shells into houses with hostages and Hamas men. They killed Israelis to avoid negotiating with Hamas. Hannibal Directive is an order to kill any Israeli soldier taken captive. In 2014 the Gazans captured a soldier. Israel responded with massive fire power killing 100 Gazans and the one soldier.

Longtime State Department official RESIGNS over “unjust” U.S. military aid to Israel
Post Date: 2023-10-24 18:20:47 by Ada
The 11-year tenured director of congressional and public affairs for the U.S. State Department's Bureau of Political-Military Affairs ... Why JEWS are calling for PEACE and a halting of Israeli genocide against the Palestinian people The 11-year tenured director of congressional and public affairs for the U.S. State Department's Bureau of Political-Military Affairs – this is the guy who oversees United States arms transfers to other countries – has resigned in protest over the Biden regime's decision to continue sending weapons and ammunition to Israel in support of its genocide campaign against Hamas and the Palestinian people at large. Josh Paul, a State ...

If Israel Stops Murdering Thousands Of Children, The Bad Guys Might Win
Post Date: 2023-10-24 11:13:35 by Ada
No no you don’t understand: if Israel stops killing children by the thousands in its relentless bombing campaign, the nation could be taken over by murderous terrorists. You see kids, Israel needs to keep dropping bombs on buildings full of children and targeting civilians with siege warfare and murdering Palestinians in the West Bank and censoring the media and arresting dissidents and killing journalists, because if it doesn’t, the bad guys will win. No no you don’t understand: if Israel stops killing children by the thousands in its relentless bombing campaign, the nation could be taken over by murderous terrorists. ❖ Normal person: It’s wrong to kill ...

Is a Palestinian Genocide in the Making
Post Date: 2023-10-24 10:11:54 by Ada
Israel is talking tough–“Israel vows to cut off ‘the head of the snake’ and launch a military attack against Iran if Hezbollah joins the war with Hamas” ( attack-against-Iran-Hezbollah-joins-war-Hamas.html ). But it is only the economics minister talking, not a military one or Netanyahu. The Israeli military is good at murdering children, women and old men and at mass slaughter of civilians and destruction of social infrastructure such as hospitals from a safe distance with bombs and missiles. But the fighting ability of Israel’s army and its ability to take casualties is in question. In its encounter with ...

Israel Demands Evacuation of 20 Hospitals in Northern Gaza
Post Date: 2023-10-24 09:59:26 by Horse
Israel demanded the evacuation of 20 hospitals in the northern Gaza Strip, six of which have already been evacuated, an Israeli security official said on Saturday. “Four hospitals refused the evacuation orders while the rest are in the process of being evacuated,” the unnamed official told the Israeli Broadcasting Corporation. The official claimed that “about 30,000 Palestinians came to the shelters surrounding Shifa Hospital to act as human shields.” The UN and international institutions said, during the past few days, that there is a humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip as a result of the Israeli bombing and siege imposed on Gaza. However, the Israeli official ...

Where is your son PM?' Israeli reservists ask as Yair Netanyahu stays back in US
Post Date: 2023-10-24 09:55:02 by Horse
As the Israel-Hamas war rages on, the Jewish nation has called up thousands of reservists to lift guns and defend their homeland. So far, about 360,000 reservists have arrived in the country. However, amidst this massive mobilisation, some troops have asked Benjamin Netanyahu this hard-hitting question: Where is your son mister prime minister? According to media reports, 32-year-old Yair Netanyahu has been in Florida since April and has failed to show up to support his nation, to the irritation of some of the troops. 'Yair is enjoying his life at Miami Beach while I'm on the front lines,' one soldier, a volunteer serving on Israel's northern front, was quoted as saying by ...

Israels ground invasion of Gaza failed in two fronts on Sunday: Press TV exclusive
Post Date: 2023-10-24 09:36:53 by Horse
The Israeli regime’s ground invasion of the Gaza Strip was abortive in two fronts on Sunday after attempts by the occupation forces to enter the cities of Rafah and Khan Younis in the south of the besieged territory failed, Press TV’s sources say. The informed sources told the English-language news network that the Israeli forces were “caught in an ambush” near Rafah on Sunday afternoon and left behind more than 10 tanks. The sources also said more than 20 Israeli tanks trying to enter Khan Younis were “forced to retreat” on Sunday night. The Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas, said in a statement earlier that ...

Compelling video evidence points to Israeli AIR BURST bomb striking al-Ahli hospital grounds,
Post Date: 2023-10-24 09:32:48 by Horse
killing hundreds of Palestinian civilians as they slept on courtyard grounds adjacent to the parking lot Thanks to the investigative work of Information Liberation (Chris Menahan) and "Lord Bebo" (@MyLordBebo on Twitter / X), there is now compelling video evidence that Israel bombed the al-Ahli hospital grounds using an "air burst" bomb, and that Israel likewise also bombed the streets near the al-Quds hospital a day later. Since the Oct. 17th horrific bombing of the al-Ahli hospital -- which Gaza health officials say resulted in the deaths of over 500 Palestinian people -- there has been fierce debate in the media and across online discussion groups about whether the ...

Special Ops Marine 3-Star General Is Advising Israeli Army On Gaza Offensive
Post Date: 2023-10-23 20:10:10 by Horse
Preparations for "long & difficult" fight... Poster Comment:Israel cannot go door to door in Gaza. Their only path to victory is to flatten Gaza using US bombs and planes and then force the people out of Gaza. But that would ignite WW III. Chinese and Russian ships are in the area. Putin has Mach 12 Kinzhal missiles on alert prepared to sink US aircraft carriers. Either Israel quits or it is WW III.

IDF General Reveals Hideous Truth: "We have lost the ability to field an effective army . . ."
Post Date: 2023-10-23 12:21:39 by Horse
A retired General from the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) says "“We have lost the ability to field an effective army and have become a one-dimensional aerial power that cannot win a war on its own.” General Yitzhak Brick went even farther. He says "The current situation of the land forces is tragic, they are not ready for war. Emergency supplies are not available, exercises have stopped and the battalions have not trained in years. There is also no weapons training and education, and the army is not capable of carrying out an attack." Brick added that Israel’s ground forces and reserve system have been constantly ignored: “We have lost the ability to field ...

US faces defeat in geopolitical war in Gaza
Post Date: 2023-10-23 12:17:51 by Horse
One hundred years after the Arab Revolt (1916-1918) against the ruling Ottoman Turks amidst the impending defeat of Germany and the Triple Alliance in World War I, another armed uprising by the Arabs has erupted — this time around, against Israeli occupation, in the backdrop of the looming defeat of the United States and the NATO in Ukraine War — presenting a thrilling spectacle of history repeating unabridged. The Ottoman Empire disintegrated as a result of the Arab Revolt. Israel too will have to vacate its occupied territories and make space for a state of Palestine, which of course, will be a crushing defeat for the US and marks the end of its global dominance, reminiscent ...

The U.S. Prepares To Use Military Force Against Hezbollah If It Joins The War Against Israel
Post Date: 2023-10-23 12:14:56 by Horse
We are witnessing an old-fashioned standoff in the Middle East right now. The IDF was supposed to have sent thousands of troops storming into Gaza by now, but threats from Hezbollah and Iran have caused Israeli officials to pause. Do the Israelis really want to fight an extremely bloody two front war? Iran has actually brought up the possibility of “pre-emptive action”, but that would inevitably spark a military response from the United States. Do the Iranians really want to fight the U.S. military? There are some that are hoping that this standoff will ultimately allow cooler heads to prevail, but I see it as the calm before the storm. After everything that has happened, there ...

U.K. Prime Minister Sunak's Message to Israel: Carry On with the Slaughter
Post Date: 2023-10-23 11:53:01 by Horse
Margaret Thatcher, Britain’s most feted post-war prime minister, was fiercely pro-Jewish and a powerful enemy of antisemitism. But she was never afraid to call out Israeli war crimes, and did so repeatedly. When the Israeli army stood by in September 1982 as Christian Phalangists slaughtered Palestinian refugees and Lebanese citizens in the Shatila and Sabra refugee camps, she described the massacres as “an act of pure barbarism”. And, as historian David Cronin has exposed in an illuminating article for Declassified, she wrote to then US President Ronald Reagan of “an urgent need for a balanced policy”, adding that “unlimited support for Israel can only ...

On Dave Chappelle, Alex Jones, Andrew Anglin, and the Jews
Post Date: 2023-10-23 10:31:26 by Ada
Dave has always been on this Jew issue. You remember when he defended Kanye on Saturday Night Live? The guy gets it. I don’t think he likes white people very much (I think he resents the fact that he’s basically a highbrow minstrelsy), but that isn’t a crime. I don’t really like black people very much myself. The point is: Dave is the kind of person who should be in charge of the black community. Instead he’s effectively banished from the mainstream. He’s managed to ride some kind of weird line, where he’s still allowed to go in and get his money and come back out again. I don’t really understand it, beyond some vague black privilege and the fact ...

Israel cuts off water and electricity to Palestinian prisoners
Post Date: 2023-10-23 07:35:29 by Horse
Israel is imposing cruel and vindictive punishment on Palestinian prisoners in its captivity. Since 7 October, when Hamas launched a surprise operation on an unprecedented scale against Israel, dealing it a massive strategic defeat, Israel unleashed a campaign of revenge and genocide on Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli military has been bombing the besieged territory while cutting off food, water and fuel, killing nearly two out of every 1,000 residents in Gaza. Israel’s campaign of vengeance has extended across historic Palestine as well, not least against Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons. The Israeli authorities have cut off electricity and water on so-called ...

Israel doubles number of Palestinian prisoners to 10,000 in two weeks
Post Date: 2023-10-23 07:32:10 by Horse
Over the past two weeks, according to officials and rights groups, Israel has arrested some 4,000 labourers from Gaza who were working in Israel and is holding them in military bases. Separately, it has also arrested 1,070 other Palestinians in overnight army raids in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. “Arrests are taking place 24 hours a day,” Sahar Francis, head of the Ramallah-based Addameer prisoners’ rights group, told Al Jazeera. Most of the people from Gaza are being held at a military base called Sde Teyman, near Beer al-Sabe (Be’er Sheva) in the southern Naqab desert, she said. Hundreds of others are being held in Ofer prison near Ramallah, and in ...

The US EmpireÂ’s PR Crisis In Gaza
Post Date: 2023-10-22 14:55:40 by Ada
With Israel on a genocidal rampage as pro-Palestinian protesters flood the streets worldwide, we may be certain that the manipulators who are responsible for imperial perception management are in full crisis mode. The US-centralized empire is a giant network of allies, partners and assets spanning the entire globe. Many of the nations in this network, such as Israel, have strong ideologies and values systems that the empire must cooperate with to obtain their loyalty. But the empire itself has no ideology or values — it values nothing but planetary domination. The empire’s motives are no more ideological than the motives of a mugger are ideological. So the ...

Two State Is Off the Table. We’re Gonna Have to Do a One State Solution.
Post Date: 2023-10-22 14:39:05 by Ada
The two state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict is no longer viable. It hasn’t really been viable for a long time, but recent events have made it totally impossible, forever. We need a one state solution. That is: we need “Palestine.” We do not need an “Israel.” That is the solution to the problem of the Middle East: with the backing of Iran, Hamas becomes the government of a unified Jerusalem. There is no other potential solution to this problem. So, what of the Jews? Well, if I were the Jews, I would immediately start apologizing. Profusely. The Jews need to throw themselves at the feet of the Ayatollah, and beg. There have always been Jews in ...

Israel threatens to bomb Gaza hospital housing 12,000 Palestinians
Post Date: 2023-10-22 13:26:34 by Horse
A few days after killing hundreds of people by bombing a hospital in the Gaza Strip, Israel has threatened to attack yet another such facility in the coastal sliver, which has come to house thousands of Palestinians. On Friday, Reuters cited the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) as saying that the Israeli military had warned it to “immediately evacuate” Gaza’s al-Quds hospital. The facility is currently rendering services to more than 400 patients. It has also turned into a refuge for around 12,000 Palestinians, who have fled there amid a relentless Israeli war that has been pounding the Palestinian territory since October 7. The war has so far claimed more than 4,000 ...

Hamas: Israel refused to receive two captives we intended to release for humanitarian reasons
Post Date: 2023-10-22 13:24:52 by Horse
The Palestinian Hamas resistance movement says Israel has refused to receive two more captives the movement had decided to release on solely humanitarian grounds. Speaking on Saturday, Abu Ubaida, the spokesman for Hamas’ military wing, al-Qassam Brigades, said in a brief statement that the movement had informed Qatar that it intended to release two more female captives “for compelling humanitarian reasons and without compensation,” the Palestinian Information Center reported. “However, the occupation regime refused to receive them,” the spokesman added, identifying the captives as Nurit Yitzhak and Yochved Lifshitz. Abu Ubaida had previously said that the ...

Four Ways the Destruction of Israel Can Benefit the West
Post Date: 2023-10-22 08:56:49 by Ada
On October 7th, a group of “savages” from Gaza launched a brigade sized, combined arms offensive into Israel spearheaded by elite light infantry backed with drones, amphibious landings, cyberattacks, and a massive 3 to 5,000 strong rocket barrage launched in a time span of 20 minutes that obliterated the “Invincible Army’s” local command structures, overwhelmed its Iron Dome defense system, and dealt enormous casualties to Israeli soldiers and settler militias in their own bases. This was not a “terrorist attack” featuring lone wolves committing suicide bombings on public buses or shooting random civilians with zipguns. What we saw on Saturday was a ...

Medics in Gaza accuse Israel of targeting ambulances and healthcare facilities
Post Date: 2023-10-22 08:04:29 by Horse
Medics in the Gaza Strip have been accusing Israel of targeting their ambulances and hospitals as it continues its efforts to take out terrorist operations in the area. Tala Taha, a paramedic, said he was lightly injured and three of his colleagues died in an air attack in Gaza. He believes they were deliberately targeted, saying: “Our mission is humanitarian, we provide humanitarian service only, and we were targeted without any reason, without any excuse.” Other medical organizations operating in Gaza have accused Israel of purposely bombing their facilities and ambulances in a blatant breach of humanitarian law. On Friday, the Palestinian Ministry of Health claimed that ...

War and Natural Gas: The Israeli Invasion and Gaza's Offshore Gas Fields
Post Date: 2023-10-22 08:03:09 by Horse
The ultimate objective is to exclude Palestinians from their homeland as well confiscate the multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore natural Gas reserves. The Promised Land of Greater Israel which coincides with America’s “Greater Middle East Project” is Oil and Natural Gas, specifically the offshore gas reserves extending from the border with Egypt up to Lebanon which are slated to be confiscated by Israel.

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