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Tyrannical Anarchy
Post Date: 2021-04-26 13:54:09 by Ada
Despite what the left tells us, diversity is not a new thing nor is it something first discovered by the left. The earliest human societies had to contend with the fact that diverse groups of people were living under the same rule. Maybe it was a collection of minority groups living under the rule of a majority, or maybe it was one minor tribe ruling over the rest. The diversity, of course, was racial, ethnic, and religious. There are a number of ways that have evolved to contend with diversity. The first and most obvious was hard segregation. Every group had their place and the state helped maintain the boundaries. This was what cities in the north of America adopted in the 19th century. ...

The Tribe That Cursed Too Much - the linguistics behind Oceanic taboos
Post Date: 2021-04-21 10:17:16 by NeoconsNailed
This island can out-swear you by a longshot. And you thought your language had a lot of bad words... Honor the dead and rethink cursing as we run afoul of some major taboos in Oceania. This is the story of the Kwaio and their unique taboo language. Dabbling in Malayo-Polynesian, I'm fascinated by this Oceanic contribution to linguistics: the idea that all curse words are part of a wider phenomenon called "taboo", and that a cultural mechanism stands behind taboo terms. I think I've finally found a way to tell their tale. NN COMMENTED THERE: They must have been studying the first world, where political correctness requires that all hot-button words be either banned or ...

Conversations with Robert Osborne
Post Date: 2021-04-10 14:56:05 by NeoconsNailed
As primetime host and anchor of Turner Classic Movies (TCM), Robert Osborne brought viewers out of their living rooms and into the world of classic Hollywood , providing insider information, facts and trivia on TCM movie presentations. Osborne was also a columnist-critic for The Hollywood Reporter, the daily show business trade paper. He was known as the official biographer of Oscar®, thanks to a series of books he wrote on the subject of Hollywood ’s annual Academy Awards®. His book, 80 Years Of the Oscar, written at the request of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, has been called “the most comprehensive and definitive book ever done on the subject.” ...

Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?
Post Date: 2021-04-10 08:17:49 by Esso
Poster Comment:1996, before it was illegal to not be scarred up with tats. I miss women.

Celeste Holm looks back
Post Date: 2021-04-08 18:09:50 by NeoconsNailed
Theatre-trained actress Celeste Holm joined TCM in 1995 to discuss her career in Hollywood working at 20th Century-Fox under Daryl F. Zanuck, getting her breakout role in Oklahoma! (1943), fighting for her role in The Snake Pit (1948), working with Bette Davis and winning the Best Actress in a Supporting Role Oscar for The Gentleman's Agreement (1947). Poster Comment:What a delightful, guileless, engaging thing she is despite her trendy gliberaloid moments. Have been enjoying her and the others in All About Eve lately -- had never seen it till last year via Vudu. She sure sounds and acts Southern but wikid has it she was 'Born and raised in Manhattan'.

Heads Up! Gutfeld Comes Out Swinging Against Competition in Weeknight Debut
Post Date: 2021-04-07 10:15:10 by Ada
Making his move from to weeknights (after starting on overnights and then weekend evenings), Fox News Channel host Greg Gutfeld kicked off his new eponymous show on Monday with a barnburner of a monologue lampooning his competition on CNN, MSNBC, and the late-night comedy shows and denouncing the left for thriving on “making people hate each other.” Before a studio audience, Gutfeld welcomed in his new audience by saying that he was “as giddy as Kamala Harris explaining kids in cages or Woody Allen hearing about kids in cages” and bidding a special hello to viewers from his former Saturday show and The Five. Click for Full Text!

QB takes friend with Down syndrome to prom, fulfilling elementary school promise
Post Date: 2021-04-01 17:10:40 by Esso
Poster Comment:Very bittersweet. My younger sister was also very small. Carol was very low- functioning. She was never able to speak, and only was able to walk for a few years before and after her teens. She died in August 2019 in her late 50s. If it wasn't for her grey hair and wrinkles, you'd have thought she was 12. Carol was no feminist, every time she would meet a new man, MD, etc., she would gently grab his hand and kiss it. Very gallant of that young man to do what he did. A day without tears in your eyes, is like a day without Bidet and his freak show.

Compilation of President Reagan's Humor from Selected Speeches, 1981-89
Post Date: 2021-03-27 19:48:52 by Esso
Poster Comment:Back from the bad ol' days before I became a toxic white supremacist male oppressor patriarchal racist.

The People Running This Show are Not Evil Geniuses, And Their Evil Plan is Insultingly Goofy
Post Date: 2021-03-27 09:16:41 by Ada
The Fake President Joe Biden, who was installed as leader of America by a fraud scheme enacted by the media, has spent his first months in office attempting to destroy America and start various conflicts all over the world. His administration has been threatening both Russia and China, among many others. He has referred to Russian leader Vladimir Putin as a “killer” (and then refused to debate him, claiming he was too busy), and claimed that Chinese leader Xi Jinping is an “autocrat.” Now, he’s inviting them to his global warming conference. Click for Full Text!

Top 9 CRAZIEST Parties in History | History Countdown
Post Date: 2021-03-25 14:52:14 by NeoconsNailed
Join us as we explain the wildest, weirdest, most shocking moments of all time in History Countdown -​ From the soirees of 1920s Paris to the festivals of King Henry VIII's court, history was full of outrageous celebrations. So grab some champagne and take a tour of the 9 craziest parties in history in this episode of History Countdown. #HistoryCountdown​ Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:The History Channel's gliberal biases and idiocy are on parade here, but it's kind of a fun video. Tho't they might include this soirée -- anybody remember it in that issue of Life mag? ...

Top 10 Incredible Facts About The Little Ice Age
Post Date: 2021-03-25 14:19:01 by NeoconsNailed
We’ve all heard about the Ice Age which happened about 2.5 million years ago, but did you know there was also a Little Ice Age, which took place just a few centuries ago? This phenomenal change in climate saw temperatures plummeting across the globe. Rivers and seas froze, people starved to death and glaciers destroyed entire towns as they expanded at a crazy rate. This list explores some of the most incredible facts about this unusual period in time. Poster Comment:Since the subject comes up here with some regularity. I see London's weather is warmer than I tho't -- wondered why ppl don't skate on the Thames nowadays.

Yes, The White Girls Involved with Pakistani Drug and Prostitution Gangs are “Guilty” and Should be Punished
Post Date: 2021-03-25 08:56:08 by Ada
“He seemed nice.” In a recent article about the problem of Pakistani pimps picking up young girls outside school and turning them into hookers, I wrote: A lot of right-wingers want to come at the Paki Pimp Gang phenomenon from the Christian Feminist angle of “oh our poor sweet innocent princesses, corrupted by these evil foreigners.” A reader responded, outraged that I would label these girls “guilty.” How anyone could believe that young girls (age 11-14) from the white underclass who are groomed, given drugs, and taken advantage of at an extremely vulnerable age by men decades older are “just as guilty” is actually more tragic than it is ...

The Musical Trojan Horse
Post Date: 2021-03-25 08:08:37 by Ada
Destruction of Western Civilization through Music and the Arts Cello Player (Professor Dr. Erwin Freundlich), Max Pechstein, 1919 One of the significant aspects of the current revolutionary madness sweeping the nation is the unrestrained assault on the cultural artifacts of Western Christian civilization. In effect the attack on monuments and the nomenclature of Army forts, schools and streets, and on so much more is emblematic of something more profound and irreparable, an assault on what those symbols signify. In a broader sense, this assault portends a basic denial of the richness and nourishing fruits of our culture and what that culture has given us. For that denial goes far beyond ...

Astounding nature!
Post Date: 2021-03-19 14:28:50 by NeoconsNailed
Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:You see stuff like that and what comes to mind is the many times sites like that are dead wrong. Apparently not in this case: So there must be animals out there born before Shakespeare who remember perfectly clean and quiet seas before personkind got scientific and started ruining everything. Yes, I just managed to post an image for the 1st time in years. Will lighting strike again? Only time will tell.... Needless to say, WTFFF is a very enjoyable site. Mebbe it's gotten more accurate since last I was checking.

A cleaner, better Friars roast -- Jack Benny 1970
Post Date: 2021-03-19 06:09:53 by NeoconsNailed
Jack Benny’s Friar’s Club Roast (1970) Johnny Carson, Ed Sullivan, George Burns, M. Berle TV Special Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:There was never any need for these to get crude and lewd, and they were horrible once it happened. Are you sure we can't just to back to 1970 -- without the war maybe? Please?

Post Date: 2021-03-16 09:14:46 by noone222
Poster Comment:Promise to hate it !

Ramrod | Classic Western | Romance Movie | Action | Free Western Movie | English
Post Date: 2021-03-15 21:06:59 by BTP Holdings
American Western Classic and Action Movie from 1947 starring Joel McCrea and Veronika Lake: Ramrod - Cowboy Movie - Violent feud between Connie Dickason, the owner of the Circle 66 ranch and rancher Frank Ivey, the self-proclaimed boss of an otherwise public grazing land. Poster Comment:A real classic over sheep and cattle on the same land,

Yuma (Western Movie starring Clint Walker, Feature Film, English, Free Movie, Full Length, YouTube)
Post Date: 2021-03-15 17:26:31 by BTP Holdings
Full Western Movie, Full Length Cowboy Film, English: Yuma (1971), 1h 13min, Western: Yuma is a 1971 western TV-film, starring Clint Walker, directed by Ted Post and shot in Old Tucson. The film was originally a television pilot that appeared on the ABC Movie of the Week. A tough marshal is sent to clean up a lawless western town.

Some Doggie Stories: Even Companion Animals Are Being Politicized
Post Date: 2021-03-06 08:47:18 by Ada
Why are people spending their time and money rescuing dogs who are the victims of abandonment or abuse being labeled “white supremacists?” In most countries, dogs are regarded either as “working” or as companions and they rarely venture into the realm of politics apart from occasionally serving as props to demonstrate that their owners are basically good and caring people. Only Donald Trump did not follow the pattern, being the first president not to have any pet in the White House since Teddy Roosevelt. Trump’s complete lack of empathy and total self-centeredness meant that he had little to share with any living thing and his extreme Germaphobia translated into a ...

The Barred of Avon
Post Date: 2021-03-01 08:49:40 by Ada
GSTAAD—The sun has returned, the snow is so-so, and exercise has replaced everything, including romance. What a way to go, after a wasted year that did wonders for my health, the diet is about to kill the patient. This is the good-bad news, the really great news is that Shakespeare has been canceled by some woke American female teachers because they think his classic works promote “misogyny, racism, homophobia, classism, anti Semitism, and misogynoir.” This is a direct quote and all I can say is, although I am perhaps overly attached to the past, no wonder so many people love Shakespeare. There is nothing like what’s going on in America today. In old Europe people can ...

Apparently, Hunter Biden’s life was even more sordid than we knew
Post Date: 2021-02-25 07:42:44 by Ada
I’m sure that there are some Americans, somewhere, who voted for Joe Biden because the media assured them that Joe is an honest, decent family man – all of which is patently untrue. Because they were unaware that the only thing “abnormal” about the Trump administration was the relentless attacks from the Democrat party and the media (but I repeat myself), they thought Biden would bring an era of peace and even honor. No wonder, then, that the media and the tech tyrants corrupted the election by quashing any reports about Biden’s sleazy son Hunter. And now, it turns out that Hunter was even worse than we realized. Those people who paid attention to conservative ...

Strange Sounds site sizzles with shocking stuff -- ILLUSTRATED
Post Date: 2021-02-21 23:35:10 by NeoconsNailed
Sky meets Earth: Meteor and erupting volcano in Kamchatka by Dutch photographer Tomas van der Weijden. This is terrible for people living around volcanoes… You have nowhere to run and nowhere to hide! This is exactly the case of more than 200,000 people living around 3 volcanoes simultaneously erupting in Guatemala right now. Farmers and ranchers across Texas are seeing devastating effects from the cold weather on livestock, feed and agriculture products. Texas agriculture commissioner issues RED ALERT warning on food supply chain… Meanwhile, millions of locusts are invading northern Kenya: Now we have blue dogs! The extreme weather in the US is so severe even weather ...

Slightly Woozier Thoughts on the Impossibility of Justice
Post Date: 2021-02-17 09:42:46 by Ada
The other day a friend and I were partaking of the mortal remains of quite a number of defenseless grapes, and the subject of law enforce arose. Having spent a number of years as a police reporter, I began thinking of curious and often erroneous ideas that people have of what we regard as a system of justice. Without meaning to bore the reader, I offer the following thoughts and observations. First, any system will make mistakes. The only way to convict all of the guilty is to convict everybody. The only way to avoid convicting the innocent is not to convict anyone. The more the system leans in one direction, the more it will err in the other. Second, it is absurd to accept the ...

News Be Funny's 'Try not to cringe 3'
Post Date: 2021-02-03 23:26:06 by NeoconsNailed
Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:Part 2 ;]

Suzy Bogguss - Someday Soon (live)
Post Date: 2021-01-31 21:03:46 by BTP Holdings
Suzy Bogguss - Someday Soon Poster Comment:I met Suzy Boggus when she opened for Garth Brooks in Chicago.

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