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The Authoritarians
Post Date: 2010-02-27 00:14:09 by rack42
Interesting ebook by a social scientist. Possible explanation of the "sheeple" motivations. A very easy read. Short story: Sheeple are more afraid of everything, as are their parents. Why? Read it. I've only read 80 pages of 261 in 2 hours of distraction. Guy seems honest. FWIW.

US diplomats add a moat to their expenses at $1bn London embassy
Post Date: 2010-02-24 04:14:15 by noone222
The United States has unveiled plans for its new $1 billion high-security embassy in London — the most expensive it has ever built. The proposals were met with relief from both the present embassy’s Mayfair neighbours and the residents and developers of the Battersea wasteland where the vast crystalline cube, surrounded by a moat, will be built. The decision to abandon the former site in Grosvenor Square by 2016 came after a prolonged battle with residents angered by the security measures demanded after the September 11 attacks. More than a hundred residents took out a full-page advertisement in The Times to oppose tighter measures that they said would leave the area more ...

Top Canadian military official charged with murder
Post Date: 2010-02-09 03:23:00 by noone222
Top Canadian military official charged with murder By ROB GILLIES The Associated Press Monday, February 8, 2010; 8:47 PM TORONTO -- The commander of Canada's largest Air Force base, who once flew dignitaries around the country, has been charged with first-degree murder in the deaths of two women Ontario Provincial Police Det. Insp. Chris Nicholas said Monday that Col. Russell Williams, 46, was also charged in the sexual assaults of two other women. Williams was arrested Sunday in Ottawa. The charges left Canada's military in a state of shock. Williams, a 23-year military veteran, was appointed as the base commander of Canadian Forces Base Trenton in Trenton, Ontario last July. ...

Haiti mother tells of giving twin sons to US missionaries
Post Date: 2010-02-03 17:12:14 by Prefrontal Vortex
Haiti mother tells of giving twin sons to US missionaries Arrested Americans said they were taking 'abandoned' children to orphanage Inigo Gilmore in Calebasse, Haiti, Wednesday 3 February 2010 21.30 GMT A mother in a remote village outside ­Haiti's main earthquake zone has told how she allowed her twin sons to be taken by American missionaries now under investigation for child trafficking, because they promised to provide a life of hope and opportunity for her children. Maggie Moise, who has eight children, said she was contacted by a local man who works in an orphanage in her village and was told that "some white people" wanted to help her ...

Haiti questions Americans over child "kidnapping"
Post Date: 2010-02-01 16:17:57 by Prefrontal Vortex
Haiti questions Americans over child "kidnapping" PORT-AU-PRINCE (Reuters) - Haitian authorities questioned a group of 10 American missionaries on Monday who are accused of illegally trying to take children out of the quake-shattered Caribbean country. U.S. A prosecutor met with the Americans at police headquarters in Port-au-Prince, where they have been held since they were arrested late on Friday trying to cross into the Dominican Republic with a busload of 33 children they said were orphaned by the devastating January 12 earthquake. The Baptist missionaries deny Haitian charges they were engaged in child trafficking and insist they were only trying to help vulnerable ...

John Paul II used belt to whip himself
Post Date: 2010-01-26 18:32:19 by Prefrontal Vortex
John Paul II used belt to whip himself Jan 27, 2010 12:04 AM | By Sapa-AP Pope John Paul II whipped himself with a belt, even on vacation, and slept on the floor as acts of penitence and to bring him closer to Christian perfection, according to a new book by the Polish prelate spearheading his sainthood case. The book "Why He's a Saint" also includes previously unpublished speeches and documents written by John Paul, including one 1989 signed memo in which he said he would resign if he became incapacitated. The book also reported for the first time that John Paul forgave his would-be assassin in the ambulance on the way to the hospital moments after he was shot on ...

'Vagina Monologues' benefits Haiti orphan relief
Post Date: 2010-01-26 18:07:24 by Prefrontal Vortex
'Vagina Monologues' benefits Haiti orphan relief Monday, Jan. 25, 2010 PULLMAN - WSU's eighth annual benefit production of "The Vagina Monologues" will be 7:30 p.m. Feb. 11, 12 and 13 in Jones Theatre, Daggy Hall. Tickets for $8 will be on sale 11 a.m.-2 p.m. on Feb. 1-5 and Feb. 8-10 in the main lobby of the CUB. Tickets for $10 will be on sale at the door. Vagina chocolates will be sold at the ticket tables and at the door. This year’s show will be dedicated to Molly Hightower, who was killed while volunteering in a Haitian orphanage at the time of the Jan. 12 earthquake. “Molly helped the weakest and most fragile people of all - the abandoned and ...

Couple hold hope for adopted children
Post Date: 2010-01-20 13:50:33 by Prefrontal Vortex
Couple hold hope for adopted children Milissa Evans met the little girl she is adopting two years ago on the porch of an orphanage in northern Haiti. "I got down on my knees to talk to her, and I just started weeping," Evans recalled. For the past three years, Milissa, 32, and her husband, Jason, 38, have waited for the highly bureaucratic Haitian government to approve the adoption of Bella, 7, and Elijah, 10. Now the Pensacola couple are concerned about the status of the adoption and the safety of the children since last week's devastating earthquake. The couple — who have two biological sons, Micah, 8 months, and Noah, 3 — have made eight visits to Haiti, ...

Kerry to seek release of FBI files on King
Post Date: 2010-01-18 23:43:16 by Prefrontal Vortex
Kerry to seek release of FBI files on King WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 (UPI) -- U.S. Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., has renewed a push for a review and release of numerous government documents on Martin Luther King Jr. The documents have been kept from the public review in FBI field offices by unwilling government officials or, if released, the documents contained large chunks of redacted material, The Boston Globe reported Monday. Kerry said he wants to have all records on King's life and death be located, reviewed and released by a review board at the National Archives similar to those that handled documents on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and for Nazi war criminals. ...

VIDEO - Bush called a piece of Shit at Fuzzy's Pizza
Post Date: 2010-01-13 12:43:48 by noone222
Poster Comment:No libel here ... Bush is a piece of shit !

Exposed: Media Guidelines For Promoting 'Diversity'
Post Date: 2010-01-12 14:07:03 by Prefrontal Vortex
"Reporting Diversity: How Journalists can contribute to community cohesion" Excerpts: "What is Community Cohesion? A cohesive community is one in which: • there is a common vision and a sense of belonging for all communities; • the diversity of people’s different backgrounds and circumstances is appreciated and positively valued; • those from different backgrounds have similar life opportunities; • strong and positive relationships exist between people from different backgrounds in the workplace, in schools and within neighbourhoods. " "The media has a vital role to play in driving forward the process of making our communities exactly ...

Hidden Key To Last Decade’s Disasters: Dubya’s Commitment To “Diversity”
Post Date: 2010-01-11 11:54:44 by Prefrontal Vortex
Hidden Key To Last Decade’s Disasters: Dubya’s Commitment To “Diversity” By Steve Sailer All those boring end-of-year / end-of-decade articles that journalists phone in so that they can take the last week of the year off are finally over. But here’s something that was missing from all of those summaries: a hidden key to understanding the two seminal events of the last decade—9/11 and the economic collapse. The factor linking the two big stories of the 2000s: George W. Bush’s sizable degree of culpability in both disasters: Bush had Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta eradicate the airport security ethnic profiling system before 9/11. (Then he ...

If You're Gonna Insist That It Be Censored, Spell It Right: Bestiality
Post Date: 2010-01-09 14:48:10 by Samuel Gray
When it comes to the annals of "you can't make this shit up", nothing satisfies like Libertypost.whorg. Here's an idea, packrat, why don't you just NOT watch the fucking thing, you silly little nannygoat? Of course, you virtually guaranteed that my TVs will be tuned into the program in HD, even the one in back where no one's watching. I'll be dedicating THAT set to the Wrong Reverend Bob Celesticle, who only uses his TV for previewing Christian Patriot movies. I really shouldn't laugh this hard, but the post-surg drugs are awesome and the target environment is too rich.

Civil Rights Hero to Begin Serving Prison Sentence
Post Date: 2010-01-08 14:29:47 by Prefrontal Vortex
Civil Rights Hero to Begin Serving Prison Sentence (Jan. 4) -- Bobby DeLaughter, the prosecutor who secured the conviction in the infamous Medgar Evers Mississippi murder case, is himself now headed to prison. It was DeLaughter's dogged 1994 prosecution and the subsequent conviction of Ku Klux Klan member Byron De La Beckwith that helped trigger the reopening of dozens of civil rights cold cases. DeLaughter became an instant hero of the civil rights movement. Alec Baldwin portrayed him in the 1996 movie, "Ghosts of Mississippi," and his closing statement was once dubbed one of the greatest closing arguments in modern law. "Is it ever too late to do the right ...

How Tiger Woods became black
Post Date: 2010-01-05 11:46:59 by Prefrontal Vortex
How Tiger Woods became black Keith Boykin | Posted January 5, 2010 11:03 AM I'm not going to get upset about the new Vanity Fair cover depicting a shirtless Tiger Woods pumping iron. I don't know if it's fair, mind you, but it was certainly to be expected. Woods willingly posed for the bad boy image for famed photographer Annie Leibovitz long before the Thanksgiving adultery scandal erupted. It was almost as if he was teasing us all along to come and catch him, letting us know for years that he was never really the saint he was portrayed to be in public. In his Vanity Fair cover story, writer Buzz Bissinger digs up a 1997 GQ magazine piece that reminds us that Woods clearly ...

Who is Trig's Mother - Bristol or Sarah
Post Date: 2010-01-03 14:53:41 by AGAviator

Five Minutes After the Rapture
Post Date: 2009-12-26 14:47:18 by Turtle
Ralph: Dum de dum dum, dum de dum dum. Sam: Hey Ralph, look at all this stuff lying all over the sidewalk. Ralph: Weird…clothes, shoes, socks, keys, wallets…some guy’s dental fillings…a glass eye… an artificial leg…somebody’s heart transplant flopping around in the street…a busted-open suitcase full of martial aids…what is going on here? Sam: Maybe it’s the Rapture. I heard about it from some guys used to go to tent revival meetings, fall over backwards and start twitching and babbling. Ralph: Yeah, speaking in tongues and “getting saved.” Hillbilly kitsch. Sam: Look, a brand-new Lamborghini! Ralph: Look at this in the front ...

The Ethnic Nepotism Fallacy
Post Date: 2009-12-16 18:37:53 by Prefrontal Vortex
The Ethnic Nepotism Fallacy By Ian Jobling • 12/11/09 So far my series of articles on a philosophy for the pro-white movement has proceeded without a thesis. Readers may have been frustrated by my remarks about liberalism, conditional rights, and so forth because they didn’t know what I was driving at. So with the next few articles, I will set out my thesis. I will explain what is wrong with white racialism today and propose a better approach. Ask a typical white nationalist the reason for his political views, and you will most likely get an answer along the following lines: We must preserve the white race because of our ethnic genetic interests. Members of races share genes ...

A Funny Pic from our Kenyan BiSexual(?) Puppet
Post Date: 2009-12-15 18:11:24 by Rotara
Poster Comment:sarkozy chimpsmirks 'cuz he knows obamalamadingdong is a crack-pole-smokin' perv ? ! LOL

40 detained at climate protests in Copenhagen (1 voice, ONLY!)
Post Date: 2009-12-11 10:48:49 by hondo68
Emily Rodriguez, from Ossining, NY, with the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts has "1 Voice" written on her forehead as she waits for U.S. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar's address at Bela Center, the venue of the Climate Summit in Copenhagen, Thursday Dec. 10, 2009. The largest and most important U.N. climate change conference is underway in Copenhagen, aiming to secure an agreement on how to protect the world from calamitous global warming. (AP Photo/Peter Dejong) COPENHAGEN — Police detained at least 40 people Friday in the first street protests linked to a two-week climate conference in Copenhagen as negotiators prepared for the final stage of talks on ...

Who Wants to Make Sarah Palin the Leader of the Republican Party?
Post Date: 2009-12-09 14:41:08 by Prefrontal Vortex
Who Wants to Make Sarah Palin the Leader of the Republican Party? Posted by David Boaz Could it be the Washington Post? Bannered across the top of the Post’s op-ed page today is a piece titled “Copenhagen’s political science,” titularly [!] authored by Sarah Palin. I’m delighted to see the Post publishing an op-ed critical of the questionable science behind the Copenhagen conference and the demands for massive regulations to deal with “climate change.” But Sarah Palin? Of all the experts and political leaders a great newspaper might call on for a critical look at the science behind global warming, Sarah Palin? What’s even more interesting is that ...

Chaos In Tigerland: A Deadspin Investigation Into The Sexual Habits Of Pro Athletes
Post Date: 2009-12-09 01:17:48 by AGAviator
Chaos In Tigerland: A Deadspin Investigation Into The Sexual Habits Of Pro Athletes Here's a story about three women and their relationships with Tiger Woods. One is a porn star you haven't met. The other two are rumored mistresses, but they're really much more important than that. Welcome to Tigerland. The biggest misconception about the Tiger cheating scandal is that Rachel Uchitel and Kalika Moquin, two of the first three women named by the tabloids, were his full-time lovers. They may have been at some point (especially Rachel, some say on numerous occasions) but that was not their primary function. No, Uchitel's main job was to provide women for Tiger during his ...

Tiger Woods alienates black community with white lovers
Post Date: 2009-12-07 15:09:22 by X-15
Amid all the headlines generated by Tiger Woods' troubles — the puzzling car accident, the suggestions of marital turmoil and multiple mistresses — little attention has been given to the race of the women linked with the world's greatest golfer. Except in the black community. When three white women were said to be romantically involved with Woods in addition to his blonde, Swedish wife, blogs, airwaves and barbershops started humming, and Woods' already tenuous standing among many blacks took a beating. On the nationally syndicated Tom Joyner radio show, Woods was the butt of jokes all week. "Thankfully, Tiger, you didn't marry a black woman. Because if a ...

Scottish bill threatens pregnant seals
Post Date: 2009-11-30 16:11:21 by Prefrontal Vortex
Scottish bill threatens pregnant seals A new marine bill allows for the shooting of seals during breeding season. This callous policy would damage Scotland's reputation I have spent all my life living close to the sea. I am extremely lucky to be able to see seals and many other marine mammals on a regular basis. Seals are fascinating creatures – beautiful and intelligent. Here in the UK we are privileged to have internationally important populations of both grey and harbour seals. About 90% of these seals are in Scottish waters, so their fate is determined by laws made by their guardians, the Scottish parliament and Scottish government. Yet many people are unaware that thousands ...

How to Say Thanksgiving in Mandarin
Post Date: 2009-11-25 16:17:46 by Prefrontal Vortex
How to Say Thanksgiving in MandarinJewish-French-Irish-Chinese: a modern American family. By SCOTT SIMON Just in time for Thanksgiving, our oldest daughter's U.S. passport arrived. The photo inside shows a saucy 6-year-old girl, smiling slyly because just below her shoulders she is wearing her ballerina-fairy-princess Halloween costume. It is a marked contrast to the shot of the wailing, red-faced baby, tears dappling her cheeks like fat jewels, which was in her Chinese passport when she arrived in the U.S. In the Chicago immigration office five years ago, we sat proudly alongside families from Poland, Ethiopia, South Korea, Kenya and El Salvador, their sons and daughters dressed in ...

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