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The Consumer Just Crashed: Credit Card Spending Unexpectedly Cratered In September
Post Date: 2023-10-04 18:29:03 by Horse
Credit Card data for the 16 sub-sectors we track show that total spending in Sept week 5 (ended 9/30) decreased 11.3%, a deceleration compared to the week ended 9/23, which was -10.9%. Poster Comment:Rest of the article is behind their paywall.

Swiss Writer Sentenced To 60 Days In Jail For Calling Journalist A "Fat Lesbian"
Post Date: 2023-10-04 10:35:50 by Horse
The sentence is a culmination of Switzerland's far-reaching legislation criminalizing free speech...

Jim Jordan is entertaining a speakership bid
Post Date: 2023-10-04 10:23:04 by Horse
Rep. Jim Jordan is having conversations with House GOP allies as he seriously entertains a bid for speaker, two Republicans with direct knowledge told POLITICO. A person familiar with the situation said an announcement that Jordan will throw his hat into the ring for speaker not necessarily imminent, but could formally come by the end of the week. With Kevin McCarthy out of the speakership, the conservative Ohio Republican is weighing jumping into the competitive race to replace him. Poster Comment: Congressman Troy Nehls (R-TX) has thrown a curveball into the already ...

National Vodka Day Today
Post Date: 2023-10-04 10:06:34 by Lod

Port Of New York And New Jersey Cargo Volumes Drop 21% In August
Post Date: 2023-10-03 23:02:12 by Horse
Cargo volumes at the Port of New York and New Jersey fell 21% YoY to 662,740 TEUs in August as the seaport adjusts to lower retail volumes. “Ahead of preparation for the holiday shopping season, U.S. retailers continued to draw from their overstock of inventory that was delivered during the record cargo surge over the past two years,” the port said in a press release.

IRS Hits MyPillow With Five Audits: Mike Lindell
Post Date: 2023-10-03 22:26:16 by Horse
Totally not weaponized...

"We're In The Middle Of A Revolution" - Victor Davis Hanson Warns Tucker: "The Next 12 Months Will Be The Most Explosive In History"
Post Date: 2023-10-03 22:24:21 by Horse
"I think they’ve come to the conclusion that Trump is an existential threat and by association, half the country is..."

Food Stamps Will Be Harder To Get From October
Post Date: 2023-10-03 22:22:30 by Horse
Hundreds of thousands of people are impacted by the change...

Paul Joseph Watson: The ultimate irony...
Post Date: 2023-10-03 19:17:03 by Horse

Rep. Bowman Pulls Fire Alarm Again While Trying To Flush Urinal
Post Date: 2023-10-03 10:02:41 by Ada
WASHINGTON, D.C. — New York Congressman Jamaal Bowman again found himself trying to explain away an awkward situation today, as he apparently once again pulled the Capitol fire alarm whilst attempting to flush a urinal. "Oh my, is that what that does? I thought it was for the urinal," Bowman reportedly said when questioned by the Capitol Police. "I was just trying to get rid of my waste. Shaking hands with an old friend, you know? I thought pulling that lever would evacuate my urine from the receptacle. My mistake!" Republican members of Congress and skeptical American citizens expressed doubt regarding Rep. Bowman's story. "Let me get this ...

NYC Professor Who Threatened New York Post Reporter With Machete
Post Date: 2023-10-03 06:19:50 by Horse
Avoids Jail With Sweetheart Plea Deal

How Trump Beats Michelle Obama in 2024
Post Date: 2023-10-03 05:37:45 by Horse
For all the talk of a potential Michelle Obama 2024 presidential run, almost no one mentions Michelle's greatest political vulnerability: the terrible way she has treated the black community in Chicago. For Michelle, it began with her running away from all-black schools as a child, and it continued with her abuse of the black community in her professional career. Not surprisingly, Michelle Obama does not mention any of her outrageous behavior toward the Chicago black community in her two recent autobiographies, Becoming and The Light We Carry. But Donald Trump most definitely should. If Michelle Obama becomes the 2024 Democrat party nominee, here are four questions with which Trump ...

Starlink Now Operational Across Entire US As Elon Musk Becomes 'Uncancellable'
Post Date: 2023-10-03 01:08:21 by Horse
For those living off-the-grid or using Starlink as a network redundancy in case of a grid failure, the SpaceX-owned space internet company announced on X that the service is now available across the Lower 48 after deploying next-generation satellites. "Deployment of our second generation Starlink satellites, which have 4x more capacity than the first gen, enable us to connect even more people no matter where they live," Starlink wrote in the post. Starlink @Starlink · Follow Deployment of our second generation Starlink satellites, which have 4x more capacity than the first gen, enable us to connect even more people no matter where they live. Starlink is now available ...

2-Out-Of-3 Gen Z-ers Still Get Financial Help From Their Parents
Post Date: 2023-10-03 01:00:27 by Horse
A new study also found that close to one-third remain in the town where they grew up, and astonishingly, 40% of that group still share a roof with their parents.

Almost Half Of All Young Adults In The US Are Living With Their Parents
Post Date: 2023-10-02 10:27:27 by Horse
When are we going to wake up and admit that our system is failing?

10 Numbers Which Prove That The U.S. Economy Has Hit A Major Pivot Point
Post Date: 2023-10-02 10:24:01 by Horse
#1 Consumer confidence was down more than expected this month… The confidence of American consumers slipped this month, particularly about the future, as expectations persist that interest rates will remain elevated for an extended period. The Conference Board, a business research group, said Tuesday that its consumer confidence index fell to 103 in September from 108.7 in August. Analysts were expecting a smaller decrease, to a reading of 105. #2 The Conference Board’s index that measures future expectations has actually dropped below a level that historically signals “a recession within a year”… Most troubling was the decline in the index measuring future ...

Cannibal Released From Connecticut Psych Ward Early For Good Behavior
Post Date: 2023-10-02 10:18:15 by Horse
Even Though He Told Psychiatrist He Wanted to Eat Her Flesh Liberalism is a mental disorder. Tyree Smith, a brain-eating cannibal, was released from a Bridgeport, Connecticut psych ward 50 years earlier than his scheduled release date for ‘good behavior’ even though he previously told his psychiatrist he wanted to eat her flesh. “Tyree Smith is an individual with a psychiatric illness requiring care, custody and treatment,” the board stated in its report this week. “Since his last hearing Tyree Smith has continued to demonstrate clinical stability. Mr. Smith is medication compliant, actively engaged in all recommended forms of treatment, and has been symptom-free ...

Buffalo Guy Kicking Himself For Not Just Pulling Fire Alarm To Evacuate Congress
Post Date: 2023-10-02 10:08:02 by Ada
PHOENIX, AZ — After years of being jailed with violent criminals, Buffalo Guy was kicking himself today for not simply pulling a fire alarm on January 6th to force Congress to evacuate. "Seriously? I could have just pulled the fire alarm instead of going to all the trouble to dress like a buffalo and charge into the Capitol?" said an aghast Buffalo Guy. "Gosh, do I feel silly." Buffalo Guy, known in some circles as Jacob Chansley, watched yesterday as Representative Jamaal Bowman demonstrated how to properly and legally commit a crime to delay Congressional proceedings. "So you pull the fire alarm, and then come up with some ridiculous excuse, like you ...

Bestselling Author Jennifer Jaynes Who Exposed Vaccine Industry Deception Found Shot To Death Ruled A Suicide
Post Date: 2023-10-01 13:16:57 by Horse
Jaynes was reportedly found with two gunshots to the head, according to (Not one gunshot, but two.) The death was reportedly ruled a “suicide,” which begs the question of how a person can shoot themselves in the head twice. Poster Comment:Mike Rivero: The government declares Gary Webb's death a suicide, despite two gunshot wounds to the head!

The Battle Hymn of the Republic
Post Date: 2023-10-01 12:15:23 by Lod

How James Carville and Bill Maher actually feel about Trump voters.
Post Date: 2023-10-01 10:22:08 by Horse
The elites will never understand how much they are hated.

Food for Thought
Post Date: 2023-10-01 10:09:33 by Horse
"We Americans are the ultimate innocents. We are forever desperate to believe that this time the government is telling us the truth." -- Former New York Times reporter Sydney Schanberg

The Clinton Foundation Is Involved In Corruption That Would ‘Make Even Hunter Biden Blush’: Foxx
Post Date: 2023-10-01 08:16:00 by Horse

Senate Votes 88-9 to Avert Shutdown,
Post Date: 2023-10-01 08:00:54 by Horse
Only 9 Republican Senators Vote Against Stop-Gap Spending Bill that Funds All of Democrat Policies to Destroy America In a 88-9 vote the Senate passed a stopgap measure that will temporarily prevent a government shut down for 45 days. The vote concluded with just three hours to spare before the fiscal year ends. The short term spending bill also known as continue resolution was passed by the House earlier in the evening in a 335-91 vote. Here are the nine Republican Senators who voted against the measure: Sen. Marsha Blackburn (Tenn) Sen. Mike Braun (Ind) Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas) Sen. Bill Hagerty (Tenn) Sen. Mike Lee (Utah) Sen. Roger Marshall (Kan) Sen. Rand Paul (Ky) Sen. J.D. ...

Biden Embarrassingly Reverses Plan To Defund Schools With Archery & Hunting Programs
Post Date: 2023-10-01 00:29:49 by Horse
"Thankfully, President Biden saw the political writing on the wall after getting humiliated by an overwhelming vote of disapproval in the House.

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